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The Exiles - A Hangover In Vegas (P3)
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"Venom" Xavier Lux Offline
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(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

02-20-2022, 11:18 PM

I must admit that joining inter-promotional events is not my cup of tea, it’s more my buddy Cholo’s thing. But when “Three-Pete” Peter Vaughn came asking to join up and represent The Exiles in the Denzel Porter invitational against a high caliber team of Corey Smith, Mark Flynn and Thaddeus Duke, of course I not only said yes, but hell yes. It’s not every day you get to main event against the likes of those guys, but even more prestigiously, is the fact that I get to team with the current XWF Universal champion who’s become quite the confidant, and Betsy Granger who the more the days go by, the more respect I have for her not only for the way she carries herself but what she can do inside the ring. I know most people would shy away from taking on three of the heavy hitters from XWF, but when I have the partners that I have, not only do I not shy away from the opportunity, I run straight at it.

But before I get into my opponents, let me just send a shout out to the man responsible for this event even happening, Denzel Porter. You know, I’m always giving him a hard time on social media because more often than none, the man is always picking me to lose! Ha, but I get it, he’s just doing his job and sadly for me, he has been right more times that I care to admit. But my hats off to you sir, I respect everything you do and stand for, you are a damn hard worker and a true asset to our industry and because of that it is a true honor to be part of your event. Thank you for having me, on the real.

Speaking of having the honor of, I know I am a long way from challenging for any gold here in XWF, hell I’m 2nd in line for a shot at the television title behind the man who will no doubt become the next Television Champion in Raion Kido, and who already beat me. So yeah, not getting a title shot any time soon, but I get to be in the ring with the Supercontinental Champion Corey Smith, formerly known as Lux among other names from what I read. You know, this is the first time ever in my wrestling history that I come across, even if indirectly with someone with the same name as me. Now I know it is not technically his name, or it wasn’t his name; his history is very complicated, but he was known as Lux at one point and that entity won the Universal championship here in XWF. How crazy would it be if that was me from an alternate reality? I mean I know Betsy is the “Impossible Traveler” but who knows, maybe I’m that in another universe? Man, what a history Corey has. I wonder if a little bit of that Lux is still in there? How much of him do you remember Corey or still feel? Will it be weird facing someone with that name, perhaps for the first time ever? Will it stir up some emotions inside you or awake some forgotten memories or even blocked ones? Or am I simply overreacting and are you over there just laughing at me saying: “dude, it’s just a fucking name, means nothing.” Perhaps, perhaps not.

But let’s get back to that championship you wear proudly around your waist. That title is on a much higher plane than the TV title and I know you are probably a reason why that title is so prestigious. Going back to what I said, me being far from challenging for any gold, and knowing that 3 on 3 matches are not a way for one man to measure against another, I do hope to get some alone time in the ring with what many consider one of the greats of XWF just to see how well I hang. But now that I think about it, the likelihood of me challenging him for said title would require a move to Warfare and I’m just not quite there yet, not sure if I will ever be. My reasons for joining XWF are so different than most, so, for now, I will cherish the opportunity to face him here and who knows, maybe I’ll impress him enough that he’ll come to see me at Savage instead.

We’ll see.

We fade back in right where we left off, the 3 men in suits aiming their guns at The Exiles.

Xavier Lux: You know this isn’t the first time someone has pointed a gun on me.

Betsy Granger: Please don’t do anything stupid.

Xavier Lux: Oh so you get to have fun beating up top chefs and my favorite magician growing up but I can’t do anything stupid?

Peter Vaughn: Wait, if he’s your favorite, why’d you call out his tricks? Well, nevermind that now. These guys have guns Xavier, think about -

But Xavier uses the men being distracted by the argument to act fast, kicking the guns off the hands of two of the men and then tackling the other man to the ground. He wrestles the gun out of his hands and then hits him with the handle, knocking him out cold. Betsy and Peter move on the other two but they quickly put their arms up, giving up and shouting.

Man: Wait, wait, wait, we work for Mr. Page! He sent us to follow you and protect you.

Peter Vaughn: Say what now?

Betsy Granger: I call bullshit.

Xavier Lux: Why would men hired by our representative be pointing guns at us!

Man: Well we have been following you for a while and after seeing how violent you guys have been getting, we thought that the guns would prevent you from overreacting.

Xavier Lux: And how did that turn out for you?

Peter Vaughn: Why is Chris Page having us followed?

Man: He’s just protecting his investment, this is Vegas after all and his clients always tend to get a little crazy, and from the look of things, he was right. So we have been following you since yesterday and cleaning up any messes you make.

