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The Past Begets the Future Apocalypse
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

11-04-2021, 12:16 PM

~ 843 B.C. ~

A massive man, with long beard and locked hair, with animal skins adorning his waist and legs and none covering his torso; except a bow in his left hand and a sheaf of arrows in his large right hand. He roamed through the forests of what would be called in the future, Europe, in the wilds of Germania. He stomped through the land, as his wolf companions followed, gigantic and just as hungry as he. With luck, he'd spot a family of red deer. He ordered the wolves to hunt, as he gently placed the arrows down and knocked one into place against his bow. As he saw his animal friends circle the outskirts of the family, he'd let loose an arrow, killing a massive buck, as his wolves dove upon the family, tackling and dragging them down to the ground for the kill as he chased after the rest. There were a couple of fawns and a doe running away, and he'd manage to fire at the doe, hitting her in the rump, staggering it. He whistled and ordered his wolves to kill, and they would chase after the injured animal as he pulled out a stone carving tool and began to carve up the buck, doe and a fawn that one of the wolves caught in the intial surprise attack.

Once he got the skin off the buck, he would lay it out, fur side down on the ground, before carving up the tasty meat of the animal, placing it on the flayed skin, only to do the same to the doe and fawn, placing the meat he was going to consume from the three on the buck's skin, and leaving enough meat to sate his wolves as he pulled the skin together, making it essentially into a bloody carry sack. He knew the hunger in those wolves, he knew the entire family would be dead by now, so he whistled loudly, and the pounding steps of them running in unison, stained and dripping with blood, came to his side. He gestured to the carcasses, showing that it was time to eat. He followed their path, seeing the slaughtered female deer and the children, barely a year old. He rolled his eyes, seeing some of it being gnawed on, knowing he won't be able to get much in trade for those skins, but he carved up the rest of the flesh, untying the buck skin, placing the new meat in it, then tying it up once more.

He walked deeper into the forest, leaving his companions to get their fill, only for a burst of light appear before him. He instantly crouched down, hands placing everything down except his bow, remembering he forgot about the arrows, so he immediately got into a fighting stance. The light slowly disappeared, but the thing that appeared from it was barely human looking. As if limbs seemed to be out of focus, constantly moving, wider than they should be. The face formless, no nose, eyes or lips. It 'looked' at the big man, shouting obscenities and threats at it. So, it disappeared, only to grab his head, Information gathered by this creature, information of language he knows, and other information this beast of this world could give it.

While this happened, the man struck hard at the torso of the creature, showing it was near formless, as the impact of the large and bloodied fist left a print in its body. This caused the creature to be startled, tilting its 'head' as it looked at how the man beast reacted before speaking in the native tongue of the human..

::Translation sequence initiated for viewers of the Future::

"I see. You feel threatened. Understandable, creature. Your hands seem capable of great destruction if I were composed of the same atoms as you. Perhaps death, even.

You are very powerful indeed.

How would you like to become even stronger?"

The man tilted his head, hair swaying with the movement,

"Stronger? How?"

"I am capable of endowing you with abilities that you could only dream of in your sleep. Sound good?"

The man shrugged

"Yeah. Kind of does. Does it hurt?"

The creature stepped up to the man, placing his hands upon his skull once more, as bright light began to pulse and send waves through the trees, shaking each branch and every leaf.

"A little bit."

The man began to yell and growl loudly in pain.

The process took thirty minutes, and the man's yells eventually caught the attention of his wolf companions, who as they looked to be pouncing on the creature, he signaled for them to stay, and so they obeyed as he grit his teeth and began to growl in pain as he suffered.

The pulsing of the light began to slow down, until finally the creature seemed weak, falling to the ground.

"Thank you for this strength you've given to me. You do know though, in my culture, if you are too weak to move, you are to be killed, right?"

The creature nodded. It knew about the man's culture. It knew the risks. But if it was to save the future of the coming galactic apocalypse coming, it was a risk worth taking, as the wolves were signaled to kill, causing the body to slowly lose all light, and then as pieces were devoured by the wolves, time caused it to fade, leaving a burnt impression on the ground.

"Brothers, it's time to leave."

He pat them on their heads, as they walked away and a portal of light appeared with the wave of his left hand and both man and beasts walked through, to travel through all space and time, coming to the present time, and standing outside of the Oswald Estate, with the pack shining brightly as the scene fades to black.

"I feel pity for whomsoever accepts my challenge. I have pent up rage at my losses.





[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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