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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Flashback Friday
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Ring Master Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-06-2023, 07:17 PM

[Image: 8T08ZYv.jpg]

The first event of 2023 is one always the most eagerly anticipated event in XWF. There was a new program in town. Ring Master was the first guest of Flashback Friday. The lovable goofball was a loved by everyone. However, he has still not climbed the mountaintop. The program is built to speak about the past, present and future. The lights are adjusted as Ring Master appeared on the scene across from the XWF Official.

XWF Official: Ring Master I know we have some serious stuff to discuss but I think that first of all I have to ask, how was your Christmas and New Year's? Did you have some big parties and feeling the positivity of the new year?

Ring Master: You know family and friends are a huge part of my life. I would be lost without them. The holidays are like XWF events. Everyone comes together and trying to plan it becomes a hassle but in the end it's worth it. Who doesn't love seeing Uncle Jimmy pull his teeth out and gum the mash potatoes. Then you have Aunt Joan who always pinches cheeks and proceeds to leave lipstick marks all over your face. My clan is always trying to outdo one another. My cousin Daquan ends up shirtless dancing on the table to "Don't Stop Believing". Even the cat got involved! Look at this video over the holidays of what the pussy did.

[Image: NrMq5tT.gif]

He drank the damn eggnog! He wouldn't even share with the dog. Then of course I had to get involved. It wouldn't be a holiday with Ring Master making a fool of himself.

Another video appears on the scene.

[Image: uRh2Jzc.gif]

That's right. Ring Master always does his best Tom Cruise. The family and guest always get a laugh. I don't even need a drink I'm just pure entertainment. Even after all that we even had grandma get involved. She rides the dog around it's a damn horse and eventually he just lays down throwing her off gently. So, the power of positivity was definitely happening around my holiday. Those memories are going to stick with me forever.

XWF Official: Switching gears you have a huge opportunity coming up. You're cashing in the title opportunity you earned at Bad Medicine. How are you going to use the Power of Positivity for the Ned Kaye? That man is a daunting task for anyone.

Ring Master: All I can do is wait until my music hits and walk down the ramp. I will slide into that ring and give it my best shot. I know going into the match I will not have the odds in my favor. However, a positive attitude will flip those odds to my advantage. I am going to enjoy the moment. I don't want to stress myself off because Ned will capitalize.  If I stay true to the Ring Master way everything else should fall into place.

XWF Official: I'm glad the holidays treated you well because a new year is upon us. Obviously, you probably would prefer to have gold around your waist but as you know the XWF roster is the most elite one can get. As I mentioned Ned Kaye is an incredible athlete. You and he have a small history. It was Ned that drafted you and even made a little game involving you and the others. Some still look at as muscle and nothing else. It's hard to tell what Ned's opinion of you might be but one can only speculate of course. What do you have to say about those who feel you are nothing but another name?

Ring Master: Look, I'll be honest the after Bad Medicine ended, I have been crazy busy with living the best life Ring Master can. I can say with confidence that Ned Kaye respects me. In return I respect him being the legend that he is. 2022 was a rollercoaster ride and that's being kind. There was the heartbreak of Leap of Faith and of course being drafted by Ned. Then the idea that I am still not enough for everyone around here. If I wasn't good enough would Ned have chosen me? Yeah, I wasn't first or second but all of those who speak against me spreading rumors weren't even chosen so quite frankly they can kiss my ass. I don't like feeling like this, but I took time off to think about what I wanted to be this year. For the longest time I have done what everyone else demanded of me because it was entertainment.  I did what others asked because it was what the people wanted. The people in the back and in that crowd do not care about me. I have failed over and over and did they care? No. Where was the support when I was getting destroyed by the bastards at Bad Medicine? They just wanted the next match to start because they are impatient pricks. This might prove the fact I am just another name to them but to me it's a new beginning. The bastards showed me what has been lacking in my life. It isn't the power of positivity. It's a GODDAMN backbone. 2023 is not going to be the year of Ring Master. No! It's going to be the year of fucking change. I will be respected. I will pound fear into anyone who steps in the ring with me. I don't care if it's Ned Kaye or the G.O.A.T. This version of Ring Master is edgier. The people will know that I mean business. I am not going to be that goofball everyone loves because it got me nowhere! So, the people, this roster and the whole damn world can spread rumors about me and say whatever their heart desires. I am going to shatter all that soon enough. Ned Kaye will be changed forever after our match, and it will give plenty of these sad excuses for humans a lot to talk about.

