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Author Message
Lord Raab Offline
"The Green Disease German Monster"

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-31-2022, 07:53 PM

While the location was the same as Lord Raab being in the alleyway, along with the green slime and green matches in hand with the metal barrels, what was going to be different, however, from Lord Raab's discovery was the language. Lord Raab told Henry he would be speaking a foreign language that wasn't German. He stands there and has the camera close to him as he clears his throat.

Lord Raab: "I know what you all are thinking; why am I speaking in Norwegian? Because I have family living there for one and two, I bet my opponent can understand me better than in English, considering he comes from where my family member lives, Oslo. Interesting Unknown Soldier, I bet you never thought I'd be able to speak in your native language, huh? That's not important; what is our match against each other in a match setting I've missed for a long time, Xtreme rules style."

It was the one match that left Raab with a massive smile as Henry's completely lost, not having a clue what Raab said. Raab pours some slime on the concrete pavement before he continues.

Lord Raab: "How I craved to bust your fucking head open Unknown Soldier, especially on what you've achieved here, so maybe for once in my life, from no choice, I respect you as a wrestler. Not something I usually say, but you've earned it when you've held every title here. You defeated Big Oswald in a cage match last week, but let's be honest: he was never a hardcore wrestler. He wasn't born to be violent or bust one another open as we are. I've seen how you wrestle, and you can take my violence to another level."

Nodding at the camera as if Raab was speaking the truth as Henry got the lighter for the barrels. He lit one up before dropping the green match to the one on the left. Raab licks his lips, enjoying that he's speaking in a different language for once, even if Henry shrugs due to not understanding Norwegian. Still, he wanted to point out a match that stuck out for him regarding Unknown Soldier.

Lord Raab: "I know you're going to shit talk about me losing matches consistently, but everyone is too thick-headed to know that I didn't come here to win matches. I don't give a shit about losing, so you can forget talking about that. That's a typical motive for you. However, you got pinned by Sarah Lacklan's ass-kisser, Ruby, a girl my twin brother has defeated in the ring. How embarrassing for a former world champion to lose to her. It's embarrassing that you'll never ever get the XWF Universal title again. I think you're a fucking sad, disgraceful piece of shit yourself. What do I expect from an overrated hasbin wrestler who's come back for more starlight because he's too scared of wrestling anywhere else."

Then Henry places a green flame into the other barrel as Raab looks intense at the camera, shaking his hands out.

Lord Raab: "I agree with everything you said about Oswald; money doesn't mean shit in this business and shouldn't be a part of a wrestler. There's nothing about my real life other than my twin brother you will ever find in my videos. Why? Because, unlike your weak ass, I don't need to hang around with wrestlers like Latina Submission Machina to get attention. You will never see me hang around a wrestler because I'm a pure wrestler that prefers to go on camera, talk shit about weak punks like you and fight. That's my job, not to make friends. Everyone on Anarchy is my enemy, including you."

Raab knew that he hadn't spoken much about the rules of the match and what it meant to him to face Unknown Soldier.

Lord Raab: "I can't wait to batter the living shit out of you with weapons to crack your skull open and potentially end your career because you have no reason to come out and wrestle again. When I've held every title in a company, I move on; I don't stay there to continue it. I can't wait to showcase the violent skills I miss so much because of some dumbass tournament I didn't want to be a part of. I will show you why I came here, and that's to be violent, to rip your body apart and use multiple heads to the chair and crack your fucking skull. They don't call me green disease for no reason."

Licking his lips as Henry places the other match in the right-hand side barrel, although Raab notices he hasn't got very much talking time left.

Lord Raab: "I'm a diseased piece of shit, and I'm going to destroy you with kendo sticks, chairs, chairs and all the other stuff you can learn at a local gym. You will be so battered and fucked up that you won't be breathing after this match. Because I will be the one to put your stupid ass in there. I'm going to fuck you up in so many ways that I know I won't be disallowed if I beat the shit out of you because you're going to act like I'm going to care about your words. Oswald tried to get my attention, but he failed to. I can't wait to prove I'm more violent than you and beat you to the hospital. I don't care about winning this match; it's not important to me, but to remember my violence in the ring. Prepare to be Green Disease German Monster because it won't end well for you."

The cameras went black.

[Image: AgO3KzJ.png]

[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]

I love AJ Allmendinger.
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