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Welcome to The Bronx - Part 2
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ElijahMartin Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-15-2021, 08:54 PM

[Image: 014p1_xlg-768x576.jpg]

It's been a while since we have heard from Elijah Martin, but as we return to the scene of our most recent visit to the Bronx, Martin is still standing in the same patch of grass... but instead of facing away from the Throgs Neck Bridge, he has done a 180 and is now staring directly at it.

It's funny how we have come a little bit full circle of I was a month ago, full of piss and vinegar. I had all of this built up rage and anger at the wrestling world, ready to take over Xtreme Wrestling Federation and Thursday Night Anarchy all in a matter of time. But instead, what I got my first two matches under the Anarchy banner were an incompetent mute for a tag team partner, a Triple Threat match that felt like a Handicap Match for me until the final seconds and two slices of humble pie being shoved down my throat against my will. I could already sense the whispers coming from the XWF faithful and all of the hooligans who have followed every step I've taken in the wrestling business... Elijah has jumped into waters too deep for him, Elijah is in over his head, Elijah has bitten off a little more than he can chew, to which I say FUCK YOU!!

I have been living dangerously for my entire life, whether I was in the wrestling ring, in the halls of my schools or on the pavement of these Bronx streets... none of you can understand what it's like not being sure where your next meal is coming from or if you are going to come home to any working heat or electricity. You can't compare to the struggles I have had to endure from the time I came screaming out of my alcoholic mother's womb, all the way to the scratching and clawing I've had to do in order to be where I am today in XWF!

Martin stops for a few moments to gather his composure, before taking a deep breath and continuing, as he has now slowly turned around to face the camera.

Did any of you know that there's an annual tradition at this bridge, where peregrine falcons are nested and housed at the top? Yeah that's right, you heard correctly... the fastest bird in the world, the fastest creature known to man in the animal kingdom, with the ability to swoop in on its prey as fast as around TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY MILES PER HOUR... they live right at the top of the Throgs Neck Bridge. And I thought when I was coming into this wrestling company, I was going to be like one of those falcons, just swooping in and destroying my prey any given moment that I wanted. But oh how wrong I was, as I spent my first experiences in XWF rings laying on my back, while the falcons swooped in for the kill and the vultures glided down to feast on my remains. Cocky? Sure. Overconfident? Maybe. Stupid? Not at all.

You see now, as we approach the Fall Equinox and the Harvest Moon is upon us not too long after this week's Thursday Night Anarchy, the wheels turn sharply from the dog days of Summer to the cool down of the Autumn... but cooling down isn't exactly something myself nor this wrestling company has ever been fond of doing. I've always been one to ride until the wheels fall off, the axles snap and my ride bursts into flames, but this time... THIS TIME, I'm gonna be able to dive into the cool waters of the Chesapeake Bay so the fire can be extinguished, which is right next to Baltimore, where I'm gonna beat the living hell out of my opponent!

And speaking of that poor son of a bitch, that brings me to Big Preesh. I mean, what male and female cousins from the Appalachian Trail portion of West Virginia did some down and dirty fucking to create this complete fucking moron of human waste?! I mean at least the jabroni can speak SOME resemblance of the English language, which is more than I could say about Edward Junior in my debut match, but Jesus H Christ... this poor sumbitch has got like a third grade reading level, covered head to toe in axle grease and carrying gerbils with a larger than normal P-V-C pipe to well... you all can probably piece together the rest of that trailer trash picture on your own!

Big Preesh, you're seven foot and built like a house full of lard, but we know two things that ain't big about you: the brain and your balls. So this week on Anarchy, I am going to use you as the over six hundred pound stepping stone I need to get over in order to.... well.... GET OVER! We may be very close to the same age fat man, but we are headed in two VERY different directions both in life and in the wrestling business... I'm going to the moon and becoming a superstar in XWF, while you are just trying to find the next nephew in your family willing to have a wild rodent shoved up their hillbilly ass. And once I'm finished running circles around you Preesh, I'm gonna strut my way over to the Midwest for Relentless and make a trio of bitches my own personal hookers, sending them back to the street corners where they belong and propelling myself to the Number One Contender spot for the Anarchy Title.... MARTIN, OUT!

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