Marf stands statue still, on the familiar front lawn of Lycana’s beautiful home. The December air is just beginning to get frosty but with the right gust of wind it could pierce the finest armour. Marf stood as though he was in a trance, frozen in place while staring at the looming house in front of him. He knows there is no turning back now that he is here but his legs refuse to move. As he struggles with himself, the front door suddenly opens. Standing there, her blue hair flowing wildly with the wind attacking it, Lycana glares at him with a murderous anger burning in her eyes.
You have some nerve!
She hisses the words as she stands guard over her home.
How the fuck could you show your face here after what you did?
Marf winces at the razor sharpness of her words. He stalls for a moment and kisses his teeth before finally speaking.
I’m sorry to be here…I had to see you in person…I think someone or something is coming…
He knows he just struggled through those easy sentences and anticipates another tongue lashing. Cold laughter meets his declaration.
How would that be different from my life the rest of the time Marf? Something is always fucking over the horizon waiting. Only difference is, we won’t be standing together against it.
She walks forward, down the steps onto the dead grass of the lawn.
Could it possibly any worse than you? I thought I knew what you were. I didn’t think that you...
She shakes her head and snarls at him.
How could you?
He stares into her fiery eyes and feels her hatred. Marf opens his mouth and for a moment nothing comes out until his vocal chords finally cooperate.
…There is nothing I can say that will change how you feel towards what happened. I am sorry…I had to check on you and on…
Marf is cut off as a hard slap is delivered by Lycana. She pulls her stinging hand back.
Don’t. Don’t you dare. Don’t even try. You killed him Marf. You crushed his skull into pieces. Now Arcana and I have to try and bring him back with the bell, and it could very well kill us both too.
She laughs coldly.
I hope you are fucking happy.
His blue eyes flash and there it is, anger rising up through his own blood. Lycana sees the rage but ignores it because of her own and goes to slap him again. Marf grabs her wrist this time and glares into her eyes.
Don’t be fuckin’ stupid you know damn well I’m not. Deny all you want, you can feel that. And secondly, you know you’re little ritual would run a lot smoother with me there…
Lycana jerks her arm, but is no match for his strength, so she settles for her venomous tongue.
You think I want you anywhere near that? You think Arcana does? She didn’t like you before and she fucking hates you now. She will light you on fire and roast you like a fucking side of beef. And honestly? I don’t know that I would stop her.
She gives another yank of her arm.
Let me go, or else.
Marf holds onto her arm while slowly leaning his head in until it’s next to hers. He whispers into her ear with words colder than the frozen air.
Let her tryyyy…
Before Lycana can do anything to respond Marf pulls her into an embrace. She freezes up in confusion at first but then a sweet little voice calls out and the situation makes perfect, awkward sense.
Marf!!! You’re home!
Lycana stiffens hearing Reika’s voice. She gets a hand between them, shoving him back lightly, her eyes promising there would be hell to pay. A low whisper reaching his ears only.
Don’t even think about going near her.
She moves to intercept Reika, a fake smile on her face, putting her arm around the girl.
Marf only came for a visit. He has somewhere he needs to be.
She fixes her ice cold gaze on him.
Don’t you?
Marf nods but a devilish smirk pops up on his otherwise somber face.
Y’know, I got a bit of time actually. At least for a hug right?
Marf props his own fake smile on while staring coldly at the shocked Lycana. Reika squeezes away from her and dives at Marf, grabbing hold with a bear hug grip. Lycana burns with rage while somehow maintaining a semi-smile. Reika yanks on Marf’s arm and he stumbles forward as if the tiny girl is stronger. He winks at Lycana as Reika drags him into the house.
I got a threeeee deeeee puzzle Marf! Come see it! And I finally finished my Paw Patrol painting…
Reika trails off as her and Marf go into the house. Lycana is shaking with anger while shaking her head slowly in utter disbelief. She bolts inside, not willing to leave the two of them alone. She follows them up the stairs and to the doorway of Reika’s room where she grabs Marf’s elbow. A harsh whisper emerging as the blond girl crosses the room.
You are so fucking lucky I don’t want to make a scene in front of her.
You need me, for the ritual. It’s my fault, the least I can do is be there to help bring him back…
He stays in the doorway of Reika’s room but she’s already deep into her drawings she’s lost interest in Lycana and Marf already.
I don’t need you. For anything anymore.
Lycana keeps her voice low, eyes locked on the desk and the banshee.
After this, you will leave. And you will not come back. I don’t want to see you again Marf. Do you understand? I never want to see you again.
She turns emotionless eyes in his direction. The words cut into him like ancient swords but he doesn’t flinch. He knew this was coming. He sighs slowly before turning away from her to colour with Reika. He whispers back to her as he passes.
You will need me. You don’t understand now…but you will eventually…
Marf crouches down and plants his massive body beside the tiny banshee. Lycana crosses her arms and leans against the door frame while watching them intently as we fade out.
Conversations just slip in the dark.
One block over the dogs start to bark.
Across the ocean, the sun starts to rise.
With foreign eyes,
Maybe it's a bang, blame, bang.
Murder on the midnight wire.
The police say this boy is a liar.
Look, the guns in his hands.
It was a bang, blame, bang.
The public wants an answer tonight.
This boy has no alibi,
He's a murderer, on the midnight wire.
Sometime after the visit but before Saturday night
We open to a hunched over Marf. Which is a bit off since we usually find him standing and smiling like the son of a bitch he is. Slowly he raises his head and all of North America let’s put a sigh of relief as we spot that familiar, twisted grin of his.
Betsy, I’m close now…can you feel me?
There’s a goosebump causing wink from Marf as he chuckles to himself.
Look at that, Saturday is right around the corner! And to the surprise of absolutely nobody with half a brain, Betsy comes out crying about her precious booking. As if this so-called golden child deserves better than Centy and me. First of all, let me start this off with a big FUCK YOU to Betsy. Congratulations, you beat me by distraction the first time and narrowly rolling off a broken table a second before me in the rematch. Yeah, you won but you definitely did not embarrass or dominate me in any fashion so fuck right off with the revisionist history lesson attempts.
Fuck, I shouldn’t be surprised. Poor Betsy isn’t in a title or title shot match, how unfair for the little internet darling that everyone wants to suck off. Cry me a fuckin’ river. Just out of curiosity though, when it isn’t a sweaty cock, is everything else that comes out of your mouth bullshit? Where do I even begin with the garbage you proudly spat out at me? You honestly think they’d call off this match for being too barbaric on a count of you? I’d laugh if it wasn’t so god damn pathetic a thought!
Fucking Christ Bets, you doubled down on the stupidity and then said fuck it and went off the rails completely. Why the fuck would I have laughed at Lycana and you losing to the Bastards. I was god damn rooting for you both you dumb bitch! Did I enjoy the fact that someone that was an actual enemy to the Dissentients was teaming with my partner? Fuck no but all I asked was you watch her fuckin’ back. Wow, what a crybaby that makes me, you delusional inter-dimensional whore. Take five and suck another dick, no judgments here Bets.
It was a bit funny at first how wrong you are, about everything, but it got annoying fast. Running your mouth about how you and Lycana made some kind of buzz in the tag division yet if you actually ask anyone at all nobody remembers that failed experiment. Keep gloating though, it’s a step up from the entitled brat bullshit we are all used to. And it is definitely a better look as opposed to trying to cry about you and Lycana being scorned while I move up the card. Guess you forgot Lycana just headlined the last pay per view…for the company’s biggest fucking title.
Marf has to stop and catch himself for a moment. He rolled his eyes so hard they almost fell out of his head.
And I’m sure you’ll be in another title match in no time Bets. Tell me more about how you women are held back. Then throw another cock in there and shut the fuck up. Nobody fuckin’ cares! I could give a flying squirrel’s frozen shit whether you have a dick or a clit or both between your legs. If you’re in my way, I’m going to fucking kick the shit out of you. I don’t look down at you because you’re allegedly female, Bets. I look down at you because you always seem to be whining while everything is always catered to you and your fragile ego. Play the sexism card all you want, I just straight up don’t like you for fuckin’ you.
Oh, and as for your friend Bam Margera or whatever stupid last name he has…he already dropped the Xtreme title. Well before you cut your promo. Christ even Father Time himself Centy mentioned it for fuck sakes. Gee, you must be really good friends with him eh Bets? Fucking time travelling moron. At the very least, you better hold up these promises about really giving me a shit kicking. I want your fucking best so I can put you down with no damn excuses. They’ll be peeling what’s left of ya from the mat when I’m finished.
Marf slowly shifts his head from side to side causing an audible crack followed by a satisfied smirk.
Don’t worry Centy, I’m not leaving you out. Even if you did manage to come off sounding like nothing but a dumb, old fuck. You’re spouting off about my Xtreme title opportunity I won at Bad Medicine so I know that you know I was fuckin’ there. So why the fuck would I have plans to face Jimmy Caedus? Only plans I have with him is to hopefully grab a drink someday soon. I knew he lost the Xtreme belt at Bad Medicine just like I know he won the Universal belt like the badass he is. Just like you Centy, I was fuckin’ there, dumbass.
I also know Bam Bam managed to drop the Xtreme title already to Johnny Cage Coleman. Just like I know that anyone at anytime can go after that title. Regardless of who has it or has a title match for it coming up. You understand that too, right Cent? It doesn’t fucking matter who holds that belt, I have the upcoming title shot no matter what. What do you have again? A rinky dink title for shitty Anarchy? A love story with that lesbian Ruby? An extra vote in any American election whenever you wish? Fuck off, you’re lame Centy, go learn some more tangos old man.
For such a seasoned veteran, you sure managed to do exactly what I anticipated. Ya pulled the tag card, like everyone before you did, like our other fuckhead of an opponent did, like everyone after this always will. At this point it is fucking expected. Oh my fucking god, Lycana and Marf were a tag team, and now they’re in singles matches…better trash that! How original Centy, what’s next on the docket, opening a frat house and inviting all your old college buddies? Better change circle jerk Sundays to a later day of the week after this Saturday…
Marf stretches and dusts off his hands for whatever strange reason.
Sure Centy, your current run is definitely not subpar. Even if your opponents were, all that matters is you’ve been winning. Hell, you might keep winning after Saturday Savage too. But I assure you, you’ll be taking a loss this Saturday. You’re a great wrestler? Doesn’t mean shit to me, I’ll still put you fucking down. You have years of experience and accolades? Doesn’t mean shit to me, you’re about to get your ass kicked. You’re on a career resurgence? Doesn’t mean fucking shit to me Centy! I’m going to fucking pound on you until you bruise, bleed and beg me to stop.
You will find out very quickly I’m nothing like the pissants you face at that sloppy Thursday show. I find a way to get up each and every god damn time. You put me down and I’ll be up in a flash to put you down ten times as fucking hard. Go on and talk your shit about whatever the fuck you think me teaming with Lycana has to do with this triple threat. None of it will mean shit when you’re picking your own bloodied teeth up from the mat. Nothing you say matters, old man. I’m going to beat you down and fucking pin you this go ‘round.
Even if Betsy is just as annoying, hell even more annoying than Atara Themis, the outcome won’t be the same. I won’t show up hungover and ready to puke because the mixture of expired deodorant and old man sweat stench comes off Cent worse than his thinning hair. I won’t be tapping out so I can puke my guts out. I’m showing up clean and ready to beat your vintage ass from the right all the way to the far left. You think ole Marf is on his last legs? You dumb fuck, you’re about to be just another head i violently step on while I keep walking through this fuckin’ company.
Marf runs a sharp thumb across his throat but the conviction in his blue eyes is far more convincing.
Centurion’s destruction will come directly after the not so lovely Betsy’s. There is nowhere to go, nobody to distract, just a pure wrestling match. I will put wrestle Betsy and leave her laying. But don’t worry Bets, I’ll at least leave you conscious. That way you can at least finger bang yourself while watching two men beat the living shit out of one another. Nice runner up prize Bets. At least after I walk away victorious you two can use each other as scapegoats for the loss. I’m sure there will be some excuse anyway…
Marf has a weird half smile half frown thing going on while he folds his arms. For some reason we don’t fade out yet. Marf suddenly looks back at the camera with annoyance.
What? The fuck else am I supposed to say? My opponents are a lame camp leader and a time travelling whore that always manages to fucking show up at the last second. Real brave. I fucking don’t like either of you guys, you both fucking suck. I don’t even care what you can do in the ring, you both just blow as humans. Saturday Savage is giving me an excuse to just beat on the pair of ya and there will be no remorse or regret. Just satisfaction in punching both of you fucks right in the mouth while thinking about all the dumb shit you’ve both said. The main point is crystal fuckin’ clear by now, isn’t it?
Marf leans forwards and waits a moment. He stands up straight and raises his arms high now, a pair of middle fingers proudly displayed.
Both of you can get fucked!
Marf mockingly waves his fingers and puts on that lovable, sadistic smile as we finally fade out.
2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies