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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Jenny va au Carnaval ! ENCORE!
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

06-30-2023, 08:44 PM

Sitting atop the Ferris Wheel, slurping her third Dr. Thunder of the afternoon, she looked out over the vast landscape surrounding her. She could see for miles! The city buildings off in the distance, a hazy reminder of civilization existing outside of her little bubble. Up here, she was all alone.

Left to her thoughts.

That was never a good thing.

She couldn’t help but think of the Dinosaur man. Dionasty hasn’t said anything this entire time, after having quite a lot to say during his shameful ‘run’ as TV title. Perhaps he is so gobsmacked by the fact that he is so unbelievably outmatched by Jenny alone and still has 2 other competitors to worry about?

Or maybe he’s a bitchmade babyman.
She shrugged as she slurped her Dr. Thunder. Damnit, she was empty again.

At the top of the Ferris wheel, the musical roar of the carnival dimmed, letting in the sound of the Jenny’s excited giggles and the crinkle of paper from the rolled-up bag of popcorn she held tight in one small fist. She produced a grin as she kicked her feet out at the open air. She loved this moment, and lived for it every year–when she reached the pinnacle of the rotation as the carriage opposite her stopped to exchange passengers. She pulled in a deep, clean breath. For one moment everything seemed so clear, so full of potential. So reachable. She could do anything she put her mind to.

Could she WIN not just this match but WIN Leap of Faith?

Wouldn't that just be a stick in their craw.

The wheel shuddered to life, pulling forward, and then down. As she sank toward the ground her mind returned to the task at hand the the man who didn’t show. She had never seen someone so hairy look so effeminate.

As we descended it grew heavier, the fog of music and noise enveloping me, dropping her back into reality….

She felt a slight breeze as the giant wheel began to move again. The breeze was a nice relief to the sweltering heat.


She had conquered her fears, and she had gotten into the rusty bucket seat of the giant round death machine, but Dionasshole couldn’t even be bothered to conquer his fear of being staggeringly average on a microphone, in the ring, and as a human being.

Fuck him.

The bucket holding her got to the ground and she unbuckled, hopping out.

All of this was sensory overload for her. Her head was spinning.

Too-loud music, screams, laughter, cheering, chanting, singing, bells, crying, clanking ride chains, whooshing of air brakes, chugging machinery, squealing brakes, feet running, people calling out to each other, corn popping, fries/donuts sizzling in vats of oil, pinging sound of game targets, pinball machines, balls rolling and thudding down game chutes or hitting the booth backdrop, balloons popping, the jingle of change…

And the smells! Oh the smells!

Cigarettes, cotton candy, popcorn, french fries, mini donuts, grease, sugar, hot pavement, oiled machinery…

She had been around the block in this wrestling thing. Seen a lot of places, but nothing quite sounded, smelt, tasted or felt like the carnival.

Metal bars, seats with cracked padded cushions, handles with chipped paint, seat bets, plastic steering wheels & levers, worn balls, smooth plastic rings, greasy food, dripping ice cream, blotting blobs of ketchup off a shirt, crinkling up a hamburger wrapper, the icy cool of holding a fresh water bottle on the fingertips, thirst…

It terrified her, but she embraced her fear. She swallowed hard at the front gate and made the decision that it was now or never. No longer would she be afraid. Just like she would go into this match without fear. She would go into this match with reckless abandon. She didn't have anything left to lose, no dignity left that hadn't been stripped away.

First order of business, more soda, then......GAMES!

She meandered over to the game section of the carnival, her eyes scanning each booth intensely.

She was looking for a booth called "Doctor D'Ville's nuts" since those seemed to be so popular. TK sure liked them! 

And he doesn't like much. 

No luck. Shucks!

But they did have Ring Toss! Or the ball in the cup, or the squirt gun rifles.....the basketball game!

Same shit, every time. Sounded all too familiar. No matter how times they played, it was the same games and the same results.

She decided she would throw the baseballs at the clowns, trying to knock them down. This also sounded familiar.....and she wondered to herself why she was paying for tickets to play this when she gets PAID to do this on a bi-weekly basis.

The balls bounced off the rails, her aim wasn't great. But like her, she would keep trying. Never give up! Her last name wasn't Estrada! (more on that to come).

She had knocked them all down but three. They leered at her with their goofy smiles and sense of entitlement. She felt her blood boil as these three clowns mocked her!

She was going to knock them down, damnit!

But first, she needed another Dr. Thunder!

She would have to go all the way back across to the food pavilion, but it was totally worth it!

“I am really not who stepped on Reggie’s heart, or where his competitive spirit went. First, half your fucking promo is in Spanish, then you get on camera and tell the entire world you expect to lose. I always knew you were a worthless sack of snake feces but I never expected you to actually admit it! I mean, if whiney bitch had a picture in the dictionary, there is your ugly mug. You’re now officially the XWF’s Eeyore.

