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Jason Cashe Offline
Active in XWF

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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-20-2022, 11:43 PM


So this is the Show? This is where good names chase the chance to become great. Luckily for Ned Kaye, myself and Tact, it's not greatness we are chasing. Just two goons and a Peter named Vaughn. To me? That's not Warfare but a Fair for War and one we can win!"


"I have 2 Million Dollars in this Duffle bag. It's yours if you can knock me out.."

The man standing before Cashe was blocking out the sun. Not just standing before but also above Cashe. There were no doubt bigger men out there but this one was the elephant in the room currently so to speak. Not a room really, rather the parking lot. "You got two mill right now? On you?" Cashe responds as he looks up and into the eyes of this behemoth of a man.

Cashe was just here to enjoy a wrestling show. Wrestling Clinic: GrappleHouse, an event hosted by California Grapplers to be exact. Even the duffle bag that the man lifts up looks like a fanny pack to a normal man.

"Got it right here.." Slapping the bag, there was clearly something inside. "Now if I knock you down three times, it's over. You lose. I get something of value from you. Adds to my total earnings.." He says again, lifting the bag.

Looking around, Cashe looks at Josslynn who was right there with him. There were other people, mostly fans looking for autographs or workers trying to leave. "Do you do this often?" Nodding to the man as the question came out. "What's in it for you?" Cashe adds.

"It's training." His deep voice was almost John Coffee/Green Mile esq but this guy was white. "This is my life savings. Taking lunch money in grade school, snatching the chains off people I put down. I am the most complete fighter in the world! The GOAT, The BOAT, The IT in ALL this ShIT!" He brags.

"So like Deebo meets Boyka meets faaar too many Pro Wrestlers today?" Cashe grins. Suddenly realizing he hadn't gotten a name. "What can I call you?"

"Nathaniel aka Mr. Shakedown." His stare showed he was dead serious. Cashe again looked at Josslynn. They both laughed.

"Is this guy serious?!" Josslynn questioned.

"I do believe so but umm.." Cashe responds to Josslynn before staring up at this Nathaniel guy. "And all I have to do is knock you out without getting knocked down three times?"

"Very simple rules Mr. Cashe.."

Eyeing the bag of what is supposed to be money in a bag. Cashe had the idea to grab and run but the bag was handcuffed to the massive-bodied man. "Don't forget, you have a match TONIGHT in Arizona!" Josslynn was kind to remind Cashe. "If you're going to do this, save some room for AW dessert…"

"You're right." She was right. Having a Title to defend later in the night was something Cashe had to keep in mind. This was two million dollars though. "Fuck it!"

Cashe lunges forward with a haymaker, catching the big dude to the lower part of his chin. He had to be at least 7 foot and damn near as wide. The towering man who calls himself 'Mr. Shakedown' smiled in response.


"There is a fine line between a Friend and a Foe. I don't place trust in too many because that shit comes back on you. Hell, I've broken trust as much as someone has broken it on me. I've never been one to work with or against the 'powers that be' and if I was picking a squad that best fit ME? It would be among Bastards of a favorable kind. The truth is though? I don't want to take the comfort route.

I like Theo but in a lot of ways, Theo and I are different. That difference increases with Ned Kaye and even more now with Raidon Kido. They are different from each other but THAT is the very point. Three people, three personalities, three approaches to that squared circle. It's risky but there IS potential for it to be something special!

It is because of that potential that I trust in the process of what Theo wants this to become. I will trust Ned Kaye, I will trust Raion Kido but I'm not completely sold on trusting Larry 'Mutton Chops' Tact..

Sure, Ned and I went down and saved his ass. When Bam Miller and Elijah Martin started looking smart for a change, I knew it was time to clear up any of their confusion. It wasn't so much helping Tact but just not letting Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum have a moment. Without someone to hold his hand, Elijah can't win a match these days. He beat Bam but really.. Is Bam the same guy who was spouting off at the mouth and calling for the big fights like he was after OCW? Maybe it's just now people know it's just hot air leaving out between a pair of lips.

End of the day, I respect that Tact showed up in a company he doesn't work for. To attack someone who he has issues with. I can relate to that multiple times over but really.. Hahaha.. How are you going to jump the guardrail and still GET your ass whooped? Element of surprise has never looked so poorly used.. Good job sucking Tact but have no fear!

Ned Kaye and myself will be there to carry the load. Just enjoy the ride because for this match, we're cruising!"


Two rights to the body and a headbutt to the much larger man's chest. Cashe lays into him, stumbling back a few steps. The crowd of fans that had been there for California Grappling were there circling around Jason Cashe and this Nathaniel man, Josslynn, among them just watching.

"Get em Baby!" Josslynn shouts as she cheers on Cashe. So far it was an offensive showing by Cashe. Punches in bunches and a few elbows thrown. Cashe fakes an overhand right and with a left foot, kicks the big man to the balls. He drops to a knee and lets out a deep groan.

