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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Dancing With The Dead
Author Message
Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-10-2023, 07:18 PM

The rain had subsided, and the moonlight illuminated the area. There was a slight breeze, a chilly one, that had just enough force to make your arm hair stand up but wasn’t powerful enough to ruffle your shirt. The ground was a muddy slush from the downpour earlier and each step made a squish under your shoe.





Somewhere in the distance was the scratchy sound of a record player. People say music sounds so much better on vinyl, but those people are probably serial killers.

It sure set the mood, though. The stars, the moon, the blackness of night. The crickets, the owls, the macabre feeling of someone, something, watching you that you cannot see. There was something peace, serene about the night.

Jenny chose a song that her father used to listen to when she was a child. It wasn’t meant to be creepy, but something about it always made her shiver. Her parents used to dance in the living room after bedtime, and this was the song they’d put on.

Only fitting that now they were dead, and she had her chance to dance.

She was dancing now, dancing the night away for all the times she missed out dancing with her father. As her arms moved up and down, her legs stepped in perfect rhythm and she twirled like a ballerina in the spotlight, a feeling of happiness came over her. She felt like she was a daughter to be proud of, like she was the source of joy and pride. She felt free.

The record scratched to a stop, and Jenny smiled. The silence bit like a venomous snake, and she dropped her dance partner. 

The dolly sat ominously against a headstone, staring at nothing in particular. The dolly that meant so much to her, that propelled her to be more violent and take more chances, that brought out her evil side…….the dolly that now no longer had control over her.

The music turns back on with a scratch.

“Where were we?" Jenny seductively picks up her dancing partner again.

She began to treat the muddy ground like a ballroom once again. She was Cinderella in her castle. Nothing could stop this feeling.

The music stopped again, and she dropped her partner.

“Goddamnit, why are these old songs so short?”

She trudged back over to the old record player with a plop and squish with every step. Mud oozed through the holes in her crocs again as she put the record back in motion.

This time, however, she didn’t return to her partner. She danced by herself, moving and shifting in the moonlight with nothing to inhibit her progress. The dolly watched her with jealous eyes from the corner. The dolly could never do what she could do. She could dance with her father until the sun rose over the horizon, and it was a dance that only she was capable of.

The record stopped again. She took it off the turntable and held it in her hands. She began to sing the words as she sloshed back to her dance partner.

I'm Flying high but I've got a feeling I'm falling
Falling for nobody else but you
You caught my eye
And I've got a feeling I'm falling

She picks up her dance partner by the hand, and begins to drag him through the muddy water.

Show me the ring and I'll jump right through
I used to travel single, oh
We chance to mingle, oh
Now I all a tingle over you

She sang the song all the way to the car, that was, for some inexplicable reason, still running. She popped open the trunk and dumped her dance partner inside, along with the record.

It was XWF Hall of Famer, Muddy Waters. He was in a deep state of decay, and barely recognizable.

“We can dance forever!” she said, “but I have to handle something first.”

She shut the trunk and a deranged look came over her face.

She marked through the muck all the way back to the hole in the ground that Muddy’s pine box once laid.

The dolly, again. She snarled.


She snatched it from its perch, her fist closed around its neck. “I dont need you anymore……..”

Clouds began to form, and there was thunder rumbling in the distance. Her voice began to crack. “I never needed you.”

She brought the dolly to her face, so they were eye to eye.

“You are the one who needs me” her voice was almost a laugh now. “You’re the one who has always needed me.”

She tosses the doll into the now vacant grave site. It begins to sink down into the mud.

She walked over to the car, popping the trunk. She pulled Muddy out. She dragged him by his arm over to the dolly filled grave.

“Changed my mind,” she said, “you can lay in there with Dolly.”

She tosses him in.

“You never were very good at dancing anyway. You two are made for each other.”

She watched as the decrepit man began to sink below the muddy surface. Just the dolls eyes were visible, sinking into the mud below. The end of an era, for sure. The end of the dolly.

She walked away, humming the tune in her head.

Now I all a tingle over you
Hey mister parson stand by
Don't leave me now
For I've got a feeling I'm falling

One quick look back, and she knew she had made the right decision.

[Image: GTMKHn0.jpg]

“You are more delusional than I gave you credit for. You certainly do live in your own little fantasy world, and to be honest, I am jealous. I wish I could spew things out that are total fabrications of any semblance of reality,  and nobody would fact check or even bat an eyelash. I don’t have that luxury, Dolly, because when you’re one of the top performers on this roster and have spent more time with a belt than you have without since mid-summer, you are under a microscope every time you open your mouth. They listen to every syllable I say, hoping that I mess up, hoping that I have my timeline off or that I repeat myself or that misquote. They want to tear me apart.

Problem is, I am smarter than them, Dolly. Smarter than you.

I have found my stride, and I am running full steam ahead while you’re sputtering in neutral. You went all out, delivered you best promo in months, and it was an unmitigated disaster. You not only made a fool of yourself, but you flat out lied to these people who despite your new edgy middle-finger-to-the-world attitude, they still adore you Dolly. They still cheer for you, they want to see you succeed. They’re tired of waiting for that to happen.

