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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Goth vs. Lexi vs. Marf
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Goth Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-27-2022, 06:04 PM

[Image: goth_banner.jpg]

The Genesis of Goth

Chapter: Christmas Warfare

Manhattan, New York

It’s Christmas time, Goth and Melissa can be seen celebrating Christmas at their own home, having dinner that has been prepared by a chef that Goth had hired for this very special occasion. The two are enjoying their meal while listening some Jazz Music from Tony Bennett on the background. Melissa can be seen dressed in a beautiful red dress that clings just perfect around her body, while Goth is dressed in an Armani suit with his jacket hanging across the chair that is next to him. He is wearing a buttoned down Victorian style shirt that hangs loosely around his body.

“Enjoying your meal dear??”

He asks after lifting his head up from his plate, gazing at Melissa that just took a sip from her glass of wine, admiring how her fingers are wrapped around the expensive glass with elegance. This causes him to smile as he could not help himself but think back to the moments that she used to caress him with the same fingers.

“It’s wonderful Gerrit, you sure know how to spoil a lady don’t you?”

Her words causes him to smile while taking a bite from the salmon that the chef had prepared for him as part of the course that is in front of him. He grabs a napkin and places it against his lips to clean his mouth while looking back into the beautiful eyes of his fiancé.

“I always need to think back to my travels to Scotland every time that I eat a salmon that is prepared this well like the one that is in front of me right now.”

Melissa cocks her head sideways for a moment before placing the glass of wine back towards her lips, awaiting for Goth to continue his story.

“I once took a trip through Scotland with my then wife, we had decided to soak up some of the culture and history of that beautiful country while staying in a wonderful hotel in a fisherman’s town. Where every few days a ship would come back from their trip up in the North Sea with another catch of salmon, allowing the hotel to serve us that same catch as dinner that very same night. And i have to tell you, to this very day I have never tasted anything quite like that.”

Melissa smiles at his words, allowing him to ramble on about his past experiences on his world travels that he has endured throughout his 20 year tenure. She had often admitted to herself that she was quite jealous of his experiences that he has garnered throughout the years and had wished that she could have been there at his side to experience it with him. But ultimately she had been thankful for all that she is experiencing now, not wanting to trade it for anything else in the world.

“You always have such wonderful stories to tell about your past travels, but have there ever been days that wanted to quit??”

The question got Goth thinking for a moment as he grabs a glass of water before placing it to his mouth, starting to think about the past travels that he has had and how he would answer Melissa’s question.

“In the early days you were lucky if you could book a hotel room for a few lousy bucks, happy to not spend a night in the same car that we travelled in throughout the country.”

This surprises Melissa as she raises an eyebrow, she had clearly not anticipated an answer like this. She had heard some stories from some old friends of Goth that have retired by now, telling her about cheap or lousy hotels to save some money. But she had never expected to hear him talk about spending the night in their own vehicle.

“In your car?? Isn’t that….”


Goth says with a smile on his face as he finished Melissa’s sentence before taking another sip from the glass of water, he stares at it for a few moments as if he is lost in his thoughts before turning his attention back towards Melissa.

“I never said that me and her never ended up either getting a warning to leave the parking lot or even worse, ending up in jail? But back then life wasn’t always the fancy lifestyle that we are used to these days Melissa, it’s a reminder for me to be thankful for everything that I have right now because I never gave up… And trust me there have been moments that I considered going home and accept the fact that I have failed.”

“And I hate failing.”

His hand is firmly gripping around the glass of water, his jaw is locked tight for a moment as his mind is caught somewhere back in time.

“Sweetie?? Are you alright??”

Goth is no longer able to hear the concerned voice from Melissa as he is suddenly seated around a pitch black table with candles burning across the entirety of the table as it prevents him to stare towards another figure that is seated across the entirety of the table.

“Hello Gerrit, merry Christmas to you too.”

Goth recognizes the voice from the woman that has been haunting him from a majority of his time until recently. The vampire woman that has been his arch nemesis at the early days of his career when he finally made it to one of the big league companies in 2006. He is about to stand up and say something, but notices that his wrists and ankles have been tied up by shackles and chains. His mouth is tied up with a huge gag in his mouth that is attached to leather strap that is spread across his face in order to keep it in place. This causes anger to built up inside of him as he is trying to scream at her, but it only comes out as muffled sounds as the figure on the other end of the table is merely concerned by eating something that he cannot see.

“You really should try to lobster Gerrit, it is so delicious.”

