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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Different Breed: Part 1
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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-20-2022, 06:16 PM

Is this the part of the story where I get bent out of shape over a loss? Am I supposed to cry foul play or scream from the rooftops that I was screwed? Nah, I got beat by Buster clean and clear. I hate to break the news to any of you; but uh, it’s not the first time I’ve been beaten and it certainly won’t be the last. A hearty congratulations are for you, Mr. Gloves. I betcha wish my name was on that list now, don’t ya? Such as life you move on because when your name is Chris Page life doesn’t start or stop in the center of one organization. I have my own federation that is cooking on all cylinders as I speak coupled with stepping in the ring with the Entity on this fine Tuesday Night and procuring more gold for the CCPE mantle.

Nah, a loss doesn’t stop me.

It fuels me.

It causes me to dig down deeper while silencing the critics that continue to harp on me being past my prime. Just thinking about that notion is laughable at best when you really cut to the core and come to the understanding that loss is only my sixth loss of the year in well over seventy-five contests across the globe. While most of you are content with circle-jerking each other in your own sandbox I’ve conquered every one of them all while being “past my prime”. Stepping out as I have is a blessing and a curse when you really think about it. Yeah, you put yourself on God-like status but you also put a huge target on your back with the insults and out-of-character jabs that come along with the bitter cunts of our industry that wish they had the balls, or ovaries to do what I’ve done, and continue to do. CCPE has skull fucked the XWF all year long with either Vaughn or Flynn holding that Universal Title for most of the year, combined. CCPE has held a Championship in this organization EVERY DAY this year. Think about that for just a second because NOBODY has done what we have done, and that’s just here in the land of Xtreme while your heroes just couldn’t fit the fucking bill.

A loss to Buster is on the lower side of my equation when the wins continue to pile up across the World.

Speaking of World.

Why didn’t any of you step to the plate and accept the challenge to shut our mouths? It seems Jason Cashe is the only man on this roster with a pair of nuts to attempt to back his play. Save the bullshit of not knowing; everyone knew, and those that stepped to the plate have all the right in the world to talk shit while everyone involved in this elimination chamber isn’t anything more than sideline hoes.

I am unsure how to feel coming into the final edition of Wednesday Night Warfare. It’s not a secret that my fingerprints have been on that product throughout the past, yet I walked away from a General Manager’s position on my own accord. There seems to be some sort of narrative floating around that I hate the XWF or that I despise Theo Pryce. Neither of those is true. My issues with Theo are pretty simple; the dude flaps his cock sucker while hiding behind his position in the shit show that is the front office of this company while hiding from stepping in ANY ring with me one on one. Why am I telling you this? Because it has merrit in the bigger picture that most of you will fail to see.

They hide behind the reasons for all of these changes but it’s safe to say anyone with half a brain can see through the smoke and mirrors.

I didn’t come back to kick a horse when they’re down… but if the shoe fits.

The first piece of business I need to address is how this is possible. I’m sure we’ve got ourselves some marks in this upcoming Chamber Match that might point out how at Relentless 2021 I lost an XWF Career vs XWF Career match against Robert Main. In essence, I shouldn’t be here yet here I am. Why don’t you ask your fearless leaders? Better yet, allow me to tell you. I’ve been reinstated for the very reason you’re condensing down programming. Outside of CCPE the level of star power has drastically tanked. Back at Bad Medicine as I watched Bam Miller DEFEAT Theo Pryce I came to the realization that what better way to end my world tour than the very place it started, call it coming full circle. I jumped in feet first by dealing with Buster Gloves inside a Caribou Stable for the final Savage, and now I move forward to the final Wednesday Night Warfare; and already injecting it with the star power it desperately needs, I mean come on… Fucking Ned Kaye is your Main Event, I believe that in itself speaks volumes.

Cue an annoying laugh.

The one-liners are going to be on point so I suggest you all get yourselves ready.

The next step in my XWF career is set to be taken inside the confines of the Elimination Chamber where a shot at whatever the fuck they’re calling the unification of the Supercontinental and Television Titles. While I’ll give Nedski a lot of shit I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I do hope he is victorious, I mean I can’t think of a better way to start my run as Champion coming at his expense much like I can’t think of a better way to win the Chamber than by starting it. Finally, the pencil pushers got something right for a change.

