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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-15-2022, 09:25 PM

This motel kind of smelled like eggs and cat piss. These are the kind of places you inhabit when you're on the run. There were empty pizza boxes and 2 liter Moutain Dew bottles strewn about, not to mention the other oddities you'd find in a girls bag. All of them littered the floor to the point where the floral pattern carpet that ran end to end couldn't even be seen. The room phone was off the hook, intentionally. This motel kind of smelled like eggs and cat piss. These are the kind of places you inhabit when you're on the run. There were empty pizza boxes and 2 liter Mountain Dew bottles strewn about, not to mention the other oddities you'd find in a girls bag. All of them littered the floor to the point where the floral pattern carpet that ran end to end couldn't even be seen. The room phone was off the hook, intentionally. The TV was on the motels MENU screen, the same add had already run 50 times.

Jenny was on the bed, her head propped up on the itchy, off-white pillows. There was a pizza box next to her. She belches.

"Ugh, I am so full. Feels good to have real food again!"

Ash is leaning over the sink taking her make up off and she asks Jen a question that had been burning at her for a while, ever since she picked her up that day.

“Hey what was it like in there was it all electrodes and screaming nut bags or was it more like incense and drum circles?"

Jenny finishes the last slice of pizza and tosses the crust into the empty box on the floor.

She paused for a second. She used to love the crust. WHO WAS SHE?

"The only drum circles were in my head. I heard music. A had an entire orchestra inside my head at all times. They played beautiful symphonies. That could have been a product of the electricity, or a product of me actually being as bat-shit nuts as they said I was....either way, it was fun....sometimes...."

“No shit!” She bounces onto the free bed grabbing a crust. “This is like the best part girlie! Hey I know I didn’t come up but those ass hats said no visitors besides fam. I told them I was it. Did anyone write or see ya?"

Jenny stared off into the distance for a minute, her gaze fixated on the peeling wallpaper.

"Nope. Just you, that one time. They were pretty strict about got lonely in there."

She looked back at the peeling wall.

"What is this like a therapy session? What are my deepest, darkest fears? Who are you, Doctor Ash? Well, then...the worst thing in the world would be to be eaten alive by chickens. I still can't even look at them without a panic attack."

“Yeah like look at the pizza box grease stains and tell me if you see two elephants fucking? It will tell me how jacked up you are” Ash lights up a cigarette dragging deep trying horribly to make smoke rings. “Nah chick the worst would be pigs! Those fuckers eat everything!” Ash slaps a roach crawling on the night stand. “Fuck that’s nasty!” Ash looks over at Jen. “Hey you’re starting to creep me out you look like that They're Here kid from Poltergeist. Hey Jen??”

Jenny snaps out of it, looking at Ash. She had a vacant look in her eyes.

"My fantasies are much darker than you think, my dear. I used to love pink, Gucci bags, kitty cats, fast cars. Now, I love blood, gore, eyeballs popping out of sockets and entrails slowly roasting over an open campfire."

She looks out at the vacant lot of the motel.

"I bet Baby opossums make for excellent appetizers."

She looked back at ASH.

"Did you miss me? I mean, you left me when I needed you most, ASH. You left with Goat Boy and his band of wannabe left handies and left me to fend for myself......and now you're here, sitting next to me on a dingy bed in the middle of the Nevada desert. WHY?"

Her voice had a grumble to it.

“Whoa settle yourself Linda Blair! If you remember hun I wasn’t exactly bubbly bouncy Ash anymore. Those fuckers did one hell of a number on this pretty little noggin. I had no choice it was leave or….fuck I don’t know!” She threw a pillow across the room. “I know it was a shit thing to do but I do want you to know while I was getting my shit back together after escaping David Koresh and his merry band of zombie twat waffles, I thought about you every day. Unfortunately hitch hiking and road head isn’t conducive to getting ahold of your buddy. I’m so sorry. Wanna hug it out?”

Jenny's voice was a low tone now.

"Some of those zombies are still here......"

Ash makes the hug sign again.

Jenny's lip begins to quiver.


