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My Sinful Ways
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Jason Cashe Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-07-2022, 05:35 PM

"Shh.. Shhh! I think someone is coming.."

Shuffling amongst the darkness, you can't see faces but can hear voices. The first being male and then a female voice is heard in response. "I don't care, we're not finished.." Hers not in a whisper as a window slides open and the form of a third person silhouettes in the window.

"Blessings, my child! When was your last confession?"

"God DAMNIT!" The female roars in frustration. The knocking of movement rocks the room as bodies bounce around against the walls. A door opens and Josslynn Spencer stomps out of a Confessional Booth fixing her dress. "Stupid motherfuc–" Josslynn didn't seem too happy.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Bursting out from his own side of the Confessional came a Priest that looked both confused and angered. "This is a House of GOD!" He proclaims as he lets his faith give him the confidence to face these intruders.

"I will CUT you!" Josslynn shouts at him, making eye contact with the man of God. Jason Cashe spills out from where Josslynn had exited before him and he was pulling up his shorts.

Smiling, Cashe nods to the Priest as he grabs Josslynn's hand and leads them away towards the big doors at the front of the Church.

"Let's just go.. There is an Orthodox church down the street, we can get some yogurt.. Get some prayers in while calling out to multiple Gods.."

"Heracles! Heracles!" Josslynn claps and laughs.

Her anger was subsiding as she left away with Cashe. Tilting his head back as if talking to God above, Cashe adds. "Thanks for ruining my Blessing.. Dick!"

Before heading out, they stop at a Holy Water font. Cashe dunks his hands under the surface, looking back at the Priest with a grin on his face. He turns and flings his dripping fingers at Josslynn. His way of giving blessings to what blesses him. She screeches and runs from the building.


"I'm not a Religious man..

I watch people who have it and try to judge if I believe in the faith that they claim to have or is it just a show? A tradition as old as written language in some parts of the world and as far as Scams go? Not another one as successful.

I tried! I gave it a shot, I wanted to find that belief of believing in something greater than us but I mean.. Pussy is that. People should worship it and yet I've not seen a Religion formed for it outside of pornhub. Still no scratch n sniff feature either..

Shame, that would be a game changer! Prosperity Gospel is most evil but it's one of many in this world that people flock to and sheep will be sheep.

To each their own honestly..

IF I WAS a religious man? It's people like Father Jefferson Cheney who would steer me away from it. If THAT is Religion, I will die with a mind full of Sin and actions that keep up with thought!"


"Where are you?" Theo Pryce's voice scratches as it comes through the speakers of the rental car. The answer passed overhead, I-10 heading South towards where he needed to get in a hurry.

"Long Beach. My Sister Amber was attacked and is in the Hospital." Cashe's eyes stayed glued to the interstate road. Josslynn was in her own world with headphones on, watching something on her phone. "Can I catch a flight from there?"

"Yeah, not a problem. Are we sure this isn't a ploy by CCPE to get you into a trap? Mac Bane is a member.."

"Nah, Amber would kick his ass using her as bait. That's family."

"What about Anarchy?" Theo asked.


"I've got a LOT on my mind as of late. Lost a Title, cut ties with one promotion. One of my Sisters got attacked. Bam Miller wants to pick a fight while Elijah has suddenly gone quiet but will no doubt exaggerate his actual worth when heard from again. Long winded motherfucker, like fuck, Dear Diary letters! Let's not forget I have to go on this fucking Yacht for Madness..


I could lose focus. Forget about what I am doing, who I will see next in an Anarchy ring. How can one look past Boot Lichter?


You are one of the few left that I haven't defeated not only in this tournament but on Anarchy itself. That's not a brag, that's gospel! I see you needed T. Law to help beat Raab. I know I will have to look over my shoulder but as of late with CCPE coming for me? You're little Altar Boys Choir doesn't place fear in me. Bring your people and start a prayer circle and I'll BITCH SLAP your God because he sure as fuck isn't mine..

Pray! Get on your knees and pray for the sinful, the heartless, for the no remorse for your well being, human being that oh so many will label me as being! Pray for my downfall. Seek his wraith! Yet it is I who will show YOU what the fear of God truly feels like! You want to be the first to show me a loss in this tournament? Beg the lord for a blessing! You need prayer water and much larger anal beeds than the Church provides but get on your KNEES and tell him you love him! Watch him respond in silence..

May God Be With You.."


"Hey, sorry for all this.." Cashe nudges Joss. She smiles, reaching over to grab his forearm.

"You're here, I'm here. The rest is interchangeable… As a matter of fact.."

Climbing over from the passenger side. Josslynn pulls up her sundress and climbs across Cashe, sitting on his lap like a cowgirl. Forgetting to keep his eyes on the interstate, he still looks into her eyes.

"Keep your eyes on the road Mister.." She says as her hands slip out of camera view.

"You need Jes– Ohh Geezus!!"

[Image: z9f1KQC.jpeg]
[Image: OZdvB4F.png] x1 
[Image: l6KRzu8.png] x1 w/Kido Raion
[Image: jtHw5j1.png] x1
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (06-08-2022), Dolly Waters (06-07-2022), Theo Pryce (06-07-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (06-07-2022)

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