… no wait.

I gave them too much credit.

He’d have to deal with the Ring Master first.


Monday Night
10:30 PM
CCPE Arena at The Velvet Rabbit Las Vegas

[Image: CCPE_arena.jpg]

The final episode of the WGWF’s Monday Night Brawl before the West Coast Rumble has just left the air seeing Sonya Benson stake claim to the WGWF Television Championship in a huge Fatal Four Way Ladder Match to cap off a monumental edition of the show. We are just a mere 48 hours removed from the final XWF Savage yet it seems to be a distant memory with the nature of our industry and just how fast things move. Our scene opens back at the “Go Position” just behind the curtain where Chris Page removes his headset while seated at a table with a monitor in front of him.

Chris sits with The Sauce Boss who is producing alongside him.

Sauce Boss takes his headset off as well why Chris gets up from his black chair followed by Sauce Boss and they shake hands.

CHRIS PAGE: That was a damn good show.

The two released the shake.

SAUCE BOSS: All eyes are now West Coast Rumble bound.

CHRIS PAGE: As they should.

We’ve worked incredibly hard to build a product that puts the fun back into the sport we’ve dedicated our lives. Each person on my roster has had to fight and claw to earn their spot on my roster. Coming off Savage I have a lot on my mind while having places to be.

CHRIS PAGE: I’ll see you in a few days, yeah?

SAUCE BOSS: Absolutely.

Chris excuses himself from Sauce Boss as he walks around the table and starts to head toward the massive exterior roll-up door that is open as he walks past several production trucks to an awaiting white limousine that has the emergency flashers on. Upon his arrival, the back driver’s side door swings open and Candice Wolf-Page gets out. Chris walks up giving her a kiss on the lips, and then enters the back of the limo while loosening his necktie. Candice gets back in and closes the door. The emergency flashers stop and the limo starts to take off. We fade inside where Chris is removing his sportcoat, then tie, and unbuttons the top button of his white dress shirt while asking Candice.

CHRIS PAGE: Were you able to get a bag together for me?

Candice nods in approval while audibly answering.


Chris tosses his sportcoat onto the side seat before shifting his attention toward Candice who asks.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: When are you going to slow the fuck down?

CHRIS PAGE: What are you talking about?

Chris asks with confusion in his tone.

CHRIS PAGE: I’ve slowed the fuck down a lot over the last four months. It just doesn’t seem like it because you’ve been tied up with developing the Greece location of the Velvet Rabbit, and yeah it might not seem like it within the last few days.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Santa’s Village, Las Vegas, and now Tokyo?

When you’re as in demand as I am my plans can change at the drop of a dime. I had no real intentions of competing on the Savage card last weekend, much like I didn’t intend to have to make some of the most irrelevant chodes relevant going into the final Wednesday Warfare. Shit just seemed to happen, and now here I am. I have to figure some things out following my dismal performance plagued by Caribou and the fake fuckery of Christmas because I know I’m better than Buster Gloves, or maybe I’m not when I am punching down to their level versus them having to punch up to mine. That’s where this becomes very interesting for Wednesday Night we are in my world playing my kind of game. I don’t have to worry about shaving down time on my productions to cater to the little guys and gals of the industry because the five of you have to elevate yourselves to mine.

… judging from the competition attached to this affair I think it’s a pretty safe bet to say that you’re all kinda fucked.

CHRIS PAGE: But then what?

Chris intently asks as he gazes into the eyes of his beautiful bride.

CHRIS PAGE: Nothing for a week.

Chris cracks a smile as Candice slides over next to him. Chris wraps his arms across her shoulders as she lays her head on his shoulder.

CHRIS PAGE: I am not going back on a World Tour. I’ve already proved what needed to be proved when it comes to the pecking order of the industry compared to me. The day someone else touches what I have done is the day that I’ll consider it.

Candice smacks Chris on his upper chest bringing some laughter from the eighteen-time World Champion.

CHRIS PAGE: I’m kidding, I’m kidding.

