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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Family First, Part II: On the Subject of Pedigree
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Lacklan Offline
World's best at making murderhobos cry

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-22-2022, 12:52 PM

[Image: LgF28GC.gif]


This is your reason for being, the woman who puts the stirrer in shit-stirrer, Sarah Lacklan-

[Image: erRkSGO.gif]

-World's Greatest Life Coach and I'm here today to talk to you all about a certain word which was said, a word which means a LOT, not just in the literal sense, but in the subtle sense in which it was uttered:


Angelica Marie Vaughn's pedigree is impeccable. You don't get to 5'11" (BAY-BAY) without some important blood in your bones, ya know? And she has that, in gallons, from our father. That killer instinct? That championship-winning drive? That exceptional excellence in the execution of the Ew!...which I think still should be banned across this whole damn business...and her killer kick (like...literally killer...please don't ask about THAT woman in THAT match...)? It comes down to breeding ordained by God. And, yes yes, there's IS the matter of the blood being thinned SOMEWHAT due to that chamber maid who seduced and bedded-



...hold on, Baby Birds...getting a text from my BABY sister and-

We talked about this....😒




...I mean, like, blood TOTALLY thickened by that AMAZING woman who is, like, totes on par with my own perfect and amazing mother. That absototelutly ADDS to her pedigree, let me tell you!




....n-e-ways...the question of my BABY sister's pedigree is a silly one, overall. She's had more victories in the last two years than half of the XWF roster combined! I mean, not as much as I have had, of course. Not like she's ever beaten me or anything. But still-



Oh dang, I somehow dropped my phone under my desk! I'll just have to check that text later. My faux pas!

Now, as I was saying, Angie has had TONS of success due to her pedigree, and while NO ONE could have expected what happened with Jenny (to quote myself...since I AM the authority on ALL things..."Jenny-turned-into-AN-UNSTOPPABLE-UNKILLABLE-MONSTER thing"), I have ZERO illusions about what is going to happen NEXT Savage, and that's my totes-too-tall BABY sister's hand being raised in victory. Why?

Because pedigree.

And not just hers.

But yours, R.L.

Listen, I'm not here to be mean. I'm not here to be crass. I am here, as ALWAYS, to be TRUTHFUL. And the TRUTH is that, with one MASSIVE exception (where IS that bitch? I booked her on MY show!), the blood running through your veins, the pedigree on display, is as muddy as the family name might suggest. While the ends-and-outs of the Edgar and Muddy activities throughout the XWF have given a variety of success and failure, we all know that the scale is heavily skewed towards the latter than former, and without focus, without direction, your match with my BABY sister will end the same way it did when it was Edgar vs. Lacklan:

With you staring up into the lights.

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (02-22-2022), Angelica Vaughn (02-22-2022), R.L. Edgar (02-24-2022)

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