Betsy Granger: So you paid off Ramsey’s manager?

Man: Yes, and hired a clean up crew to clean the suite so the hotel wouldn’t sue plus we’ll likely have to compensate Mr. Copperfield, if he ever returns.

Peter Vaughn: Well since you are doing such a great job then, can you tell us where Bam is?

Man: Um, no, when you guys went back to the hotel early this morning, seeming to be calling it a night, all four of you were together, so our job ended there. We didn’t start to follow you again until the three of you came out earlier today.

Xavier Lux: And you geniuses couldn’t figure out that there was one less of us?

Man: We just figured he left early to go with Mr. Page for the promotional interview he had scheduled.

Peter Vaughn: No, he never made it.

Man: And he wasn’t at the suite with you guys?

Betsy Granger: No asshole, haven’t you figured out that we are looking for him? You have been following us right?

Man: Yes, sorry. So you are just retracing your steps hoping to get clues to his whereabouts.

Xavier Lux: Pretty much but this was our last lead, now we have no idea where Bam might have gone.

Peter Vaughn: But wait, if all four of us were together earlier this morning when we checked back into the hotel, that means that he was kidnapped from there, right? We all woke up drugged and our room was a mess. So whoever took Bam did it this morning, which means they might have left a clue back at the room. We have to go back and recheck.

Xavier Lux: Yeah Peter, but didn’t you hear what this moron said? They sent a clean up crew to our room. Whatever evidence there was, they likely either cleaned up or threw away.

Just then Peter’s cell phone starts to ring, he takes it out and looks at who’s calling.

Peter Vaughn: It’s Page, what do we do?

Xavier grabs the phone from Peter’s hand and hurls it across the stage. It hits hard against the wall, shattering to pieces.

Peter Vaughn: Xavier, what the hell!

Xavier Lux: Just tell him you lost your phone or something, he’ll understand; you’ll call him when we have Bam with us, there is no point now.

Betsy Granger: Hey, speaking of calling, why don’t we call Bam?

Xavier Lux: He’s been kidnapped, Betsy, he’s not going to answer his phone! Come on now, you’re supposed to be the smart one here.

Peter Vaughn: Besides, I don’t think Bam uses a cellphone.

Man: You know I’m still here right? I have to report this to Mr. Page.

Xavier Lux: Betsy…

Betsy Granger: On it.

Betsy goes to take care of the man who tries to run off.

Betsy Granger: Oh no you don’t…

While Betsy chases after the man, Xavier and Peter are left thinking of their next move.

Now while I know two of my opponents really well, I mean, they are represented by CCP Enterprises after all like me; which makes me wonder, how much friendly fire will we have here? Do we let that be a problem or do we just put CCPE on hold until the end of the match and go at it like mad men? I mean, there is the exhibition aspect of this match, it is an invitational after all with nothing really at stake aside from bragging rights so why be hostile right?

Anyway, Mark Flynn is a guy I know very little of…

What I do know is that you have a history with my buddy Peter, you gave him the only loss in his XWF record and likely the only loss he has received in this amazing run he is in. Let’s be honest, Peter has won four world titles in his current run, holds three at the current time and you Mr. Flynn are the only one that has managed to beat him. Hell, even I fought him in a three-way title match for one of the titles he holds right now, and I came up sure. I wasn’t the one pinned, let’s be clear there, heh, but he won, nonetheless. So, I know that loss still doesn’t sit well with him, and I also know that is an itch that Three-Pete is looking to scratch badly, and since he may not get to do it one-on-one for a while, this is the best chance he got. What this means is that you and I may not even get to cross paths in the ring as I will gladly step aside so he can get his hands on you and get his revenge. I mean don’t get me wrong, if we do square off, I’ll do my best to soften you up for him, but I know he doesn’t want it that way. If I know Peter like I think I know him, he’ll want to start the match right away against you, and me, being the awesome teammate that I am, will gladly oblige. Besides, and no disrespect to you, like I’ve already said, I’m more interested in facing the Supercontinental champion and measuring myself against him.

But then again, you have some gold around your waist too, don’t you? You’re a tag team champion with some war criminal that is really popular with the children. Well then, maybe down the line, since Peter is busy being awesome at Universal champion, Betsy and I can become a team and run through the division and earn a shot at those shiny belts of yours. Now there is an idea…

Betsy comes back but surprisingly the man is not only still alive but conscious, Xavier and Peter look at each other unsure of what’s going on.

Betsy Granger: Good news, we have another clue.

Peter Vaughn: Great, what is it?

