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fuck met gala
Author Message
T.H.U.G.S Offline
Tribalistic Mindstas

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-08-2023, 07:17 PM

[It opens up to JB and T at a hotel in new york, where they were invited for a Met Gala type of event where they were getting told what outfit to wear by someone who looked like Corey Smith’s distant removed cousin. When the designer left their hotel room, JB's phone blew off and it was Reggie who was face-timing him while he was in Florida for the Mayday event.]

JB: Yooo what’s up Reg?

T (off in a distance): Sup Amigo!

Reggie: So you both were invited to the Met gala huh?

JB: Hell yeah, we don’t know how, but we sure have a chance on it.

Reggie: Well I hope you two be flexin on that gala carpet, I think your mamacita Kylie Jenner will be there.

[JB rolls his eyes, and T took his phone to talk to him.]

T: Hey man, have you been to Coreytopia yet?

Reggie: Yeah man, well mostly four hours away from the compost. I rented a small house near that isn’t too far for me to drive to.

T: Well Reggie, I hope you kill it in MayDay… make some money… and get some Coreytopia bitches for me, ahaha!

[Then T hands his phone back to JB, and Reggie and JB tell one another goodbye and he places his phone on the table. Then T and JB looked at the custom tailor that was given to them by the designer, and they weren’t feeling the drip at all.]

T: I hate suits like this… its too flashy and pretentious.. I can barely keep my balls in the pants with how right they are.

JB: I know, the suit isn’t going to work… in fact, i much rather wear what we want to wear, so tomorrow we gonna find what we got in our cases and head to the place.

T: I don’t know if Kid Kvsh would be okay with that, he has a temper!

JB: Mane fuck that dude, he can either let us go to the place or not… hell, he’s only here because the Pryce Industires had sent him to us.

T: Alright well, let's see how it goes later.

[Then the duo take off the diamond encrusted Pryce’n’Bana suits and dump it on their living room floor and head into their own room to do whatever they were up to. Now, it’s 12pm and they hear a knock on the door to see Kid Kvsh pacing at them for not wearing the suit as he storms into their hotel room.]


JB: We didn’t know shit…

T: Yea–


JB: We anit wearin them shit bud


[T then takes the diamond encrusted suits and hands them back to Kvsh, and he got mad at them for not wearing the suits. He then gets on the phone, and paces around the living room and then he stops at the door, then he hangs up the phone and looks at them.]

Kid Kvsh: Okay fine, the limo driver has told me you both have about 20 minutes to get into the car. So, what are you guys gonna do… let alone wear to the event?

JB: You don’t have to worry about… just leave it to us.

[Then their designer left in a huff out of the hotel room, and the two decided to get themselves ready for the event. About an hour later, they arrive at the event in the limo, and they get out of the limo themselves and see that they are in some runway type of setting with people dressed up to the gills. Knowing how out of place they are, with JB in a black shirt and pants, black dress shoes and a “tWo” bandanna with his Gemini chain on his neck, while T in a printed Sidney Gray face t shirt, pair of cut off jean shorts, and boots with his Gemini chain on his neck. As they walk up the stairs they are getting photographed by men in suits, and even some of them try to interview them, but they said to hell with it and went back into the limo to head back to the hotel.]

T: Nah, I wasn't feeling it… too damn preppy for me, plus I felt the people were looking at us with disgust.

JB: Well we aren’t really celebrities.. So of course we aren’t in that elite shit.

T: Nope we aren’t when we head back to the hotel, can you hook us up with some pizza and some Kardashian type of cheeks in the room tonight.

JB: Sureeee..

[From that point on the fellas had they own Met Gala in their hotel room, maybe more like a Beautiful People type of stuff in their hotel room that might not be appropriate. Anyways, we move to the current day where all three men end up linking up in Tommy’s many estates in Texas where they were on a deck chillin in the heat.]

Reggie: Yo man, how was the Met Gala thing?

T: Its was bullshit… too preppy for me, and I felt like I was out of my element.

Reggie: What about you JB, you met Kylie there?

JB: Hell no, I mean I saw her when she was heading towards some entrance door to some place… but she didn’t notice me, so nah. Plus, she already been smutted out to Travis Scott so I had no chance anyways.

Reggie: Don’t be too hard on yourself, unless you like to be in tabloids. I think it’s for the best to let her go.

JB: Yeah whatever…

Reggie: Speaking of which, when I flew down here from Coreytopia last Sunday night. I heard we are going to Ed’s jungles to take on these three chicks named Chelsea, Molly and Adler. I don’t know about y’all but I don’t know if I can roll with bamboo and vines in the heat against those three.

JB: Well, I don’t know if they are able to handle that as well. We might not be able to take them out, but maybe some gorillas or some hyenas will take them out before us.

T: I don’t know if that will be a thing, i mean most wild life i know wouldn’t hurt a human compared to the three of us. I guess Edward’s mancave brain gave Gold to put us in the jungle, and I know I can’t wait to go wild into those three of them ladies. I know they got a MMA chick to even it out, but I know for a fact that we can eat them alive or out before a tiger will do that to them, becoming the next cannibal holocaust of this shit.

JB: Nah nah, we don’t need to get ourselves banned for going to far in the jungle against the three women. We might not even win the thing, but i do know for a fact that we are able to show what we are as Thugs, to even to the birds who might watch over the horrific match to witness something never been established before. Hell, we can say as we return as unit we can shake up the program that even the lumberjacks would feel it to their core on the strength in numbers to say the least.

Reggie: Well of course that’s the case man, we know that god up in the sky would attest to us tryin to beat down the opps in our general vicinity.

[T then was looking in his phone and saw some spicy pictures of Adler on the net, and he showed the dudes the pictures. Even seeing Chelsa and Molly in spicy pictures as well.]

JB: Damn these are the three we are fighting this week… shit, i can’t wait to wrap the broads in some vines… and whip them with some leftover bamboo sticks from the ground. Don’t worry T, I'll let you hit them as well.

T: Fuck all dat, I wanna do sumthin mo than that shit… and you know what it is.

Reggie: Let me guess, helpless girls getting their feet tortured right?

T: How the fuck did you know that?

[Reggie and JB look at one another with a slight grin on their faces, as T looks at some more pics of the ladies.]

Reggie: Dude, we know your search history… so don’t try to act so coy about it.

T: Whatever, all I know is that we got a boat to catch to kick these three girls asses in the words, no Tarzan finna save em against us thugs aha!

[Then the three men clink their glass of water, as it fades to the blue skies of Texas air.]
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