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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Future of XWF - HGH
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Tommy Slavino Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-11-2022, 03:29 PM

We open to Tommy Slavino standing in front of a giant HGH graphic!

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself! My name is Tommy Slavino, and some of you may remember me as the voice of the bWo, but today I come to you as nothing more than a meager manager. When Jessica... Er... Miss Fury was killed in action at the Halloween Hell event, I thought that my days in this business were over, but then one day, while checking in on my good friend Bama T over on Anarchy, I watched this young man wrestle with the skill of a man far more experienced than his age would suggest, and far more driven than his upbringing should allow. That man was HGH, Harmon Grayson Hays, and it was then that I recalled that at one point in time, HGH was quite the apple of Jessica's eye, and for good reason! His natural talent in the ring is something to marvel at folks, it really is!"

"But here lately, HGH has found himself in a rut, desperately searching for a way to dig himself out. Well folks, allow me to introduce you to the golden shovel."

Tommy flashes a corny smile as he points both thumbs back at himself!

"It's because of me that HGH will be fully prepared for any challenge that Reggie Estrada would otherwise pose! I've scoured the tapes, and I've found Reggie's biggest weakness, WRESTLING MATCHES!"

"That's right folks, turns out that the reason our boy hasn't accomplished squat outside of the Xtreme Championship is simply because out of everything that can be thrown at you in the XWF, actual wrestling matches are this guy's biggest weakness! Chairs, tables, ladders? No problem for Reggie, but take away his ability to resort to Xtreme violence, and he's lost like a bimbo in Macy's! And unfortunately for Mr. Estrada, the man that he's facing this week is one of the most naturally gifted wrestlers I have ever laid eyes on! What happens when Harmon locks in the Double Dose? Can Reggie even reverse submissions without something blunt to swing?"

"The point is, Reggie is out of his element, and HGH is sitting comfortably right in the middle of his! So you tell me, what happens when a garbage wrestler has all of his mud show toys taken away and he's placed across the ring from a wrestling prodigy?"

"Well, among the many side effects of HGH is excessive joint and muscle pain, and I have a feeling that YOU'LL be feeling it tomorrow night!!"
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