Private Medical Facility
Las Vegas, Nevada
Ft: Candice Wolf-Page
It’s been five days since securing victory at the 2022 Cannabis Cup event that was surely successful on a larger platform. Being fifty-two years old is a blessing and a curse when it comes to not only recovery time but just what toll matches of this magnitude have on me. I probably shouldn’t have wrestled on Monday Night against someone twice my size but if I’m one thing I’m a man of my word when I commit.
I knew going in I was dealing with injuries, and while it wasn’t my prettiest “w” it’s one I will take.
Our scene opens inside a private room at an undisclosed medical facility in Las Vegas, Nevada where Chris Page and his bride Candice Wolf-Page are seen waiting for Chris’s doctor. Chris is resting as comfortably as he can on a bed that is in an upright position while Candice sits in a chair on rollers at his bedside.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Proof positive you aren’t perfect as you lay here on a Friday and not at a Cult event.
Chris just shrugs.
CHRIS PAGE: Eh, nobody’s perfect. I guess I need to line up a teleporter through Kay-Fabe Airlines if I am going to make this double shot.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Depending on what the Doctor says you might not be doing shit.
CHRIS PAGE: Babe, I’m fine.
There’s a light knock heard from the door before it slowly opens as Chris’s doctor pokes his head into the room.
DOCTOR: Chris?
Making sure he’s in the right location the Doctor enters the room, closing the door behind him to ensure privacy. He takes a seat in a chair on the opposite side of the bed from Candice.
DOCTOR: How we feeling?
CHRIS PAGE: The words hammered dog shit come to mind.
DOCTOR: Well, you probably have good reason to feel that way. I looked over your scans and X-rays buddy, and it looks like you’ve been involved in a damn car wreck. I’m seeing three cracked ribs, I’m seeing massive internal and external bruising, and you’ve got a lot of fluid on your left knee.
Chris nods his head, his facial bruising still present, stitches still keeping his forehead in one piece. Fucking pizza cutters. The Doctor then states.
DOCTOR: You don’t look surprised.
Chris slowly turns his head toward Candice who looks at him with her arms crossed seemingly holding her tongue.
CHRIS PAGE: I wish I could say it was breaking news.
Chris tilts his head back around toward the Doctor.
DOCTOR” Chris, I don’t know how to say this without just shooting straight with you. You’ve got to tone this stuff down. You aren’t in your thirties anymore, and while you think you can keep this up your body is telling you a completely different story.
Chris interjects.
CHRIS PAGE: Let’s be fair it’s not every day someone does a stage dive off a third-floor balcony with me breaking their fall.
DOCTOR: Stop trying to rationalize things, Mr. Page. It’s part of why you’re here right now.
Candice can no longer sit and listen as she states.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Let me ask you this, Doc. In your opinion should he be trying to compete this weekend?
Chris holds up two fingers as he whispers.
DOCTOR: In my expert opinion, the last thing Chris should be doing is getting back in the ring this weekend let alone the next six to eight weeks. You have to remember the risks you will be taking. There’s a huge difference between cracked ribs versus broken ones; not to mention how quickly internal bruising can turn into internal bleeding.
Chris lets out a small sigh as he tilts his head up toward the ceiling of his room, he closes his eyes letting everything sink in while the Doctor continues.
DOCTOR: Ultimately you need to slow down all the way around.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Did you hear that!?!?
Candice slaps Page on the left arm causing Chris to open his eyes where he tilts his attention toward the Doctor.
CHRIS PAGE: What’s say I do try to gut it out through the weekend. Can we at least drain the fluid on the knee?
DOCTOR: Chris I don’t think that’s the best idea. You aren’t the most liked guy on the planet, and if someone takes liberties with you I don’t know how much you’re going to be able to take, physically.
CHRIS PAGE: How about answering my question? I am not asking you for your opinion, I’m asking you to drain the goddamn fluid so I can get the hell out of here.
DOCTOR: If that’s what you want to do…
The Doctor gets up out of his seat and heads back toward the door.
DOCTOR: I’ll be right back.
The Doc exits the room closing the door behind him where Candice immediately lashes out with concern.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: You can’t be seriously entertaining this! You heard what he said and you are still entertained making both the shows this weekend? I can’t begin to understand why you want to put yourself at risk; especially for the XWF, they never appreciated you.
