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What a stupid name for a tournament
Author Message
Lord Raab Offline
"The Green Disease German Monster"

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-02-2022, 09:45 PM

Raab stands in the streets of Rhode Island, in a dark alleyway as he always did his wrestling videos because he couldn't stand to be anywhere else or interact with anyone. It came to the point that Lord Raab thought he had removed the toxic piece of crap that has plagued the entire family name, mainly because his twin brother got bullied the shit out of. Of course, the tournament was meant to mean a whole big deal to other wrestlers, but so far, Lord Raab hadn't been interested, other than the one thing that stood head and toes above everything else, and it wasn't his first opponent Centurion either.

Lord Raab: "I know a lot of you love the fuck out of Sarah Lacklan, a girl who is the biggest piece of shit in the world of professional wrestling has suddenly made her return. We got people like Ruby who should be against this silly cunt for her bullying crimes; making her the fakest superhero I've ever seen in my life. I will always brag about it because people who respect Sarah Lacklan need to leave the wrestling business. No tournament is going to change my mind on my views on Sarah being a piece of shit."

Markus shook his head, refusing to acknowledge anything Sarah did, and he wasn't going to ever because of the amount of abuse Konrad, his twin brother, went through.

Lord Raab: "I don't expect a stupid idiot like Centurion to understand, since he's just like everyone else around here, scared to stand up for Sarah's bullying. People respect the man for the accomplishments he has done. Whoopie fucking do, haven't we all accomplished something in wrestling? Haven't we all won a world title at some stage or another? Of course, we have; it doesn't make it impressive. All the talent in the world, but I don't see any violence within you. You're one of those dudes that will say, you want to win titles and all that crap. All well and good, but I don't need titles to be successful in this business."

Henry shook his head as he always does about Raab's opinions about wrestling titles in XWF. However, he does have a title match on Sunday but wasn't relevant to the company.

Lord Raab: "If you have achieved everything you've set out to do in XWF, why the fuck are you still here? When I lost the tag titles in a company, I left because I'd won the world title, the hardcore title and the TV title in the company. I don't see the point of winning multiple titles. But you're boring as sin and no wonder why you'd stand by and support that cunt who has no fucking morals. I might be an asshole, but I never involve other people's kids in wrestling videos. People like you and the supervillain Ruby are trash people. I could say as wrestlers too, but nobody cares what you do in UGWC regarding titles. Sure, you won against Hastings and had to go through five opponents to get a title shot, but it means nothing to me."

Lord Raab let out a yawn, knowing how Centurion wasn't an opponent Raab was excited for at all. He could say he didn't belong in the tournament. He smirked, knowing the truth might hurt a few places.

Lord Raab: "Would you stick up for your brother or sister if they got completely trashed on by Sarah? Of course, you would so why should I give Sarah respect when she has done nothing to earn it? But you're just a stupid piece of crap who would say, I'm just a cannon folder, but that's more or less you because you're so fucking done. Do I take you seriously? I should, but I don't because you've been lucky in your entire career. All that experience, but you're just a waste of fucking space on this roster because you're the cannon fodder. Cannon folder for people like me to break your fucking leg or arm because you support your girlfriend's supervillain opinions of her kissing Sarah's ass because she's scared of bringing the home truths on her. Go and talk on Twitter about the things I said like a coward behind my back."

Henry patted Raab's back as he turned him away and whispered in his ear. Lord Raab agreed and came back as the green flames are back, but also Lord Raab pours toxic slime on him.

Lord Raab: "You are going to be battered black and blue once I get my hands on you because everyone respects you, but only for your achievements in wrestling. I have no respect for you at all, Centuron. You're selfish and greedy for more success like you need another opportunity to win a belt when Eddie captured the title from you. But you're not the person I'm excited to face in this tournament. Oh no, because you had the success, you have no history with me. But there's one guy I've been dying to face since he got his ass here, one I've got multiple histories with, Jason Cashe, who quite frankly would destroy your old ass. I might be old, but at least I don't focus on being a champion all the time. Not once I had the word title leave my lips."

Of course, because it was a tournament, Henry shook his head at Lord Raab's lack of care for titles.

Lord Raab: "I know Henry wants me to focus on winning titles, but I just don't care enough for the belt. But I certainly care about beating the living shit out of you, leaving you for pieces because I don't like you, I don't like that supervillain you're going out with and certainly think you're the most overrated piece of shit wrestler on this current roster. I will destroy you and show you how brutal I can be because I'm just that. I'm going to make you bleed and crush you like a centipede you are, breaking you in half. Prepare to be Raabinated by The Green Disease German Monster."

Cameras went black.

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I love AJ Allmendinger.
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