"Night Night time!" Cashe howls as he skates in with a big right Elbow targeting the forehead of Nathaniel but the big man lifts Cashe as he stands tall. Cashe goes high up and is held in a Gorilla Press! "Wait, wait, time out!" Cashe pleas. They go unheard as Mr. Shakedown turns and runs towards a line of vending machines, hurling Cashe at them and he crashes and smashes into the front window. It shatters as he slaps against the concrete below, candy, chips and other snacks pouring out.

"Ohhh cheetos!" Josslynn squats down next to Cashe and plucks up a bag off the ground. "Give him hell my love!" She adds and pats Cashe on the head a few times before getting out of the way.

"One down. Two to go.." Mr. Shakedown Nathaniel announces but not loud enough for anyone but Cashe to hear. "Take your time." He adds as he backs away to give Cashe time to collect himself.


"What more can I say about you Elijah? What more can I prove when I have said I had your number on Speed Dial and have SHOWED that no matter if it has been XWF or Action Wrestling! When does a rivalry become one sided? The answer is when one takes every win and someone is a common place loser.. That latter part has been you. When does that change?

Here? In this match? Will you feel that you've won something if you do it with partners carrying the load for you?

I know, I know, you'll go on about me taking victories in our Boiler Room Brawl or in that Triple Threat and have your excuses to try and discredit my wins but I DID win! I got up in the 10 seconds given to us both, you didn't. I pinned the guy who hit you with his finisher and won that Triple Threat. You can beat Bam, you can be placed in pity spot for the Anarchy Title but what you cannot and will not have a claim of is beating me. You can't. I won't let you.

You're not GOOD enough to get it done! That makes you mad doesn't it? It makes you bitter, it frustrates you to where you have sought after HELP to get the job done! First Bam, now Peter Vaughn?

On your little radio with Page, you both claimed to surround the ring in AW. To overwhelm me because there, I would be alone but it never happened. You aren't of VALUE to CCPE and it shows with the lack of investment you actually get within the Umbrella you stand underneath. And because of that we have the formation of the Grunts, the Shoe Shiners of CCPE, forming on Wednesday Night Warfare..

Elijah, I'm trying to be a good guy now, gooder than you anyway so please allow me to apologize for making you look soooo bad that the common is you being a World Class loser! I've put you in panties and called you a bitch and now it's Lexi who wears the pants in your relationship just like it is Page who has his hand up your ass playing with your G Spot as he works you like a fucking puppet!

I need to work on being the Good guy.."


Ducking the swiping grapple from Mr. Shakedown. Jason Cashe was looking to make 2 Million bucks off one fight. Not sanctioned and really, he didn't see that there was actually money in the bag. He liked these random encounters like it was a game of GTA.

"Let's play tag!" Cashe says after snapping a jab to the big man's midsection. Again ducking a swiping paw from the bear-sized man. "You're it!" Cashe begins dancing around. "Float like a Butterfly.." His feet begin to shuffle as he tries his best Ali impression. "Sting like a Bee!" He lunges with a looping Hook but his punch is caught in Nathaniel's palm. Cashe throws a left and it too gets snatched up in the palmed grasp of Mr. Shakedown's hand. "Uh Oh.."

Grabbed at the wrists, Cashe is forced to run in a circle as Mr. Shakedown begins to spin him around. As the speed picks up and Cashe begins to get dizzy, he is lifted off his feet and sent into a spin like you would do to a child. Mr. Shakedown lets go and Cashe goes soaring, crashing into a handful of people surrounding the fight. Like bowling pins, he knocks down close to a strike.

"That's two…" Nathaniel grunts as he shakes off his own dizziness.


"Bam, you and I have a few things in common. The fight is just where we want to be! Getting our asses whooped and whooping some ass, there are very few feelings in the world that top that! Yet I don't need a brick to lay my foundation.

I've used bricks before but what happens when the brick doesn't fill in the gap where your talent doesn't quite cover the spread? See that's where we differ. What you need is a security blanket. Maybe that's why you and Elijah get along. You both need backup. He needs you and you need a brick. Bring the brick, I'll lay the foundation over you like an old burial ground.

What happened to you Bam? You were this loose cannon, wild child after OCW. Like a trained killer let off his leash! You stepped into XWF making the most noise, waving your hands around wanting attention just for talking loudest. The reality became that you couldn't handle the pile you placed on your plate. You bit off more than you can chew and you walked away..

You did what Elijah talked about doing a year ago. You took your damaged pride and went home. Went to drag your feet and sulk because you couldn't back up the reach you claimed to want. Now you're a Hitman for hire so I have to ask.. How much did Elijah pay you?

Clearly Chris Page didn't know about it. He yelled at Elijah for going above his head. If the money is right, you'll hit someone and you came swinging on me. It makes sense really but does Elijah get his money back when you fail to help him win? Did he pay for that win on Anarchy a few weeks back? Heh..

Bam, we're the type who will take our enemies out for drinks because on sight or on site, we can get fucked up before someone gets fucked up. That is our idea of a good time without a beautiful woman being involved.