I’ll be totally honest, there have been times when I stepped into that ring and was scared out of my mind. Times when I expected to lose and just hoped the beating was over quickly. I still told that person I was going to kick their ass and take their scalp home as a souvenir.  What you put out in public are internal thoughts that I think everyone has at least once in this business, but to actually say them? You should just stay home tomorrow night because you’ve lost all the respect in the locker room, what little you had to begin with. You’ve spit in all of our faces. You’ve pissed on the business that we all love, and took a dump on the desk of the place that signs your paychecks and makes your shitty existence worth it in the first place. I appreciate the compliment about my effort to keep women relevant in this sport, but the compliment condiment was stuffed in that shit sandwich you called a promo and it really took all the flavor out of it. Let me give you some advice, for what it’s worth. Maybe if you had any self confidence you’d win more here. Your first promo wasn’t much better, but at least you put up somewhat of a fight before verbally getting your dick kicked in. You wanna be “rugged and raw” by the end, and I applaud that, but the only thing raw is going to be your fucking back when I pin your shoulders to the mat and secure my spot in Leap of Faith, where I belong.

Through all of the crap you decided was television appropriate, I have to give credit where credit is due, even though it makes me break out in hives. You actually are observant of your surroundings, and you have an eye for the real talent around here. You pay attention to your superiors, and you know facts (like me being the best female wrestler on the planet), unlike our greasy haired opponent.

Knuckles, I am disappointed, truly. But I am not surprised. I didn’t expect you to pay full attention, because Doctor D’Ville’s balls didn’t appear in my promo. It is clear that you were distracted, probably by Docs balls, and only caught bits and pieces of it. You want to smile with those big rotting buck teeth of yours and tell the world that I dropped the TV title in 14 days…….failing to mention that I beat the legendary Chris Page to win it. I already had one foot out the door after my X-title screw job and didn’t want that title to begin with. I honestly thought that they were throwing me into that match as one last ‘fuck you’, but then…..I did what nobody expected. I beat him. I beat him because, despite your cocaine fueled beliefs, I am that good. Not only did you fail to mention that, but then you claim I beat Charlie for it.”

Jenny slaps her knee, giggling.

“You dumb gorilla. He’s one of your bastards, and you don’t even know the situation. I bet if it was Bourbon or Doc’s shriveled testicles you’d have paid it a bit more attention. What HAPPENED was….”

*Jenny clears her throat*

“.......was Charlie VACATED the TV title on his way to pursuing yet another failed Universal Title shot. Who did I beat in the TV title match? Cen-fucking-turion. You don’t know why I am in this match? It’s because I beat legends and you haven’t beaten anyone above the bar in three fucking years without help. I’ve done this since Chaos left by my goddamn self, and I have held my own. Like me or hate me, I don’t give a fuck, I am one of the most decorated champions in the history of this shitheap. You wanna brag about being the king of the nobodies, go ahead, but you know as well as anyone that I held this fucking place on my back as X-champ while you sat back in the shadows making frat boy comedy with your airhead buddies. You suck, you’ve always sucked, and the fact that you want to hide your insecurities by giving yourself a title like the KING OF THE MIDCARDERS © just shows how pathetic and weak you truly are.”

*deep breaths*

“Now that I got that out, you further proved you don’t pay attention and just made shit up relevant to my promo and hoped nobody else would catch it. Wrong move. I caught it, and I am calling you on it, fucktard.”

*another deep breath*

“I pissed on the Ferris Wheel? Really TK? On the Ferris Wheel? You may want to go back and re-watch it again, because I was clearly in line for the bathroom!”

[Image: x0s9jxq.gif]

“This is a four corners match, but what it SHOULD be called is Jenny Myst against three also-rans who couldn’t hold a candle to the real talent on this roster. It SHOULD be called Jenny Myst goes into another match with three men that have a better reputation and more favorable look in the twinkling eye of management but she finds a way to beat all of them and go into Leap of Faith with a collective groan from the XWF peanut gallery.”

Jenny got up off the park bench. The carnival was coming to a close. She still had three clowns to knock down, and not a lot of time to do it. She walked back over to the GAMES section, which was much less crowded than before. She scanned the booths again, looking for the throw-the-balls-at-clowns game but it wasn't in the same spot as before! Was she losing her mind?

Surely she was. They couldn't have packed up that quick!

Perhaps they knew Jenny-was-a-comin. Perhaps they knew she was gunning for them. Perhaps they were scared? Perhaps.

Walking away, confused and a bit disappointed, a man in a long white coat passed her. He was one of the human props in a doctor game she has passed earlier. They made eye contact.

She wondered what his balls looked like and if she should cut them off.

TK could use a present and he seemed to like Doctor balls.

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[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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