Chris leans over kissing Candice on the forehead.

CHRIS PAGE: I need to procure these tag straps and then come back and get through an Elimination Chamber… that’s it.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Naturally, a violent match.

CHRIS PAGE: That I’m starting first.


I enjoy the idea of being the first man in and the last man out when it comes to the Elimination Chamber because it gives me more to prove to myself than anyone else. It means that I have to dig deeper, push harder, and keep getting my reps in why the rest of you sit idly by. Nah man, not me. I want to be in the ring because for most of you in this Chamber you MUST win or else you’ve got nothing left to look forward to. Not Chris Page.

I’m using the XWF to get myself more in tune with what is coming up next, Raion.

When you are legitimately in demand you don’t have to look for opportunities, opportunities look for you. The reality is I don’t need to be here, I choose to be, and there isn’t a single person on this roster that can tell me otherwise; but what about the rest of you? Can you go out and get gainful employment elsewhere? Sure you can… but will you be successful? Highly unlikely.

I bet you’re wondering what this has to do with the Chamber. It’s simple.

My opponents NEED it.

I just WANT it.

Now we all know that if I choose to flip the switch I’ll bury anyone at any given time to the level that you’ll question why you got involved in the business, to begin with. We know that I am going to be starting this thing off against you, Finn. See, you and I have the task of doing the one thing that our opponents don’t have to do by going the distance. I’m not going to sit here and trash you and your lack of accomplishments because as the last Savage showed anyone can beat anyone else on any given night… but is this your night? I find it interesting that I carried this federation for over three years with little to no contributions from you until after I moved on to bigger and better things.

I guess it’s one of those you’re not needed until you’re needed kind of things.

CHRIS PAGE: Tell me how you really feel.

Chris responds with a gleeful chuckle under his breath.


Chris rolls his eyes as Candice pivots the conversation.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Is there a riff within CCPE?

CHRIS PAGE: If that isn’t a million-dollar question then nothing is.

Candice sits up and faces Chris as she responds.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: I mean with what just transpired between Mac and Mont coupled with Bam going ham on any and everyone on social media I kind of wants to know everything is okay.

CHRIS PAGE: You know just as well as I do how competitive our industry is. When it comes to CCPE we’ve literally dominated every federation we’ve been sought out to save because everyone wanted a piece of the CCPE pie. When you take an entire industry by storm with the best pieces of talent in the business you can’t expect the best not to want to prove themselves against the best.


CHRIS PAGE: We’ve gotten bored with slapping around organizations, and these guys are going to fight either way… so why not let it happen in an atmosphere that I can keep a watchful eye over? It beats the alternative.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: As long as you have a handle on it.

CHRIS PAGE: Thus far everything is on the up and up.

The limo pulls up to a stop.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: I really wish you didn’t have to go.

There is a deep exhale from Chris as he looks into the beautiful eyes of his bride.

CHRIS PAGE: I know babe...

There is a slight dramatic pause from Chris before he then states.

CHRIS PAGE: Thank God for KayFabe Airlines Teleportation or I wouldn’t make it to Tokyo.

Candice merely shakes her head as Chris leans in giving her a kiss before reaching over grabbing his jacket off the side chair and exiting the limo before closing the door behind him as he teleports off to Tokyo for another appearance.


We’ve got the Finnster back in the saddle again eager to try and stamp his ticket to Snow Job but sadly for him, he’s going to be isolated with yours truly. Three minutes is a lot of time to do some dastardly things if I do say so myself. The question then becomes just how much pain and suffering to inflict upon your sad soul, hmmm? Do I bring a few instruments of destruction with me or should I use the environment as my friend?

I say why not both?

Once all the pageantry is over and that door to the Chamber is closed we are going to enter a completely different level of brutality that most are built to withstand. I’m man enough to acknowledge that both Finn and I are fighting an uphill battle but not an unwinnable as my history indicates. This is my first rodeo inside this structure, and it’s one that I’ve found myself enjoying the levels of pain it dishes out, the pieces of flesh that it takes, and the blood it soaks up. Hell, it almost commands as much respect as I do.


