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Training Hard
Author Message
Gina Van Zyl Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-07-2022, 03:47 PM

The scene opens up to Penelope Plimmswood standing ringside in a gym, as Gina Van Zyl is in working with a sparring partner who coincidentally is about the same height and build as Aphriya Adler. Gina whips her into the ropes and takes her down with a wicked spine buster when she comes rebounding back. Penelope smirks and leans over the apron.

Good, now give her some TLC, just the way I showed you.

Gina quickly gets to her feet and locks in a Scissored Armbar Crossface, Penelope smiles as Gina applies it perfectly.

Now tighten it up, you gotta make her tap babe, Adler isn't going to take it easy on you! 

Gina nods and locks the move tighter, the sparring partner groans loudly and taps, Gina continues to hold on, Penelope enters the ring and squats down, and caresses Gina's face with a soft smile. The helpless sparring partner's face begins to turn pale from pain.

Let her go love, she's had enough, you don't want to break her.


Gina playfully protests as she releases the hold, She pushes the sparring partner off of her before standing and smiling widely at Penelope.

So, how'd I do? Did I do it as well as you?

I'll say this, I'm just glad I'm not your opponent, when you get that locked in, Adler is done for.

Penelope holds the middle rope for Gina, they exit the ring, leaving the poor sparring partner laying in the ring groaning. The pair walk into the locker room and sit on a  bench, Penelope wraps her arms around Gina and smiles proudly. 

Did I go too hard? Should I have taken it a little bit easier on her?

Hell, no. Look we've been training for your match, I promise you Adler isn't going to take it easy on you. You did what you had to do. It's all fair out there in the ring, you know that. Don't worry about hurting her, it's a submission match, if you've got to make her need a chiropractor for the rest of her life then do it.

Gina chuckles softly and kisses Penelope's cheek, before standing.

You know exactly what to say don't you? 

Of course I do, I'm a very cunning linguist.

Penelope smirks, Gina playfully rolls her eyes as she grabs her bag and pulls out body wash, a rag and two towels.

Aphriya seems pretty sure of herself, I mean she's a former MMA fighter, she's been a champion, and according to her XWF management "Sought" her out. I might be in trouble.

The last statement was said in a very sarcastic tone, she rolls her eyes. 

And that means absolutely fuck all in the ring, she can run her mouth all she wants, but when you lock in one of the submissions the bitch will tap.

Oh, I'm not worried about that, she is full of hot air as far as I'm concerned. I just can't wait to see the look of utter disbelief when my hand is raised. I wonder if she'll make excuses.

Gina says with a smirk as she stands in front of Penelope and takes off her t-shirt standing in front of her in her sports bra and shorts, Penelope bites her bottom lip softly.

I'm sure she will, and they'll all be lame as fuck coming from her. Her poor pea brain won't be able to process it. You've been training your sexy ass off, you've been scouting her, you know what to do. She's fucked she just doesn't know it yet.

Gina steps into the shower and turns in the water, then comes back out with a towel wrapped around her.

I'm ready, she may have won titles, but so have I, that's not impressive, from what I've seen she has some clear weaknesses and I'm going to expose them in front of everyone. She might think that she's the chosen one, but I'm going to show management that they backed the wrong one.

Hell yeah you are! You're so God damn sexy when you get fired up.

Gina giggles and stands in front of Penelope with her back to the camera she opens up her towel, Penelope's jaw drops.

Is that the only time?


Care to join me in the shower? The water is nice and warm now.

Penelope grins and nods, Gina wraps the towel back around her body and takes Penelope's hand. Penelope stands and looks in Gina's eyes.

But first.....

Penelope caresses Gina's face and kisses her softly, they both smile as Gina leads Penelope toward the shower as the camera fades to black.
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (12-07-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (12-08-2022)

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