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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Resurgence: Clash of Echoes
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Christian_Andrews Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-08-2023, 01:42 PM

"In the shadows of doubt, we find the light of truth.
In the echoes of the past, we forge our destiny."
- Unknown

The bright Miami sun casts long shadows through the windows of Christian Andrews' office, its warm rays cascading across the room. The anticipation of the upcoming Weekend Warfare event in Seattle weighs heavily on Christian's mind. Despite the sun's cheerful demeanor, an undercurrent of uncertainty stirs within him, a reminder of the journey he's embarked upon. As Monday unfolds, the bustling schedule of meetings and preparations adds a layer of organized chaos to his thoughts.

Seated at his desk, Christian studies his meticulously planned itinerary for the week. His fingers drum a steady rhythm on the polished wood as he contemplates the significance of his impending return to the XWF ring. After five years of absence, he's on the cusp of stepping back into the spotlight, a return fueled by a relentless drive to confront the past and reclaim his legacy. The days ahead promise both challenges and triumphs, a culmination of years of growth and reflection. The memories of his past victories and defeats swirl in his mind, each one a building block of the wrestler he's become. He's not the same young man who first stepped into the ring all those years ago. He's evolved, his experiences etched into every fiber of his being. There's a deep well of confidence within him, nurtured by more than two decades of grappling, training, and dominating the canvas.

Yet, as he gazes at his phone on the desk, a momentary shadow flickers across his expression. The image of Anna Grace's face surfaces in his thoughts, a face that's haunted him during his time away. The memories of their camaraderie, their shared moments of embrace, and the unspoken bond between them tug at his heart. The weight of shame and regret bears down on him as he recalls the way he left without a word, abandoning his friends and comrades. He had vanished from their lives, his actions a stark contrast to the loyalty and support they had shown him. A pang of sadness reverberates through him as he remembers the last time he saw Anna Grace and Nick. The raw emotions he had been suppressing rise to the surface – the guilt of leaving them behind, the sorrow of severing those connections. His fingers tighten involuntarily around the phone, a silent confession of his own vulnerability.

With a heavy sigh, he unlocks his phone, his thumb hovering over Anna Grace's contact. For a brief moment, he contemplates calling her, hoping to mend the fractured bond. But the weight of his actions holds him back, the fear of facing the disappointment and hurt he caused. The hesitation is palpable, and he withdraws his thumb, hanging up before the call can even connect.

As he places the phone down, a cascade of conflicting emotions overwhelms him. The relentless drive that brought him back to the ring is interwoven with the memory of those he left behind. He wonders how he can reconcile his past with his present, how he can step into the future with the weight of abandoned friendships still lingering in his heart. His thoughts are interrupted by the familiar buzz of his phone, and he looks down to see Emily Thompson's name flashing on the screen. The timing is impeccable, rescuing him from the tumultuous sea of his emotions. He takes a steadying breath and answers the call, his voice a practiced tone of professionalism.

"Mr. Andrews,"

Emily's voice comes through the line with its characteristic efficiency.

"Jason is here to see you," she announces.

"Thank you, Emily," Christian replies, his gratitude evident in his tone.

Christian's gaze shifts to the door as Jason enters the room, his presence commanding attention. Dressed in casual attire that belies his strength, Jason's physique and aura exude a palpable energy. Just as Jason steps in, his phone starts vibrating insistently, a chorus of messages flooding in all at once. A bemused smile crosses Jason's lips as he glances at the device.

"Holy crap," he mutters under his breath.

Before anyone can say anything, Emily's voice breaks the sudden silence from behind Jason.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, gentlemen, but the XWF has just announced something publicly."

Christian turns his attention to Emily, his curiosity piqued while Jason's eyes stay glued to his phone. Emily's gaze shifts to her tablet as well, and she reads aloud the announcement that has just gone live. Her voice takes on a note of professional enthusiasm as she reads:

"The XWF is proud to reveal that the return match of Christian Andrews will bw a championship bout for the XWF Universal Championship against the current champion, Corey Smith."

A moment of stunned silence fills the room, the weight of the revelation sinking in. The surprise is palpable, and yet, amidst the shock, Christian's lips curl into a confident smile. It's as if he had foreseen this moment, an affirmation of his own intuition.

Jason's expression transitions from surprise to a mix of excitement and contemplation.

"Well, Christian," he begins, his voice laced with a hint of challenge,

"looks like you're stepping back into the ring with a bang."

Christian's gaze meets Jason's, their unspoken understanding a testament to the years of friendship and camaraderie.

"It seems that way, doesn't it?" 
Christian replies, his confidence unshaken.

"I've always believed that destiny has a way of guiding us. And it appears that my destiny has led me straight to Corey Smith and the Universal Championship."

Jason's smile widens, a glint of anticipation in his eyes.

"I've seen you face challenges head-on before. This is no different."

