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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
no more tapes rp2
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Reggie Estrada Offline
Hombre sin plan en la vida.

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-29-2023, 05:36 PM

[It opens up to a Travelodge type of location in Guatemala, Mexico where Reggie was partying at after a local Lucha Libre show. While all the wrestlers and fans mingled in the whole lobby on the tenth floor, we see Reggie sitting alone on the balcony of the place, with a picture of his daughter and deceased baby mother in his hand as he looks into it. Then he takes a sip of Kamlada in his red cup, and he shakes with how bitter it was. Then he see’s a Sexy Star luchadora still in her mask and her red dress seeing him alone. Reggie pulls out a seat for her to sit, and she sits there as they look at the view of the city.]

Joventa: Hey Reggie, why you so down in the dumps?

Reggie: Well, truth be told… i feel like dog shit, I think i told you about my child and my dead baby mother. Before I headed to the Hencta del Arena earlier in the afternoon, I had a call from Abelua that she decided that she doesn’t want anything to do with me.

Joventa: Oh my goodness, nessita de nos sadness.

Reggie: Si si, achenta mi sados los nowhere. I feel hopeless, even taking this touring gig for GMLL as a foreign guy can’t make me feel good.

Joventa: Well, let me tell you this Reggie donde estas nos mindedness of sadness. You don’t have to be sad all the time about things not going your way.

Reggie: I know, but still…

[Then we see one of the wrestlers who looked like Juvitud in a red pants, and a mess shirt with sunglasses coming out there with some ladies. Then he tries to get Joventa up from the chair, but she wasn’t going to move. Then he looked at Reggie, and laughed at his face, then back to Joventa.]

Duchejero: ¿Por qué estás con esta basura extranjera?

Joventa: No es el momento ni el lugar Jero, ¿puedes dejarme en paz?

Duchejero: Uh, no, estas últimas semanas has estado con este payaso. ¿Por qué estás tan preocupado por este perdedor?

Joventa: Él no es un perdedor, Reggie es un buen hombre a diferencia de ti.

Duchejero: Oh, ¿no sabes que soy el campeón de peso welter de GMLL?

Joventa: Eso no significa mucho para mí, ve a tratar con tus groupies!

[Then Duche got heated over her refusal to deal with him, and he slaps her on the face, then Reggie gets up and get to his face. Then Duche shoves Reggie to the screen door, then Reggie grabs him by the throat and he almost commits homicide by almost pushing  him over the ten story balcony, then all the guards and wrestlers break it up and took them to the 2nd floor lobby where the promoter was staying in. As the knocked on his door, the guests were trying to see what was going on half past midnight. Then the promoter who looked like Chicky Starr opened the door in his robe and slippers and he let both me inside his room. Then Reggie and Jero were going at it verbally until Jever stopped them.]

Jever: SILENCE! … ¿Por qué ustedes dos están causando un alboroto?

Duchejero: This guy almost threw me off a balcony to my death! Why do you decide to keep this trash on the tour? He should have been  fired months ago!

Reggie: Oh you jealous of me or something?

Duchejero: Fuck you cabron!

Reggie: Fuck you too as well!


Duchejero: Insubordination? What does that mean?...

[Reggie then shakes his head, and he wants to leave the promotor’s room. But he catches a despondent Reggie, as Jero was on his phone talking to some people and shouting angrlgy around the room. Then he and the promotor have a private talk in his spare guest room.]

Jever: Do you need a drink mi amigo?

Reggie: Nahh, i’m fine

Jever: Sit on the chair across from me.

Reggie: Okay.

[Jever then goes to the mini fridge and fixes himself some Golgergoa De Rumi in his shot glass, as he chugs down a couple of pints of it. Then he sits across from him on his spare bed, staring at Reggie.]

Jever: Talk to me, do you want to continue this tour? The past few shows, you were off your game. I need you to be on your shit, or else i have to let you go. You are a second biggest draw we have on the tour, and i think your heart isn’t into it as it should be.