She jumps up, grabbing a Twisted Tea bottle off the nightstand and smashing it, holding it to her wrist. She was shaking.


Ash jumps up yanking the broken bottle from her surprisingly strong best friend’s hand. Pulling her close she starts crying repeating over and over again how sorry she was. She pulls away sniffing, her face a mess. “They must have a hell of a conditioning workout plan in the nut house. You are a beast. Seriously though, you ask why you. I will tell you. Because even the strongest trees fall. When a flood or whatever wrecks everything they rebuild stronger.” Ash grabs her shoulder. “That’s what’s happening to you! Prada and Gucci were one side of you, but so is this! Do you, skin some rats, pop some eyeballs. You are stronger than you think. Oh and guess what dumb ass, I’m right here!”

Jenny sniffles. She had been crying as well. She says in a childish voice, into Ash's shoulder....."I have always had a strong urge to dig my fingers into a person's eye sockets."

The two embraced for a few. Jenny clearly still had some issues to work out. ASH had plenty of her own.

"The only thing I can tell you about revenge is that it fulfills a need. What that need is, I can't say, but every time I exact it on the deserving, I feel good, if only for a moment. I always spouted out horror movie quotes during my torture sessions. It made me more at ease."

She looks out at the quickly darkening sky. It was getting cloudy, a rarity in the Nevada desert.

"The best days are the rainy ones. I can go outside and let the rain wash off all the blood. Much better than taking a shower!"

She gets off the bed. "I thought about you in there, too, ya know. And when you came to visit that one time, and they wouldn't let me see wasn't them. It was me. I didn't want to see you. I didn't want you to see me like that.......I am sorry, I am so sorry if it upset you."

"Dammit Jen! I can understand, I really can but sometimes we need to see our worst to appreciate the best. You have your quotes, well I have mine. Eric Draven says “It can’t rain all the time” and it’s true! For every dark day there is a brighter one around the corner. Those rain clouds out there, you know what comes after, if we are lucky? The fucking sun!” Ash feeling it now yanks open the curtains and then thinks better of it, the window is dirty as hell. “Never mind, the point is we are going to fuck this place up again. If I can be your friend after you almost killed me a half dozen times anything is possible. Hand me that Cuervo goddamn it."

Jenny hands her the bottle. "My hope is that one day I will be able to say, "I've killed a chicken."

ASH grins at her....

"You will....hun, you will...."

Jenny smiles.

"I hope.....lets see if there is anything good on TV in this hellhole!" She picks up the remote and begins to flip channels, as if the past twenty minutes never happened.

"Poor, innocent Erica Marie."

*she giggles*

"You are coming into this match after losing to BARNEY GREEN of all people. BARNEY GREEN. The XWF's equivalent of a battered wife, the punching bag of all punching bags, and now you get to shoot for that illustrious 0-2. I don't get to make you tap out like Barney did. I don't get to pin you, I don't get to count you out or get you disqualified. Oh no, baby girl, the only way to win this little shindig is to make the other one BLEED. I mean, we do it once a month, you should be used to it by now. Right? Right?"

*she shrugs*

"I'll admit I don't know much about you sweet cheeks. To me, you're just another girl trying to make a name on my roster. I have made a career on feeding off the new talent, though, for you, I use the world talent loosely. You look like you chew water. You probably think that toothpaste is spicy. We aren't on the same level, hun, and that isn't a knock on your wrestling ability (which, to this point, appears to be nonexistent), but mentality. I want to get into that ring, and I don't want to just make you bleed, I want you to bleed out. I want to slice a major artery and watch you quiver and shake, choking on your own hemoglobin. Do you have that in you? You look like you sprang to life when someone buried some Uggs and a Taylor Swift cd and sprinkled it with a pumpkin spice latte. I doubt you have the ability to dig down deep enough to not only draw blood but ENJOY it. You came in with some hype around you......apparently you will put your body through hell to appease the 'fans'.....

