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a groovy promo.
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-28-2022, 08:55 PM

[It opens up to Tommy in a studio somewhere, where he’s on a chair wearing a suit with shades on, as it shows a ballerina who looked like “Sar Sar” in a ballerina outfit that looked similar to Ruby’s attire. She was dancing in front of him, while there was a mirror in front of them, as she dances to the song he then looks into the reflection to let out his thoughts.]

T: As time progress for me, the more I tend to think that time itself is a standstill between life or death. I know I am not at that retirement age, but boy sure I do tend to think when I will give up this whole wrestling thing on a grand scale. Shit, it provided me and family well for so long I can’t give it up. Just like how I can’t give up Machina, Myst or anyone other than Ash Q… I can’t just turn away from the ring, and I can’t blame myself for being like this. I mean, I don’t exactly have the best win records of all times, nor do I live and die by achieving glory. To me, it’s all just a show and we are the ones who get suckered into perform every week, we are the circus acts as our handlers be the one’s raking profits on our accord.

I don’t need to say any names but, If you know, you know… the good ol boys as Russo proclaimed in the year of 2000… HAS TO KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS. But, hey only a man like myself can dream for a better tomorrow, but for now all I can do is focus on the now. As you may all know, I am involved with this bracket thing that Lacklan has commished me to be part of. I mean, at first when I read the booking card when I was at home, I was shocked to see me being in this thing. I thought for sure, that I wasn’t going to be anywhere near the card, but they need to fill the card up with names, so I happened to be the one to be in this tournament, round robin, whatever the hell it is thing. Man, it’s stacked with way better people who deserve to have that Lacklan/Vinnie rub to stardom in Anarchy’s show, it feels like I am just the filibuster who needs to round out the mystery meat before it’s processed for consumption.

[Then a Montage of the ballerina doing her swan dances, twirls, and other dance moves are in a abundance, as Tommy just watches the dancer do her thing. Then she leans on the wall bar to take a break, then Tommy comes up to and pours some water down her mouth. Then it cuts to Tommy back on the chair, as she does her twirl on her tippy toes which the camera cuts to in painstakingly detail. As she went back to her feet, it shows Tommy without the sunglasses.]

T: Now, I don’t know much about this thing other than her love of pidgin’s or something like that. But that’s not that deep, but what is deep is my never ending grudge against Ruby, it’s like she’s my Mario to my Bowser, or my King Boo to my Luigi with my vacuum. It’s like of the fates that be are telling me to take down Ruby, while I don’t hate her as a person since she’s pretty much the sweetest person I’ve seen outside of the ring, that would rival Tula’s niceness but in the ring, she is all that super hero jerro stuff. Teaming with Centurion who somehow gets a leaderboard for that coveted Television Title, that someone like Centy don’t need since I heard he’s too good for that belt.

The great Ruby, the crown jewel of the brand, and this is who I am facing in this Pidgeon hold’ed tournament, and all I can say is… I am honored! I am honored to fight Ruby again, and again, and AGAIN until the dancer lady sings. By the time I know it, I could count how many times I have encountered my banana lime blur babe. So Ruby, I know that you are at home with your Go pro filming everything like how a millennial would do. I don’t care if you do that, I hope to be in one of your vlog behind the scenes one day, but until then I guess that won’t happen at all!

All jokes aside Ruby, I am going to let you know that, you might be able to advance in this tournament and win the whole thing, but I want you to know that I need to beat the loving crap out of you to make you earn that shit, I won’t roll over and play dead to a superhero. Unless you want to give me your spare, dirty boots you wear in the ring like last time. You remember that strip off shit we did? Good fuckin times!

Ruby, I’m going to keep this simple, we are going to fight forever like if we in some mud show in California, we are going to see who’s the better fighter and maybe even dancer as well. I know for a fact, that I am going to make sure that I will make you feel pain and all that bullshit, man Ruby one of the days we need to just need to keep fighting who’s the better Anarchist of this company. While you promote the good side, I can promote the bad side and I already know which side will win. Let these fans decide who shall go far in this glorified Sar Sar tournament that Boss man Lane cosigned on the dotted line, and I don’t know or care who goes past this shit.

So Ruby, let’s get it one and may the better Pidgeon win!

[Then it simply fades to black.]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-03-2022), Raion Kido (03-04-2022), Ruby (03-01-2022), Unknown Soldier (03-01-2022)

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