Relentless 2021 in Chicago, Illinois carries different meanings for every piece of talent booked across the three-day landmark event for the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Some guys are walking into Relentless defending championships while others will be challenging. Some talents will look to make their mark on the grandest stage while two will battle for their careers.
Three Stages of Hell across a possible three nights of action.
The stakes couldn’t be higher for Chris Page or Robert Main than they are right now.
For two and a half years this has been brewing until now we’ve reached the boiling point.
The scene opens at the summer residence in Tampa, Florida of Chris Page as we are in his master suite where he’s finishing packing his bag with Jessica present as she is packing hers as well for Relentless weekend in Chicago.
” This is the defining moment of my entire XWF career.”
I say XWF career versus my entire career because I am not going to give Robert that much credit especially when I have been a part of bigger and better matches throughout my thirty-year career. He isn’t the biggest by any means but he’s been nothing short of entertainment value for sure over the last two-plus years.
Jessica: How are you feeling about things? I mean I wasn’t expecting you to agree to put your career on the line.
There’s some concern within the tone of Jessica’s voice as she continues.
Jessica: Why would you do that?
” Because it is the logical step with this war between Robert and me. Everything that we’ve been through when he said this place wasn’t big enough for both of us he hit the nail on the goddamn head. The more I thought about it the more I realized that beating him at the show of shows wasn’t going to be the end of it… but when I put him on the unemployment line this issue will come to a conclusion.”
Robert Main has fucked himself six ways from Sunday with this one. He’s made a career out of burying himself every time he opens his mouth, and that trend continued during our Fireside Chat on Warfare. You better thank you lucky fucking stars that Apex and Legacy were there to carry you like they’ve done so many times before or else this would have ended at Leap of Faith when you got owned in front of the fucking world.
You have had countless opportunities to man the fuck up and meet me inside the ring. I said it back before you contradicted yourself the first of many times citing that you didn’t care about the Universal Title only to enter the May-Day Battle Royale to EARN a Uni Shot like that makes a lot of goddamn sense when all you had to do was sign the dotted line back then much like that’s all you’ve had to do up until now. But Nah, that’s not your style, is it? Oh no. You’d rather hide your ego from the masses instead of embracing it. You want to use the fact that I put you in a no-win situation at Leap of Faith as your excuse for being a goddamn failure.
You have NEVER wanted a piece of me because I am one of the only guys that can nail you to the cross like Jesus Christ himself, yet when I put these stakes through your hands and feet I promise you that you won’t rise from the dead three days later!
” Sometimes you have to raise the stakes, and in Robert’s case he thought I was going to balk on it. He was under this misguided notion that I can’t smell his desperation a mile away. Did you hear him sucking the dicks of Ape-Leg last night? Your goddamn right he better be thanking them because they’ve carried him and done his work for him.”
Chris zips up his suitcase on the bed before looking across the room at Jessica who stands with her hands on her hips not looking happy with what she’s hearing from Chris.
” Listen, babe, do you think that I don’t have a plan in place? Never have I wanted to end the career of a man like I have wanted to end the career of Robert Main. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I must take because regardless of what Robert IS doesn’t change that he does have a part of XWF history that is worth adding to my laundry list of accolades. Being the man to end the poster boy is worth putting up mine.”
The animal that is the Omega has his back against the wall. They say an animal is at its most dangerous when they find themselves in your position, Robert. If that’s the case, good. That’s exactly what I want. You have been played for a fucking fool with every move that’s been made since I drew you into this game to even now you are resorting to desperate tactics. This deal doesn’t get any bigger and I am the mother fucker that’s going to snatch your neck like a pit bull grabbing a goddamn terrier.
You have no legs to stand on, Robert.
You have no one to blame for the position that you’ve found yourself in but yourself. I have used every weakness you have against you, and in the process, I have exposed your flaws for the world to see that you have confirmed with your actions alone not counting your goddamn words. I could air a goddamn anthology series on that shit just with your Twitter feed alone.