Candice continues.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: They guys and girls on that card don’t even give a fuck that you, and several others had to bail them out so they can all make a payday. They gave Thaddeus an over-the-top reveal on Twitter, but what did they do for you or Dick Powers? Right!
CHRIS PAGE: Babe, that’s exactly why I am going to do it. I signed the waiver earlier this week releasing me from being a General Manager on the 31st and resuming duties on August 1st.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: This is fucking stupid.
CHRIS PAGE: That’s where you’re wrong. All the talent in the XWF tried to pretend that I am not a pretty big deal. I worked my way to the top, I won the Universal Championship, I ran with that title and defended it MORE consecutively than their beloved ALIAS. I moved the fuck on and created a BRAND that completely discredits their words, and yet they’re still dumb enough to pretend it’s not a fact.
Chris pauses before continuing.
CHRIS PAGE: It’s because of the level of disrespect they’ve put on my name that makes this a can’t miss for me. I’ve slain the king, I’ve slit the throat of a Queen, I’ve beaten monsters and giants. Excuses aren’t my style, and I agreed to this before I walked through hell with Corey Black. If anything, knowing that I am walking in behind the eight-ball only serves as further motivation for me to cram down all of their throats.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: You and your justifications. You need to call Theo and tell him to fuck off with all of this.
CHRIS PAGE: I wish I could, babe. My mind is set and at this point this is about showing up and putting them all to shame. It's not going to be pretty, it's not going to be easy, but it's damn sure going to be a lot of fun... at least for me.
It seems as if I rubbed YOU the wrong way.
Dare I say that some of YOU are… mad?
My sincerest apologies for single-handedly making this goddamn event something worth paying attention to. Why couldn’t YOU do that YOURSELF? Don’t feel bad about showing the lack of creativity that runs through that brain of YOURS. If I were YOU I’d be embarrassed not only for YOUR actions that have led to guys like Thad, Dick, and YOURS truly being called upon to bail YOUR asses out so this show happens BUT I’d also be asking myself what could YOU have done to have made the state of the XWF any better? It could start with living up to YOUR potential. What I mean when I say that YOU should take a step back and look at YOURSELF and the effort YOU have put in, or in YOUR case, lack thereof. Anytime YOU pick and choose when to give a shit doesn’t make YOU great, it shows how complacent YOU are. What makes someone great is being able to give 100% EVERY night your name is booked on a card. YOUR problem rests within YOURSELF yet it’s just easier to blame other people for YOUR lack of inability.
It’s cute because I can tell those that I’ve rubbed the wrong way. YOU made it rather obvious… but when YOUR name is Chris Page you grab those headlines and garner the attention of the masses.
Ask me if I care.
Ask me if anything YOU have to say about me matters when I’m here today and gone tomorrow.
More importantly, ask me if it’s the first time I’ve heard the petty insults that YOU think are clever when in reality I’ve been hit harder by dumber people. Do better… then again don’t, continue to display why guys like me had to bail out guys and gals like YOU. Can we talk for a moment about how any of YOU can stake a claim to victory? Most of YOU speak like it’s a foregone conclusion like YOU can predict the future or some shit. It makes me question if YOU have ever been involved in a single War game. This is arguably one of if not the most unpredictable environment that anyone can be a part of. Unless YOU magically have eyes in the back of YOUR head YOU don’t stand any better chance of being the last person standing when the smoke clears and the dust settles.
I’m not here for a makeshift king.
I’m not here for an overgrown dick.
I’ve made it clear Ozzy is the fuel to the fire even if for just one night.
Much like I am not here for my team I don’t expect my team to be there for me. I know better than anyone else that the moment my name was announced to interject because it is unfair for one team to pick partners but is perfectly fine for another, I knew that some of the mouths on the roster started to salivate at the mere thought of being able to say they’ve defeated the face of professional wrestling; I mean, it comes with the territory when you’re a global talent versus circle jerking with the same group of hands. I like to feel different grips. My point is that I know that it’s a long shot for me to show up and be the last person standing, but that doesn’t mean I can take YOU down in the process.
Unlike most of you, I live in the real world.
… but what if?