Betsy Granger: He got a call from the cleaning crew, you know the darts that were used on us? They traced the location of where they were purchased from and it turns out it was from a gun shop right here in Vegas. This moron and his team can take us.

Xavier Lux: They sell tranquilizer darts in gun shops now?

Peter Vaughn: I guess if you can shoot it, they sell it. Alright, what are we waiting for then? Let’s go!

They quickly rush off, and the scene changes to somewhere on the outskirts of the Vegas strip, at the end of East Tropicana Avenue, where we see the blue sedan parking right outside of the famous Las Vegas Gun Store. The passenger side doors open and out step the three amigos and go inside the gun store. The scene switches to the inside where all three of them are walking towards the counter of the shop when they are cut off by a balding fat man wearing a polo shirt from the store.

Man: Well it’s about time you three showed up!

They turn towards the man with puzzled looks on their faces.

Man: Oh, you don’t remember me now after all the fun we had last night?

Again more confused looks.

Man: Boy those darts are something else aren’t they? I may have to raise the price on them bad boys. Anyway, sorry about that, my name is Ted, Ted Morris.

Peter Vaughn: Hey Ted, you seem to know us but we have no idea who you are.

Ted Morris: So it seems, well I’m glad you guys finally showed up, I almost closed up shop! Your friend told me you guys were smart and would figure this out quickly but damn son, it’s almost closing time and you guys are just now getting here.

Betsy Granger: Look Teddy, we’ve had a hell of a night and a hell of a day and we’re all about done with the games here so save us the unnecessary scalding and tell us what friend you talking about?

Ted Morris: Well Bam Miller of course!

Xavier Lux: You know Bam?

Ted Morris: Of course, he told me you guys would show up and when you did to give you this.

He hands them a piece of paper with an address written on it.

Peter Vaughn: Is this the address where-

Ted Morris: He’s being held, yes. Now you guys came a lot later than he expected you to, so if I were you I’d hurry, or it might be too late.

Xavier Lux: Too late for what? Who took him? What have they done to him? What do you have to do with this?

Ted Morris: Nothing! Nothing! I’m just doing what I was told to do, give you the address. Now please, go so I can close down.

Instead of arguing some more and wasting time they decide to leave the gunshop and head for the address they have been provided. Once inside the vehicle, Peter shows Betsy and Xavier the paper, and the address is that of the Paris Hotel, the Eiffel Tower to be exact. They tell Page’s crew and off they go.

And now we come to the man I saved for last in Thaddeus Duke, the Lion Heart… Great, another fucking lion, heh. Why did I save him for last some of you will wonder? Is it because our paths haven’t crossed here in XWF and I wanted to save the match up for when it counted for real and not in a ‘friendly match’? Is it because of the history he and I shared in a federation I now refuse to name despite me being its World Champion for a while? Or perhaps it is because we are now both represented by the same man in “Chronic” Chris Page and his fast-rising enterprises? Could it be something entirely different? Maybe because we both have ‘daddy issues’ as people who have no clue what they are talking about often label it as? If I am being frank with you, it’s a combination of all the above.

I guess I’ll start with the least likely and work my way up.

Sure, we’re both part of CCPE, so you're probably thinking I want to avoid building any tensions within the enterprise; I don't want to come in and rock the boat right away as the new guy. I get that, but I’ve only recently joined the enterprise and while I am glad to be a part of it and thank Chris Page for the opportunity; I haven’t really built a ‘brotherhood’ with any of the members aside from Peter Vaughn who I was already allies with before even coming to XWF, let alone CCPE. Something tells me that if I ever get to the level of calling some of the guys in CCPE “brother”, Thad would be the very last one, and if I’m honest, with a gun to the head, I would likely choose the bullet instead. Woah, where is this coming from right? More on that later, but nah, it’s not CCPE for sure and if I rock the boat by going to war with Thad and his crew so be it, I am willing to put my membership on the line if it came to it.

Our history in the place that shall not be named wasn’t much by anyone’s standards, and for those of you watching then saw that really our paths only crossed once and that was that. When Thad first joined then I considered him to be a wild card, I know the whole wrestling world was raving about “the savior” coming to our little promotion, but I had never heard of the guy, but I chose to believe the hype because the hype was... is real. However, I have always had issues with arrogant, cocky sons of bitches and man he was that turned up to 11. Still, I offered the guy an opportunity to be an ally since the upcoming pay per view required us to make alliances if you wanted to survive the night, but he never really came through. I wouldn’t say he left me hanging, but I guess I didn’t pursue him enough. I was the World Champion after all, why should I kiss up to the guy right? At the same time, he was the big hot shot signing everyone was raving about, I guess I was too small time for him, or I didn’t fit his little scheme to save the promotion and take it to the promised land. In the end however, I didn’t need him, all I needed was Peter Vaughn to succeed that night and from that event on, our paths never crossed again. What happened-happened in that place, and he returned to XWF and I took a little while to contemplate things but wouldn’t you know it, I eventually ended up in the place he called home…

So, is that why I left him for last? Maybe I was trying to save our encounter for a later time when I was better established in XWF and had made a name for myself so I could challenge him properly? I mean he is royalty here in XWF after all, I’m not going to come in cold and challenge one of the favorite sons right off the bat. The truth is though, we’re on different brands and he’s been on a long feud with his father from what I’ve seen, and I have been trying to get my feet wet in this promotion and while I won my first two matches, I stumbled at the pay per view so frankly, he hasn’t been on my mind until recently. Why? Because he and I have something in common now: we have both lost to that hot new rookie Raion Kido. But nah, I still don’t think this is it…

Honestly, I guess I didn’t want to talk about him because as different as he and I are, I do see some similarities and it all stems from both of us having issues with our fathers. His story with him is all over XWF and even if you don’t want to pay attention to it, it’s hard to miss with all the publicity it gets. So, seeing his story out in the open like that and unfolding right before our very eyes touches me in a different way because, again, honestly, I guess I am jealous of him. He seems to have found closure, going back and forth with his father on live national television and having that epic match at the pay per view. Me on the other hand, I am still searching for that closure, but don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking to publicize it to that level and have it broadcast. I just want to get my hands on him and get it over with, I don’t need no witnesses. But frankly, I don’t know if I will ever find ‘my closure’ but I have made the personal, well no, I guess professional decision of keeping my personal drama out of XWF. I just hope that one day I get to get my hands on my father like he did, and if I do one third of what he did to his father to mine, I will finally have the peace I am looking for.

The scene fades back in with Peter, Betsy and Xavier running down the hallways of the very picturesque Paris Hotel. They go through the casino and up the stairs leading to the elevator that takes you to the top of the Eiffel Tower. The attendant there behind the velvet rope asks them if they have tickets but he is simply shoved to the side as they are in no mood. Peter presses the button to go up and the elevator promptly opens. They get in, hit the desired button.

Xavier Lux: Why not the night club? I bet it is popping right about now.

Betsy Granger: Popping? Really?

Peter Vaughn: Because the paper didn’t say they had him at the Paris nightclub, it said top of the tower which could only mean the viewing deck.

They arrive at the viewing deck, the doors open but before they get out they take out their weapons, each sporting a revolver but as expected and to stay on theme here, they are packing tranquilizer guns. They check them to make sure they have loaded them properly, safeties off and then they nod, walking into the viewing deck hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Surprisingly, no one is here. They decide to split, Betsy and Peter going to the right and Xavier going to the left. They walk around the whole tower and meet in the back part, which is facing the hotel and to their horror, they have found the man they have been looking for this whole time. Well, they hope, or maybe not, that is him. There is someone sitting on a stool, wearing clothes similar to what Bam was wearing the night before. But what makes this sight disturbing is that his feet and hands are duct-taped and he has a black hood over his head. All three of them stay in place, not knowing if they should move in and if so, who.

Peter Vaughn: Alright, I must admit, of all the things I expected to see in Vegas, this was not one of them.

Betsy Granger: Who would do such a thing? And why? And to Bam of all people, I mean honestly, if this should be happening to anyone it should be you Xavier.

Xavier Lux: Hey!

Betsy Granger: What? You’re the one with the messed-up father trying to kill you or whatever.

Peter Vaughn: She’s right, why would anyone do this to Bam is beyond me.

Xavier Lux: Wait, we don’t know if it’s Bam! This could all be a set up!

Peter Vaughn: Of course it’s Bam, look at his clothes, that’s what he was wearing the night before.

Betsy Granger: Yeah, and it’s his body build. Of course it is Bam…

Xavier Lux: I don’t know guys, something-

Just then a muffled voice can be heard, but clearly it said…

“Oh just get on with it…”

All three look at each other confused.

Peter Vaughn: Did he…

Xavier Lux: Just talk?

Betsy Granger: He’s alive! Peter, take off the hood!

Xavier Lux: Um, did we think he was dead?

Peter Vaughn: uh, maybe?

Betsy Granger: Peter, take off the hood!

Peter moves slowly towards Bam, grabs the hood and in one swift move removes it, revealing indeed Bam Miller! But to their surprise, he is laughing loudly.