” Plus it’s not like BOB has a lot going on at the moment other than crying and complaining. People talk shit about Robert’s involvement in things but nobody was more let down on Warfare a few weeks back more than I was with showings that WE collectively put out. Let’s say I lose. Doesn’t cost BOB anything because apparently, I am the source of the discontent.”
Not that I give a flying fuck. I lived up to my end.
” When it comes to Robert pacing is going to be everything. Robert’s already made several critical mistakes and the bell hasn’t even fucking rung yet.”
Jessica: Enlighten me.”
” Think about it for just a second. This dumb mother fucker just put himself in a sixty-minute Ironman Match with me. Think about it, on the weekend in which our XWF careers are at stake he thought it was a cool idea to open with sixty minutes opposite yours truly. It’s like he doesn’t understand that Night One will directly dictate night two. I told you I have a plan.”
Jessica uncrosses her arms as she walks across the bed over to Chris where she takes him by both hands. She gazes up into his blue eyes.
Jessica: But what if this plan fails…
” Since when has any plan we’ve had fail? Used people to do my bidding to take Robert out and clear the table for me to take the Universal Championship. Check. Single-handedly give BOB credibility, check. Nothing about being more talented than ninety-five percent of the XWF roster can fail.”
Chris lightly squeezes Jessica’s hands as he peers down into her eyes and continues.
” We have done everything we’ve set out to do. BOB is a household name, you’re welcome. We’ve created the most over-faction in the business today. That’s a success. This thing with Robert is built for me to win. He’s guaranteed me sixty minutes on night one to soften him up for night two. I can do a lot of damage in sixty minutes.”
What the fuck are you trying to accomplish? You could have made ANY match you wanted to. You could have stacked the deck against me and returned the Leap of Faith favor but your dumb ass elected an Ironman Match. You have elected to put yourself in my wake for one full hour of pain. What’s to stop me from picking apart a body part to the degree that you can’t make night two? You do understand that I can snatch a chair, for example, I could smash you one thousand times taking a disqualification with each shot landed… lose Night One but win Night Two and Three via forfeit effectively ending your career.
How goddamn stupid are you?
Don’t answer that because you’ll contradict yourself with actions like the fucking rookie you are when compared to the likes of me.
” Let’s say I break his fucking leg? He is obligated to make ALL three nights just like I am. He is thinking the same thing, I guarantee it. He has locked himself in an unwinnable situation. It couldn’t be any more perfect.”
Chris exudes confidence within the tone of his voice as he leans down planting a peck on Jessica’s lips as he releases her hands while stepping past her as he walks towards his bathroom while he states.
” What if I fail? What’s the worst thing that happens? My XWF in-ring career is over? Is that such a huge loss at this point? I’ve accomplished everything that I have set out to accomplish, and I’ve made a shitload of money in the process over the last several years.”
Chris disappears into the bathroom where the sound of the bathroom faucet running. Chris speaks louder over the sounds of the running water.
” It’s not like I am the most endearing person on the roster.”
I will be the first to admit that there’s probably a good chunk of the XWF roster that wants to see my career end for many reasons, but the single biggest reason will always rest with their competition being eliminated from the equation. There’s not a goddamn person on this roster that can touch me when it comes to what I do inside that wrestling ring; not shabby for a guy that’s considered ancient.
Robert does have his supporters.
If you are one of them it’s not too late to back the right horse because this horse won’t let you down. This horse is built for success and will never rely on others to get me to where I find myself today. This horse doesn’t pretend to be something he’s not… this horse is a winner by example. Do you remember, better question, do you know what that means Robert? For good or bad you lead by example, you stand on the front lines and fire the necessary shots that need to be fired, and you make the tough decisions in the face of adversity.
None of which I have seen from you.
I see a shell of Robert Main.
” Even some of our own have heated words to throw my direction, but it’s okay. Going back to it, what’s the worst that happens? Fucking nothing. I was fine before the XWF and I’ll be fine after it. It’s not like there’s not plenty of options on the table for me.”
The water is heard turning off as Chris walks out from the bathroom with a white hand towel drying his hands.
Jessica: I don’t even want to imagine the XWF without you.
