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Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-29-2021, 04:27 PM

From the outside looking in, I couldn’t blame you for thinking that it’s all falling apart. Miss Fury has been exposed as the mastermind behind the Vinnie Lane frame job. (Is that really a surprise tho?) The bWo branding was removed from Anarchy, and Miss Fury had been given an ultimatum.

Defeat Lord Rabb in a “fair” contest or BOB would be stripped of all of their titles and forced to disband.

One would imagine that Miss Fury and the other members of BOB must be scrambling to somehow ensure that none of that happens!

However, everything seems calm, business as usual as the scene opens in from of BOB’s public headquarters located in the heart of Manhatten where we see a gathering of rabid bWo fans surrounding the front of the building as the camera pans ever upward to the top of the four-story building where Miss Fury, Herschel Kiss, and TNGB stand looking down on the adoring crowd. Miss Fury steps forward to the edge. As soon as she does the crowd breaks out in a supportive chant!





Miss Fury basks in the adoration for a moment before motioning for the crowd to quiet, which they promptly do because bWo fans know their place.

“Some serious allegations have been levied against me!”

The crowd boos!

“Vincent Lane, in an effort to wash the stink of nonconsensual sex off his name, has made a pathetic attempt to paint me as the bad guy… ME!!! Can you believe it!?”

More booing from the crowd as they really can’t believe it!

“Then, in a typical man putting a woman in place troupe, Lane booked me against Lord Rabb. He blatantly ignored the terms of my contract. A contract that HE negotiated and is fully aware of, and booked this match under STANDARD RULES!”

The crowd boos because they love violence!

“If I don’t win “CLEAN” then he claims he’ll strip us of our titles and force BOB to disband!”

The crowd boos were ever louder!

“Lane, let’s have some real talk, shall we? You’re mad, I get it. Nobody wants to be exposed for the dirty things they do when they don’t think anyone is watching, and while it was really brave of you to come out and admit fault, it was equally cowardly to try and push the heat onto me! I don’t have the dick, you do! And I don’t know how you managed to fake that footage that made it look like I planned the whole thing, but YOU did fake a show on the moon, so doctored footage isn’t exactly that far-fetched!”

The fans break out into a chant.




Miss Fury waves her hands to quieten them.

“No, don’t give him the satisfaction of chanting his name! Vincent Lane, you may have calmed the waters in the XWF by convincing everyone that you were an innocent victim! You may be BACK in charge of Anarchy, but you STILL hold ZERO authority over BOB!”

The crowd erupts into cheers at the defiant line.

“Do I think for one second that you’re willing to disband the biggest cash cow in the XWF today? NO! Do I think that you’re willing to risk the relationship that you have with bWo just to prove some stupid point? Of course not! And would you REALLY cheapen so many XWF titles by vacating them and crowning new champions?”

Miss Fury thinks about it for a moment.

“Well, actually that’s exactly the kind of boneheaded thing that you’d do, but fortunately for us, you’re smarter than you look. You’re not trying to destroy BOB. The repercussions to the XWF would be far more negative than if you continued to allow us to do as we please, but, you can’t have that either, can you?”

“BOB has made you look foolish from the jump, and you’re tired of it, but the same limp wristed techniques as before will do little to change things. I know you aren’t serious Lane. You know it too. Otherwise, you would have booked me against someone that matters. Someone that stood a chance. Not Lord Rabb, not dog fuckers brother!”

Some laughter and cheering from the crowd for the callback to Miss Fury versus Kieran Overton during March Madness.

“Sure, Rabb got lucky against Sarah Lacklan a few months back, but what has he done since? Nothing! And do you know why? Because he’s Lord Rabb! There’s nothing else to say here. He’s the guy that has no clue what BOB is, or why it’s so over, and since his tiny brain can’t comprehend it, and the mere thought of researching what he’s talking about is enough to send his brain into a meltdown. So instead, I get to listen to him come on TV and throw generic insult after generic insult at BOB!”






“Save your time clicking into his video when it goes live. I just gave you the greatest hits for free!”

More cheering and laughter from the crowd.

“Lord Rabb, this week on Anarchy, I’m going to educate you on just WHO BOB is, and WHY you and everyone else on this brand play second fiddle to US! And Lane, you think I NEED to cheat to win this match? THIS MATCH? When I first came to the XWF, I was greener than Barney’s tighty whities, but after this past year training with guys like Chris Page, Bobby Bourbon, Thunder Knuckles, as the rest of BOB’s ranks, do you REALLY think that removing Fury’s Rules from this contest will put me at such a great disadvantage?”

“Because I don’t. In fact, I see the night ending with Lord Rabb CRYING in the ring when I lock him into the Black Widow and he realizes that he has NO CHOICE, but to submit to a GIRL!”


[Image: 1invQS6.jpg]
[Image: BOBClub.png]
#JoinBOB #JoinbWo
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-02-2021), Chris Page (08-29-2021), Dolly Waters (08-29-2021), JimCaedus (09-02-2021), Mr. Oz (08-29-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (08-29-2021)

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