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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Goth vs Centurion
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Goth Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-13-2022, 05:58 AM

[Image: goth_banner.jpg]

The Genesis of Goth

Chapter Five: The next step

Its 5 in the morning, Goth has had taken a while off after having performed on his first show on Wednesday Night Warfare, a title that had suited his intentions well when he took out former Xtreme champion Latina Submission Machina. It was an experience that he had endured several times in the past, more than he even could have cared to remember. He had to admit that she was tough, but that’s what you could expect in this business.

We see him toss and turn in his bed, these restless nights have been a part of him on and off for the past few months. It had bothered him that they had returned a few days ago after he had concluded that Lady Ashe had haunted him, a former competitor that he had always bested. That was something apparently she could not put to rest, or at least that is what it seemed to him. A week had passed, a week where he had found inner peace as it helped him make Latina Submission Machina submit to one of his own submission holds. But since two days the nightmares have returned, even more violent than recent time.

“No…, please… go away…,”

His words are nothing more than croaked whispers, his mouth has dried up as if he had not drank anything for weeks. His hands grip the bed sheets, pulling them nearer towards him as he is feeling a cold stalking him. The shiver creeps all over his body, causing his nipples to stiffen as he is sleeping bare chested as usual. Sweat is pouring over his face as his hair is sticking to his face, shaking his head from left to right as the nightmare has got him under a spell.

“No…. please no….”

He suddenly sits upwards, breathing heavily while pushing his hair out of his face while looking around as he is trying to acclimate himself to the bedroom.

“Damnit, another nightmare. When will this stop???”

He says with a groan, he swiftly gets out of the bed. He takes a quick look over his shoulder, letting out a sigh of relief as he notices that Melissa is still sleeping. He hated it if he had woken her, not really looking forward to explain why he had another nightmare. He walks towards the kitchen, opens the refrigerator and grabs a diet coke and swiftly opens it before taking a swig. Wiping his mouth as he walks towards the living room, dropping down on the sofa. He takes another sip from the coke before resting his head back at the sofa, staring at the ceiling as he notices cracks in the ceiling.

“What the??”

The cracks in the ceiling caught him off guard, wondering when that had happened. His eyes trace the cracks until it connects to the middle of the ceiling where he reads the name off….

“Lady Ashe?? Oh fuck, not again…”

He hears a sinister laughter echoing through the entire apartment, he notices that the cracks slowly changes into a black goo swallowing the entire ceiling. Goth stares at the ceiling, questioning whether he is losing his sanity as he cannot believe what is going on. The goo slowly becomes a black liquid that is slowly dripping down from the ceiling to the ground. Goth stares at the liquid as it slowly starts to grow up in height as if it is a slender statue of fluid liquid.

“I am starting to lose my mind…”

The laughter grows in volume, emerging from the darkness as he notices a slight crease of a pale color emerge from the middle of the liquid. He suddenly hears a bell ringing three times, causing Goth to snap his head from left to right as it has caught him off guard.

“Do you remember Gerrit???”

A soft female voice can be heard echoing through the liquid, he suddenly sees his face being reflectedinto the liquid before it is swallowed up by two top and bottom fangs that closes around his head. Causing Goth to reach for his neck, realizing that his head is still attached to his body as the image was too lifelike for his liking. He sees a pale white skin in the center of the liquid as the remainder of the liquid slowly turns into a seemingly black dress. His eyes slowly traces the pale features of a woman that has goth him intrigued, mesmerized by it’s beauty as if it is trying to seduce him with her beauty. He is fully aware that Melissa is in the bedroom that is being separated by a mere door that has been completely covered by the same goo he had seen on the ceiling earlier. Making him wonder what is going on.

“This can’t be real??”

“You tell me what is real and what isn’t these days Gerrit…,”

The same voice echoes through his head as he snaps it from left to right, trying to focus on the direction it is coming from. But the hollow sound makes it impossible for him to pinpoint the origin as he slowly raises his hands towards his head in an attempt to block it out from his mind.