Goth’s eyes is fixated towards the figure on the other end of the table that he cannot see, not caring about whatever it is that is on a plate in front of him. Only to feel someone or something pull on a chain that is attached to the gag inside of his mouth, forcing him to be pulled downwards towards the plate. Goth is violently trying to resist the power that is being used to pull him downwards, but realizing that it is all futile as the strength that is being used to pull him down is far stronger than what he can resist. His eyes travel towards the plate eventually, causing him to see the lobster that Lady Ashe had referred to as he gives a muffled scream of agony.

“What’s the matter Gerrit? Oh that’s right, you prefer salmon right??”

Goth lets out a muffled scream while closing his eyes as he is inches away from the lobster, causing him to smell the rotted scent that is coming from the creature as it apparently has been dead for quite some time. He feels his eyes slowly reopening due to a sensation as if someone or something has dug small wired above his eyes and start to pull back upon the skin of his forehead. This forces his eyes to reopen in a rather painful way as his skin is continuingly being pulled backwards

“Forgive me for using such a drastic manner of at least allowing you to appreciate the time that my chef cook Jacque has spent in the kitchen to create such a wonderful dish, but this is how you repay his efforts??”

Goth lets out another muffled scream of agony as he feels his anger rising with every passing moment that he feels the skin being pulled backwards even further than a few moments ago. This causes Lady Ashe to drop her napkin next to her table and leans back against her chair, tapping her long fingernails on the dark table, the sound of her fingers seem to echo through Goth’s brain in such a painful way as this causes him to snap his head from left to right.

“You could have said that you appreciated the effort and time that he had put in this delicious creation Gerrit, but I guess nothing that I do is ever going to be good enough for you is it?? Oh well, I guess I better call in Jacque then.”

Goth can hear a sound of disappointment in the eerie voice of the woman that has tormented him in the early going of his career after breaking through to the big leagues. Suddenly there’s a silence, goth is trying to lift his head upwards towards Ashe in the hope he can see what is going on next. We suddenly hear a door open as the hinges have clearly not been oiled up in many of years as it sounds so terrible that it goes through marrow and bone of Goth. Causing his head to be yanked upwards in an awkward position that it nearly breaks his spine as his head is being pulled backwards, his head is now in a half circle backwards in a position that a body shouldn’t be bent into. A groan of misery and anguish can be heard coming from the gag inside of his mouth, tears are slowly dripping to the floor because of the angle that he is in right now. Goth starts to convince himself that no matter how real the pain must feel that this is all but a bad dream

“Hello Jacques, I have a dissatisfied customer. And you know I cannot have that.”

Goth hears a scream right from the moment that the individual named “Jacques” would answer her.

“Now I know that Gerrit isn’t one of the easiest human beings to please, but you could have tried harder!!!!”

He hears her scream at the man before hearing someone fall down upon the ground and start to beg.

“Please mistress, forgAAARGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

The French accent from this “Jacques” is interrupted halfway his sentence by another whack from the whip, causing him to scream in agonizing pain. The sound of him screaming ultimately dies out after ten minutes as Goth notices that there’s no other sound emerging from the room, wondering whether Elizabeth Ashe is still there, his worries quickly gets silenced by hearing the familiar high heals coming in contact with the stone floor underneath them. The sound is quickly recognized as the vampire is approaching him after stepping over the still crying figure. Goth tries to swallow, but is unable to do so due to the unnatural position that his head and neck is being positioned. He feels her cold hand come in contact with his throat and shoulder region of his body. Scratching her long and cold nails against his skin as this causes him to shiver while starting to breathe heavier through the nose. He senses sweat starting to pour as his eyes are now as wide as he has ever felt them be when the familiar face of the vampire Lady Ashe comes in view before him for the very first time today. And yet something is different, she had always looked just as young as the first time he had laid eyes upon her admittingly beautiful features. But this time he notices a decay emerging upon her face, even some skin close to her hair slowly starting to loosen up as he notices her skull emerge from where her skin had loosened up. She clearly has noticed him gazing at her features as she quickly turns her head away from him while raising her arms in front of his face, trying to hide her features as much as possible from his shocked gaze

“No, please don’t. Please don’t stare at my ugly face, I want you to remember how I truly looked like…”

The words start to trouble Goth, trying to understand what is going on while in the same time telling himself that this isn’t all reality.

“Oh this isn’t reality huh Gerrit??!!!!”

This causes Goth to curse at himself, having forgotten that she has been able to read his mind in every single situation that he has found himself in with her before suddenly returning to the exact spot that he had been at prior to experiencing this. He feels her long nails ding into the flesh of his forehead, digging straight into his skull as this causes him to scream in agonizing pain while still having that gag covering his mouth. Tears are flowing from his face as he is struggling to keep his sanity and not give in to the pain that he is experiencing right now.

“You have no clue of how long I have wanted to do this to you Gerrit, to have you feel so helpless at my own mere touch.”

She pulls some of the flesh from his forehead, causing him to scream even louder as the thought runs through his brain of why he hasn’t woken up yet and returned with Melissa right now. He feels the blood pour over his face as it covers his eyes, making him realize that perhaps this is far more than just a dream. Making it more and more difficult to wonder what is real and what is not.

“I sometimes ask myself when I punish my victims just like I am doing to you, on whether they have made the right decision on picking the red pill instead of the blue. I know that bringing in a movie idea that has made conspiracy thinkers go wild in whether there’s a Matrix and whether we should unplug ourselves from it or not…”

She stops talking for a moment as she lets out a sinister laugh before letting go off the tight grip that she had upon the forehead and skull. Causing Goth’s mind to race wild as he is trying to recollect where his senses had been, but clearly fails.


“Oh I know, you are exactly that kind of individual that DOES not want to fit in with society aren’t you?? You always wanted to be different, that’s why you tattooed the majority of your body and painted a skull upon your face at the early years of your career huh Gerrit? Oh to see you squirm at any single mention of being nothing more than a mere second rate emo, causing you to always get riled up didn’t it??”

Goth remembers those days, where he indeed was too wet behind the ears to find a suitable retaliation of the most simplest of simple verbal assault of his character.

“And you are still like pudding in my hands, so easily manipulated.”

Goth’s eyes widen, he feels his anger brewing inside of him as he realizes that she has a point to be made. He is shaking his arms and legs in anger, trying to free himself out of the position that he is in but is unable to do so. This causes the vampire to laugh at him.

“Go ahead Gerrit, prove me wrong… Because you know I am right.”

Goth screams out in agony as his eyes of anger are burning holes into the face of the vampire, who is caressing his face while laughing sadistically before Goth suddenly snaps out of it and is back with Melissa.

“Are you okay sweetie???”[/

Goth looks around, grabs his neck and face to check on himself before realizing that he is once again back where he was prior to what happened just a few moments ago.

*To be continued*

The shot opens up as Goth is standing in the ring at MSG, breathing in the atmosphere of one of the most iconic arenas in pro sports history. He looks around at the empty seats that surround the ring, smiling as he remembers this arena from previous stints as a wrestler with different companies. He wraps his arms across his chest as he stares into the camera that is approaching him.

[b]“Ever been in this arena?? Of course you have, but merely as an outsider looking in.”

Goth smirks at his own comment as he turns his attention away from the camera and looks at an area filled with chairs.

“If I remember New York wrestling fans, they are wild and they don’t mind to let you know whether you rock or suck. And I have to admit, I have had to admit that I have been on either side of the tale.”

He shakes his head and chuckles at the memories of previous matches inside this arena.

“They want you to put in the same mentality in your work the way they approach theirs. I am sure that there are a lot of the fans out there that loathe their lives, hate their work or have another reason to unload their frustrations. And what a better way than to express yourself inside Madison Square Garden, cheering on your favorite wrestler or just shower you with the most vicious crowd heat that anyone in this business could ever experience…. That is unless you are stupid enough to head over to Puerto Rico and fight their local hero.”

“but that’s not what is all about this time is it?? It’s Holy ground that will say farewell to the final Wednesday Warfare… a tradition that has been going on for I don’t know how long, but anyone in the pro wrestling industry has heard of the tradition that is Wednesday Warfare. And now?? We are heading over to Weekend Warfare… it’s upon us to create a new tradition that would make the original proud without daring you to forget it. And what a better way to put a tradition to rest that is nearly a religious one inside the mecca of pro wrestling?? Madison Square Garden…. I guess that’s what they would refer to as a fitting one.”

Goth turns his attention back to the camera, the smile has vanished into one that is more serious.

“With matches that is only fitting for the loudest wrestling fans known to mankind that would get them excited. And one of them is a triple threat last man standing match. A match against house hold names as in Marf and Lexi Gold. Just imagine people, Marf, Lexi Gold and Goth inside the same ring. Battling it out until only one wrestler is left standing…. Just imagine the pain, the agony and the mere thrive to refuse to stay down would cause a reaction upon this crowd???”

Goth extends both arms outwards towards the empty arena, who will house thousands upon thousands of fans on the 28th of December.

“We are this close to New Years Eve, the end of the year is nearly here and the new year is just around the corner. And I have heard people ask me as of late of why would I want to be in a match like this?? This close to the new year and as well as CCPE vs. The World where I face Joe Montuori and possibly to face the remainder of CCPE in the finals…. And I tell them why??”

Goth closes his eyes as he is savoring the thought before sharing it with the watching fans.

“Because this is the final Wednesday Warfare, a legendary show that is even more legendary than any of the wrestlers that are being booked upon this card. It’s the honor and the respect that we can give to the company, the legacy of this show and to those who have competed upon this show prior to us all. Because we want to be remembered as being a part of its legacy. But also to be the one that can tell the world that I walked victorious in a last man standing match against names like these?? Lexi Gold, a legend in her own right. Someone that I cannot and will not take lightly, or else she will make you pay. And then there’s Marf…, another name that is synonymous with the XWF. And then there’s yours truly, someone that came looking in from outside. Interesting comparison to what I have been saying a few moments ago right??”

“But it’s not really that weird that I referred to this, because even though I have been here for several months and had some successes… I’m still referred to as the odd one looking in… the question remains whether that is something that you can keep on telling me while I ma here. Understand it folks, I am here to stay. I am here to cripple names and finally take home gold…. It’s only a matter of time…. But before that moment comes, I’ll just have to settle with my two opponents.”

Goth raises his hand upwards after mentioning the comment towards Lexi and Marf.

“I know I have failed so far to gain that Xtreme championship belt, but I am not someone that sits down and petties with myself. I am here to fight, I am here to put two other competitors down for the ten count. I am here to prove a point that I am just as vicious and determined as Lexi Gold. That I am as tough as Marf and that I am going to be refusing to stay down for anyone out there!! Let alone for these two.”

“Lexi Gold, the head of the Lexi Gold fan club that will cheer her on every single time that she sets foot in the ring. And I have to tell you Lexi, I have been watching you since joining this company. I understand why they talk with so much respect about you, but just like yours truly… I have seen the cracks in the foundation, I have seen the mistake that you have made… And I intend to take charge upon that and take you down.”

“It’s funny though how people all suddenly show up for this final Warfare, but where have they been when it was just two matches?? When people seemed to no longer care to perform for the flagship show of this company?? Or was it perhaps that they have not been wanting to get face to face with the man that has been making waves on this show?? Would be very coincidental wouldn’t it Lexi??”

Goth shakes his head and smiles from making his statement

“Of course that isn’t the case is it Lexi?? Just like Marf, it is merely a coincidence that you have been showcasing your talents upon other shows.whereas I have been taking down names like Ned Kaye… a champion I may add, names like Atara Themis.., names like Latina Submission Machina. A name that I have not seen around here ever since I humbled her in submission style fashion. And I wonder, do I need to do the same for any other show that is thankful that I am not around there?? If history is a repetitive notion,t hen I guess that XWF can better close its doors… Because even names like Chris Page is just too scared to get in the ring with me once again.”

“But before I drift off to mention the entire roster of XWF, how about you Marf?? Are you courageous enough to show up on Weekend Warfare?? Or are you just already trying to figure out where there’s another foundation strong enough to accept mediocrity at its best??? Because I know, that I have not accomplished anything that either of you have succeeded in this company. But there’s nothing that I can see that is telling me that your expiry date is far from been reached. Or was that last match of yours just a mistake?? A misunderstanding?? That’s right, it’s only a coincidence when it comes down to the established names instead of the new comers that just can’t seem to get what they are due. Or is it merely because I am different than all of you?? Am I perhaps the emo that so many have already flagrantly used to fill airtime?? No people, I am THE Goth. The one entity that you refuse to acknowledge as the very best that this company should be thanking upon it’s hand and knees for me signing a contract. Because I am not someone that leaves, I am not someone that wants to find a new home somewhere else… I am the one that will ultimately be the one that is left standing in this company… Just like I will be the one left standing in this confrontation against Lexi Gold and Marf…..”

“Too bad for the world to have witnessed another example of why I am the only one that resembles Wednesday’s or Weekend Warfare….”

With that Goth walks off as the shot fades
[Image: gothbanner2.png]

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