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02-10-2022, 01:22 PM
Act II: Cero Miedo (Zero Fear)
Camera: On (Security Feed Familia Gym)
Daniela is waiting for her next sparring partner as she stretches inside her family owned squared circle. The place she feels most at home these days. From the age of sixteen she has trained to become acquainted with the structure, the ins and outs of the ropes and the canvas. She has agonized inside of it, felt peace inside it, and grown up right here inside the confines of this gymnasium. A center of honing one’s craft and she has felt no shred of fear, though doubt has played in her mind. From somewhere in the shadows she hears a familiar voice call to her.
Aro Guerrero: Daniela... Daniela... Usted ha estado haciendo a su familia muy orgulloso. He visto su progreso durante algún tiempo. Tiene más que a la altura de lo que su madre hubiera estado esperando de usted. Aunque yo puedo ver en sus ojos que dudan de sí mismos. Al igual que dudo yo mismo al tratar de demostrarme a mí mismo. (Daniela.. Daniela.. You have made your family very proud. I have been watching your progress for some time. You have more than lived up to what your mother would have been expecting of you. Though I can see it in your eyes that you doubt yourself. Just like I doubt myself as I try to prove myself.)
The young woman looks to her left and then to her right. When she is satisfied no one shares the space with her she shrugs and returns to stretching. A few moments later she hears the same voice once again.
Aro: Respóndeme pequeño. Es muy grosero no responder a sus ancianos. (Answer me little one. It is very rude not to reply to your elders.)
A pair of bone white eyes peer through the darkness at the young latina. An aura of familiarity and dread surrounds them.
Aro: La duda será su perdición a menos que la aproveche de pequeño. (Doubt will be your undoing unless you harness it little one.)
Daniela: I am deathly afraid of failing my family even more than I already have. I've failed my daughters enough..
A light clicking sound comes from the shadows.
Aro Guerrero: Fracaso ... Es una palabra tan fuerte que muchas personas inferiores utilizan para describir un paso en falso de alguien mucho mayor de lo que son. Lo que se ve como un fracaso que otro puede ver como una nueva oportunidad. Usted se ve pequeño. Uno no falla cuando se aprende de los errores. Uno no falla cuando se puede abrazar a sus negativos y positivos tanto. Muchos cometen el error de tratar de hacer hincapié en uno y ser cegado a la otra. (Failure... It is such a strong word that many inferior people use to describe a misstep of someone far greater than they are. What one sees as a failure another may see as a new opportunity. You see little one. One does not fail when one learns from mistakes. One does not fail when they can embrace their negatives and positives both. Many make the mistake of trying to dwell on one and be blinded to the other.)
Suddenly those eyes and the body to which they belong are behind Dani and have her locked in a hammerlock. The person adds pressure to the elbow joint with a twisted smirk as he leans into her ear.
Aro Guerrero: Cero Miedo! El miedo... La duda... Son debilidades que personas como usted y yo estamos arriba. Usted está más allá de estos puntos débiles, pero hay que permitir que sus ojos lo vean. (Zero Fear! Fear... Doubt... They are weaknesses that people like you and I are above. You are past these weaknesses, but you have to allow your eyes to see it.)
With each word that leaves his lips the shape adds pressure to the young woman’s arm. She yells out in agony, her shoulder nearly pulled out of the joint.
Daniela: Are you taking me under your wing or?
Aro Guerero: Es un sacrificio o eres un guerrero? (Are you a sacrifice or are you a warrior?)
She reverses the armbar, flipping him onto his back. Her foot firmly planted on his neck. Her eyes darkened with every second.
Daniela: I am a warrior queen!
Aro smirks and trips the young woman onto her stomach before hammer locking her left arm with his legs and gripping her right with his hands.
Aro Guerrero: Y puedo romper el brazo para el maestro sin pensarlo dos veces. Dime por qué no debería hacerlo. (And I can break your arm for the master without a second thought. Tell me why I shouldn’t.)
Daniela: Because Lucia would never forgive you. And my aunt will kill you.
He looks down at her with a twisted smirk.
Aro Guerrero: muéstrame el fuego que arde en ti pequeño. O voy a terminar su carrera antes de que realmente comience. (Show me the fire that is burning in you little one. Or I will end your career before it truly starts.)
She becomes highly angered by his words and breaks from the hold. She lets out a primal scream as she lands a damn near perfect flying roundhouse kick. Aro rolls to a corner and looks up at her with a twisted smirk on his face.
Aro Guerrero: No está mal. Pero es que todo lo que tienes? (Not bad little one. But is that all you have?)
Aro cracks his neck.
Aro Guerrero: Eres un héroe del anillo o es usted un poco de flor de un día? (Are you a hero of the ring or are you a flash in the pan?)
Dani looks at Aro with a mixture of disgust and reverence.
Daniela: Looking at you now, I am beginning to wonder what good my mother ever saw in you. Are you supposed to be the Latino Batman? The Hispanic Bruce Wayne? I see why Lucia left home.
Aro takes a step towards Dani, and smirks.
Aro Guerrero: You.. Are.. Ready.
Dani smirks back with a dark grin forming on her ravishing features.
Daniela: You were so close to me going Katt Williams/Fluffy on you.
Aro Guerrero: Deja mullido fuera de este. (Leave Fluffy out of this.)
Serai laughs.
Serai Daniela: Prefer George Lopez instead? Or Cheech and Chong?
Aro laughs evilly.
Aro Guerrero: Entonces, ¿cuál es su siguiente lucha libre? (So what is your next wrestling match?)
Serai Daniela: In a few days. I’m finally returning to my first love: wrestling. It is my destiny.
Aro nods.
Aro Guerrero: I see…
Serai Daniela: Runs in the familia.
He pats Serai on the head.
Aro Guerrero: Al igual que su madre. Ahora, ¿quién es su primer oponente? (Just like your mother. Now who is your first opponent?)
Serai seethes inwardly.
Serai Daniela: Hate when people do that. My opponent is Lord Raab.
Aro Guerrero: El estudio de la cinta? Más te vale. (Studying tapes? You better be.)
Aro Guerrero: How long has it been since your last match?
Serai Daniela: About five years.
Aro Guerrero: Really?
Serai Daniela: Si although it doesn't feel like it's been that long..
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