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We Don't Talk About, Tommy?
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-11-2022, 05:20 PM

[After what went down in Texas and with what happened during Wargames 2022, Tommy had been around as much as he usually is. He is currently in his many private estates, healing Josie in one of the spare bedrooms, as she had a prosthetic leg on her right leg that was previously cut by Tommy for the ritual, and away from the world. He sits there, as he watches the nurses helping her out of the bed. Then he hands her a bowl of lukewarm porridge to give to her to eat near her bedside table. As he watches her eat, he suddenly felt  bad about what went down.] 

T: Look, I am sorry for what happened these last couple of weeks, I had to do it.

Josie: I don’t care about it, all I am glad is that you shot her instead of me! I was getting sick of her anyways.

T: I thought you both had love for one another?

[Josie then stop eating midway through, and looks at Tommy.] 

Josie: Well… we did… but during our threesum… I already knew what was going to happen. Someone had to go, and I knew it wasn’t gonna be me. 

T: If so, then why did you start screaming at me about me shooting Darlene then?

Josie: Look Tommy, we don’t need to talk about this anymore. The past is the past. Now, do you want us to fuck or what? This prosthetic leg is getting kinda lonely, and i haven’t felt you in me for awhile.

T: I don’t think I got the time for it, I got other plans to deal with. 

Josie: Like what?... oh right, i saw the tickets on the dining room table last night. You don’t need to go to Puerto Rico this coming week. 

[Then she pulls the ticket out of her shirt, and he tries to get it from her. But she kept on pushing back on him not to get it, then he ended up “tussling” for his ticket on the bed. Then she ends up on top of him, and gives a devilish grin, then they make out for awhile. After their primal urges had past, Tommy finally get this plane ticket from her and gets out of the bed. Then she grabs his arm, as if she don’t want him to leave.]

Josie: I don’t want you to leave me and this house alone, I don’t know what to do without you. 

T: Don’t worry about it, you have aides coming in to keep you company that’s been covered. You don’t need me around to watch you. 

Josie: Alright, fine… you go to Puerto Rico, and oh good luck in your fatal four way thing. I’ll try to keep an eye out on the TV in the living room. 

[Tommy then kisses her on the cheek, and heads out of the room to get his luggage. Then he came back to her room, and she was getting back in bed, trying to hide her phone. Tommy then pays it no mind and leaves her, as it fades out with her texting her mystery partner.]

“I don’t feel too bad about what I did, but it turned out that she got that Stockholm syndrome for me. It feels weird I let her be a part of my life, when I had supposed to kill her in the process, but I guess she kinda gives me those vibes I never had felt before. She looks like a person who I dated back when I was in Middle School. I knew that she had cheated on many boys before I got involved. I guess she reminded me of her, and I already know she’s up to somethin. 

But enough about her, now I am flying to Rico in some bullshit Fatal Four Way. With three people who I don’t need to bother to mention, let alone to deal with all this traveling back and forth to the different places. I do get flight credits though, so maybe one of these day I might use them to take a vacay to Jamaica, and grow my hair out and smoke some bob marley.

Until that day comes, that’s going to be awhile for that to occur. For now, I guess I have to settle for the worst to come around Anarchy for me, I think to myself why am I in this shit with three people who aren’t on my level of the game? Maybe Raab, but still he managed to take an L to the former so called commish that Vinny had to play with for about three months.  Alex Blade? I don’t know who that is, but whomever he is, good luck because he’ll need it badly. T-Law can go O.Bey on Trump's dick to help him from being exposed as a fraud, oh wait he couldn’t prevent that from happening just like his chances of evening going far in this fatal four way. 

Man, all I hope for is after this match, I can go to my resort and eat some seafood and shit, because i’ll be too hungry to be worried about three guys who’d be unable to step foot in a resort without them questioning why they are there, no hate on they non existent wallets full of xbux, but that wouldn’t get them far right?

I guess so, and well they will end up going down to the beachside with their heads up for the Tidal wave like if they were Kenaue Reeves in Knock Knock, where seaweed is what they can eat before they starve to death, after this night is over with.

As Reggie would say… Adiós, perras, prepárense para ser lastimadas por mí!”
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