Bam Miller: Damn you three, took you long enough! I was about to pass out there! HAHAHAHAHA.

Peter Vaughn: Bam, what the hell is going on?!

Xavier Lux: And what’s so damn funny?!

Bam then brings his hands from behind, clearly, he was never tied. He then jumps off the stool and clearly the duct tape was fake also.

Bam Miller: Welcome to Vegas motherfuckers!

Betsy Granger: Explain, RIGHT NOW!

Bam Miller: I mean do I have to? It’s pretty obvious isn’t it?! We had just a fun night last night that I woke up this morning thinking, man how can we top last night? So I called Page and I told him I wanted to do a prank on you guys, he wasn’t having it, and he didn’t think you guys would fall for it anyway. So I made him a bet and he took it and look at you three, not only did you fall for it, you were so concerned about me! I am touched really!

Peter Vaughn: Are you kidding me right now?

Betsy Granger: We nearly killed Chef Ramsey!

Xavier Lux: and my favorite magician!

Bam Miller: Aww, all for me? You guys are the best! But why didn’t you just call me to check up on me? I mean, I honestly expected a call right away.

Both Besty and Peter shoot daggers at Xavier who looks away nervously.

Bam Miller: But no, you guys decided to become detectives and went all out! Hahaha, man this was awesome. We should plan something even crazier for tomorrow!

Peter Vaughn: Oh, why wait until tomorrow, we can start right now.

Bam Miller: That’s the spirit Peter, what did you have in mind?

Peter Vaughn: Well, you sent us on a wild goose chase, so how about now, the three of us, hunt us a goose instead?

Bam Miller: Um, I’m not sure I follow.

Peter takes out his tranquilizer gun and cocks it.

Bam Miller: Um, you got a gun Peter?

Betsy and Xavier both pull out theirs as well.

Bam Miller: Oh, you two huh? So, um, how exactly do we play this game…

Peter Vaughn: Well, we’re going to give the goose the count of 3 before we start shooting. Three…

Bam Miller: Wait, who’s the goose?

Betsy Granger: Two…

Bam Miller: hold on, am I the goose?!

Xavier Lux: One…

All three aim at Bam who quickly high tails it, heading for the elevator as the other three Exile members begin to shoot at him. Scene fades to black.

So, our opponents like to call themselves Genesis and I have to wonder what is it a reference to? Is it because they miss the old Sega platform? They’re part of some nerd club where they play old school video games in their downtime when they are not wrestling? I mean I am not going to lie; I was a Sega guy myself, never Nintendo. Some of my favorite games were Castlevania, Contra, Mortal Kombat, Shinobi… OKAY let me stop cuz I’m sounding like the nerd now.

Maybe they are huge fans of Phil Collins and his old band of that name? I’m not going to lie; they have some killer tracks. ‘That’s all’, is a good tune, then there is ‘In Too Deep’, such a good ballad. ‘Invisible touch’, another good one. Oh! ‘Land of Confusion’, man that video was trippy AF. Those puppets legit gave me nightmares. So, is that what you guys are looking to do, give us nightmares? Nah, you guys are too damn pretty to give anyone nightmares, though I guess if I was to see you in my dreams it would be weird, and yeah, a nightmare… hmm…

But nah…maybe you call yourself Genesis because in the biblical sense, genesis is the beginning? Are you trying to say that it begins with you or that it all begun with you? In the beginning there was Thaddeus Duke, Mark Flynn and Corey Smith, and they created everything in the wrestling world for six days, and they saw it was good, so they rested on their laurels on the seventh day. Well, if we’re talking about biblical, then we, the Exiles are God’s peoples who have been left without a home and so we are trying to find a place to make it ours. We have done that in TPW and are well in our way to doing that here in XWF where Peter Vaughn, or great liberator, our Moses, your Universal Champion, has led us to the promise land. So, you guys might be the beginning, but genesis is the beginning of the Old Testament which is over and done with and a New Testament has been written and the chapters don’t say John, Luke, Matthew or Peter, well, actually there is a Peter, but the other three are Betsy, Bam and Xavier. And you know what book is also part of the New Testament? Revelations, where many prophecies are written, some have come to past, and some are still to come… Like the one that says that at the Denzel Porter invitational, the Exiles will be victorious.

[Image: XavierLux2023.png]

0-4 in PPVs
0-3 in Title Shots

Before XWF: 
3x NLW World Heavyweight Champion
1x OCW World Heavyweight Champion
2x GCWA Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion
2x NLW Path of Destiny Champion
1x OCW Paradigm Champion
NLW Hall of Fame
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