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Trying To Fail
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Jason Cashe Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-20-2022, 12:29 AM

"Good guys? Wait, we're the good guys?!" Jason Cashe seemed surprised, besides himself at the idea of it.

"Ned Kaye is a likable guy." Theo Pryce tries to give examples of how Cashe ended up on the good side of the equation. Adding, Theo has a grin on his face. "Plus, CCPE is pretty disliked by everyone NOT in CCPE.. Hard to out dick those pricks!"

As Cashe zoned out in a stare, it was like he was discovering a revelation in his life he wasn't aware of. "I dunno man.." He tries to make sense of it. "I drew a dick on that contract and embarrassed Elijah, can I at least claim Chaotic Neutral?"

Theo laughed at both the response and the way Cashe was taking it. Being the good guy was strange to him. "You ok?"

"I mean.. I think. I've never been a great villain per say. I've never kicked a puppy but.. Damn, the good guy? Like maybe Grey Jedi.. Never a Master on either side but I can big boot a baby and balance it out with feeding a stray dog some lunch meat?"

"I'm not sure that's an accurate balance.." Theo shook his head. "We'll work on it."

"I will try.."


"History often tells us of the errors made in the past. Yet in our history, there were no mistakes made.

I remember 'Lord' Raab before he had the name Lord applied. I remember Raab back when he was a goofy looking chubby buddy in 2012, both of us employed by a company called Action Packed Wrestling. He was even a general manager for a time. Someone who took shot after shot, loss after loss and just kept on getting up. You felt sorry for him but you learned to give the attempt some respect.

There aren't very many who would lose almost every match for a full calendar year and remain as dedicated to a company but that was Raab.

Raabies as I have always called him. I know him well.."


"Biggs!" Cashe speaks at his phone which was sitting on a table with the speaker on. On the other side of the table was Theo. Watching as his head shook side to side, he was simply entertaining Cashe's attempt to discover if he can be a 'good guy'.

".... Cashe?" A questioning response. Biggs was someone Cashe has also known since 2012. About the same time as Cashe has known Lord Raab. "How did you get my number?"

"Been had it. I prank call every few months.." Not letting Biggs have time to respond to that, Cashe continues. "Am I capable of being a Good Guy? I feel I'm more in the Neutral zone but I am too disliked to be considered a Fan Favorite, right?" There was silence on the other end of the call. "Biggs, you there?"

"I think he hung up.." Theo says with a smile on his face.

"See! If dicks are swinging, how am I not supposed to be a dick?!" You could argue that it was a valid point.

"What about your exes? Would they say you're a bad guy?" Theo asked but he knew the answer, he was just being a smart ass. Total dick move.

"Josslynn loves me, fuck what they think." Thinking about it, he adds. "I know who to call!"


"Raab and I have had a few battles. When you wore a mask, I tried to melt the mask on your face with a blow torch. We were aligned even for a time during the House of Howe days.. That was after APW. A time period I don't care to even remember existing.

You will remember those days. When you were still trying to figure out who you were. Mask or no Mask? Face paint or a different color scheme. Against all the hateful pricks who would try to throw mud at you for one reason or another. You took it all. You adjusted and grew through all of that but the one thing remains..

To my memory, in all the times we have fought. You've not ever beaten me.

APW, 4CW it didn't matter the location. The management that booked it, the fans who sat in attendance, the rankings that we both were trying to climb. I beat you.

You are for the lack of a better term, a Try Hard.

You have LOST every match in this Plump Pigeon Tournament and I have won ALL of mine. How many replacements have been made in this tournament and yet you still exist.. People cheer for Rocky but nobody picks the Mule in a Horse race and in these last few rounds of the Pigeon, I am the Steed in the Lead. You are the Donkey holding up the Ass end of the rankings.

Our Past gives us some shine but in comparison, there is none to be had! Our History, what we've been through is nice to remember but the outcome of what it was then will not change now. I will beat you. You will Try Hard but in the end, like the rest of this tournament has proven to show. Trying Hard has not won you nothing at all.."


"Serious question. Am I a bad guy?" This time, Cashe was dragging his words. This wasn't the best person to ask.

"You're dumb as hell, that's without question!"

"Mom, I'm serious.. Am I a bad person?" Cashe makes a face as Theo can be seen dying from laughter across the table. Almost falling out of his chair. Yet again, total dick move on his part.

"You're a mixed bag of nuts." Maybe the nicest thing she has said to him since before Thanksgiving. "Those who like you, like you. Those who don't, don't with a vengeance. That's life boy.. Now, I have a Man coming over and you're fucking with my Groove!"

Cashe hangs up the call. Theo was slapping the table accompanied by his laughter.

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[Image: OZdvB4F.png] x1 
[Image: l6KRzu8.png] x1 w/Kido Raion
[Image: jtHw5j1.png] x1
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (06-23-2022), Lord Raab (06-25-2022), Theo Pryce (06-20-2022)

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