Chris Page
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Thu Apr 25 2019
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Hates Given: 35
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09-23-2021, 12:00 PM
Culmination: The Final Chapter.
Jessica and I were Relentless bound where we made several stops along the way. Popped a rating for the backyard federation down in Key West, came back up through Kentucky, and now we are Chicago bound in mid-flight. We find CCP and Jessica on the couch watching television; nothing special, her headrests in his lap while she lays across the couch with his left arm draped across her shoulder.
Jessica: What’s on your mind?
Jess can always tell when something isn’t right. It’s like her spidey senses start tingling.
” Oh a little bit of this and a little bit of that.”
The vagueness from Chris doesn’t sit well with Jess as she spouts back.
Jessica: No let’s not be specific or anything.”
With that Chris picks up the remote to the television and mutes it before laying the remote back down on the end table.
” Fine, let’s get specific. I don’t know how I feel about what transpired Monday Night. That mother fucker put his nasty, grubby hands on you; I can deal with them taking shots at me, no problem. The more and more I think about it I realize that they wanted to get a reaction. Let’s not do that. OCW is a scrub fed with dismal talent.”
OCW had my appearance on their programming ALL wrong. I knew when we walked through that back door right past Barney Fife they hired to stand guard that things were going to get ugly. I was an outsider showing up uninvited really and truly to accept this little challenge that’s been thrown at my feet by young Bam Miller.
Management within OCW legit had to stack the deck against me.
The moment I saw the news that XWF talent was barred from the building unless they’re in the ring I knew exactly what I needed to do. I did what others wouldn’t.
I accepted that challenge, marched to that ring, and said what I needed to say. Then the cavalry decided to show up and save you, Bam. That’s right, they saved you from further embarrassing yourself for you have no concept of who the fuck I am, and are under this delusion that you can say whatever you think sounds good.
You’re going to make my job easier than I expected.
” They’re going to learn the hard way.”
Jessica: I wouldn’t worry too much about myself. I am more than capable of taking care of myself. Let them have their moment because to them it was the be-all-end-all. You and I both know that we could snap their necks at any time.”
” That’s a very good point.”
Jessica raises her head from Chris’s lap before sitting upright, she slides back against the far side armrest where she can look across at Chris as they continue.
Jessica: You said it best when labeling them as dismal. We have bigger fish to fry and you can’t allow yourself to get distracted headed into this weekend, babe. You need to be solely focused on dealing with Robert and sending him on his way, permanently.”
I wish I could say I was surprised by the last-minute showings of Robert Main leading into the biggest weekend of his career. I mean the dude is a lost cause right now; he’s mentally broken, he’s questioning himself on if he made the right decision by throwing out XWF career versus career for his is on the cusp of reaching its climactic end.
” I feel like giving Robert any more of my time is seemingly pointless. He’s done nothing different this go around like he’s done every other one. He waits until the final hours to open his goddamn mouth showing the world that he NEEDS me to lead him along the way. It’s goddamn embarrassing if I was him right now.”
You’d think that Robert might open his mouth sooner rather than later but instead of further exploiting his near-silence like the bitch that he is I am going to move forward. Robert Main isn’t ready for CCP. He wants you to all believe that admitting his failures is someone going to alleviate, going to distract you all from the fact that by admitting he’s a shell of his former self is VALIDATING exactly what the fuck I have been saying about him since day goddamn one.
” The only thing left to say about Main is that unlike wasting my time back at Leap of Faith I am guaranteed to get something more out of this than a cheap win. He’s got nothing to fall back on for this, he has no one to blame for any of this but himself. It’s all going to start Friday Night before ending on Saturday Night once and for all.”
Robert I am begging you to show the world that there’s a sliver of that old Robert Main that gives a flying fuck about what he’s doing comes out to play because thus far this has been easier than taking candy from a baby as the saying goes. I don’t think I’ve been more disappointed in you than I am here and now. I mean it’s not like you haven’t had MONTHS to prepare yourself for this. Let’s not pretend we didn’t foresee this collision course following Leap of Faith, so to say you didn’t have the time is bullshit.