I never had an issue with you, Doll-face. You never really mattered to me, to be honest. I had my radar set on the top tier, and you’ve never made it past the mid-level. You’re perpetually a half a tank of gas. You’re not quite empty yet, but you don’t have enough in there to get to where you want to go. You’ve got it in your head that you can make it to your destination but always seem to end up stranded on the side of the road with your thumb out, hoping someone will pick you up and bring you to safety. You’ve never done it on your own, Dolly, and that is why you’re holding on so desperately to a match that happened half a decade ago. Why you are throwing a match with Chaos in my face that neither of us even fucking remember because it was–you were–are–so insignificant that you’ve slipped from our collective memories? It was your superbowl, it was our pre-game warm up.

As if you pathetic attempt at a burn wasn’t bad enough, I decided to look up your title history Dolly because I had some time between flights and needed something to do–and you can imagine my face lighting up like an LED headlamp when I found out that not only are you a pathetic loser, but you’re a pathetic liar as well.

You claim your first match was against Chris Chaos for





But survey says, that is a lie. You won this belt in October of 2016 after Gator held it for over a year, and it was VACATED. In fact, Chaos didn’t compete for the TV title in early October 2016 because he had bigger fish to fry. You’re so desperate to find any angle to get yourself over that you are blatantly ignoring FACTS.


It’s in the puddin’, toots.

[Image: 1fHQiym.jpg]

Don't believe me? Call up Karen in the title histories department. She is very good with record keeping and would be more than polite in telling you just how useless you truly are. She's such a doll.

[Image: UqvnLh7.jpg]
[Image: jCxYZVw.jpg]
[Image: UcOckx7.jpg]
[Image: 3llVpc0.jpg]

So tell me again where Dolly Waters beat Chris Chaos for anything?

What you WERE right about was that when you started being everyone’s ass to kick around here, women’s wrestling was almost non-existent. I was still a manager and you were the anomaly that really got things going for women in XWF. Too bad you never really panned out. Women’s wrestling here didn’t truly begin until I made it relevant. Atara Themis joined because of you? Fantastic. Vita Valenteen (another one who ducked me every chance she got) got her inspiration from you? Wonderful. Thad really was a girl all along? We knew that.

Three examples, Dolly. Three. Atara Themis who is a hall of famer due to her sex appeal and not her ring skill, Vita who isn’t even an active competitor at the moment, and Thaddeus Duke. Where were you for the wars I was fighting Ms. Michelle, Abigail, The Sugay Sisters, Betsy Granger, Madison Dyson, Mercy, Jessalyn Hart, Ezzy, Nyx, Veri Vayden, Roxy fucking Cotton. The list goes on and on, Dolly. Where were you in that mix? Sure, you’ve been around the block but don’t stand here and claim you defined women’s wrestling when you’ve gone out of your way to NOT be involved.

You want your thanks? I’m woman enough to give you one.

THANK YOU for being so irrelevant to women’s wrestling that it gave me the opportunity to do what you should have done, and become one of if not the greatest female wrestlers ever to grace this roster.

You want an apology? I have enough pride to do that as well.

I AM SORRY that you missed your opportunity to be me, and that the window for you to be something around here has closed. I am sorry you’re jealous of me and still clinging to the ‘old days’ where you have to name drop a retired vet just to get a rise. I am sorry you’re the single biggest disappointment on this roster and I am sorry that I have to Bury You Alive this week, ending what little hope you have left.

You’re so far stuck in the past you still think I am an object of sexuality. I mean, sure, if mental breakdowns and a fist full of Ambien’s to sleep through the “voices” is sexy to some. I don’t think that is the case. I think you still see me as the old Jenny Myst. You see me as as  a ‘majority’ of my career spent as a sexed up barbie doll giving a little ‘pink perfection’ to the Universal Champion. That and telling the world with even a shred of confidence that any singles belt around your waist makes you the “rightful owner”. All it tells me is that maybe you, Dolly, are the crazy one here.

I want you to push me to the very limit. I want you to give me the match of the decade. I want you to be everything that you claim you are. Pardon me for having very little faith that you can actually accomplish that. Instead, you see me go all crazy so you decide to do a heel turn. Hey, it worked for Jenny, right? You envy me, Dolly. Your words ooze jealousy. Your entire ‘new look’ is a plea for attention, a cry for help, a grasp at a straw that has already been taken.”

*she shakes her head, disappointed in Dolly, just like everyone else*

“You claim that management has treated you unfairly throughout your career. Welcome to camp, kiddo. They have been bending me over the barrel for as long as I can remember. The difference is I am good enough to overcome it. I don’t blame my shortcomings on them, or make excuses for why I have failed in the past. I get up, dust myself off, give them a middle finger, and keep it pushin’. You aren’t where you wanna be because of YOU, Dolly. Not them. They have given you every avenue needed to be a top star here and you have dropped the pass every.single.time. Perfect spiral, too. Real shame. You have gotten more opportunities than I have, that is for sure. I have just made the most of the ones I did get. You’re right, this match isn’t going to show off your sex appeal………

It’s gonna show off your flaws.

It’s gonna show off your weakness.

It’s gonna show off how much better I am than you.

So give me your A game, Dolly, because if you don’t you will be buried alive next to daddy dearest with nobody to blame but yourself.”

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2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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