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wot m8?
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-04-2022, 08:39 PM

[It opens up a street somewhere at the middle of the day, and we see a Puppet version of T walking down the street in his black jeans, and a LSM t shirt. As he still held a boot of Ruby, he ended up seeing some fans, who were all neckbeards and smelled like shit clamoring for an autograph, he tried to fight off them but one of them managed to take his lucky boot from him.]

Puppet T: Hey you bastard, give me back my lucky boot!

Thief beard: Wow, you are so wired for keeping a boot, ugh… no wonder why you aren’t advancing in the pigeon tournament! You SUCK AND–

[Puppet T then bitch slaps him like if he’s Chris Rock, and he strangles the guy until he see’s cop stroll by and he lets him go. Then the cop just passes on by, and puppet T takes his boot and strolls off to a bar to drown his sorrows. As he appears in the bar, he sits on the stool with his head down, as the bartender get him somethin to drink.]

Bar dude: Hey man, what are you tryin to drink?

Puppet T: Whiskey on the rock… or just some water, since I am broke.


[Then it cuts to Puppet T strangling the bar dude with a rope, then it jump cuts to him leaving a spare change on his passed out body. As he walks out of the bar, a random woman who looked like Tara Reid half naked comes up to him, trying to um…solicit her services to him in broad daylight.]

Hooka: Hey there *snorts*... you want to fu– *nose starts to bleed*... oh sorry!

[As she was digging in her purse for a napkin, Puppet T simply hands her a coaster napkin he stole from the bar, and she cleans her nose.]

Puppet T: Let me guess, you snorted a line of coke did yah before your shift was done?

Hooka: Ho– how did– di *eyes twitchin* did you know that?

Puppet T: I know, i know… look i don’t got a car, nor much money on me… so, could i you know…

[Puppet T points to her peep toe heels, and she looks down and she scoffs at him. Then he pulls out a wad of cash from out of nowhere, and she agrees. Then it cuts to him going at her feet in the middle of alleyway where passersby looked on with disgust, as some homeless dude beating off. Then it shifts to Puppet T at his run down apartment with cockroaches, dirty dishes, and other dirty things at his broken mirror looking into himself.]

Puppet T: Fuck, the day passed on by, and I had no idea where it went. Ehh, I guess it’s another day in a life of myself being a non superhero. I had thoughts of going far with my Bummy Hero T thing, but that went nowhere, so now here I am. I am involved with another tournament thing where I know that if I continue it, then I am in full fact knowing I won’t win this one at all. I think to myself, why did the she-devil have to put me in this thing? I might as well just say fuck it, and no show the damn venue, but the tickets are already bought so I can’t go back now.


So now, I am going to go to that venue to take on a superhero dude. Gosh, what a chance of luck I had in my possession to face Calvary in this tournament thing. I know right away, he’s going to be able to use his pretty boy charms to woo those refs that she devil and rocker guy got off from craigslist, some bottom of the barrel people who barely finished their training!

[Then he leaves his disgusting bathroom to his dirty as all hell kitchen to drink some expired milk as he tosses it out in the overfilled bin. Then he looks at a Superhero ad of Calvary and he tosses the TV out the window.]

Puppet T: Oh fuck, I had to see his freakin face on my screen! Ahh, this sucks so much… Now I am motivated to straight up beat the shit out of him out of spite. I think I saw him in a past match or so, but still… F—- him! Ah, who am I kidding? I am not that mad at him at all, just honestly i have no care in the world for him at all, he’s a superhero right? I know that kryptonite can be his worst enemy or something else worse than that, which I don’t know about at all.

If I do know, then that’s another thing… but honestly, where the fuck am I going in this tournament? I already know my own pecking order in here, so I can’t use that as a crutch in my own lane. I can say I will fight until I win, but really… who really is going to remember a freakin’ Calvary Tommy match?

Not anyone with a computer will remember or care about it, which is fine by me.

Just even more of a way to pummel the resident superhero into paste, so there won’t be a soul or witness to see how I ended his streak of so-called justice, I guess.

[Then Puppet T ends up sitting on his rustic couch, and he flips channels until he stumbles a best of LSM matches and had his hand on his pants, and the scene fades off from there before FCC can ban it.]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-05-2022), Raion Kido (04-07-2022), Vita Frickin Valenteen (04-05-2022)

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