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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The begining of the road: Part I
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Thunder Knuckles™ Offline
A No Good Bastard

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-21-2023, 10:42 PM

It’s been days since TK visited Lilabeth. TK's long absence has caused her to worry that he may have had a change of heart and was avoiding her. She has tried to reach out to him but he never responded. After she scolded him, TK took to fundraising to help pay for the young girl's hospital bills. One of the XWFs camera crews has caught up with TK. He is currently at one of the fundraisers taking place at Kent State’s auditorium. TK is likely trying to show Lilabeth that he's still trying to help her in the best way he can, using his celebrity.

Ladies and gentlemen, It’s with a heavy heart that I come out here today and say my Make-A-Wish kid, Lilabeth, isn’t doing very well. Her medical bills are piling up, currently keeping these two wonderful people-

TK points to a screen behind him showing Nancy and Bill, Lilabeth’s parents. Lilabeth's condition has only been getting worse. They are finding it difficult to cope with the financial burden while also trying to take care of their daughter.

-stuck in a rut. I, myself, know what that's like and that’s why I need YOUR help. Every 100-dollar donation goes a long way toward helping this family heal.

There is a video playing with sad music that shows all the good times that TK and Lilabeth have shared throughout their time together. As it starts TK steps back behind the curtain and exits the stage. That's where Jimmy enters the scene. Jimmy understands the gravity of the situation and knows exactly what is going to happen when they leave here.

Pretty heavy stuff, Thunder Knuckles.

A smile creeps onto TK's face, as he rubs his hands together.

I know, we're going to be raking in the fucking bucks, man.

I bet this will get you back in Lilabeth's good graces, huh?

Yeah, yeah. About that- you’re still going through with that, right?

TK nods.

Yeah. Unless… You’ve changed your mind.

With a shake of his head and a roll of his eyes, TK asks a question.

Why would I?

I don’t know… Don’t you think that-

Because TK has already made up his mind about the subject matter, he cuts Jimmy off.

You know I'm fucking working here, cut me a goddamn break, will ya?

The music begins to fade in the background.

Oh, shit! I have to go back out there.

TK put Vicks's vapor rub on his right hand and hurries back on stage but not before hearing Jimmy whine the words.

Sure, but when you get back we need to talk about Warfare!

Back out in front of his audience with a somber look on his face, he pauses and looks around the room, then speaks in a low voice.

That's my little buddy, everyone! Let's give her a round of applause!

The crowd begins to clap as TK mournfully shakes his head. He pauses again and surveys the crowd. He speaks a little louder now to calm the crowd.

Yep, she's a tough kid. That's right.

The crowd continues to clap, much to TK's dismay.

Uh-huh, she's strong but needs your help.

There is still a great deal of applause coming from the audience. Which is getting on TK's nerves because he wants to get out of there and return to the hospital.

Okay, knock it off, seriously, we have to get down to business.

The crowd does as it's told and quits clapping slowly, thinking he was joking. That was until TK mumbled.

For fucks sake, stop.

As the applause dies down, TK begins to make his final pitch to the audience.

Look people, I haven’t always been a good person.

The audience murmurs at an audible pitch.

I get it. Just take a look at this poor little girl, would ya? Tell me her cancer isn’t worth reaching into your wallets and coughing up some serious dough to try to help her family in their time of absolute need. Hell, I did it.

TK dramatically nods his head for the crowd.

That’s right. In my profession sometimes other rasslers who think they can take the easy way out, pay guys like me to look good. It’s true, I sold out my team at War Games, but do you know what I was thinking about?

TK acts like he’s holding off tears, as he points to Lilabeth’s face being projected on the screen behind him. His body language conveys sadness. He wipes his eyes, then clenches his fists and takes a deep breath. His eyes are now red and glassy from the vapor rub, he makes his lower lip tremble slightly and looks away from the projection.

Please, help this young child. She’s really brought the best out of me. In turn, I’m going to do what is best for her.

TK covers his mouth with his hand to hide his grin then blows a kiss to the crowd.

Thank you all for coming today. We’re going to do this like a church and send around a collection plate.

TK looks up into the sky with admiration.

Thank you, Bastardly Father! Thank you for helping me spread the word!

The crowd begins clapping. TK takes a bow, clasps his hands together, lipping the words “Thank you” to the crowd, every once in a while pointing and winking at attractive female audience members. The same sad song from earlier starts playing as the collection plates starts making their way through those in attendance.TK once again steps backstage. Where Jimmy is waiting for him, this time with a can of PBR.

That was a bit over the top, don’t you think?

Jimmy cracks open the can and hands it to TK.

What? That?

TK takes a swig of beer.

Nah, dawg, we’re tearing the goddamn house down. Those dickheads are going to be donating out their asses today, son. They had to pay a hundred bucks just to get into this shit. Elitists are always trying to outdo each other on charity. Fucking idiots.

You know Warfare is coming up and you have to perform well. If you win, it’s the ticket into the Leap of Faith match.