I mean while YOU talk down to me, while YOU are reduced to reaching back to last year for material I am still the same guy that YOU said would never make it to the Universal Title, YOU are the same person that when the chips were down wasn’t anywhere to be found, YOU are the one that made a career out of manipulating any narrative. I have made an XWF career out of proving YOU wrong, so what the fuck makes this any different? I could waste my time running YOU down one by one… but if I’m being honest after I watched most of my competition last week, I don’t see a goddamn person standing out, so I have elected to be different.
… YOU should try it.
It baffles my mind just how many of YOU are cookie cutters.
For the record, if I’m as terrible and overrated as YOU want me to believe why are only THREE of you out drawing me as I speak? Numbers don’t lie, people do. Aren't YOU human? I fucking thought so. Go sit at the kiddie table where YOU belong because the grown folks are taking care of some business. Speaking of business, thank YOU for taking the bait. I’m well aware that the secondary champion TRIED to get on the card, there’s a difference between TRYING and doing. Effort versus Results. So, how does it feel knowing Theo would rather book me rather than book YOU?
Thank you.
Fuck you.
Moving on.
No, wait- a manager cries about it, and the world fucking changes… How
… Wait, I don’t have to lower myself to that standard. Only pussies do that. What’s the matter? Afraid of some competition for YOUR “client”. Don't worry, YOU don't have to run off into the shadows, Alias isn't back yet/ Yeah, that’s what I gathered out of YOUR words too. New Flash, I wasn’t the only one that called YOU a bitch for it either. Think about that while you sit on the sidelines with YOUR thumb up your ass finding something else to cry about that has nothing to do with ME and everything to do with YOU and YOUR superiority complex. I do appreciate all the time YOU gave little ole me for a guy that YOU claim doesn’t matter in the next fucking sentence; it kinda seems like you're overcompensating for something. I welcome YOU to try, and if YOU get that itch as you claim I happen to know several places that don’t mind hosting it. The last thing I am is a hard man to find. The question has always been are YOU afraid to take that leap of faith?
Have fun with that, chode.
Now, this is where things are going to get fun because guys, I have nothing to lose with everything to gain. I’m going to now shift my attention to YOU. Yeah, I’m talking to YOU. I have very high expectations that our paths will be crossing in some form or fashion. It’s not every day that YOU are graced with the presence of greatness. YOU have created a lot of buzz but I have to question why YOU pledged your loyalty to a guy that sees nothing in YOU, and only hit YOU up because he knew I was. Don’t confuse this with sour grapes because when YOU represent talents within the industry there’s more than enough to go around. YOU should have done YOUR homework, but no worries because I plan on showing YOU the errors of your ways. We’ve all come to fight for something, and while I might not be able to reap any rewards doesn’t mean that I don’t have a point to prove at YOUR expense. I wonder how YOU will react knowing that a replacement is a name on the tips of the tongue of the masses when that smoke clears and that dust settles.
This is YOUR last opportunity to leave that lasting impression that YOU have been looking for.
For one night one YOU have the opportunity to take all the liberties YOU want because I can damn sure guarantee that I’m going to take mine! Within a structure that is all about being opportunistic, there’s only one of us that has a track record of exploiting that very word. New flash, it isn’t YOU.
Now I know I’ve got YOU reeling.
I’ve got YOU wracking your walnut brain.
There’s room at the table for a few of YOU… only one person is sitting at the head of it.
My wife thinks I have a death wish, my doctors tend to agree. This opportunity only comes knocking once for me and I can’t think of a better event to answer that door. I have all of YOU in one place, at one time. We are going to fucking find out just who the goddamn man is! We are going to find out who steps up and delivers EVERY TIME he’s asked, and just who brings the best out of YOU when just giving up a sliver of his time.
I’m sorry.
That isn’t YOU.
That’s ME.
And that pisses YOU off.
It should eat away at YOU because it only further solidifies why I am ME and YOU are… well… YOU. Cracked ribs, stitches in my face and body, a busted goddamn leg… yeah, on paper I’d probably be counting ME out to… but YOU don’t know what I do. I’m walking into this knowing that 25% of me is greater than 90% of YOU.
Do the fucking math.
If I’m walking… I’m fighting.
I’ll see YOU at War Games.
Chris Page > YOU.
Deal with it.
Oh yeah, if YOU think this about YOU… it probably is.
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion