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With Belief Brings Victory
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Mr. Oz Offline
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(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-03-2023, 01:56 PM

Oswald exhaled softly, watching the promos, videos showing up as if his very body was being used as a projector as he watched the videos of promos from his opponents.

"This world once praised the Titans. The people who seem to make a mark in their own way. When I look at my career, I see I've made marks. I've become a multi-time champion, some, I was part of the last couple names for. Some still going. I have become much like Cronus in that way. Sure, I may be remembered for some things, but it's the people who have come after, that people remember more often. The Zeus, the Hades, the Poseidon of this world.

Maybe this is how Doctor D'Ville feels. A man that comes by once in a while, sees the people that have come after his retirement, where his lineage is mostly forgotten, but remembered by only the oldest of us, as the younger generation are viewed as the better heroes and villains. The only ones who will be remembered most fondly.

We come back, we show our faces, to make the old fans pop and feel like we still belong in a ring, and once we're gone, they forget about us until we come back once again.

Lives change. People, change. Will I ever be the creature I was born to become? Will this chrysalis finally open and let forth the butterfly I am, free?

People exist to change, to turn and be the things they wish to be. Some of us, though. We're pressured, forced to change, to make others feel happier about being around them."

He sighed, looking at the interdimensional camera that's been by his side for years now, tiny, but always showing in the highest definition available on all screens that view an XWF Promo, whether it be small or big, the clarity is always perfect.

"I change, I become things that other people think I should aspire to be, to change to their liking. I am never truly, myself.

You all see the things I allow you to see. You don't know me personally, yet you hound us at the airports, asking for our autographs while we're jetlagged. Yet we're supposed to smile and do the thing, because without you people, we wouldn't be where we are.

I am always a ghost of myself, to protect me and my family. I am always a different version of who I should be, and it feels like I never get to grasp the light of who I am truly meant to be.

Don't you all, feel the same way? Don't you all feel like that putting on airs is just, too much? Don't you all get tired of having to deal with people day in and day out and just want to be at home, with your family, instead of dealing with the sniveling rats that bite our heels and demand our attention.

Rats like Noah.  You demand my attention. So here it is.

You're a nobody. You ran a show because you needed to feel special. So did I, so you definitely know what it's like to suck your own dick. Feels good, doesn't it? Self-congratulations in the form of velvety mouth love always feels good when you're acting like a self-entitled child. You act as if your ego is pristine compared to mine. It's not. Thing is, my ego is worth it.

Two time Star of the Month. Multiple champion reigns. You have three reigns. I have two more reigns than you. One of us is a more decorated star than the other, and it's not you. There's a reason why I was last pick. I'm the anchor. I'm the decorated veteran you want in your corner to make sure that the enemy has a target that they are FORCED to target. Will I be in the end match? No. One of my three teammates will. My ego, when talking to people in my last promo was me hoping I would be.

Raion, Vita and our captain, have outshined me. That is fine. Because I believe in them, like they...

Believe in me...

See, that's what my return heralds, my lost souls. My wandering children. Love, acceptance and a belief. Belief that I will aid those who wish to place their faith in me. My team, they know that. They know I will do anything to help them and it is through that bond, that trust, that I know we will ultimately win the entirety of War Games.

Vita is also a multi-time champion. She outranks you. She places her faith in me, to be the bullet that pierces the darkness that is our enemies, and cast light through it. To weaken you all to the point that the shine that flows off of them can break through.

Believing in me, is what will win us these Games, and you can believe, that your refusal to accept the end, will be the bookend for your team."

He chuckled as images of Big D began to flash across his body, looking at the footage as it also plays on him, and for a split second, the camera pans over a bit too much and you can see two projectors. One to play against his body, one against the large screen in the back of the room where he is looking.

"Now, Big D.

As I've stated, I change a lot. This is quite true. Yes, I'm still rich. But I have to ask something of you. Who, are you? You talk as if you know me. Talk about me being an honorary mention in the Hall of Legends. But where do you think you believe you'd be in that list, my child? You think you'd be "wayyyyy" above me, so that means you believe you have done enough in this company to be listed, what? Top 10? If this list was made the way you think, then I'd be number 1 compared to you.

You've done nothing of note in comparison to me. It is like an ant comparing itself to an anteater. 'I do just as much as that thing does' while not noticing it's destroying your colony.