Jesus Christ, Jimmy! Can I at least have one goddamn moment of not working?

Shaking his head no, Jimmy continues.

You’ve been a champion or fighting for a championship every year during Leap of Faith. You need to step up and be in the Leap of Faith match.

I have my sights on something else.

Well, concentrate on what’s in front of you first.

Fuck! Okay! Who’s in the match?

Jenny Myst.

She had to come in as a mystery opponent just to be drafted higher than she would have been otherwise. Next!


Oh bullshit! If I tell that bitch to go get snacks, the bitch will go get snacks. Proof? War Games. Shit! She barely got that right! I mean, for fucks sake, she came back with raccoons and thought, “He-uck, I brought back some road kill.” Who eats raccoons? Watching Jenny eat that shit was like watching a cannibal in action. Part of the worst setup attack in War Games History too, lame as Hell. She’s a goddamn trash panda just like her friend, Lacklan. Oh, yeah, fuck that twat for pulling out of what would have been a motherfucking barn burner.

TK’s annoyed just thinking about how good that match-up would have been.

Nope, can’t have that. So, what do we get? I remember now, we get some last-minute replacements. Reggie “Hooked On Phonics” Estrada, last thing I remember Reggie doing was beating Robert Main for the Xtreme Championship.

TK begins to half-heartedly clap for Reggie.

Bravo, that’s been a long fucking time ago, bro. I know, I have room to talk, right? Haven’t exactly won shit since being back. Nope. Sometimes taking quick paydays and having wars is what ya get. No one said life was going to be easy. The thing is, now I’m pissed, and Reggie's poor ass is going to pay. Why? It seems like focusing on weak links is the name of the game these days and Reggie is the biggest weakness in any match. Don't believe me? Ask the T.H.U.G.S. That’s just one of the replacements.

TK gives his ever-so-popular jerking-off hand gesture just for Dio.

Then there’s Dio, hey, man! Looking about ten pounds lighter these days, aren’t ya? What happened? Defending the Television Championship after losing at War Games is tough, isn’t it? I wouldn’t know anything about that. When I held that Championship I did so with pride and tons, and tons of commercials. I thought about making one just to show you how it’s done but picture this. Ready? There's Ol Thunder Knuckles dressed like a graduation professor, monocle and all. This kid walks up, right, and he’s like, “Professor Knuckles”. You know I’m thinking “Fuck off, kid”, right? No, this kid asks me the most ingenious question; he’s like “How many punches to the face does it take to get to a Dionysus with talent?”. The kid catches me completely off guard, right? So we line up a bunch of mannequins with your face on them, crazy right? Then I’m like; One-a-, that's when I punch one in the face. Two-a-, hit another square in the jaw, Three-a, the problem turned out to be I still never hit one with talent. So, I had to scrub the whole damn thing.

The collection plates start filing onto the table behind TK.

Look, I don’t know what happens to you fuckers after winning the Television Championship. Happened to Charlie, Jenny, Reggie, no… Reggie’s never touched TV gold, my point is a bunch of ya do, you guys win the belt, and more unentertaining yous just start springing up. It’s like the XWF sprung a leak on goddamn bad ideas or some shit. Dio, I don’t give a damn about how many of you I have to fight on July first. It’s only going to take ONE Thunder Strike to negate all of your bullshittery.

TK turns around to the money in the collection plates and then starts stuffing the money into his pockets.

One more thing… Jenny Myst. I know you're a fucking footnote in this match, but the more I talked, the more pissed off I got. Now, now, I feel like talking about you. Face the goddamn facts girl, as soon as you lose out on this opportunity of heading to Leap of Faith, because I’m going. You’ll be out of here faster than you can throw a tantrum.

TK makes his Corey Smith bitch voice.

Boo-hoo, Jenny lost.

Snapping out of the obnoxious tone, TK continues.

I figured you’d be used to it by now, but it seems to trigger some kind of primitive episode in your head. Maybe, it’s from all the unwanted gangbangs, bouncing your head off the wall, doesn’t matter. What matters is that when we’re inside that ring I don’t just own Reggie and Dio, I own your bitch-ass too. XWF fans are about to see what I’m truly capable of and I'm not going to disappoint on Warfare. Alright, Jimmy, you know what to do, right?

TK’s attention is now on Jimmy to carry out his next mission.

Yeah, go to the meeting at Make-A-Wish with Lilabeth’s parents.

Uh-huh, Uh-huh, Uh-huh, and?

Then after the meeting perform operation K.C. Shuffle.

That’s right, I’m headed to the hospital. I have to show her how much money I got.

Are you sure about this?

Do you want me to do it the other way?

Taking a deep breath, Jimmy lets out a long sigh.

No. God, no.

Good, I’m glad you see it my way. Well…

TK waves his hand at Jimmy as if to say, "Go on, get." With this gesture, Jimmy understands that he has been dismissed and that the conversation is over. The picture then fades to black, indicating the end of the recorded promo.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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