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Calvary Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

03-02-2022, 09:49 PM


Then a sweeping shot of an audience celebrating as if something huge was going down on the stage. The camera comes for a land upon a dark skinned woman with a beaming smile wearing a black suit jacket with a red button up underneath.

“Welcome back to Deja View with your host me! Deja Martinez. Tonight we have a huge show in store for you all. We have a guest host tonight in The Star Man, The Super Savior, your favorite superhero from beyond the realm and mine. The Calvary!”

With that booming introduction, Calvary floats into the space above the crowd and reaches down to slap palms with as many as he can reach. Calvary slowly turns in air and waves towards the audience members before coming to a rest on the floor beside Deja. She extends a hand which he shakes firmly. She offers him a seat which he accepts, holding his cape to the side as not to sit on it. Deja takes her seat with a grin cemented upon her face.

“Allow me to be the first to say, welcome back Calvary!”

The crowd cheers. Calvary smiles slightly.

“It’s good to be back, Deja. I’ll admit I was a bit surprised to be receiving an invitation to your show. I’ve barely been back for a few weeks.”

“Only a few weeks? Isn’t he modest!”

The crowd cheers and laughs.

“In just a few weeks time, you’ve stopped over twenty different incidents as they were unfolding. You managed to even save a store owner who was under fire from the King Kobras after he refused to pay their ‘protection’ money. Let’s hear it for our hero!”

The crowd is coming unglued.

Calvary seems slightly embarrassed at the attention. Deja continues.

“Now, can you tell us about what brought you back?”

“Gladly.” Calvary looks out amongst the crowd for a moment before laughing to himself. “I came back for all of you.”

The crowd awwws in unison. Calvary looks down.

“And I came back for me. I left in a blink without any warning. For that, I apologize. Sometimes there are things at play too large even for me. I was called away to the edge of the universe. I fought in a war that lasted for well over a year of nonstop destruction. So much carnage and death that I thought it would consume me too.”

His breath becomes quickened as he grips the chair’s arms. He takes a deep breath and turns his attention back to Deja who is giving him a small, comforting smile. Calvary continues.

“But it didn’t. I was able to come back here, and now I’m here in the XWF. There is so much I want to achieve, and I refuse to let anything stand in the way of my rising to the top.”

Deja sits back a little bit and glances down before continuing.

“And it looks like you’ve been booked in something called a Plump Pidgeon Tournament? I believe that’s a play on a typical Round Robin tournament?”

“That’s correct. I’m up against someone that I’ve always respected in Vita Valenteen. However, she seems to be a little different than last time I stood in the ring with her.”

“You can say that again. She sucks now!”

The crowd laughs as Calvary looks perplexed as if not understanding the joke.

“She sucks? Because she’s a vampire? She literally… okay nevermind. Let’s bring on our second guest. She’s someone that you should be very familiar with, Calvary!”

Calvary looks up and his eyes grow wide.



"It’s this simple concept that changes the way that our universe unfolds. From developing opposable thumbs to the creation of a formal language, it’s this cycle of reinvention that transforms us from microscopic lifeforms to fully developed creatures. It’s evolution that creates and destroys. Knowledge expands and explores as new and complex features become normality."

"It’s through this evolutionary process that the human race changes from neanderthals to the creatures that roam the world today. The world is filled with intelligence. The world is filled with brand new feats of physical prowess. The world is filled with impossibilities becoming possible."

"And that’s where we come in, Vita."

"Our station on this world transcends what these mere mortals can comprehend. We are the next step in the evolutionary tract. We are smarter, stronger… MORE."

"We are gods amongst men."

"That’s why we must be held to a higher standard. Yet you continue to intermingle with the populace on a normal level. Outside of this federation, we must stay above and away from the population. You keep within their reach and invite their challenges. Our very strength invites a challenge. That challenge incides conflict. And conflict breeds catastrophe. The catastrophe that you invite will not only doom yourself, but the lives of those you hold dearest. That’s why you must rise above your former life and live in solitude or amongst those who also carry your burden."

"Yet your power seems to be waning. The only way for you to reach your full potential is by slaying those you are sworn to protect. An unfortunate side effect of these new acquired powers. While you hover in the sewers and woods looking for little woodland creatures to dine upon, I stay at full power without this futile hindrance."

"Not every step up the evolutionary ladder is perfect, and your hiccup proves that. For every ape, there is a dodo. And while you may say that you’re on the side of good, your bloodthirst will eventually be your downfall."

"Allow me to be your accountability partner and show you how true heroism is done."

"Where there is no accountability, there is no responsibility. And you won't drink a drop of human blood while I'm around."

"Evolution is always changing."

"And I’ll be the first to show you what the next rung up the ladder looks like, up close and personal."
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-03-2022), Raion Kido (03-04-2022), Vita Frickin Valenteen (03-03-2022)

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