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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Madness Comes Knocking
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

07-09-2013, 11:57 AM

The camera opens to a decrepit alleyway in downtown Los Angeles. It is empty, aside from one large dumpster and a single form, huddled next to the refuse bin. In his hands are a notepad and a nearly-empty ballpoint pen. The camera moves in closer, and the huddled figure is revealed to be Mystica. He is in an odd condition. His hair is a ragged mess, and he hasn't changed since yesterday, still decked out in plain street clothes -- very much not to his taste. He looks up at the camera, pausing for a moment in his mad scribblings. After wincing slowly, he looks back down to the notepad. The camera adjusts to look down at Mystica's notes. They are a mish-mash of disjointed thoughts and random notations about wrestling moves. One side of the paper is a column labeled "Salman Van Dam." The other is labeled "Rollins." Mystica's eyes flutter closed as he begins to mutter to himself.

"Silence. All I want is silence. Let the voices fade and serenity return. Serenity now. SERENITY NOW!"

As he shouts, his eerie blue eyes fly open and he stares at the camera. There is something there in his eyes -- something horrific.

"Wednesday night the beasts come out, they scream, they cry, they growl and shout."

He seems to be singing to himself now, lost in some sort of madness. His eyes look incredibly tired; bags hang underneath them, lining the sockets in a black tiredness.

"I am so very tired. So tired and sick of being left in the world, left to fight creatures in and out of my own head. I'll kick...I'll kick...and smash...and rip and tear and claw their eyes out. Not the monsters, no..."

He seems to be looking past the camera now, talking to no one.

"A kick to the head keeps the doctor out of bed. David..."

He recites his own name, then scribbles something down on the notepad.

"David, they talk and talk and talk, but there's nobody home. Their words all come to a needless fruition. I'm already there, luv. Already there. Ready. Always ready. Always in, always hungry. Feed the beasts, Dave. Feed them and they grow quiet for another week. Let's go now. Time to cut the meat from their bones. They have no idea what's to come. And neither do you, David..."

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
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