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02-06-2023, 04:42 PM
Sidney Grey sat alone in the spacious great room of her home, swirling the glass of aged brandy around in tight circles as she watched Money Oswald’s plea to her to believe in him, ahead of their first-round match in the March Madness tournament. She had been there, and she had seen it all. There were very few plots and ploys that got past her. While she had no intention of letting her guard down, even for a moment, there was something that smacked of sincerity in the man’s lengthy diatribe. Much like her, he had endured much longer than his contemporaries, but instead of being held in high regard for his longevity, he was seen as an oddball, or even a relic that had outlived its usefulness.
“…fuck…” she exclaimed under her breath, then quickly washed down her curse with a sip of her old fashioned.
Oswald was tired and broken down, whether he realized it or not. Of course, if he didn’t believe it, could it be much of a leap that she herself was no different? That notion bothered her…it angered her. Is that how the world saw her? Is that how her own daughter saw her? Was she Mackenzie’s Money Oswald? She hadn’t been the best mother…in fact, she’d been a terrible one, hardly fit to be called that name at all. She’d spent years living to excess and chasing fame, fortune, and fun. She never gave a thought about the child that had been forced on her, the one she drank to forget. By the time the years caught up to her and she realized that she’d ignored her legacy, it was too late.
All that I ask of you?
Is to believe in me.
Oswald’s words echoed in her head. His mantra to the world was hers to her daughter. How very similar they were. She had shit on the notion that the wheel was stupid and random, but this seemed anything but.
“…FUCK…” she exclaimed again, this time throwing back the drink and finishing it in a single pull. She slammed the glass down, not caring if it cracked or shattered.
Oswald’s plea wasn’t only meant for her, it was meant for the world. In that moment, Sid felt a tinge of kinship and remorse for the man, but just as quickly it turned to disgust. It was like ashes in her mouth. Begging for the cold and unfeeling world to put its faith in him. What had he done to earn such a boon? Won titles and accolades across the globe? All of that was fleeting, like motes of dust in the wind. When he was gone…finally put out to pasture, his legacy would be his name in a book that few people read or a picture on the internet that even fewer people cared about. Legacy lived and breathed and it was passed down from generation to generation. It lived in the blood…and those were the ones that needed to believe in you.
“Miss Grey, I have social media interactions for you?”
Sidney snapped out of her musings, turning her attention to the woman with the thick and nondescript Asian accent, though she appeared be of anything but Asian descent. Sid held out her hand. “Let’s see it.”
Dani turned her narrowed eyes to the empty glass on the table. “You drinky?”
Sid rolled her eyes. “Are you gonna fucking tell on me?” Sid gestured for her to hand over the tablet.
“I won’t…” Dani handed her the tablet, that Sid rudely yanked away from her. “…but, you shouldn’t. I get in trouble.”
Sid snorted. “If I do, then it’s your problem.” She thumbed threw the numerous interactions on her various feeds. As a reality star, it was imperative that she keep up appearances and be as ‘hip’ as possible. Sid paused, looking down her nose at an interaction she’d received. “Wow. Thad seems particularly upset with me.” She glanced up at Dani as she leaned in to see it.
“I thinky, you call him short.” She shrugged. “He no likey that.”
Sid smiled. “Well, is he?”
Dani shrugged. “How I know? He mad.”
Sid laughed, intensely pleased with the fact that ‘her’ interactions had caused such a stir. She flipped through the rest of it, “Nothing from Mackenzie?”
Dani reached down and took the iPad from her. “She still no follow.”
Sid was quiet as she could hear the words of Money Oswald in her head…
All that I ask of you?
Is to believe in me.
Sid blurted out in a whisper; “…can’t even get my own daughter to follow me…” She stiffened, realizing that she’d spoken out loud. “Her loss! All of their losses.” Sid stood up, taking a deep breath. “I’m hilarious.”
Dani nodded, “Very much, Ma’am.”
Dani sat in the confessional, looking extremely uncomfortable. She stiffened as the show’s producer spoke.
“Can you explain what you do for Sidney?”
She wrung her hands nervously in her lap. “I, Dani Chow…”
“You don’t have to do the accent.” The Producer cut her off. “Sid doesn’t see these.”
Dani waited for a beat, looking around as if Sid might have been waiting around the corner. She turned back, “Thank fucking God!” breathing a heavy sigh of relief. “I’m so worried about getting cancelled by all the goddamn incel man-babies every time I have to do that shit accent! It’s goddamn annoying!” She sat back in the chair, assuming a much more relaxed demeanor. “You asked what I do? Well…I manage all the shit that Sid can’t be bothered with. I schedule her appearances, I make sure she shows where she’s supposed to, I hide her drinking, I clean up all the messes she gets into…” Dani paused, giving a shrug, “…and I make sure that she’s ‘Sidney Grey’ on social media.”
