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A Monster? Who Cares?
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HGH Offline
Active in XWF

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12-03-2021, 01:24 PM

We see a limo pulling up to the T-Mobile Arena in Kansas City. We see HGH walking towards a limo dressed in an Armani suit. He gets in the car as it drives away. While in the limo HGH hands a camera to Junior and tells him to roll the camera.

“Hello ladies and gentleman, HGH is here to do what he does best. That is to tell you just how great I am. I mean did you all see that match...EDWARD pounding on ol’ Elijah. Then everyone is getting their shots in here and there. I mean that was one hell of a match. A match that I won, everyone got caught sleeping on me. Well not anymore no one is sleeping now are they. I’ve said since day one, day one that I was the next rising star in this company.”

While filming HGH, Junior glances down at the seat of the limo and spots a flyer for XWF Thursday Night Anarchy.

“SIr, have you seen this?”

“You idiot, I was talking.”

“Sir, this flyer says that you have a match against Lord Raab on December 9th, 2021.”

“Who.. who the hell is Lord Raab?


“Junior, shut up I don't care who he is. I don’t care who I face. Anyone that steps foot in the ring with me, is just another obstacle that is in my way to the top. It’s simple, I am on my way to the top in this business. It’s just a matter of time when I will get an opportunity for gold. Until such time, they keep sending me opponents and I’ll keep knocking them down. One by one until I get a shot at a belt. Lord Raab, you are just going to be another footnote on my rise to greatness.”

“Sir, this says that the match will be contested inside of a steel cage.”
“Come again?”

“ A Steel Cage match.”

“Isn’t this glorious? That just might be the best news of all. So you mean after that hell of a match I had with GD Giovanni DeSantis, I get to have a little fun?

HGH begins to crack an evil grin.

“I have told you people, that match has changed me. Oh boy, and now I get to show you what I meant. You see, Lord Raab you have the misfortune of being locked inside of a steel cage with me, Harmon Greyson Hays. You see I haven’t forgotten that night and my friend, what I am going to do to you inside that cage, may quite possibly be borderline homicide. I am going to beat your old ass all around that ring. Bashing your skull off of that cage will bring me great pleasure.”

“That night has never left my memory. That night forever changed my inner self, I was pushed to limits I never knew I had. However, Thursday night will be a very uncomfortable night for you Mr. Raab, that night you will be facing a different side of HGH. For I will not stop your beat down until I am satisfied. Unfortunately for you, you will be a statement. That statement is simply this. I’m not going to ask, I’m not going to beg, but what I am going to do is put down every challenge set in front of me. I will continue to do so until I earn a shot at some gold. I let my work do the talking, as of late I’ve been on this little bit of a roll, and you know what? I love it. I love the fact that people count me out, that just makes the win so much sweeter."

HGH pauses and takes a moment to collect his thoughts. He puts his head into his hands, and lets out a sigh.

“You know, it’s funny to me that people think that just because they claim to be a monster that they are... well better. This doesn’t seem to be the case now, does it old man? You fancy yourself in that category don’t you? I’m a German, so I’m better than you. Well… how did that work out for you in World War II? Just thinking out loud here, but didn’t Germans then think they were some hot shit? If I recall my history books, that didn’t quite pan out like they intended now did it?

We see the limo pulling into an airstrip. As the limo comes to a stop, we see a jet pulling onto the runway. We see Junior exit the limo,as he holds the door for HGH.

“Finally, someone that knows their job.”


“Shut up, don't ruin it!”

HGH heads towards the jet, as Junior grabs all of the luggage. They board the plane as HGH tells the pilot their destination.

“The closest to Durham, New Hampshire. I have some business to attend to. Now let's have some fun shall we?”
As they sit, Junior refocuses the camera on HGH.

“Lord Raab, you say you’re a monster and you like to hurt people. Well old man, bring that monster with you to Anarchy. I don’t want you to have any kind of excuse once I am done beating you from pillar to post. I said it once and I’ll say it again, What I am going to do to you is not for the faint of heart. For this night will be the bloodiest and most painful night of your life. I will finally put you out to pasture, and I will do so with a smile on my face. So in those last moments before you walk that ramp, just remember. When you enter that ring and you are locked inside a steel cage with me. I’m going to end you. This may be your last hoorah, only time will tell. I will say this though. Your time is ticking and after Thursday, you will never be the same again.

"So in Durham, New Hampshire a Steel Cage match that will be your demise. Why, because I'm better and stronger than you and you know it!"
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (12-06-2021), JimCaedus (12-03-2021), Latina Submission Machina (12-10-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (12-03-2021)

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