*she gags*

"Babygirl, been there, done that. I used to care what these waterheads thought about me, but it is a dog eat dog world. These fans will eat you up until they're full, then they will shove you to the side and move on to the next meal. You owe them NOTHING. The only person who should matter to you when you step into that ring is you. Listen closely, because I don't give out advice for free. I am the poster girl for giving these fans what they wanted. I was Ms. MUST-SEE. My talk show, QUEEN'S COURT, kept a dying Savage alive in the ratings war. I was busting my ass every week to bring these disgusting creatons a quality event, and what did I get for it? A mental break down and what did they do? THEY MOVED ON. Not ONE letter from fans. Not ONE note like "Hey Jenny! I hope you are feeling better." Or "Hey Jenny, we miss you!" or "Hey Jenny, don't kill yourself, you DO matter!". NO. Not a single one. Instead, the XWF moved right along as it always had and the name Jenny Myst was all but forgotten. I get back and what do I see? The same tired old acts that have always ran this place plastered all over the XWF media, the same fans wearing the same tee shirts and drinking out of the same lame 64 oz. cups with Corey and Duke's faces on them. I debuted against Tara Fenix, NOT ONE WELCOME BACK SIGN. It was like I was brand new all over again, like all of my accomplishments never happened, like I never stepped foot here before.

Why do you think I don't care about the accomplishments? Why I don't care about the titles. Why I don't care about their love and admiration? I ONLY care about ME. This is the Jenny Myst redemption tour, and you're all invited.

I'll have Ash send out the invites.

*tilts her head to one side then back, and laughs*

"You have the bone structure of a speed bump. I have been in the ring with the biggest and baddest here. Have I lost my fair share? Sure have. But I have earned my stripes, too. And no, not the stripes on my wrists from the razor blades. I am no stranger to blood. I am no stranger to putting my body on the line, but this difference is, now I do it for me. Consider this an education session. Watch how quickly those fans turn on you. Watch how quickly they boo you out of the building while you lay in the ring, leaking from your traumatic injuries. Watch how quickly you realize that all of it is for naught, that the pain you put yourself through doesn't matter. It is a crushing feeling. It is a soul snatching feeling.


The last 8 months of my life have been a living hell, and now I get to project that hell onto everyone who gets in my way. I am coming for blood, and not just yours. I just like blood! Bad news for you. Wrong place, wrong time. Consider this Varsity Try-Outs, Erica, and if you make the team then maybe, just maybe, I will allow you to earn your starting job! But, lets just say I am in a cutting mood. OOOH METAPHOR!"

*she high fives the air with a big smile*

"I am going to slice you up into little bitty'll be fun! And just because the bell rings, that doesn't mean I'll be done! I get to have a little fun with you. Since I have been back it has been standard match after standard match. BORING. I got to have a little foreplay with Centurion at the Pay Per View, but you can't just stop after a little foreplay! SO not fair! This is going to be a whole-ass therapy session out there, but for the first time in almost a year I will be on the other side of that desk! You be the patient, I will be the 'doctor' who gets overpaid to tell you how shitty of a person you are. WHOOOHOO ANOTHER METAPHOR!"

*high fives nobody, again*

"But to answer my previous question, do you have it in you to do to me what I am willing to do to you? After what I saw when Barney had you in the Green Dream.....then when the match was over and you were a blubbering mess.....

Let me be frank here.....I’ve seen people being beheaded in ISIS videos with more hope in their eyes than you. You shouldn't try so hard baby girl. You already look like a 24 year old single mom trying to make it as an Instagram model and when I am done with you even your dusty ass mirror won't recognize you. Your face looks like it runs on Windows 95. You're THAT basic. You’re what Emma Roberts would look like if she wasn’t hot enough to be famous. After I am done with you, Erica, you're going to beg to face Barney Green every night for the rest of your career. Welcome to the big leagues, baby girl. I booked you the honeymoon suit."

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2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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[-] The following 5 users Like Jenny Myst's post:
Ash Q (02-16-2022), Barney Green (02-15-2022), Charlie Nickles (02-16-2022), Raion Kido (02-16-2022), Theo Pryce (02-16-2022)

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