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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2023 RP Board
Not by the hair of my Flynny, Flynn, Flynn. A Nursery Rhyme which also includes
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Mastermind Offline
Champions get their name in red!
TITLE - The TV Champion

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-22-2023, 02:19 PM

I know that you have all heard of the Nursery Rhyme - 'Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin' in which the Big Bad Wolf wanted the 3 Pigs so badly that he destroyed all their homes.  Well, this is MY Nursery Rhyme about X-treme Champion Mark Flynn, and how I am going to take his belt from him.

Oh of course it needs to include Reggie Estrada.  As he's the third person in this Triple Threat match at Leap of Faith.  But he's just an insignificant part of this Nursery Rhyme in this part of the promo.  But I hope you all enjoy it anyway.    SMILES.

A long time ago in a faraway land, let's call it XWF, there lived a man who could say whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and would often get away with it.  So much so that they gave him an award for being too extreme.  His name was Mark Flynn.

Most of the time a grumpy old man called Mastermind, would grit his teeth, and try and close his ears to what this younger man was saying.  That he was too good, that he was better, and that he was the champion of the people.  As much as he could, Mastermind tried his best to get away from what Mark Flynn was rattling off about.

But then it all got too much, and Mastermind snapped.    As Mark Flynn was walking down the road, sprouting off yet another lot of nonsense from out of nowhere Mastermind tackled him.  As he got up he looked down at him and had fury written all over his face.

"If I were you, I'd run right now, I'll give you a head start," snarled Mastermind

Mark Flynn quickly got up, and he usually could stand up for himself, but he decided it wasn't worth it, and he ran, and he ran.  He looked back behind him to see Mastermind running after him.

So he got to his first house, just a normal size, normal everyday house, and locked himself inside it. 

[Image: 5.JPG]

Mastermind arrived minutes later and banged and banged on the door.

"Mark Flynn, Mark Flynn, Mark Flynn, let me in... NOW!"

Mark Flynn stood in the middle of his house.

"Not by the hair of my Flynny, Flynn, Flynn," yelled Mark

The banging stopped, and it was quiet.  Mark suddenly smelled smoke, and his house caught on fire.  He had a backdoor, and he opened it and ran.

Mastermind stood there, watching the house go up in smoke, but he saw Mark Flynn running away.  He ran after him.

[Image: house-is.gif]

Mark Flynn managed to outrun Mastermind to his second house, which was a bigger size, than his first house.  He locked himself inside of it.

[Image: The-Best-House-Designs-for-Small-Houses-...a8tsbg.jpg]

Mastermind arrived minutes later and banged and banged on the door.

"Mark Flynn, Mark Flynn, Mark Flynn, let me in... NOW!"

Mark Flynn stood in the middle of his house.

"Not by the hair of my Flynny, Flynn, Flynn," yelled Mark

The banging stopped, and it was quiet.  Mark peered out of the window to see Mastermind on his phone, minutes later a big wrecking ball drove up, and Mark Flynn knew what he had to do.  He quickly ran out the back door, just as Mastermind told the engineer to smash the house which he did.  Mastermind saw Mark Flynn running away.  He ran after him.

[Image: 4iqK.gif]

Mastermind followed Mark Flynn, to his third and final house.  It was a mansion.

[Image: 1280px-Gelbensande3.jpg]

He pushed the intercom button at the front gate.

"Mark Flynn, Mark Flynn, Mark Flynn, let me in... NOW!!!"

Mark Flynn responded.

"Not by the hair of my Flynny, Flynn, Flynn

"Then I guess stand by,"

Inside the house, Mark Flynn waited for what felt like an eternity, and then he heard something coming from the sky, and it is then that he decided to quickly leave, and as he did so, a big rocket hit his house, making a massive explosion.

[Image: tumblr_ne19fbCzmK1qedb29o2_400.gif]

Mastermind managed to see Mark Flynn escape yet again, and he tracked him down to a bunker, which Reggie Estrada owned, and found Reggie beaten and bloodied outside it, and Mark Flynn had taken control of it.  He pushed the intercom button.

"Don't worry Flynn, I know you've outsmarted me this time, but come Leap of Faith I am going to outsmart you, and take that X-treme Belt from you.  See you then."

But before Mark Flynn could use his infamous lines, Mastermind was gone.  End of story.


The camera fades into the Thinking Room of Mastermind, showing him watching reruns of what appears to be Lost.  He watched one part.

Lost Said:Jack being stitched up by Kate: "In my first solo procedure was a spinal surgery on a 16-year-old kid, a girl. And at the end, after 13 hours, I was closing her up and I, I accidentally ripped her dural sac. Shredded the base of the spine where all the nerves come together, membrane as thin as tissue. And so it ripped open. And the nerves just spilled out of her like angel hair pasta, spinal fluid flowing out of her and I … And the terror was just so … crazy. So real. And I knew I had to deal with it.  So I just made a choice. I'd let the fear in, let it take over, let it do its thing, but only for five seconds, that's all I was going to give it. So I started to count: One, two, three, four, five. Then it was gone. I went back to work, sewed her up and she was fine."