“Sid doesn’t do all of that?” the Producer asked.
Dani smirked. “The last electronic device that Sid actually owned was a big black three-foot long vibrator. When the batteries died, she made me take it out back to bury it!” Dani shook her head with a chuckle. “That was kinda funny, though. Sid doing dumb Sid shit.” She gave a shrug. “I do her tweets, but it’s in her voice, you know?”
“What’s up with the accent? You’re clearly not Asian. Why the put on?”
Dani held up her hand. “Hang on.” She reached up and pulled the tight bun loose, letting her hair hang down. She let out a sigh of relief as the sudden release of tension allowed her eyes to lose the pronounced slant. “Sid is a creature of habit, no matter what she says or does. She’s set in her ways and likes what she likes. Her first assistant, SoLo, was Asian and I think she just prefers that.” Dani looked away, lost in thought for a moment. “I don’t know…it’s sad, it’s sweet, it’s super fucking racist.” She sighed, turning back to the camera. “It’s Sid…I guess.”
“She asked about her daughter, Kenzi Lacklan…” The Producer pressed.
“Grey…” Dani corrected. “Sid prefers Mackenzie Grey.”
“Apologies…” they corrected, “What happened with that relationship?”
Dani shook her head. “That’s a long story. Too long for…” she looked around. “…all of this. Just know, Sid loves her daughter the best she can. It’s just that…Sid made a lot of mistakes…” Dani paused, struggling to find the words. “…she lost a lot of trust. That makes it hard for someone to believe you when you say you love them. So, she tries to show her…but…”
“Things go sideways.”
She nodded in agreement. “Yeah.” Dani sat in silence for a few moments. “I think we all want that.”
“What’s that?” The Producer asked.
“For the people we care about to believe we really do want the best for them…” she nodded, “…especially when we can’t seem to get out of our own way.”
Oswald, first of all, forgive me for waiting so long to reply to you. It’s been an exceptionally busy week for me. I’m being stalked by a crazy person who can’t accept the fact that they challenged me, and they lost…completely fair and square! In fact, they have been doing nothing but losing to me, day after day after day! It’s sad, really. It’s wasted potential…something I abhor, and I think you do as well.
You talked about the passage of time and how so many you came into the business with had just moved on. But not you…and not me either. You continue to gut it out. You stay here in this business for them, to help others be the best that they can be. In that, you and I are the same. I returned to the business to help my daughter be the best that she can be.
I guess, in a way, she is like the people you came in with. They take what they think passes for success and they are content with it. A few minor championships, a cushy office job, the big booty lesbian vampire wife…and then they just wait to cease to exist. That’s not you and me! We are…as the kids say, built different, you and I. Where others see the end of the road, you and I see the path, and how it doesn’t end, but it keeps on going for those that believe in you, because you don’t stop…you’re not content with mediocrity.
I’m going to tell you something, Oswald; I gave it some thought and I do…I really do believe in you. I believe that you think the same way that I do. You believe in the same things that I do. We are something like kindred spirits. Cut from the same cloth and burdened with purpose of giving birth to the future.
Unfortunately, that is where the similarity ends. You can’t make the world believe in you. You have to convince those that matter to believe in you, and they will carry your message…they will be your legacy.
I believe in you Oswald, but unfortunately, that will not be enough to get you the win in our match. You see, I am going to make a believer out of you! All of the things I have done and all of the things I have said don’t mean anything until you see for yourself. You’ll see Oswald…you’ll see.
I’m going to make you respect me the same way that Gina Van Zyl is going to learn to respect me! Actions speak louder than words. I showed Gina, through my actions, that she will never be great like me, because she doesn’t have the strength of character to be like me! She doesn’t have the conviction to do whatever it takes to get what is owed to you…but I do, and I’ll prove it!
Watch me on Anarchy this coming Thursday. Watch me beat the disrespect out of Gina Van Zyl, then watch me beat the respect into Ruby! In a single night, I’m going to rule Anarchy and Gina and Ruby are going to understand that like no one else who hasn’t been in the ring with me can comprehend. So, when the time comes and you stand across the ring from me, you’ll know who is going to move on to the next round, and you’ll know that it’s me…and you’ll be okay with that.
I’m going to take over the world Oswald. It’s literally the title of my show! The question you have to ask yourself is…do you believe it now…or will it come to you after I win?
I can’t wait to hear you tell me all about it.