” You don’t have to babe, I’m not going anywhere. Another reason I was so quick to accept this added stipulation is that I know in my heart of hearts that I can beat Robert Main. People seem to think this is the same Robert Main that once dominated the land of Xtreme.”
Chris shakes his head from the right and left as he tosses the white towel onto the bed as stops shaking his head.
” This guy isn’t half of what he was when he fucking mattered. He NEEDED to raises the stakes to make people give a shit about his involvement because I have carried him this entire fucking way.”
Sad but true.
” He picked the wrong guy, Jess.”
Chris winks at Jessica.
Jessica: I guess I didn’t expect you to be so nonchalant about it because it is kind of a big deal.
” It’s not that I am being nonchalant by any means but I am not going to let that career versus career stipulation overshadow the fact that there’s not a person on the roster that delivers on big money matches better than Chris Page. Main played that card as a cheap mind game, it backfired. It will continue to backfire and when he realizes that his powerplay was too little too late it will be from the sidelines when becomes what he hates the most; a sideline hoe.”
How fitting will it be that I put you out to pasture making you the kind of people you’ve grown to despise. You remember them, right? The same people that would throw shade at you from the sidelines but not be man enough to come at you to your face. We laughed about them many times throughout the dysfunctional relationship. I am going to be the guy that makes you one of those guys.
If that doesn’t tickle your taint nothing will.
” There’s something that I do want to discuss with you before we get going.”
Chris motions for Jessica to have a seat on the bed with him as he does sit on the side of the bed. Jessica comes around where she sits beside Chris before he continues.
” Relentless is all on me.”
Jessica appears confused by the statement which brings Chris to elaborate.
” Throughout Relentless weekend, there shouldn’t be any interference from BoB in any form or fashion. It has to be all me.”
I’ve taken the liberty to add a clause into our contract that states that if BoB interferes if anyone from with the Brotherhood of Baddies sees fit to interject themselves into any portion of any match that I will forfeit the entire weekend. I have removed myself from that organization and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
I never needed BOB, BOB needed me.
Let’s cut all the bullshit from the equation and see how you stack up against me here and now. Can you say the same? Can you keep your dogs out of this fight by putting your money where your fucking mouth is? Please don’t fall into a false sense of security by thinking this is 2019. You’re not that same guy much like I am not either. One of us got better while you have progressively gotten worse.
Jessica responds.
Jessica: No BoB?
” No BoB.”
Chris then states.
” I’ve decided that I am not coming back to the organization.”
Jessica looks on with confusion etched across her face.
” I’ve sat back over the last several months watching, hearing people that I thought respected me throw me under the bus if it helped served their own needs at the time. I haven’t said anything, I’ve allowed it to happen.”
Chris pauses for a moment as he looks into Jessica’s eyes.
” That’s not brotherhood. A brotherhood brings one hundred percent all the time. I’m not going to slam the group because all I want is success for it. My contributions have been made. I don’t need BOB and BOB doesn’t need me. My decision to leave the organization doesn’t mean I am leaving you, doesn’t mean you have to leave BOB it just means I don’t want anything else to do with it. I want you to walk me to the ringside every night. I want to look you in the eyes, tell you I love you, kiss your lips and watch you walk away while I do what I need to do how I need to do it. This is mine, and I am going to own it.”
Jessica: I will pass the word around.”
” There’s something else too.”
Jessica: It’s not like this hasn’t been a shocking enough conversation to have.
” This might take the cake then .”
Jessica’s interest sparks as her eyebrows raise while Chris continues.
” I’ve had my eyes on someone for a nice little minute, and the more I watch what is going on around them I see some common ground we can stand on. They’re lost and need to be found, need to be accepted by people like us, people that want the best for those around us.”
Jessica: And who might have your interest peaked?
” Someone that I think we need to make a play for once we get through Relentless.”
Jessica: Are you going to keep this from me?”
” No, but I can show you better than I can tell you.”
Jessica: Why does it always seem to resort to show and tell?