XWF Official: I'm not sure when you had a change of heart but going forward this will be a challenge for you. I don't mean that as a sign of disrespect. I just feel you're speaking from a place of discontent and not really having that marquee victory here in XWF. Would that be accurate?

Ring Master: I am having my marquee moment this week. Did you forget that we are no longer in 2022? Stop living in the past and realize that as XWF moves forward so do I. How do you think I got this opportunity? It's called a marquee victory at Bad Medicine. Don't be like the others I try to have intelligent people in my life because stupidity spreads like wildfire. I have an opportunity to start 2023 the best way possible. Breaking a future Hall of Famer in half and capture gold. That won't be enough for me though. You see I learned from the bastards that the aftermath is important. Ned Kaye has a special hell waiting for him after our match. I know he doesn't believe me because Ring Master has been a joke to most since he signed the contract. You're thinking what's changed besides the attitude, right? EVERYTHING Ned. Are you the same guy you were last year? No. I think you've gotten a little soft since our draft party but that's my opinion. I'm sure he will speak about my encounter with the Bastards and blame them for this change, but I chose this path. No one made me. I'm a big boy with big plans and you're not going to stop me from achieving them. The energy I'm feeling right now is awesome. Ring Master is the definition of marquee so prepare to be amazed.

XWF Official: Once again just doing my job but we have heard these things from you in the past. 2022 could have been a lot better for you. So, you say these things but what will make it different with the Television title match against Ned Kaye.

Ring Master: Think outside the box moron. It's clear I've grown since last year. It's obvious that I have tapped into a new energy source. It's called confidence. It flows deep inside this beautiful black body of mine. It's real. The pure emotion once feels will make us do crazy things when we want something the most. Did anyone really think I would walk into this match thinking same old Ring Master, same old results? HELL NO! If I did that, I should leave my boots at the door. It might have taken a beatdown, but big Charlie and company smacked sense into me. They made me realize I was weak and lacked the confidence to ever be something in this company. I'll be damned if that happens anymore. I'm not a pushover. I sure as hell will not lay down just so people can laugh. Every damn victory will be earned by my opponents. Every defeat will leave a permanent scar on their mind, body and soul. Ned Kaye will have a deeper respect for me because disrespecting me is never going to happen. He will feel the wrath of Ring Master if I have any issues from him. Can I trust him enough not to cheat or screw me over? No. Can I worry about that? No. My confidence will carry me when I need to dig deep. I used to crumble under the pressure but not anymore. I will destroy the stereotypes about me. The world will hear Ned Kaye scream. They will understand that confidence has no limits when used for the power of darkness. Things are different because I say they are. I believe what I say now. I almost feel sorry for Ned knowing how short his reign will be but last I looked that wasn't my problem. My job is to make his life a living hell! Can I, do it? Yes, I can.

XWF Official: Speaking more or Ned. What do you feel the biggest obstacle you have with him and what's the biggest weakness you want to exploit with Ned?

Ring Master: Of course, you would ask such a generic question like that. However, since I'm getting paid to be here, I will humor you and answer the damn question. Knowing Ned, he continues to stay true to what got him to this point. I'm not talking about being a leader because he clearly failed at that when our team came up short last year in another marquee match that could have changed our lives. Instead, he is going to rely on his experience thinking it won't let him down. He is the type of guy that believes experience is better than the quality of wrestling. I however, say quality over quantity. Ned believes that size doesn't matter but that's hard to believe when he has nothing to offer a lady in the bedroom. I believe quality is going to shine in this match with me. His experience will not know how to handle the crisp, fresh, sharp and stylish moves I make. He expects me to be sloppy and make mistakes but not going to happen Ned. You will have to dig deep into your arsenal if you even can which brings me to your weakness.