“And I will tell you that you have been living in a lie since day one mortal child.”

The words mortal child causes his eyes to snap open wide, veins are emerging around his iris as fear is creeping in. Sweat is pouring down his face as if he is standing in a rainstorm as his hair is clinging to his face and black goo is dripping from it. He is trying to speak, but he now realizes that his mouth is sown shut by wires that are too small for the naked eye to see. Desperately trying to open his mouth, only to feel his lips being ripped apart and sown shut at the same time.

His mind is racing with million different questions going on as he suddenly sees the pale white amazon of his past sitting in a chair in front of him. He realizes that she is sitting seemingly hundreds upon hundreds of miles away from him, wondering what had happened as his apartment cannot contain such a wide space between them. She is drinking from a glass that confines red wine like liquid. He had known this person to be a vampire, enjoying to drink blood from her victims. He had always felt anger boiling inside of him every time that he had seen her clench her thirst with it, but knew deep down inside that it was second nature as predators hunt for preys to hunt as so did she.

“Why all the troubled thoughts Gerrit??”

Her voice suddenly has added a dark low tone that causes his hair on the back of his neck to stand up and his back to shiver. He feels his heartbeat quicken as he seemingly has got no control over his body. He had  never experienced this when being in her presence, telling himself over and over that this is nothing more than a dream.

“Dream Gerrit? Oh why are you not giving me the credit of driving you insane?? What is it with you people, always trying to find a sensible answer to every possible flaw that you all contain. You make me sick….”

The mood on her face changes, he sees the black goo emerge upon the muscles that showcase her dark expression that starts to emerge upon her features. He had seen her angry before, but he could not remember ever seeing her like this.

“Did the foul mouthed Goth lost his tongue?? Such a shame, I always enjoyed hearing your witty remarks.”

She says in a sadistic fashion, the goo engulfs her entire pale white face as he sees a darker side of her that he had never knew existed. The goo suddenly burns away her flesh, revealing features of her skull and her deadly fangs slowly being extracted from it’s confines. Goth suddenly feels the thin wires slowly vanishing from his lips as if they were stitches. Causing him to gasp as his lips are dried up as if he had come from a hundred day walk out of the desert, desperately seeking for something to drink.

“Why are you still haunting me??!!!”

He screams as he pushes his hands from the sofa that he is seated upon, feeling the goo burning his flesh away just as it did with his old arch enemy. He lifts the bone structure of his hands to his face as the cold breeze of air cools off the burning sensation and stops his blood from falling from his hands. Sensing that there’s skin slowly surrounding the bones while he smells the burnt flesh of old entering his nose as it troubles his mind.

“What the hell is going on???”

“Are you so ignorant to understand?!!!”

Goth’s eyes turn back towards Lady Ashe after hearing her scream towards him, he is searching for an answer from her as he could tell that she knew more. But notices that now it is her mouth that has been sown shut the same way as it was with him, causing his anger to boil to a burning point.

“What is it that you aren’t telling me?!!!”

He has gotten up from the sofa, he is taking steps towards her, but she seems to be pushed away from him further than he could gain upon her. He suddenly feels the goo wrap around his legs, stopping him from his attempt to reach the woman he has started to hate in his dreams. He feels the sweat crawl across his body, creating a black leather outfit that covers his entire body as if he is a submissive character. He reaches towards the spot where his mouth should be, ripping the zipper away from his mouth as it grants him the opportunity to communicate once more.

“I will never submit to you!!!!”

He hears the dark laughter once more, but this time it is mixed with a voice calling his name softly.


The voice causes him to stir, looking around him as the darkness surrounds him as the room has become merely a vicinity of merely a few steps.

“Go ahead Gerrit, run back to your escape in life.”

This causes him to turn his attention back towards Lady Ashe, khis eyes are burning with fire as he cannot control his emotions. He lifts his hands towards the mask, wanting to rip it off his head only to realize that there’s handcuffs around his wrists, making it impossible for him to extend his hands further than a few inches away. Scratching at the leather, trying to rip it to shreds this way as the zippers slowly close in front of his eyes.

“No, not my eyes.”

“Gerrit? What’s going on??”

And there’s that voice again, the softness of the voice causes his heart to slowly calm down from the constant racing state. He feels his hair slowly grow through the leather mask, followed by blood pouring from every hole that it contains. He feels his veins bulge out in his neck as he feels pain coming from every part of his skull as his skin emerges through the mask.

“What is going on???”

He utters over and over again, having difficulties catching his breath. Everything turns black for a few seconds before there’s a light shining brightly over him.


Goth’s eyes snap open as he is back inside his bedroom, standing in front of the mirror in the bedroom across his bed. He looks next to him as he notices his fiancé standing beside him with a concerned look on her face.

“How did I get here??”

“You don’t remember??”

He turns around, noticing that everything that he had seen in his dream has vanished. Realizing that it was another dream causes him to sigh of relieve. Yet he realizes that he is far from being separated from his evil nemesis of over 16 years ago. Causing him to shiver in fear as he does not know whether he is on the brink of losing his sanity or has already crossed the boundaries of any return. He then realizes that Melissa is still worried about him, giving her a small smile towards her in an attempt to comfort her.

“I guess I had a bad dream, maybe you need to tie me up next time.”

His reaction causes her to raise an eyebrow, but shakes her head only a few seconds later and laughs.

“You amaze me sometimes Gerrit, now let’s go back to bed.”

Goth laughs as he and Melissa walk back towards their bed before turning off the light and go back to sleep as we see a figure standing in the shadows smiling.

“Don’t worry Gerrit, I was only showing the tip of the iceberg…..”

Slowly the shot fades to darkness…..

The flip of the coin.

It’s late in the afternoon, Goth has been back after his workout, relaxing in a lounge chair on the balcony while overlooking the view in front of him. He is holding a glass of orange juice in his hand while wearing one of his older and more classic shirts from back in the day when he used to wear face paint. There’s a satisfied look on his face, knowing that his first ever match on Wednesday Night Warfare was exactly what he had told the world he would do against Latina Submission Machina. Sadly the original built for the match to be an Extreme Championship match had altered into one that was merely for pride. Or at least that’s how he looked at it, not caring what the mindset of the former champion was after she had to relinquish the title to the current champion. The mere thought of how much the match had been hyped made him realize that there was no way in hell that the former champ could ever deliver.

“Perhaps I should name myself the Dutch Submission Machine after what went through a few weeks ago.”

He says with a glee in his eyes while staring far into the distance as he doesn’t care to focus on anything in particular. The only thing that he is focused upon is his renewed opportunity to claim his first ever XWF championship gold at Relentless. But prior to that to occur he has not forgotten about his upcoming match against Centurion. A name that has made waves through this federation, something Goth has already realized that this will be a far more different confrontation than against LSM. Something that he cherishes to test his ability against someone that just like him has withstood the test of time.

“Perhaps there’s a valuable lesson to be learned for Latina, then again…. Who cares.”

He says while snorting once, lowering his head against the head rest of the chair. He lifts his glass in front of him before placing the crystal fabric of the glass against his lips and slowly takes a few sips from it. Savouring the taste that he has welcomed so many times since he had been sober for many years now. He has not desired the reactions of that what his body would get after being intoxicated, as he remembers how out of control he had gotten since the departure of his wife. He has vowed for several years now to stay alcohol free in sake of not wanting to miss out on raising his very own son as well as not wanting to break the bond that he has built up with Melissa through that period of time.

He looks into the glass, how different it has been for him prior to that fateful time of the passing of his wife. How easy he could just pour any type of alcohol down his throat and being capable to compete the very next day as if nothing had ever happened. But if he had to be honest, he knows now that he had been lying to himself. He was just too proud to admit it to himself and to the rest of the world that had already seen the writing on the wall. His belief in Karma had told him especially in the early moments after his wife’s passing that he was to be blamed. How foolish and mindless that must have sound to him nowadays. Back then it had every arrow pointing at him for the mere fact of having taken life as a joke and being a liability to everyone in his near presence.

“Luckily how things have changed haven’t they??”

He smirks, taking another sip from the glass consisting the orange juice before placing it next to him on a small table. He places his hands in front of his face in a pyramid shape, his fingers tips touching each other while staring into the void as he does not wish to stare straight into the camera.

“I have taught you a valuable lesson Latina, I hope you understand how some of you are never meant to have a long and distinguished career like mine. It’s clearly playing with fire when you are so poorly indulged in the line of business that people like yours truly have made a name for themselves in order to survive everything that our Dear Lord could possibly throw at us. Teaching us all a valuable lesson that some of us were meant to dominate while as others can only dream of it. You can be the judge upon whether you consist of the genes of option number one or option number two.”

He remains silent for a moment or two, knowing that there will not be an answer given. But he was not searching for an answer, he prefers to educate those who are in need for a wakeup call. Something that he knew Latina Submission Machina had received loud and clear. Only to shake his head, telling the world that he has no faith that the message has been received loud andclear.

“You disappointed me senorita, but I know disappointment is merely a part of life isn’t it?? Some are nearly born with the curse of having a life that consists of having enough oxygen for a 100 meter sprint…, while others are created to run a marathon and pick their moment to strike. Far more entertaining than merely wasting it all as if you feel an explosion tremble through your body only to subside after having lighted a cigarette for enjoying the hard labour of someone else isn’t it??”

“Now before you all start to quote me, start to assume a deeper meaning behind my words…. I urge you not to waste my time by sending in possible answers upon social media, because there isn’t any price to be gained… especially not my undying respect. That is something that needs to be earned inside the squared circle. Something I am sure that Centurion will have less trouble to perform his role in my master plan that will ultimately end up in obtaining a championship goal.”

“But before I forget my manners…. Welcome in my humble life Centurion, I hope you will gladly accept the gift wrapping that contains the prized possession that I desire greatly. The gift of respect, something that I had felt that was lacking with my last opponent on this wonderful middle of the week day. And why not I have been young once. I valued to rebell against the establishment, yet I learned from my mistakes that to this very day I have yet to hear from the former submission artist of this industry. But I expect tide to change when it comes down to you.”

Goth slowly stands up from the lounge sofa, he walks over towards a table where a coin is found. He grabs the coin and holds it close to his face as he smiles.

“I know respect is to be earned in this profession, so I will not go out and demand it. I just want to do it the old fashioned way, earning it by putting on a great match with another great competitor. Yet, a great competitor that I wish to devour inside that squared circle with wrestling abilities… of course I hope that people will not assume that I have gotten some cannibalistic tendencies all of the sudden. But we all know how words can have a deeper layer than simple minded people can comprehend don’t you agree??”

Goth stares at the coin, holding the side of heads upwards, the side of the coin that would allow him to pick a stipulation of the match between him and Centurion if he would be the one that gets the opportunity to pick the stipulation.

“Isn’t this amazing? I know nowadays these options of payment are created by machines. But the mere thought that way back, when machines had not taken over our daily routines in our lives that these coins were handmade still baffles me to this very day. But then again, I have always had an interest in things where others may or may not decide to keep their knowledge limited by merely what show will be streaming next and on what platform. It’s always easier to have information being dictated by those who wish to uphold the narrative of your education. A proper example of false upbringing has already been mentioned several times by yours truly, but I hate to accused of being a repetitive old sod…. It’s time to move on to bigger things in life.”

“The question I have to ask you my friend, are you that next step?? Are you the next crossroad in my life that I need to take to ultimately reach the end of the tunnel and bathe into the light of everything that is good? I hope you are my friend, I hate to be proven wrong and be disappointed even more than the last time that I have laced my boots in this company.”

“Although I already knew that I would not be experiencing the sense of surprise of being proven wrong. Because when you put limitless possibilities up against a clueless example of what should have never been…. Someone that could not even take it’s time to answer a simple question of how you would see me now inside that squared circle… Then it’s already judgmental to know that your career has been urged on to fail before it even started. But tell me, how will YOU satisfy my expectations my friend? Because I hate to be disappointed once more.”

He flips up the coin, watching it land on his hand before turning it over on the back of his other hand and reveals the side of heads once more.

“Heads, such an interesting concept, the head. The side of a coint hat showcases the face of one person that had meant something in our lives. Whether it is a member of royalty, a former president… Someone that you could always look back upon with respect. Making hard decisions, for sure harder for whatever stipulation being brewed inside the imagination of one fucked up mind. Because let’s face it, the days of pillow fights have been left behind us a very long time. Something that will already give me a good assumption of what type of individual you really are. A well respected individual that either picks something that has got gore written all over it, or merely the fine art of respectof traditional art of wrestling. No matter what it may be, I doubt you will ever stoop as low as someone that I had attempted to arrange contact with through the thin wires of manipulation.”

Goth has a huge smile upon his face as he flips up the coin once more and this time it lands upon tails.

“Tails, the opposite of heads obviously. Ironically to have two sides being so close attached to each other have such a different meaning when you hear the name of the two parts. The head or the tail…. The mind that thinks and the horses…. Well hairy end that is attached to the end of it all that shits down upon us all isn’t it?? And yet, even though the differences of expectations of either side… it is still very close attached to each other as either side has a similar meaning for the paying customer… yet, I doubt they would ever search deeper into the meaning of either side… it would help them to turn into something beyond their own expectations this simple piece of currency. And yet for us, it will be so very different, for us it will be a deciding factor on what will be the fate of our confrontation. Heads, I pick. Tails, you pick. The question remains, will we pick wisely? Will we choose the fate of what is destined to grant one of the advantage over the other? I don’t care what it will be my friend, I only care of getting in the ring with a veteran like yourself and test whether the days of our careers has served us both well…. Well enough for the one to bea the other. “

“But I will not be mysterious, holding back upon whatever stipulation I shall pick. Because I wish to take matters into my own hands and let the world know. Let it know what I have got in my own mind of what I wish to choose. And I have decided to pick the stipulation of making it a Submission Only style match If I do manage to win the toss of fortune and fame. Because I prefer open clarification, I prefer to look you in the eyes when you already know what it will be. To see of whether you have the confidence in battling me in my terms or prefer something so much different.”

He nods his head and smiles as he is in agreement with himself.

“I just hope I do not step on your toes if that was also the pick that you had in mind my friend. Although it would be sweet justice to see how two similarities have come together inside that spectre of the squared circle. Wanting to earn the respectof the other by making him tap out or utter the words I submit. I wish to know who of the two is the better man, I wish to know who the better wrestler is. And we both know we will tell the other that it is I….. and then you can fill in the remaining dots to clarify the name… The name of the oppressor, the name of the deciding victor as HE has eye for the final detail that separates the greats from the good. I look forward to enter that realm with you, I look forward to walk into the still unknown territory that is XWF and make it mine. Latina Submission Machina was just an afterthought, nothing special. Not even a conclusion that had made me believe thatI have come to the right place. But you?? YOU?? Oh yes, I am now ready to unleash the true potential of that what I truly posses. Because I know you will, I know that you do not wish to leave your thoughts in doubt… Because I am the one that will grant you the answer of that what you do not yet know…. That I am the King of Kings and I will set you free…..  I see you Wednesday my friend, have a good one.”

With that the shot slowly fades as Goth takes another sip from his orange juice

[Image: gothbanner2.png]

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