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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Looking for a FIGHT (or alliance)! Looking to insult each other (or team up)!
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Gorilla See Ugly
Author Message
A Literal Gorilla Offline
Active in XWF

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11-26-2021, 10:59 PM

(Me Gorilla.)

(Gorilla see ugly women in XWF.)

(Me have gorilla wife. Gorilla wife pretty.)

(Lycana ugly. Lycana finish poop see reflection in toilet.)

(Ruby ugly. Ruby hide face in mask to look better, boyfriend make wear during love times.)

(Atara ugly. Me no fuck Atara with Ruby's dick.)

(Tara ugly. Tara proof abstinence only sex education good idea.)

(Corey ugly. Ugliest woman in XWF.)
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[-] The following 5 users Like A Literal Gorilla's post:
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (11-27-2021), ALIAS (11-27-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (11-28-2021), Thias Watts (11-27-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (11-26-2021)

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