People want to get all deep in their syllables, say big words and think that having more of vocabulary immediately means you can whip someone's ass but I'm over here trying to cut throats with my ABCs while seeking 123s everytime I set foot in that ring be it against Hitman, Janitors, Champions or Grunts.

So Bam Bam, take your shot. I bet you'll miss."


"It's only a matter of time.." Mr. Shakedown says through a grin as Cashe keeps out of arm's reach. "I'm gonna get you! One more time Jason.."

"Catch!!" Josslynn hollers as she slides a tire iron across the concrete. Mr. Shakedown steps on it and shakes his head at Josslynn for her attempt.

"Aaaagghh!" Roaring out as he races towards the massive man, Jason Cashe is lifted up like Patrick Swayze lifted Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing. It could have been a beautiful lift but Cashe's eyes were wide with fear as he was held up high above Nathaniel by the waist. "RUUUUUNN!" Cashe cries as Mr. Shakedown turns and whips Cashe hard onto his back to the concrete floor. The wind knocked out of him as he sucks in air.

"HEEEY!" Mr. Shakedown spots Josslynn snatching the duffle bag that was no longer handcuffed to him. She hauls ass, leaving the area. Dragging himself to his feet, Cashe picks up the tire iron and scurries up from behind, clipping Mr. Shakedown to the back of his knee. "AAAAAAAGGHHH!" He roars as he collapses to the ground. Cashe takes another shot, hitting the man on the head as he tries to push to his feet. He slumps but still doesn't go limp.

"Geezus!" Ready to strike for a second time, Josslynn's voice grabs his attention.

"Let's go! We have a flight to catch!!"

Dropping the tire iron. "You're right. Time to go! Arizona is calling.." Cashe looks into the man's glossy eyes. He was at least dazed but obviously not knocked out. Reaching where Josslynn was waiting, she opened the bag to show him. It really was filled with money. She seems excited as they kiss, grab hands and hurry to the plane they know is waiting on them.


"Why are you even involved? Is it JUST because CCPE's Goof Troop, Bam and Elijah needed a NAME to help give them credibility heading into another losing opportunity? Vaughn, you and I were both among those purged from OCW. Both of us were shot out of canons and have had vastly different paths leading to this first meeting we will have inside the ring. I've done well for myself but you? You have had some highlights! Multiple Championships, XWF World Champion and I say world because to me, in my opinion, XWF can actually stake claim at having a Championship that is recognized on a World Level. Hell boy, you were OCW Champion when you got purged!

You've been on a rocket and have done very well for yourself in the process.. So why need CCPE? Maybe you were missing the actual spotlight of being a Top name. You are a Top 5 Talent that falls below any Top 5 ranking.

I almost forgot you're even the Supercontinental Champion! A position I plan to hold in due time. How much of your success can be attributed to CCPE or is it JUST in the name and attention it gets that has your interest?

I'm a grinder, I'm not here for the glitz and glamour of it. I'm just here to get a taste of the drug that we all chase the dragon for.

So Vaughn, I'm not going to be a match you've always wanted. I'm not on many lists for a dream match but you'll remember having this match with me in it. You'll remember that when we do get our chance to lock up that I might not be near that Top 5 where you belong but even in the nosebleed section where my number is called, I'll put a kink in your neck that you won't forget.. I might take your shoes. I might take your title from ringside just to piss you off but what would make it even worse for you? I might just beat you."


"Well, I've been thrown around before.. Just didn't make 2 million doing so!"

"I would say it's not good to take risks to your health but for 2 million?" Theo Pryce was having trouble making sense of the events Cashe told him about. "Are you sure it wasn't someone sent by Chris Page? Maybe Elijah?"

The idea had crossed Cashe's mind and maybe that was the case but something didn't make sense. "Why have the money? Why make a game out of it? I didn't make an official count of the actual amount but this is a lot of money!"

"Did you check it for a tracker?"

That had not been thought about. Turning to where Josslynn was with the money, Cashe snatches the bag from her lap. She gives him a pouting glare as he opens and digs around in it. "Shit!" He finds something and pulls it from the bag. Taped to a stack of money, there was a tracking device. "Yeah, pretty sure he is tracking this money.."

"Where are you now?" Theo asks with some concern in his voice even through the speaker of Cashe's phone.

"Still in Arizona.. Our flight leaves in the morning. He wouldn't come here!"

"I'd follow someone around the world for 2 million dollars…" Theo says and really, it makes sense. Most people would.

"Let him come!" Cashe declares. "I will not be Shaken Down! By him, by CCPE, nobody!" A knock is heard on the hotel door. "Fuck, do you think that's him?!"

[Image: z9f1KQC.jpeg]
[Image: OZdvB4F.png] x1 
[Image: l6KRzu8.png] x1 w/Kido Raion
[Image: jtHw5j1.png] x1
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[-] The following 5 users Like Jason Cashe's post:
Charlie Nickles (06-21-2022), Ned Kaye (06-22-2022), Raion Kido (06-21-2022), Theo Pryce (06-22-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (06-21-2022)

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