You've won two titles, one defunct, whereas I've won two of those defunct titles, ones that actually mattered compared to your 'Anarchy Internet Title'. On top of that, two reigns as the X-Treme Champion to your one.

You are never going to be Hall of Legend worthy. Learn that fact now, embrace it, and understand your place in life, my child.

I hear all the talk from my opponents. They see what I've done in the past, act like because I've lost lately, it means I've done nothing before. They forget and choose to ignore, my lineage in this company. From Ghost Tank, to who I am today, I have shown my worth time and time again, putting on great matches time and time again."

Oz chuckles slightly, grinning slyly

"I am a trailblazer in this industry! I am the man that refuses to quit until he is dead and buried under the patch of earth where all will mourn him together as if a national goddamn hero has died. I am a man who refuses to leave this industry. I am an old man now, and I am still doing the shit that people my age wished they could still pull off.

I'm a giant amongst men, and many have stood upon my shoulders. Following me, clambering over me and proving they were up to the task of taking my torch and pulling off greater things with my backing, with my faith, put behind them.

And this this match? It will be no different. I am the creature that you should be afraid of, but the ignorance within you, refuses to see the danger, as I go 'Bump... bump... bump..." against your bed. You all should fear me, and what my faith does in the right people. Ask one of the other captains! Ask Sidney Grey. I told her that if she beat me in the tournament, she would have my full confidence in her and what fucking happened? She took that win, she went further than ever, because she always knew that there was me, backing her. My faith in her never waned in every match as I watched at home, and she not only won, but she became a Universal Champion.

That's why you coming in as part of our initial dance partners, matters not to me or my team.

Nobody will give a damn that you have come back, because you have done nothing worthy of a pop from the crowd. Nothing of worth that will help your team. You're not a helping hand. You're a hindrance. You're the anchor is the worst way. You are an ACTUAL anchor. Stopping all momentum and all chance of winning.

This match, it means a lot to me more than just a return, like it is to you. This match represents the hope, the faith and the love I have for this world and my wishes to change it for the better. You should believe in me, D.

I can make you greater. I can take you to heights you can only imagine. But will you? Will you show the same faith in me that my own team has shown?

I doubt it. You'd rather bring the ship down with you.

It is sad, and I will mourn the opportunity given to you, for if I were in your boots, I wouldn't have squandered it the same way as you have."

He then brought a hand to his face, as if wiping it clean, but it was slow as if he was exhausted.

"And speaking of people squandering their opportunities. Sidney. I've been watching you since my defeat. You have no idea the amount of pride that swelled within me as I cheered from my couch, watching you climb the top and win so much. Only for you to fall, down, down, down. You have begun to drown your sorrows away and slip into a pit of depression and despair.

How. Fucking. Dare. You.

You made me so happy. To see my faith in someone help them climb the mountaintop, but one fucking loss is all it took. Took one betrayal and all of that faith deflated.

How dare you.

Maybe I didn't motivate you enough. Maybe I didn't back you up more, but why did I have to? You had all the tools, and you were ready.

So. I. Thought.

You are going to see what happens when I put my faith in the right people. When I put my faith in my team captain and my teammates.

When you see them in action, you're going to wish you hadn't ruined my faith in you.

But you see, Sidney, I'm a loving man.

I gave you my support once, and if you would just take my hand once more, you will climb that mountaintop once more and be more ready for the world. You know what I ask of you.

Believe, in me.

This world will wish it hadn't hurt you and forced you into such pain. Forced you to throw away my faith.

Believe in me.

Do this for me once more, Sidney, and I will once again be there for you, spiritually and physically if you so wish. Guiding you, helping you take the torch you dropped at my feet, and bring it back up with you.

I believe in you, Sidney. All I want, is for you to once again...

Believe in me."

He held out his hand as the room slowly began to turn black, started vertically, then horizontally, as the last thing that is seen, is his hand, being held out to the camera, before the video cuts to black completely.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Angelica Vaughn (06-03-2023), CTN (06-17-2023), Doctor Louis D'Ville (06-03-2023), Misty Waters (06-03-2023), Raion Kido (06-03-2023), Theo Pryce (06-04-2023), Vita Frickin Valenteen (06-03-2023)

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