Mastermind stops the tape and turns to the camera.

"Hello everyone.  Hello especially to my opponents Mark Flynn, and Reggie Estrada.    There will come a point in time of our match at Leap of Faith when I will feel beaten, feel too sore to continue, feel the need that I can't go on anymore, and to try and get back my inner strength, I know what I have to do now.    Not to let the fear in, not to let it take over, not to worry that either one of you is about to win this match, but  I have to count to 5, and I will do that if I need to, count to 5.  1... 2.... 3... 4 and then 5... And I will be back in the match, and then at that point in time, no one can stop me,"

Mastermind goes back to watching Lost.  The next part he comes to is when Locke is laying out the dynamite to blow up the Hatch.

Lost Said:Kate: "What was all that about?"

Jack: "There's something that you need to know, if we survive this, survive tonight, we're going to have a Locke problem.  And I need to know that you will have my back,"

Kate: "I've got your back,"

Mastermind pauses the television and looks back at the camera, and sits forward in his chair, to be closer to the camera.  He uses his fingers to usher the camera closer.

"Come Leap of Faith, Mark, we are going to have a Reggie Estrada problem.  You know and I know that we both hate triple threats.  So here's the plan.  Let's both take out Reggie early and just focus on ourselves.  We are the best two wrestlers in this match, no need for Reggie to over contemplate things, and make it more messy.    I could side with Reggie, but he's too much of a fly that needs swatting away.  I rather fight against you than against him.  What do you say?"

Mastermind winks at the camera, and then focuses back at the television, and watches another segment of Lost.  This time Jack and Locke arguing about pushing a button, with Sayid, Kate, and Hurley watching on.  The best iconic scene ever.

LOST Said:Locke enters the final number and looks at Jack

LOCKE: You do it, Jack.

JACK: What?

LOCKE: You have to do it.

JACK: You do it yourself, John.

LOCKE: No, you saw the film, Jack. This is a two-person job, at least.

SAYID: This argument is irrelevant.

JACK: Sayid, don't.

SAYID: Jack.

JACK: Don't. It's not real. Look, you want to push the button, you do it yourself.

LOCKE: If it's not real, then what are you doing here, Jack? Why did you come back? Why do you find it so hard to believe?!

JACK: Why do you find it so easy?

LOCKE: It's never been easy!

(The timer shows 1:04. Another, more insistent alarm starts to sound.)

KATE: Maybe you should just do it.

JACK: No. It's a button.

LOCKE: I can't do this alone, Jack. I don't want to. It's a leap of faith, Jack.

(The timer shows 0:27. Jack goes to the computer and pushes the button. The timer shows 0:01 and then resets to 108:00. Locke sits down at the computer.)

Mastermind stops the tape and turns back to the camera.

"That is one of my favorite moments on Lost.  Jack and Locke argue, about Faith, being in control, and whether it's to do with Science or just faith alone.  To me, my destiny is winning back the X-treme Championship for my fourth time.  I haven't held that belt since 2019, a little over 4 years and 4 months.  I so want it back, and you are standing in my Flynn, and I'll do anything to get it.  I just need to believe, and I just need to take that leap to win the title."

Mastermind smirks his infamous smirk, goes back to watching Lost, and finds the next scene.  The one where Shannon sees Walt after he is taken, and she goes after him with Sayid in pursuit.  She slips over and the next iconic scene happens.

Lost Said:SAYID: Shannon! Are you okay?

SHANNON: Do not help me up.

SAYID: Let's go back.

SHANNON: Why don't you believe me? [Sayid doesn't answer] I need you to believe in me.

SAYID: I do believe in you.

SHANNON: You don't! No one does. They think that I'm some kind of joke. They think I'm worthless.

SAYID: Shannon, you are not worthless.

SHANNON: You say that now, but you don't -- you're just going to leave me. I know as soon as we get out of here you're just going to leave me.

SAYID: I will never leave you. I love you and I believe you.

Mastermind stops the recording and looks back at the camera.

"To me, I relate to Shannon in this part of the episode.  No one believes in me here in the XWF, everyone thinks that I am a laughing stock, that I am a joke, and everyone thinks that I am worthless.  It's not a pity part.  It's the XWF.  You have to fight for yourself.  I know what I believe in.  I know that I can beat you Mark, and take that precious title off of you.  I know I can deal with Reggie when it will be time to deal with him.  I'm not the worthless one around here, nor am I a joke. 

"Come Leap of Faith, I'll deal with the Reggie problem, I'll take the Jump and believe in myself, and have faith in myself, and take the Leap.  And if it comes down to it, I'll just have to count to 5 to regain my composure in order to settle it in the ring with you two.    The X-treme Belt will be mine.  Whether you both like it or not.  I shall talk to you again soon.  With some more iconic scenes that will coincide with our match.  Believe it or not."

Mastermind starts laughing as he sits back and watches some more episodes of Lost.

Overall - 63 Wins 104 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 3 Wins 2 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 3 Wins 2 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Current 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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