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THUGS News November 23 2021
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T.H.U.G.S Offline
Tribalistic Mindstas

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-23-2021, 09:45 AM$hit

There's going to be some plans and updates for THUGS as a group and as singles wrestlers. Starting off as the group, they have stated that starting next year they will invite anyone who'd like to join their group and this will become more or less of a threat and more of a for fun basis. JB has told the XWF source that, "We have been in the game for too long, had our L's and W's... so now, we want the next generation of THUGS to run a muck in XWF. Does that mean we will retire?.... nope, we'll just multiply and whomever wants to run the name can do whatever the hell they want with it."

Another source claims that THUGS WILL NOT go for the tag belts anytime soon, as Tommy told the XWF source, "After that hellious trio tag match for the belt last few months prior, I think it's better for a real, legit team to chase after it... if they call us and tell us we'll be in the running for it again... then fine, but we don't need to prove ourselves as a mediocre Tag Team whom might devalue the tag division as champions... yes, it was pretty much a meme for us to get them... but now, that dream is dead to us."

For each guys in this group varies...

For Reggie, he told a XWF source that he's going to make an effort to be apart of Savage shows and be involved as much as he can within the brand. He also said that JB will be his mentor in his journey to wrestle in Savage, be on a look out for him. Also, he will be making an appearance on this Last edition of Savage depending on his schedule and he'll make an appearance on Bad Medicine in support of Adi Gold and too air out his grievances towards Cage Coleman over his post match beat down during the Savage TV title tournament.

Tommy basically told a source that he'll bing back an old "friend" of his on Warfare in honor of Eric Polulu... but with a different kinda look, and a whole new outlook on the XWF scene, he told the source, "If you all peeped out that forgettable 24/7 Freestyle attempt I did on Charles Nickles, my "friend" told me to leave a note in blood to Charlie, basically he's going to come out and play once again. A FREAK of nature so to speak, but don't worry he'll play nice with others... but he'll be a stuff of nightmares to those that he don't fuck with... that's all I can tell."

What does that mean for Tommy... who knows? But besides that, he'll "split" his time on Warfare and Anarchy if need be. Outside of wrestling, he will start touring more often and making music in his brand new studio in his old hometown of Texas so he won't be bothering half the female wrestlers for feet pictures.

For John Black, Mister .38 Special, he said that he'll focus on his Anarchy stuff, while doing some mentoring type of gig on behalf of Reggie. He also said that he's also involved with a another company that he's their TV Champion in. He told the source, "I will basically fufill my Anarchy dates for Vinnie, because I owe him one... and also, i'll be involved with Reggie in some shape or form on Savage, and come peep out Action Wrestling's Turmoil PPV where i'll be defending my TV title against two people whom i can't wait to fuck up! Anyways, i'll still be in the cut like usual."

This has been the THUGS Update, thank you for your time.
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