” I don’t know how you’re going to take it if I am being honest, babe. I think, scratch that, I KNOW that if I got the two of you on the same page some beautiful music can be played. Call it a “gut” feeling.
Jessica: Who?
” Let’s take a trip.”
This is what it all comes down to between you and me, Robert. Relentless 2021, Chicago, Illinois. But to get to the present, we must first talk about the past because to get a full perspective of just how deeply rooted this issue is between you and me you don’t have a choice but to start at the beginning. February 2019 I am sitting at the house in Tampa, Florida when my phone rings, and to my surprise, James Raven is on the other end. He was telling me about how there had been a change in ownership, how Vinnie Lane wanted to “bridge the gap” between talent from the past versus talent from the present, how I would be a really good fit to help ignite this change. If anyone knows my history with the XWF they know how sour the taste in my mouth has always been, Raven included, which makes this conversation so much more impactful from my perspective; and while we do not see eye to eye there’s always a level of mutual respect because we are the last of a dying breed. Guys like me, guys like Raven, guys like Centurion, guys like Warstein; we have all stood the tests of time for a reason. I am not name-dropping them because I like them, I am name-dropping them because it’s the truth.
James knew that if I came on board what I bring to the table; a wealth of knowledge, a plethora of experience, and above all else I tend to give a shit about anything my name is attached to. After we bullshitted we got around to creative; cause that’s what it’s all about, am I right. The idea was pitched for me to come in for one shot at War Games to see how things went. At the time you were running as the Universal Champion that had jack shit going on per usual. You were busy running rough shots over the Chris Chaos, the Mastermind’s and every other mid-card talent that saw themselves as Main Event players. So, when pitched the idea to come back into the XWF and jump right to the top of the card like I did the first two times I called this place home while being able to give you a REAL threat to your reign which was an element that you hadn’t had since you had to cash in a briefcase to get the title to begin with!
I bit at the chance to get back in the ring while showing the new school of XWF talent that old school is still cool.
I took it.
I signed a 3 match deal burning one on the way to War Games to knock off some rust before getting to War Games itself. In my first Pay-Per-View appearance in almost three years, I eliminated half of Apex in one fail swoop before coming down to me versus you. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that on this particular night that you did it. You defeated me with that Dead Man’s Hand in the middle of that ring. Was I upset? Sure I was, but I was more disappointed than anything else because you see, when I walked back through that curtain to my dressing room I had to look myself in the mirror, and for the first time in three long years, I knew in my heart of hearts that I was BETTER than you.
It was a look I hadn’t seen in my eyes since I stepped away from the business, it was a hunger that I needed to feed. Vinnie was smart about it when you look back on it. When I pitched the one-on-one match he pitched a contract extension. Seemed fair to sign if it meant that I got you in the ring one more time. It brought us to Leap of Faith which is the loss that stung the most; not because you were better than me but because of the political nature that surrounded my situation. Here’s how you know when the WRONG person went over. It’s when you have countless “office” guys circle around to you and tell you your work was better, they tell you they can’t see how this happened, they tell you details that you wouldn’t normally get. That’s exactly what happened here when I stepped back through that curtain in this instance. Now, to grasp full perspective, you must go back in time under other leadership the same thing happened twice before when it came to keeping the Universal Championship off my waist. Here I sit wondering if the more things change in the XWF the more they stay the same. You were their puppet that they could control, you were their golden goose if you will.
I thought about packing up and going home then because this place hadn’t changed. It was the same fucking shit hole it had always been since 2009.
The more I had to swallow that bitter pill the angrier I became at myself. Both times we danced in that squared circle you couldn’t keep up, and it was the more I realized that I was brought back to be a pawn to make Robert Main a credible fucking champion; congratulations Robert, you got your validation while I was stuck in a contract for a year. When life gives you lemons you gotta make lemonade. Relentless 2019 was supposed to be our last dance; I had realized that I had two options after Leap of Faith; I could let you and the office win, or I could buck the fucking system and be the guy that finally put you in your fucking place. You were running on empty while trying to come off as brash and cocky while I was plotting and planning something way more impressive. The match is booked- Relentless 2019 Robert Main versus Chris Page for the Universal Championship where I added the stipulation that if I lose I do not get another shot at the title while you are Champion. You gobbled up that fucking bait so quick it almost brought a smile to my face. I was never more prepared for an opponent like I was then and am right now.