As the echoes of their conversation hang in the air, Christian feels a renewed sense of purpose settling within him. The surprise announcement of his return match against Corey Smith is a declaration that his journey is more than just a personal one. It's a journey of redemption, of reclaiming abandoned bonds, and of embodying the spirit that defines a true champion. Christian's gaze meets Jason's, a fire burning within his eyes.

"You're right, Jason. However, this isn't just any challenge. This is a chance to remind the XWF, Corey, and myself of the legacy I left behind. It's a chance to prove that the time I spent away wasn't in vain, that I've grown and evolved. And most importantly, it's a chance to show Corey Smith that every loss he's experienced recently, and will experience at Weekend Warfare, will serve as a lesson – a lesson he won't soon forget."

Jason nods in agreement, his respect for Christian's resolve evident.

"You win or you learn," he remarks, a hint of admiration in his tone.

"That's what you've always said."

Christian's lips curve into a determined smile.

"Exactly. Corey may have faced his share of losses, but now he has the opportunity to turn those losses into invaluable lessons. And I plan on being the one to teach him."

As the weight of Christian's words settles in, Jason's expression shifts to a mixture of camaraderie and enthusiasm.

"Well then, I suppose we better get to work,"
he says, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"I stopped by to do some training, but maybe we should start with a little celebrating."

Christian's demeanor shifts from contemplative to sober determination. He shakes his head, his voice steady and confident.

"No celebrating just yet, Jason. We train not so that we can celebrate a title shot, but so that we can celebrate the lesson we're going to teach Corey Smith. It's not about the victory or the defeat. It's about the growth, the progress, and the journey."

Jason's nod is both approving and understanding.

"You're right, Christian. Sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination."

With a shared understanding, Christian and Jason rise from their seats, their eyes locked in a moment of mutual respect. The announcement of Christian's match against Corey Smith has cast a new light on the journey ahead. It's not just a clash for the Universal Championship; it's a clash of philosophies, of experiences, and of the stories that have shaped both men. The room hums with anticipation as they gather their belongings, ready to embark on a different kind of journey – a journey of sweat, training, and unbreakable determination. The echoes of the past mingle with the promise of the future, and as Christian and Jason step out of the office and into the Miami sunlight, they're united by a common purpose.

As Christian and Jason exits the office completely, the Miami sun continues to slam down across the pavement, hinting at the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Their conversation lingers in the air like a shared purpose, a determination that transcends words. The journey to redemption and the clash with destiny have begun, each step echoing with the weight of their resolve.

Just as they're about to turn the corner, a figure hesitates in the distance – Nick, Christian's former best friend. He stands there for a moment, his expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty, as if he's caught in the crossroads of a decision. In his hand, he holds a small replica El Dunde que Camina mask, a gesture that carries layers of unspoken sentiment.

Nick's gaze shifts from the closed office door to Christian and Jason walking away. His lips part slightly, as if he's about to call out or approach them, but then he pauses. The emotions that flicker across his face – hesitation, nostalgia, and a touch of sorrow – speak volumes. He lowers his gaze, the weight of the past heavy upon him. In that fleeting moment, Nick makes a choice. With a deep breath, he turns on his heel and walks away, his footsteps silent against the backdrop of the bustling city. The mask replica remains in his hand, a symbol of a gesture unmade, a bridge untrodden.

Christian and Jason continue their path, unaware of the silent encounter that just took place. Their journey of return is marked by the echoes of the past, the promise of the future, and the unexpected intersections that lie in between. As they head toward the training grounds, they carry with them the hopes and aspirations not only of themselves but of an entire wrestling universe hungry for inspiration and change. The tapestry of the XWF universe is woven with moments of choice and consequence, of rivalries and alliances, and of the unspoken emotions that linger beneath the surface. And in this intricate web, the threads of Christian's journey of return and Corey's path of growth intersect, setting the stage for a collision that will reverberate far beyond the confines of the wrestling ring.

[Image: 348s.jpg]

A laptop sat open in the midst of the local library, its screen displaying a montage of Seattle's intriguing history. Christian had been engrossed in his research for the past few hours, delving into the city's unique characteristics that set it apart from any other place. The words he had read resonated with him – Seattle needed something to believe in, just like the XWF did. Christian leaned back in his chair, contemplating the information he had gathered. Seattle's fascination with UFO sightings struck a chord with him. The city's history was intertwined with stories of the unexplained, of seeking out the extraordinary in the mundane. The term "flying saucer" had its origins in this very city, back in 1947. And then there was the curious tale of the giant troll statue that had been created under the Aurora Bridge in 1989, a testament to the city's willingness to embrace the unusual.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Christian's lips as he recognized the parallels between Seattle's search for something to believe in and his own journey back to the XWF. As he continued reading about a superhero team that had once patrolled Seattle's streets, he couldn't help but draw a connection. Seattle, like the XWF, had experienced its share of ups and downs, victories and defeats. Both were in need of a resurgence, a symbol of hope to rally behind.

His thoughts were interrupted by a clearing of the throat, and Jason entered with his characteristic energy. Christian closed the laptop and regarded his friend with a welcoming nod.

"Hey, Jason. What's on your mind?"

Jason's face was a mix of excitement and intrigue.

"I've been doing some digging, watching some videos from last week's Leap of Faith event. You know, getting a feel for Corey Smith and his mindset."

Christian leaned forward, his interest piqued.

"And what have you found?"

Jason took a seat opposite Christian, his expression serious.

"I came across an interview with Corey where he talks about you. He said some... interesting things."

Christian raised an eyebrow, his curiosity growing.

"Interesting, how?"

Jason hesitated for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully.

"He mentioned that you haven't earned this shot and that you did... umm, unmentionable things to earn this shot."

Christian's lips curled into a knowing smile.

"Ah, I see. He's trying to play mind games."

Jason nodded.

"Seems that way. But I think there might be more to it. He seemed... determined, almost obsessed with proving how angry he was. And how you were going to lose to his... wrath?"

Christian leaned back, his expression contemplative.

"Jason, let me stop you right there." He held up a hand to silence his friend's words. "It's not about what Corey says about me or himself. It's about what he believes deep down."

"Corey is searching for something, just like Seattle," Christian explained.

"He's looking for his identity, his purpose. He's trying to convince himself that he's changed, that he's evolved. But he's wrestling with doubt. He's uncertain about his own transformation. Corey needs to figure out who he really is, what choices he's going to make. And that's something he's not entirely sure of."

Jason leaned back in his chair, absorbing Christian's words.

"And you, Christian? What do you believe?"

A confident smile spread across Christian's face.

"I believe that Corey will be exposed. The lesson will be taught, whether he likes it or not. He can either grow from this experience or be put down."

Jason's gaze was unwavering.

"Corey's been through a lot. He's faced challenges before."

"True," Christian conceded.

"But he brings nothing new to the table that I haven't seen before. What he doesn't realize is that he has no idea what I'll bring."
Jason leaned in, his eyes alight with curiosity.

"What do you mean?"

"Five years away could've produced ring rust, or it could've given me tricks that'll make even the worst drug addicts high,"

Christian replied with a hint of playfulness.

"Corey might think he knows what's coming, but he's in for a surprise."

Jason chuckled, clearly entertained by Christian's confidence.

"So, what's your plan?"

Christian's expression turned serious.

"My plan is to use this match as a stepping stone to change the environment of the XWF. One match at a time."

As the weight of Christian's words settled in the room, Christian and Jason stood up, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. However as Jason starting packing up, Christian turned and motioned to the nearby XWF camera.

"Corey, I know you're listening, watching, hanging on to every word. And you should, because what I'm about to say isn't just words – it's a promise, a warning, and a glimpse into your future. My return to the ring isn't about ego or business deals. It's about something deeper, more primal. It's about stepping back into this world to remind everyone, including you, who I am, and what I bring with me.

Your mental and emotional struggles, your career highs and lows – they're all part of the journey you've undertaken. But understand this: when I step into that ring, all of that fades into insignificance. This isn't about what you've accomplished in the past year; it's about what you'll face in a matter of days.

So, listen closely. At Weekend Warfare, I want you to absorb every second, to soak in the atmosphere, the energy, and the emotion. Let it seep into your bones because you'll need to draw strength from it. Every cheer, every cheer, every fleeting emotion – embrace them as if they're your last. You'll need that connection to the crowd, every bit of it, to survive.

But let me be perfectly clear: if you dare underestimate me, if you see me as some relic of the past, you'll be making a grave mistake. This match isn't about a veteran stepping back into the game; it's about a force, an entity that's always been there, lurking, waiting for the right moment to emerge. I'm not just another obstacle in your way, Corey. I am the reckoning, the embodiment of the lessons you've yet to learn.

This isn't an apology. I'm not sorry for what's coming your way. What I am sorry for is that fate has chosen you to stand across from me. You see, Corey, this match isn't about whether you win or lose. It's about the metamorphosis that will happen within you, win or lose. It's about finding out who you really are, about the choices you'll make when your back is against the wall.

So, take this message, Corey, and carry it with you. The countdown has begun, and the world will be watching. You're stepping into the ring with someone who's not just a competitor, but an agent of change, a catalyst for evolution. It's a role I've always embraced, and it's one that I'll fulfill with a conviction you've never witnessed.

Remember, Corey, you might be hearing my words, but soon, you'll feel their weight. And if you walk into this match thinking you're prepared, thinking you know what's coming, you're gravely mistaken. The storm is coming, Corey, and whether you rise or fall in its wake, one thing is certain – you'll never be the same again."

[Image: The-Beautiful-Mind-Of-A-Hero-Why-Dean-Wi...ADHD_1.png]

.:: Win / Draw / Loss ::.
4 / 0 / 0

- 1x IWF X-Treme Champion

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