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X-treme Wrestling Federation » The LFL » LFL Roster Sheets

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Author Message

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-24-2022, 04:31 AM

[Image: zJJPXij.jpg]
Lily Easton

Player Information

Desired Team: (if you have no preference, just say Free Agent): Philly Bellas

Desired Position: (1 offense, 1 defense):  WR & S

Jersey Number: 86

Height: 5'10

Weight: 123lb

Brief Bio: Ella is a former wrestler turned twitch streamer, she's a goofball who has been described as a "beautiful chaotic mess".  

Player Strengths & Weaknesses

1) Strong for her size - She might be slim but her wrestling background has left her with a bit more strength than she knows what to do with.
2) Agility - Again from her wrestling days, she was a highflyer in the ring meaning she's quick to react and quick on her feet.
3) Speed

1) Lacks understanding for complex plays, as she's a complete newbie to the sport.
2) Inexperienced
3) Rusty in competition - Hasn't competed in any kind of sport for a long time, since quitting wrestling.

Best way to contact you: (I.E. Discord, Twitter, E-mail, etc.)
@OllaEliver on twitter

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