I know that when that bell tolls all bets are off and the only thing that matters is who is left standing when the smoke clears and the dust settles.

We all have different motives for what drives us to wage this war.

Mine is pretty simple.

I’m the LAST guy Theo and Vinnie want with a strap of gold so what better way to piss them off than taking one? You’d think since Vin-Man and I are a part of a higher force that this would be a no-brainer… but then again I understand not showing favoritism. The Illuminati is real so we have to mask ourselves in the eyes of the everyday folk. Anyway, I digress, to get me to what will piss them off I have to go ahead and outlast all of you. What’s crazy is ole Finn here is the toughest competition I see standing in my way because it sure as shit isn’t Gerri Vayden.

Are we even sure she’s going to step to the plate this time? Or are we going to get a physical presence with no short of promotional material? If I had a nickel for every time I’ve seen Gerri not only on the card but walking through the endless revolving door of the XWF I’d be richer than I already am. The question is, what the fuck makes you think you belong in this conversation let alone this federation? You’ve never amounted to anything other than a goddamn punching bag for the entire roster at some point in time or another. It’s funny because talents like you have so much in common with those middle to lower-card talents that beg for an opportunity yet shit the fucking bed when it’s given to you.

How many times has the XWF given you chances? How many of those did you fuck up? Survey says… all of them.

So nah, the last thing you are is competition.

You’re a fucking joke.

Your involvement in this match ranks right there as a charity case just so they can say you had some sort of opportunity. I can only hope that your dusty ass comes in third just so I can do the world a favor and put you out before number four walks in.


Tokyo. Japan
Entity Wrestling
Final Hour Pay-Per-View

The scene opens backstage at Final Hour as the new Entity Tag Team Champion emerges through the curtain. Chris Page and Joe Montuori just became the inaugural champions by defeating the Show Stealerz in a Best of Three Falls match… in TWO straight falls. Chris carries his title in his right hand while J Mont has his slung over his right shoulder while they cruise through the “Go Position”.

CHRIS PAGE: Two straight falls, another set of straps, and life couldn’t be better.

I couldn’t think of a better way to bounce back from a loss to Buster than by capturing yet another set of Championships to add to the already laundry list of titles CCPE currently holds. Fun Fact, we hold gold in seven different companies including your own. Let that sink in when you try to tell me that I am a nobody, that I don’t measure up because my mantle says differently. Yeah, the loss to Buster stung… especially with how many times Vaughn has mopped the floor with him. It’s not like the blueprint wasn’t there for me to review. Nonetheless bouncing back by defeating a prominent team in the form of Todrick Tabor-Ramsey and Austin Ramsey more than makes up for coming up short.

JOE MONTUORI: You tried to tell them we would be doing this in two straight.


JOE MONTUORI: You tried to tell them more gold was coming to CCPE.


JOE MONTUORI: You’d think they’d start to listen.

CHRIS PAGE: But then it means they have to eat their words.

Chris and Joe cut the corner and start to head down the backstage hallway bypassing crew members and other talents until they happen upon their dressing room.

JOE MONTUORI: So what’s next for you?

Joe asks as they enter the dressing room. It’s a standard room, nothing flashy.

CHRIS PAGE: Teleporting back to Vegas for some stupid Christmas tree lighting. It still baffles my mind how grown fucking people celebrate this shit like it isn’t based on a foundation of lies. Fucking capitalism.

Chris grabs his travel bag and unzips it where he places his newly acquired hardware and zips it back up.

CHRIS PAGE: I’ve also got this Elimination Chamber deal next week.

Joe is whipping his face with a white towel upon hearing the words spoken by CCP. He lowers the towel with a confused look on his face.

JOE MONTUORI: Did you just say Elimination Chamber?

Nodding at Joe, Chris responds.


Joe lightly shakes his head while slinging his towel over his shoulder.

JOE MONTUORI: And you speak so nonchalantly about it.

Chris starts to make the walk toward the locker room door while answering.

CHRIS PAGE: Eh man, I know I am walking into a situation that is uncontrollable with a group of talent that are all itching to use my name to make some sort of reputation. When you’ve accomplished all the things I have when the world is your oyster it becomes a daily thing. Yes, I’m probably going to bleed, and yes I’m going to wake up Thursday morning with bruises all over my body… but it sure is going to be a lot of fun keeping up with the younguns.