He pauses for a moment.

The weakness of Ned Kaye is simple. He is old school and never learns any new tricks. In fact, one would say he is nothing but a big old dick wanting to be pummeled into humiliation in front of the sold-out crowd. The only difference is they will hate it. They will look at me in disgust and I will smile, give them the finger and continue what I do best. I'm sure you are wondering what makes him old school. He is predictable by nature. He believes if it isn't broke don't fix it. Normally I would agree but how about upgraded yourself to be more professional. You give the XWF roster a horrible name and no one wants to come here when we have little boy boys like you Ned. Your weakness will be exposed as our match continues. You grow tired and need something to surprise me with. You can't though because your arrogance got in the way. You feel that the moves you have will be enough but 2023 is different. You will need to try harder. You will need to battle not just the enemy but yourself. Doubt will creep in your mind, and it will be at that moment you lose everything.

XWF Official: So, let's assume you manage to beat Ned Kaye. You will become the Television Champion. You will have taste of XWF gold. How do you plan to celebrate knowing that you will have another battle in just two short weeks?

Ring Master: Hold up. I don't do assumptions. This is not a prediction. It's a spoiler that I will beat Ned Kaye for his Television Title. I will bring pride and dignity to the belt. It has been ruined over the course of this year with Charlie Nickels and Isaiah King and now Ned Kaye brings that garbage reputation into 2023. You see this is called Flashback Friday for a damn good reason. Ned Kaye will experience flashbacks with every punch I land across his skull. He won't be able to sleep out of fear that I will haunt him with nightmares. Every time he sees me with the title around my shoulder Ned will cry like a child. it will be a new reality for him working his way back up the mountain. The way I celebrate this year is getting into the training room and becoming stronger, faster and more destructive than any XWF star past, present or future. Flashback Friday is more than a name. It's about becoming a better person so you can look back later on and laugh at what you used to be. You best believe when I become the new Television Champion, I am going to stand over top you Ned and laugh. I will look down at you and spit in your face. It's the most disrespectful thing another man could do to another, but it doesn't matter. You deserve worse than that. I am not God not the devil, but you best believe I will do EVERYTHING in my power to make your life a living hell. You will beg for mercy, scream in anguish and it will fall on deaf ears. Ring Master is not playing games with you anymore. I'll invite you to the celebration though Ned. In fact, when I win keep the title and personally give it to me after the match. you want to talk about a way to crush that huge ass ego of yours.

XWF Official shifts in his chair clearly a little uncomfortable right now. He decides to close out this segment with one final question. He clears his throat.

XWF Official: Our time is coming to an end Ring Master. I have to say I certainly got more then I bargained for. I was expecting you to be focused but add in some humor like before. Instead, you're focused on revenge. So, it leads me to close with this. What can we truly expect from your match. I want you to hold nothing back if this truly is a new you.

Ring Master stands up knowing the end is near. He looks directly in the camera with a sly smile.

Ring Master: I'm glad you asked. This is going to be a very long, cold, painful night for Ned Kaye. He will never look at me the same. His body will react just walking near me. Hell, I might just knock him back to grade school. He has something I want. My desires are strong, and I will not be denied what I feel is my destiny. The world is about to be shaken to the core when Ring Master walks down the ramp and gives you images that will destroy childhood memories. The images will make your children cry watching a real-life hero be demolished by the villain. Most importantly when I am declared the winner, I will take the title and laugh all the way to the back. The fans giving me plenty of love for all the wrong reasons. I will soak it all up as Ned Kaye is in the ring laying in a pool of his own blood. His body twitching and crying inside as a new era begins.

Ring Master winks at the camera and walks off screen. You can hear the door slam as the camera shuts off and fades to black. What is the future of Ring Master? Time will tell.
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