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Thuggish Ruggish News.
Author Message
T.H.U.G.S Offline
Tribalistic Mindstas

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-09-2022, 12:32 PM

We see all three members standing at a podium, with a nWo inspired THUGS banner behind them. Since they decided to keep it a closed circuit, they wanted to spread out the messages before it get's leaked into the public.

JB: Welcome folks to our one off and "maybe" monthly thing depending. We are just here to let you know what the plans are going forward with ourselves as a crew and as solo wrestlers in the XWF. Also, there's another JB who looms in Action Wrestling and he's kinda separate from our crew, so check him out as he stomps out his opps at Evolution 5. Now on to business, now the THUGS are still trying to expand our operation within the fed and bring in fresh faces, but it's still in a planning phase so to speak. Also, me and Tommy were planning on doing brief stint as commentators down the line so be on a look out for that. You got anything to say T?

T: Yeah I do, so as you heard me and him are going to be in a elimination tag match coming shortly, so we decided that all three of us should dress up like the Dudleys in tie dye attire in tribute to them, since all three of us are involved with tables some how. Also, I don't know if I'll go far in the pidgin thing but if I do, great if not then see me become 911 of Anarchy as break people's ankles. I kid, i kid but do see more out of me this month and maybe June... well, on that end, I was planning to drop a mixtape around the summer and do a mini tour as well. I might be around the fed for some gigs but don't expect me to show up often if that's the case. Anything Reg?

Reg: Well i'm a man of a few words, so i'll keep it brief. You see, this coming Savage will be something to think about, tables and rich chick...can't wait to see what blurred lines I can come up with. As for me beyond that, my eyes is set on just maintaining something in Savage, i hear that Leap of Faith is coming so I might show up around there. Maybe, JB might join in as well but he'll figure that out himself, but me I might make sure to get my name out there, and also that freestyle belt that's gone for a month and a half as been found... don't worry about it, i'll keep it "safe" until then.

JB: Well folks, basically what it comes down to is this.... THUGS will still be active as a team if they pay us good, maybe we'll invite the commentators out to a lunch or dinner somewhere to discuss shit, and maybe keep opening up our offices and possibly turning it into a agency...what kind of agency, we don't know but it'll come down later on. As solo wrestlers, i'm going to just focus on me and T's tag stuff with Anarchy gigs and being around for Reggie's solo stuff as he's progressing. I might pop in on a show alone but, i'll see where that goes. T, you want to add anything?

T shook his head no, and he looked a Reggie who also shook his head no, then JB closes off the news.

JB: Well bitches, we out... see us on your sets soon!

Then it fades to the XWF logo, with imprint of the THUGS banner layered over it.
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