Chris reaches the door before turning back around glancing over at Joe as he then asks.

CHRIS PAGE: What’s the worst that can happen? I lose? Pfft.

When you’ve come to terms with losing to someone like Buster it’s pretty safe to say that you can get past anything… I mean, I am the guy that was beaten by Lycana with an Inside Cradle after all. I’ve had my share of failures throughout my career, but with those few failures, those minor hiccups I’ve tasted three times the success. As we are on the cusp of stepping into that Chamber there’s only one of us that has tasted the success of the XWF Universal Championship.

It sure as shit isn’t any of you.

To get to the top of this federation you have to be ruthless, you have to be cutthroat, but more than anything else you have to be opportunistic. You have your eyes locked on the guy that spent over a year carrying Robert Main just to be the very man that ended him. Ya know, let’s talk about that. Since I lost that loser leaves the XWF match I’ve gone on to dominate this fucking sport while Robert Main rode off into the sunset never to be seen again.

I lured him into a false sense of security…

When the time was right…

I paid Thunder Knuckles a shitload of money to crack that walnut brain.

I say all that to say if I played the long game with him just for shits and giggles what in the blue hell do any of you think awaits you considering you are all minor footnotes in my bigger picture? Jesus Christ, it just dawned on me how much better I am than all of you.


Chris throws up the “duces” as he walks away to teleport back to the United States, courtesy of Kayfade Airlines. For all your travel needs go to Kayfabe Airlines, you’re guaranteed to make every shot.


Who else do we have involved in this thing? Master Mind? Oh fuck, not this guy… he’s going to make my brain bleed. If Gerri wasn’t bad enough then there is you. I’m shocked you’re not in a title match or something because it seems like every time I turn around you’re being handed something else you didn’t deserve. It’s like I’ve died and gone to fucking jobber hell with this entire goddamn match. Oh, my bad… I forgot I’m talking to a former Anarchy Champion, at least in more recent history. You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t kiss the ring over that accomplishment. You might as well call yourself a Madness Champion with how much clout or weight that shit carries.

You are the sympathetic entrant out of the bunch.

Most might have pity on you but I don’t.

I find you to be insulting to the profession over anything else.

I bet you that you come in last. Calling that shot now.

You should come in the Chamber last considering just how much of a walking liability you are, now that I think about it.

I’ll be with you later in the week, but for now, just know that I am looking forward to fucking your world up! This one’s for you THAD!

Who else? Ah yes, everybody loves Dick Powers. This guy right here is probably one of the biggest disappointments when it comes to what could have been. I guess we had to call the bullpen to fill all these chamber slots. If you give a shit about winning you could be a threat but my gut tells me that you’re just here because you have to be not because you want to be. Over the years I’ve been attached to this product everyone gets excited to see you show up yet ninety percent of the time you go limp. I’m sorry that the roster in the XWF isn’t worth your time or energy to give them all Dick all the time.

You’ve missed your calling.

It could be worse.

You could be LSM.

Now THAT is the single biggest waste or roster space of all the misfits on this roster. Thunder Knuckles hit the nail on the head when he said the definition of a clout chaser and held up your picture. Of everyone involved, I’m going to enjoy shredding you over the next week or so the most. The sheer notion that you hold yourself in such high regard yet nobody else gives you the validation you seek. It’s pathetically embarrassing to watch you try to wrestle, let alone cut a promo. You wanted my attention so bad, well now you’ve got it… but what you and the rest of this field will come to terms with is having my attention comes at a price.

You can’t afford it.

What I want all you cunt cakes to think about is just how far you are wanting to go when it comes to tangling with me. I will take you to the deepest waters you ever imagined, and with the rulebook thrown out the window, with nothing to stop me from slaughtering each and every one of you I believe it’s safe to say that you are all fucked before you open your mouths. What the question becomes is how fucked you will be once you open it. I’ve just barely begun to crack my knuckles on all of you. The best has yet to come.

I’ll see you soon.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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