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Joined: Thu Sep 03 2020
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08-11-2022, 10:57 AM
It’s been almost a month since I caught Covid and it caused me to be removed from War Games, and while I have tested negative multiple times, I have stayed in Canada enjoying a little R & R before getting back on the road. Sadly, tonight I have to catch a plane to San Juan, Puerto Rico for my first match back at Thursday Night Anarchy against Xavier Lux. I have been doing everything possible to make sure I’m 100% for my return but I still find that it feels like I have a weight on my chest crushing my lungs making it impossible to fully catch my breath if I push too hard. I went to see a doctor about this and all they said was that the virus caused a little bit of scar tissue on my lungs and while it should clear up on its own it could take months, even years before I am back to what I was before. While I have been medically cleared to wrestle again and can’t wait to get back in front of all those fans that pay their hard-earned money to see us, part of me is scared that maybe I’m not ready and that I’m rushing back into the ring because of the guilt I feel about letting the fans and Mastermind down at War Games.
I walk into the Toronto gym that I have been training at for one more workout before heading to Puerto Rico.
I sit down on one of the benches and throw my bag down on the ground beside me. I sit there for a few minutes with my head down and you can see that something is bothering me as a tear can be seen running down my left cheek. I feel a hand drop onto my shoulder snapping me out of my daze. I look up and see that the person was none other than former XWF wrestler Chris Evans or as most of you know him as Chasm. He looks down at me and you could see a look of concern on his face.
Are you ok?
I wipe away the tear on my cheek and look up at him and smile.
Yeah, I’m fine just got a lot on my mind.
He removes his hand from my shoulder and moves to sit down beside me.
Well, you know that I am always here for you and unless you ask my wife, I have been told I am a really good listener.
I give Chris a pity laugh at his poor attempt at a joke.
Thanks, Chris. I am just a little worried that maybe I am rushing back too soon and that maybe I should have taken the month off and looked at returning in September.
I totally understand that as you might remember I have returned to the XWF more times than I can count and truthfully most of those times I wasn’t even close to being ready for the craziness that is the XWF, but I did need more because I needed a guaranteed paycheck and honestly if you ask me now if it was worth it, I would tell you no it wasn’t. I did so much for that company and actually had a pretty good career until I started caring more about the pay than the fan or if I even put on a good match and now no one remembers all the good I did in the XWF and can only see the shell of a man that was only there to get paid.
Chris puts his hand on my knee and looks at me straight in the eyes.
I have been watching you come in here almost every day and busting your ass. Sure you still might not be at 100% but honestly, no wrestler is ever at 100% when they come back from an injury, and the only way you are going to get there is by getting back into that ring because unlike me all I see when I look at you in that ring is something that wants to be there, someone that wants to be a champion someday. So, it’s just about time for my intermediate class to start so I don’t know if you want to give me a hand?
Sure, that sounds like it could be fun.
Chris smiles at me and gets up from the bench.
Perfect, so how about you go quickly get changed, and meet me and the class over at the ring.
He walks away and heads over to the wrestling ring that is set up in the far corner of the gym where you can see a few students waiting for him. I grab my bag and head to the changing room to get ready.
You know what Chris is right while I am not 100%, I am more than ready to get back into that ring and prove to the XWF management and fans that while I might not always take everything seriously, I’m not someone to take lightly. When I beat Vita I felt on top of the world, but then I got tagged with Liam and while I love the guy he isn’t something you want to be tagged with, and then I caught Covid so that high quickly came crashing down, but I am ready to feel that way again and the first step is winning at Anarchy and beating Xavier.
Xavier the only thing I know about you is that you beat Liam and sorry that isn’t anything special as most of the roster has done that and shouldn’t be anything you are proud of. I just hope you don’t think that because me and Liam have tagged and are good friends that I am going to be an easy win like he was or you are in for a nice little surprise and I can’t wait to get the chance to give you a nice Kiss Goodnight.
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