Reggie: To tell you the truth, i’m dealing with a lot of personal shit back in the states, so if i am off my game then you know why. Maybe, i should just leave the tour and head back to the states to focus on that. I think i’m not too well in GMLL, and your top champ is getting on my nerves!

Jever: Well, like you said you are done with the tour, well here’s the deal, I will hand you your check by tomorrow and send you on coach back to San Diego. Es una pena que decidas dejarnos, pero haces lo que es mejor para ti.

Reggie: Gracias jefe, mantendré su contacto en mi teléfono si decido volver a este antro, ¡espero que Jero se haya ido para entonces!

[Then Jever and Reggie as they leave the spare room, and Reggie heads out as Jever and Duchejero were talking, then after he left the GMLL tour, couple of days later he was at home watching various shoot type promos on his laptop. Then his phone blew up and it was JB who was calling him to check how he been.]

JB: Reggie man, how was that GMLL tour?

Reggie: Been alright, got to see some small towns i haven’t been in and all that shit.

JB: So, you got in contact with Sophia?

Reggie: Nope, we kinda fell out of communication after I flew out to Mexico. Last thing she sent to me was that she wasn’t interest in me.

JB: Ahh, that’s shitty… this is why i don’t fuck with these apps. Reel Lyfe is key, but anyways, you got plans for your four corners thing this coming Saturday?

Reggie: Ehh… not really… but, I do have something in mind when the match is done with.

JB: What you got in mind?

Reggie: Can’t tell you, but let’s just say that it might ban me from working on any Weekend Warfares.

JB: Oh shit, I see… well, i’ll be on a look out when it happens. T might be busy on his music stuff out in New York, but i’ll let him know when it happens.

Reggie: You think it’s cool if i mention y’all in it? It will be brief…

JB: Mane, we don’t care if you mention us… shit, we better off being the point across your stance on how you feel in XWF. But i’ll hit you up later, and good luck on Warfare.

Reggie: Thanks man, hit you up later.

[Then we see Reggie hanging up his cell phone, and he goes back surfing on different promos as it fades to static.]

I’m just going to say this, clearly I am not in any mood to be very vicious nor mean, so I will ease myself back and be nice before the match comes. You see, I have to deal with three most over acts in this company's history, hell they even might be the top three of the pillars that this company has determined to be worth a damn in the slightest.

Knuckles, I know you are doing your best bonnie and clyde stuff, and I hope it will lead you to the path of glory without any downfall of bullets on you. I know you are the best, most cultivating man this place has to offer and I can’t fault them for thinking that. I like how you assume that I might sneak up behind and try to gain one over you, how silly is that? You know I can’t sneak up behind you like a bounty hunter chasing you down could be. I might not be a threat to you, hell I'm more or less beneath you, so you have nothing to worry about when time comes.

Myst, well I can't say much about you without being offensive, so I will say this…. You are the greatest woman worker that had made an effort to keep women's wrestling alive. I know you are over in your own mind, and that type of confidence is what I hope to see out there on Warfare. I feel like, you might even end up getting a shot at the Leap of Faith thing, and go on to either set back or leap forward for all the Caucasian women this town has to offer. In the words of Bob Orton Jr, “Can’t wait to step in the ring with ya!”... oh, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

Dionysus, the man, the myth and the soon to be legend of this fine sport for men like yourself. You have this so called class that I soo strive for to have in and out of the squarest circle, and I know you don’t know much about me, nor I know much about you… but, if we do cross paths in this fine match, we can see how much we can test one another out, and to feel out the process. I know you are mat based technician compared to Knuckles and have grace and elegance to Myst, but I know deep down inside… you aren’t as rugged or raw as me.

Realistically, I know I won’t win this, but that’s fine by me. My even are more at odds anyways for a man like myself. I might come in ready to drop some bombs on all three of these people, or I might end up pulling a no show and have someone else take my spot. Either way, all I want to do is fight and fight till I can't fight no more…pipe or not, I will be sitting with my knees crossed watching time slip on by until Leap of Faith comes by.

A Flithy Animal
[Image: socialist-fist_design.png]
3x X-Treme Champion
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