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PlaceMarker Meet Chad
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Jason Cashe Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-20-2022, 08:27 PM

"Should I have a character? Like a cool ring name? Maybe a costume?"

Too many questions. This kid was excited! He was eager to compete and prove his worth early into what could become a career. The why and how he connected with Jason Cashe is for later. What matters is that this kid was six foot six and weighed close to 300 pounds. A big kid who could blaze around the ring like he weighed 150 pounds less than he did.

"The fuck you mean, character?" Cashe scoffed at the suggestion. "Are you competing in a circus? Are we acting and playing out roles for attention?" Both were questions that Cashe didn't wait for a response for. "Go in there and throw people around. Flick them like a booger, just do damage. THAT'S your character!"

The two were inside of a ring. Cashe had recently been through two Rumbles recently and a third on the 29th. In those two, he has gone to the Final Two and the Final Ten. Even back in November, Cashe made it to the Finals in the Thanksgiving Gobble Rumble. So you could find worse people to ask for help from.

"You've got too many ACTING tough. Dressing up in these fucking gimmicks of being ghouls and gods and birds of prey but a simple, straight to the head like a huff of gas is still the best approach in this business. Do you, don't do what someone else does and just copy and paste. That will get you thumped in the fucking nipple!"

"The whaaaaa?!" The kid double takes Cashe. "Did you say nipple?" He asks while covering both of his own with each hand as if he was exposed.

"No gimmicks.." Cashe confirms a second time. "Tell you what…" Turning and looking around the gym, you could see a few XWF posters for past PPVs hanging on the wall. The same as a Boxing gym would have old promotional posters for classic bouts. "Ahhh there it is!" Cashe hurries from the ring and reaches down in a box near the doorway to the locker room.

"What is it?" The big kid asks, trying to see what Cashe had pulled from the box. As he gets back to the ring, Cashe tosses a mask over the ropes. The kid catches it and stares down into it.

[Image: PPxGAzW.jpeg]

"This is pretty cool, who's is it?" The kid asks. He was stuck staring into the eyes of the mask as if drawn to it the same as Michael Myers was his mask.

"I dunno.. I was digging through Lost and Found at XWF HQ and came across it. It says Enigma inside the mask." Cashe says as he rolls and stands back inside the ring. "Try it on."

Pulling it to his face, the kid smells it. "I dunno, what would I call myself? Ring name wise?"

"What's your name?"


Quickly, Cashe snatches the mask from him. Shaking his head side to side, the mask suddenly wasn't the right fit.

"What?" Chad questions Cashe's actions.

"You don't need a mask, I changed my mind. You do need a ring name though, Chad ain't gonna cut it!"

Shrugging, Chad didn't see anything wrong with his name. "I was bullied in High School. They called me Chad The Chode but by College, I became Chad Daddy!"

Again, Cashe shook his head from side to side. "No. Just no.. Unacceptable!"

"Okay, so what then?"

As if a name was all he needed. This was a green horn, a nood in comparison to the real world of XWF or any of the bigger promotions not as cool as XWF… *Nods at the staff reading this*

"As of late, you could probably get away with dressing like Elvis and claiming to be King." There was a not so subtle dig as another Anarchy member.

"Thank you.. Thank you very much!" Chad tried to pull off an Elvis voice. "Yeah, that was terrible!"

"And yet, it's still better than Chad!" With his head down, Cashe goes into a deep thought. "What's your last name?"


Cashe stood stunned. "Balls? Your name is Chad Balls?"

"No, Baals. You have to pronounce it like Aaah before the L and S finish it. Almost like Bale but without the E."

"So Baaaah-lls?" Cashe didn't see a difference.




Cashe's jaw dropped slightly. He just had a realization. "So they called you Chad the Chode in High School.. BECAUSE your last name is Balls!" Laughter roared and echoed in the Gym. Chad wasn't laughing but had an awkward and uncomfortable smile on his face.

"It bothered me growing up. Please don't laugh, it's not funny.."

You have to see it through the eyes of Cashe. This was a big kid. He was probably only a few years removed from smelling like baby powder and diaper rash and he was being sensitive. Seeing that Chad was bothered, Cashe raised his hands to hold off the criticism of Anti Bullying campaigns.

"I'm sorry. Might I suggest owning what pains you from the past?"

"What do you mean?" This guy just looked sad now. Like maybe he had some demons that otherwise weren't being seen on the cover page.

"You were bullied? Take what they called you and take it with you to find success."

"You want me to go with Chad the Chode?!" He stood shocked staring down at Cashe.

"Not necessarily.. How about Big Chode Chad?"

"That wouldn't be accurate."

More laughter. Cashe couldn't help himself as he stumbled backwards from laughing too hard. The hyena was out and giggling. "You shouldn't tell people that.."

"You'd be surprised by how many girls want to hook up with a guy with a small dick.."

"I hate where this conversation has gone.. Name! You need a name!" Changing the topic back, the name hits him. "C-Baals. Keep it simple."

[Image: z9f1KQC.jpeg]
[Image: OZdvB4F.png] x1 
[Image: l6KRzu8.png] x1 w/Kido Raion
[Image: jtHw5j1.png] x1
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[-] The following 4 users Like Jason Cashe's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-29-2022), Raion Kido (04-22-2022), Theo Pryce (04-21-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (04-20-2022)
Jason Cashe Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-20-2022, 08:28 PM

I realize it is past deadline for rps. I meant to post yesterday, my fault but didn't want to waste the promo. Doesn't need to count or be considered for the match. Just wanted to post.

[Image: z9f1KQC.jpeg]
[Image: OZdvB4F.png] x1 
[Image: l6KRzu8.png] x1 w/Kido Raion
[Image: jtHw5j1.png] x1
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Thunder Knuckles™ (04-20-2022)

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