You’re the same lazy fuck that you always have been.
You’re the same over-hyped turd I’ve pegged you for since Day One.
You’re so far into deep waters only to realize you can’t fucking swim.
You’re an embarrassment to yourself and your goddamn family.
Jessica: You have played him like a freaking fiddle for sure.”
” Don’t get me wrong, I assume he will wait until his final hours to try and pull the nose up like a bitch.”
Jessica: Even if he does, it’s not like it matters at this point because this dude is so much of a lost cause he makes C**ver look like a saint.”
” I don’t know about all that, but I see your point.”
Jessica: If the shoe fits.
One thing for certain when it comes to punk ass Main. Nobody and I means nobody is more looking forward to driving the final nail in the coffin on this feud. It’s a rare thing to have something ongoing as LONG as this has gone; some might say go on too long, and while I’ll agree that this issue needs to be put to bed once and for all can’t anybody say that this hasn’t been entertaining.
Nobody can say that we haven’t lit shit up more times than I care to count.
Nobody can say that we aren’t worthy of the position that we find ourselves in; well, at least myself. Opening up all three nights of Relentless, or being scheduled too, means that I am the guy that’s going to set the fucking pace for the nights. I couldn’t ask for a higher honor than to be the best thing anyone is going to see and everything else spiral downhill.
Nothing is going to touch what I am bringing to the table.
” You can’t polish a turd because it’s still a turd.”
Jessica laughs at the statement made by Chris as he shifts topics.
” I have been thinking a lot about what’s next for me in regards to wrestling. I can safely say that I have accomplished everything that I’ve set out to. The final piece to my equation was that Universal Title. Since that’s been scratched off the bucket list I don’t have a whole hell of a lot left to do other than end Robert’s career and stomp the piss out of Bam Miller. I was telling you before that I’ve got my eyes locked on a couple of people I want to bring into my mix.”
Jessica: Fucking finally, some answers!
Chris smirks at the sarcasm from Jessica before flipping her the bird on his right hand. She gasps before throwing up both middle fingers back at Page.
” You promise?”
Jessica: You ass.
Chris lowers his middle finger winking at Jessica as she lowers both of hers.
” I’ve been watching several pieces of talent, all of which have something to offer when it comes to what I am wanting to build; and this time what I am going to build has jackshit to do with me but everything to do with the people that are getting involved. We got this OCW versus XWF nonsense that’s brewing, right?”
Jessica: Yeah.
” Here’s what I am thinking because you know that the logic is for people to pick a side from fans to even talent alike. What if we offered another side that isn’t OCW and that isn’t the XWF?”
Jessica: I don’t follow.
” I am wanting to assemble a group of talent that can kick the shit out of both companies. Go big or go home.”
Jessica: Who might be on that list?”
The million-dollar question is if there ever was one in a profession that has endless talent all at various points within their careers especially in the age where all you have to do is @ someone on Twitter or other social media outlets. I see endless potential while not only observing XWF but also Fight NYC for example, or what about Project Honor just to name a few? The depth of promotions around the globe shall become my oyster.
Yet when thinking about this possible concept there is only one place to look first.
” You might call me crazy…”
Jessica: I won’t guarantee that I won’t.”
” Here goes nothing…”
What should be pointed out initially is the reasoning behind approaching this individual first. It’s no secret I’ve been around three days longer than the dinosaurs but what makes getting older, yet still being able to compete at a world-class level is you get opportunities to deal with younger generations. Every once in a while you know when someone has it versus others that do not.
Jessica: Well?
” I am going to approach Thaddeus Duke this weekend.”
Without hesitation Jessica spouts out.
Jessica: That’s fucking crazy.”
The Interview:
The scene opens with XWF journalist Steve Sayors sitting down with one “Chronic” Chris Page at an undisclosed interview set. Both men sit in two comfy chairs with Chris wearing his long hair tied back into a ponytail while dressed casually for this appearance.
” Ladies and gentlemen welcome to another XWF exclusive interview with none other than Chris Page.”
Steve turns his attention towards CCP as he opens up the interview.
” We are just days away from Relentless 2021 kicking off in Chicago. The three-day event has delivered so many memorable moments within the history of the XWF, and this year isn’t going to be an exception. On a night in which the stakes are high across the board, they couldn’t be any higher than they are for you and Robert Main when you consider your XWF careers are on the line.”[blue]
Chris simply nods his head as Steve continues.
[blue]” We’ve got a lot to talk about today, Chris. The first place to start is how are you feeling as Relentless is vastly approaching.”
” I feel great because to me this is just another day at the office. I don’t get enthralled with stipulations like my XWF career being on the line for it only serves as a distraction. Take when Robert added this stipulation into the mix on Warfare for example; how desperate does one have to be to try and change the game on the way into the biggest event the XWF has ever had? This dude is dumb enough to think anything he has to say or anything he wants to add to this contest is going to detract from every truth that has been spoken out against him.”
” Coming into Relentless you and Robert Main are scheduled for a Three Stages of Hell Match with one fall taking place each night throughout the weekend. You are certainly no stranger to competing across the board at Relentless, do you think it will give you an advantage?”
” I don’t need an advantage over Robert… Let's get that straight here and now. Robert by his admission is a broken shell of what he once was. It’s about time he finally admitted to himself what the rest of the world has known for two years. Robert hasn’t been about shit since 2019 without ole Chris Page leading him by the hand, and now suddenly he realizes it. Good for him. It’s about time he stops living with his head up his ass and starts living in the real world. As far as having an advantage because I did compete on all three nights of Relentless last year? Who the fuck cares about last year? This is here and now.”
Chris abruptly states.
” We all know what has brought us this far, we all know the road that has to lead us to this point and this one weekend where it’s all on the line. Let’s talk about that versus anything else for it is why we’re here.”
” Robert was allowed to name the first stipulation for Friday Night’s match; it’s an Ironman Match in which for sixty minutes you and Main will tangle. Where’s your head at with this first fall?”
A smirk from Chris appears on his face before he responds.
” That Robert can’t even name a stipulation without stealing from Thad.”
Chris chuckles under his breath before quickly correcting himself.
” I kid, I kid… my true thoughts on him naming an Ironman Match is intelligence has never been Robert’s strong suit. It’s never been more evident than with this selection of his stipulation for Night One. I’ve already spoken at length with my intentions to use Relentless weekend as nothing more than to add to the embarrassment that is Robert Main’s existence.”
Chris states with a direct tone of voice as he looks directly across at Steve.
” The past has led us to this one intersecting moment in which it’s either going to be worth all the bullshit or it isn’t. That’s what this Relentless weekend boils down to too me. We kick start this thing by going sixty minutes, and here Robert was thinking that he did himself a favor but all he’s managed to do was seal his fucking fate. The entire concept of an Ironman Match is to score the most falls in the sixty-minute time limit, right?”
” Correct.”
” Now the point I’ve previously made stems around the structure of the rules versus the stipulation for the weekend. You would think that if your XWF career is on the line you wouldn’t put your own goddamn back against the wall opposite the very man that is responsible for putting the plan into motion that nearly fucking killed you; you wouldn’t raise the stakes for the entire event first and foremost, taking it a step further it doesn’t seem like the smartest idea to trap yourself with the very prick that can utilize every minute to inflict pain and suffering the likes you’ve never seen before, and it doesn’t seem like a bright idea to put yourself at risk to MISS the rest of the weekend.”
Chris rolls his eyes as he continues with a bit of sarcasm.
” Yeah Steve, we got ourselves a real rocket scientist in our midst.”
Chris states as he lightly just sakes his head in disbelief.
” Theoretically; if I were to, I don’t know, render him incapable of completing the rest of the weekend then night two and three become forfeits and I take his career. If I elect not to murder him on live television, and somehow he does make it Night Two it ends at Night two. He isn’t winning a goddamn thing unless I want him to. Now, I want you to think about that for just a second, and if you’re Robert Main you’re walking into Night One with a cracked fucking skull. Any match he steps in he’s at risk, more risk than anyone else in the ring.”
Steve interjects.
” Let me ask you this then; since you’re so confident that Night One is yours, what is the stipulation for Night Two? If it ends in two like you’ve made it known, what’s the match you end Robert’s career?
” Well that’s easy.”
Chris casually responds.
” No Holds Barred.”
There’s a nod of approval from Chris as he continues with his statement.
” Bear in mind this is all hypothetical that he even medically cleared to walk down the aisle of course.”
” Chris why do you have this deep-rooted disdain for Robert? With everything we’ve seen over the years, this is by far the epitome of a blood feud.”
” Where the hell do I start? Is how he throws his nose up at the world? Could it be how in his eyes he once was the greatest thing since sliced bread; but Steve, Robert is walking into this already a broken man. It’s taken him all this time for the realization to set in that he has been nothing more than a long-term placeholder. This cock smoker legit thinks that even back in 2019 that he was responsible for the boom the XWF underwent, he is under this false delusion that he means something more than a fucking punchline now. It took some time, it took a lot of planning but what you have all witnessed over the last two-plus years is the definition of what sticking to a plan brings you. Do you think it was by luck that our road has led us back to where it was supposed to end initially at Relentless?”
A cocky tilt of the head from Chris as he holds up his right hand cutting off Steve before he can respond.
” Every step has been carefully thought out, and with the loss of his father now in the mix, you can’t sit in front of me and tell me that he is focused on dealing with me on the grandest stage XWF has to offer. He opened his mouth and inserted his foot yet again like he ALWAYS has done, the difference this time I’m here to pull his punk card. I have spoken at length over the last week or so about our past, our present, and now it’s our future. For Robert, his future looks bleak as fuck. Unlike Mr. Main, I have been plotting and planning his execution. There’s not a goddamn person in this or any universe that is walking into Relentless for Robert Main more prepared than I am. That's a fact that is undisputed on all fronts.”
” Don’t you think that you’ve done enough to Robert?”
” Brother there’s no such thing as enough when it comes to ruining the life of Mr. Main. He’s had this coming for a very long time. The exception this time around is he doesn’t have Apex to prop himself up with, he doesn’t have his friends to carry him to victory like they did a few weeks back on Warfare, he doesn’t have anyone to rely on but himself. Where he is going to fuck up beyond repair is by being that broken fucking record that he’s always been. When was the last time we’ve heard some original smack talk from him? You’ve seen his promos leading to this, right? Tell me if he has said anything that he didn’t say heading into Leap of Faith OR regurgitated from 2019? It’s the same propaganda in a different year. He’s fallen into the same trap that he would get so pissed off over when people are that lame they can’t be creative enough to spit original shit. Listening to Robert talk shit is about as pointless as OCW invading the XWF.”
There’s a scoff from Chris Page.
” Nobody is more ready to move on from Robert than I am, and now that opportunity has finally come full circle.”
” Let’s talk about your career for a moment. You’ve been in the business for thirty years. You’ve won countless championships, and as motivated as you are to defeat Robert Main; what if Robert defeats you and ends your XWF career?”
” Hell has a better chance of freezing over, but I know it’s your job to play both sides of the coin so I’ll entertain this question. If, and that’s a BIG if, Robert can defeat me I will walk away from the XWF as an in-ring competitor fully upholding my end of the contract we have signed. When you’ve been around as long as I have you come to understand that everyone has an expiration date even Chris Page. It doesn’t change that I will go down as one of the greats to ever lace a pair of goddamn boots. Eighteen major championships headlined every major sporting arena or stadium around the world and continued to run circles around people less than half my age. I don’t know about you brother, but those are some solid accomplishments if I do say so myself.”
” There are some talks ongoing that you have left BOB…”
Chris quickly interjects.
” What does that have to do with anything?”
” Chris, don’t be coy. We all know you are a master manipulator, you pulled this with Alias a few weeks ago citing BOB’s open-door policy. Are the rumors true? Will you speak on them?”
” When it comes to BOB I wish them the best of luck in their endeavors. It’s been a long time coming as I have sat back and watched things unfold. BOB doesn’t need me and I sure as hell don’t need them. Now, what I am not going to do is sit here and slam them because as you know Miss Fury and I are a thing, and even if we weren't that isn’t good business. We are going to see if that open-door policy is a real thing or is it bullshit. For the record, I withdrew from BOB for my reasons that I will fully get into at a later time.``
” What does Miss Fury think about it all?
” None of your concern.”
There’s an awkward pause from Steve.
” Um, okay. You mentioned OCW earlier, and earlier this week you appeared on OCW Television that didn’t exactly see you standing on your own feet.”
Chris snickers under his breath before he responds.
” Ya know there’s a lot of talk about this “war” that’s brewing between OCW and the XWF. Like it’s the XWF’s fault they’ve contracted better talent that can flourish within ANY federation at any time. Look right now for example; Thad Duke is rocking two belts, the Bastards are rocking two belts, Betsy has one of their Championships while their “homegrown” talents wouldn’t know a legitimate Main Event if they were booked in it over in OCW. I did show up on their program Monday Night alongside Miss Fury to confront Bam Miller. It’s safe to say he got owned within that exchange, and I granted him what he’s been asking for… a chance to brush up with the greatness that is Chris Page.”
There’s a very brief pause from Chris Page as he contemplates his next words before he states.
” OCW Management made a point to ban half of their champions from appearing over this petty nonsense by citing if they aren’t in the ring they aren’t on the show. I elected to get into that toilet they call a wrestling ring alongside, stood across the ring from that chump, pretty much told them this is a losing battle, and then what? They brought out the ENTIRE roster to get the dupe on little ole me and my gal.”
Chris starts a sarcastic golf clap while spouting out.
” Very impressive.”
Chris stops his golf clap as he lowers his hands while continuing.
” But hey, what more can you expect from a half-assed wrestling promotion that needs to leech off the XWF’s status to garner the slimmest of attention. Fuck man, who all has belts? The Bastards, Thad, Betsy, and goddamn Dolly are in title contention matches at the next dismal failure that they call a Pay-Per-View. It’s gotta suck to be under contract with OCW when half their belts are being carried by the part-time talent that are getting astronomical payoffs. It’s smart for The Bastards, Thad, and Betsy to carry their belts while lining their pockets for more green, and the OCW, in general, are suckers for being stupid enough to agree to such terms. Is this a company that is going to stand toe to toe with the names I’ve just mentioned? Fuck no.”
” You mentioned The Bastards, Thad, Betsy, and Dolly; while it's established what their roles are within OCW, for example, the Bastards are the Tag Champions, Thad is the Savage Champion… What exactly is your role in all this? Why did you even appear on their show in the first place?”
” Allow me to answer the second part first.”
” By all means.”
” I knew by showing up down in Key West, and the moment I stepped foot on that death trap they called an entrance I was lending credibility to their product; I mean let’s face it, it’s not every day you get someone with the drawing power of a Chris Page in OCW. I was okay with popping the biggest rating they have seen the moment news traveled that the real GOAT of Professional Wrestling was standing in that ring instead of warming the chair behind a fucking desk in a corner office.”
Chris slowly turns his head directly towards the camera, his blue eyes locked firmly on the lens.
” High James, did you miss me?”
Chris turns his attention across to Steve.
” Showed up because that Miller cunt can’t stop bothering me on Twitter. It’s one thing to try and play Billy Badass behind a keyboard, and much like he found out when he was standing in the ring with me that I am a different goddamn breed. I’ll chew him up, spit him out, make him a start before leaving him in the dust just like I’m doing with Robert Main at Relentless.”
The sheer confidence exuded by CCP is almost enough to make you want to reach through your television and slap him yourself.
” As far as my role in this war that’s allegedly coming?”
There’s a smirk on Page’s face before he answers.
” I can give two shits. I don’t have a role because this isn’t anything more than a pissing contest between two companies. I have but one obligation, just one small commitment by taking my ass back down to OCW territory a week from Monday Night. Once I destroy this piece of enhancement talent I will happily step to the side and watch this shit show unfold. The result isn’t in question on the XWF reigning supreme the only modern marvel to ponder is how many OCW chumps are going to be sacrificed along the way.”
” Last OCW related question; what are your thoughts about the invasion they are threatening for Relentless?”
” First of all, it is pretty stupid to announce your coming. Did they not learn anything from Theo’s appearance on their program? You strike when it’s not expected. So, this is an amateur hour when it comes to OCW and the level of intelligence they possess. Second, they can invade Relentless if they choose; however, it’s not going to end well. The reality is when it comes to Relentless, I have too much at stake to allow myself to be distracted by outside events for that doesn’t make me any better than Robert Main, and we all know Robert can’t and won’t hold a candle to what I got going on.”
” For argument's sake; what if this goes to the third night between you and Main? With XWF careers on the line, it doesn’t get bigger for either of you.”
” Going into night three with me is a pipe dream at best. I get a lot of shit for being older than most but it doesn’t change the fact that Chris Page draws money. I can be Terry Borden’s age and still outwrestled ninety percent of the population today. Foolish people seem to think that just because I am older then I can’t still go, and for those who think under that deluded logic might I suggest that you tune into Relentless. Throw that money down to your cable provider, watch for yourself, and then you tell me if Chris Page’s age has a damn thing to do with stealing the fucking show. OCW versus XWF is an afterthought, and as sure as I am sitting here talking to you is just as sure as I am that the moment Relentless 2021 leaves the air the talk of the town isn’t going to be Alias versus Doctor D’Ville; oh no, the talk of the wrestling world will be locked on the fact that the real GOAT of Professional Wrestling is back on top of the wrestling world.”
” I’ll give you this, you’re certainly exuding confidence for sure.”
” What’s not to be confident about? I’m trashing a guy that has been a thorn in my side, eliminating him from the equation. The only thing I feel bad about is ending Robert before he grew some nuts and tangled with Thunder Knuckles, but it’s not like that would happen because Robert will go the other fucking direction quicker than a fart in the wind.”
” Is there anything you’d like to say before we wrap this up?”
Chris directs his attention back towards the camera.
” Robert, I know over the last several weeks you’ve suffered a huge blow to your personal life with the loss of your father. For most people, I might even have a little sympathy, but for you, that sympathy doesn’t exist. You deserve every bit of pain, every bit of suffering you’re experiencing because you sir aren’t anything more than a fucking punk. You’ve treated people like shit, you’ve put yourself up on a pedestal, and you’ve been living under this false narrative that you mean something to this federation but more importantly to this profession. The XWF flourished while you were laid up in a hospital for three months, and the moment you came back the bitching started all over again. What’s that tell you? It should tell you that come this weekend I’m doing the XWF a goddamn favor when I snatch your career away from you for it’s about time for you to take your tired, stale shit anywhere else anyone will have you.”
Chris's side-eyes towards Steve.
” I hear OCW’s looking.”
Chris cuts his eyes back towards the camera.
” Don’t you dare step in front of a camera and be even more cliche by dedicating it to your father; you’ve already been a disappointment when he was alive… don’t be disappointed in his death too. You cannot afford any more mistakes, and for fucks sake can you PLEASE cut a promo that’s not a carbon copy of 2019? Just try it for once.”
Chris winks at the camera.
” I’ll see you soon.”
The camera focuses on Steve.
” There you have it, ladies and gentleman. For Chris Page, I am Steve Sayors saying good night, and we will see you at Relentless in Chicago.”