It’s not professional wrestling if there’s not a plot twist, am I right.
Not even a month before the show shows Robert Main gets beat by Unknown Soldier the very same way Robert won his title… with a briefcase.
It was ironic if you ask me.
You couldn’t even hold the title long enough for me to finally break you because you weren’t paying any attention at all to your surroundings at all. Instantly this mind of mine started to go to work because you just exposed yourself to me. Robert Main only cares about Robert Main. You never look at anything other than what you are doing, I could exploit that. I can remember Vinnie coming to me asking me if I wanted to do a Triple Threat instead; I refused. Told him that you deserved the opportunity to win back the title while all along I knew how I was going to get you. Throughout Relentless weekend, I happened upon Jessica in Miami, better known to you all as Miss Fury, and collectively I started planting the seeds for something better to come. On Night Three if you thought my objective was to show up and do commentary you’re sadly mistaken. You got so pissed with that cash in I had already started using it to my advantage because for the first time we shared some common ground; we’d both been fucked over by the company we were generating ratings for. It was my way into the inner circle of Robert Main, but I knew just talking to you wasn’t going to be enough. I had to find a way to prove it.
Enter me on commentary.
It wasn’t a matter of if someone was going to interfere on the Soldier’s behalf it was a matter of when. Just as predicted someone who shall not be named stuck his nose in your business which was exactly the moment I needed to save your pathetic ass for Apex was nowhere to be found. I used that moment to change the course of history for you and me because you’d be stupid enough to think that I give a flying fuck about anything other than ENDING you. I leveled your playing field in the hopes that you would capture lightning in the bottle for a second time as Universal Champion only to be let down when YOU failed and got pinned not for a three-count… but a 666 count! I rolled my fucking eyes because you just took any victory over you away from me at that particular time. Your mystique was shattered in one night by someone that was not Chris Page, but I also knew that further exploit this entire situation. Who was there when you woke up in that hospital bed? Do you think that was by coincidence that I was one of the faces of the first you saw? Not hardly.
I made you believe that I cared.
I started putting the thoughts in your head that maybe those friends of yours in those high places aren’t friends, to begin with, if they’d allow their golden goose to get trounced and embarrassed the way Soldier did it to you. He did in four weeks what countless people before me tried to do in months, twice. But without him, there’s no us, so in a weird twist of fate, I suppose I owe him a thank you before now we’re on the cusp of something much bigger than even I dreamt. You started to crack, you started to feed into this notion that maybe, just maybe Chris Page is right. Maybe you just were a toy that’s shine had worn off, a puppet dancing to the beat of puppet master Lane and Pryce like a fucking prick that didn’t realize he was just a spoke on the fucking wheel that’s easily repairable when it falls off. You were so delusional to think that people cared about you or your run which is yet another reason why you’re Number Two on that Top 50 and not Number One. The more I chipped away at you the more you let me in which made everything else that’s transpired possibly. You sir, you are responsible for your downward spiral for being a weak-willed dumb fuck that is more gullible than even I thought was possible. All I had to do was convince you that the same company that screwed me screwed you. That bridge was built which you crossed over with ease. Now, I’m far from ignorant, and yes, I know based on what I knew about you that YOU rely on other people to prop you up on a pedestal; it’s been the story of your career brother. Think back to before Apex, you ran with Chris Chaos and company, then Apex after that, and once they dropped like flies you saw me as your next mark to carry you to some sort of relevance. Only this time the person you tried to manipulate was manipulating you, steering you the direction I wanted you to go that you fell for hook, line, and sinker. Do you want to know the moment I had you? Lethal Lottery 2019.
You remember, right? It was the night that you popped back up after licking your wounds of failure at Relentless where you returned the favor and came to my aid which was followed by the handshake heard around the world. It was that moment that I knew my plan was going to not only work but would serve as one of the most elaborate, calculated plans in the business today the moment that we made our intentions known that we were rocking shit together as a team heading into 2020. It wasn’t long before we captured the gold and set out as Cataclysm being the first team to ignite that spark within Tag Team Wrestling that the Bastards love to take credit for to this day when in the real world that moment started a year prior; but hey, they can tell themselves whatever they need to to make themselves feel good as a cool story to try and pop a rating. Not only did we capture those tag straps but collectively we went into War Games 2020 with a common goal which was to continue to outshine EVERYONE including Shawn Warstein who had recently captured the Universal Championship.
War Games has always held a special place in your heart, and up until that point, you had never been beaten. What was it you told me? War Games is the Robert Main Show, right? It was YOUR event, remember? We get to War Games with the team you handpicked. We trounced he who won’t be mentioned team and walked into the finals four deep, but that isn’t the piece of the puzzle that was impressive, oh no. What was so mind-blowing was when I sacrificed myself for you to continue to say War Games was your event, at least for another year but we will get to that in due time. War Games 2020 was our anniversary when you consider the year before we stood opposite each other. The sacrifice I made only drew you in that much closer while we continued to dominate 2020 just as we expected to do. Our ride ran through High Stakes in November which was the night that cemented your fate. Leading into this event you dropped the Xtreme Title just a week before your final defense that would have landed you that all-important briefcase that you and so many others rely on to reach the top.
Do you know who doesn’t need a briefcase to make his way to the top of the mountain?
Chris FUCKING Page.
You worked so hard to attain those defenses, and by hard, I mean your usual once-a-month bookings, but you parlayed that into dropping the ball against Thaddeus and Doc which cost us the Tag Titles. Now, if I halfway gave a flying fuck I would have been upset, but you dropping that ball opened the door for the much bigger picture. While I was playing you like a fiddle I was also working on something bigger in the background because I knew that you were going to step out and challenge for the Universal Title on that infamous December 23rd edition of Warfare. We know how that worked out, right? That skull got cracked! That walnut brain was scrambled by the one man who when you sit back and think on was the ONLY guy I pushed for back at War Games 2020… Thunder Knuckles.
What exactly have you done to the man that executed the mission proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that he will do ANYTHING for a price? Oh yeah, that’s right.
I’ll be the first to admit that Thaddeus Duke winning the Uni at High Stakes and him holding the title at the time of my plan to eliminate you from the equation was a bonus; but come on let’s get real for a second, that feud with Duke has superseded anything that you and I have done, and I got that shit done around you. So who the fuck carried who? Yeah. Argument over. I digress. Snow Job was MY crowning achievement within the land of Xtreme on two fronts; the first would be doing what SO MANY of you can not do by legitimately winning the Universal Championship without the aid of a briefcase or using a Battle Royale as your crutches to take those steps to get to the top of the mountain. My ability did that.
The second was knowing that while my arm was being raised in a victory that you were laid up in a goddamn hospital bed clinging onto your life.
The two single biggest fuck yous that I could give was being done at one time.
I beat Thad, I won the title, and you had to fucking watch it. Speaking of Thad, how did you fare opposite him, again? The lack of the Hart Title around your waist answers that for you.
Nonetheless here we stand Robert.
On the cusp of what arguably will be our final encounter that I will ever have to carry your dead ass weight for. Night One rests with an Ironman Match; a stipulation that your weak ass didn’t even earn the right to name; that family of yours carried you to that one too! They can’t carry you anymore because on Friday Night you belong to me for sixty minutes. Sixty minutes will serve as not only the kick-off to Relentless 2021 but will serve as the last hurrah that is known as your career.
I am going to outwrestle you.
I am going to outfight you.
I am going to just outdo you in every sense of the word.
The only question that is left to answer when it comes to Night One is what stipulation do I want to invoke on Night Two because Night Two is the night in which I will do the world a fucking a favor by ending your goddamn XWF career for good. The free paychecks stop here, bud.
Hall of Legends > Top 50
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion