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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy RP Board
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Oliver Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-18-2021, 04:26 PM

The cameras roll as we fade into a screen that's an old-school black and white scene where Terry Borden stands in a black bWo tank top, black shades covering his eyes with a black bandanna covering the bald dome. He starts to address the cameras that shoot and switch angles every several seconds as there's a tight shot of Borden.

"Well if tomorrow night isn't one of the biggest nights of my XWF career, DUDES! We got ourselves a fatal four-way on deck where the Anarchy Championship is up for grabs, BROTHER! It's funny as shit that Centurion has found himself at the forefront of Thursday Nights by taking the title off his own bitch. Who does that? Who needs the attention that much that they end the championship run of Ruby? It's painful to sit back and see someone like the great Centurion reduced to jockeying the reigns of Anarchy; oh how the mighty has fallen, BROTHER!"

Terry shifts his attention towards a camera to the left of him.

"You should be embarrassed for yourself for being in a position that is more reserved for someone like me while you sit on the sidelines and watch your former friends get schooled by BOB. No wonder you elected to take a step back after your last loss to Warstein because you know you can't hack it anymore, DUDE! If you need any further proof to that statement then you need not look any further than Friday morning when you wake up without that Championship looking back at you on your nightstand. You are an embarrassment, you can't cherry-pick this upcoming loss, BROTHER! You are going to be reminded why nobody gives two shits about you... but more importantly, you're going to fall victim to elements that just simply beyond your control. DUDE!"

Terry starts to slowly strut back and forth before taking off his black shades where he clips them on his tank top

"Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum I smell the blood of one big DUM DUM! Thias Watts, the unbeaten stereotypical angry black man of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, BROTHER! How can I call that man a DUM DUM? Dude aligned himself with Ned Kaye and Avalanche!"

Terry bursts out into laughter.

"Do you think for one second that beating up a bunch of goddamn nobodies warrants you to be involved within this match, BRAH? Your level of importance within this entire concept is to be Centurion's out because he is thanking the Gods above that there's someone else to take the fall. You stand about a much of a chance at winning the Anarchy Title in this scenario as the Thugs do at beating the Bastards, BROTHER! You must be thanking your lucky stars that the XWF has a soft spot for stupid big men and Ned Kaye has a softer spot for some BBC, DUDE!"

Terry Borden twirls his right hand cupping it to his ear before drawing back where he continues his promo.

"Throw some lipstick on him, spin him around and you wouldn't know the difference, DUDE! The bigger they are the harder they are going to fall, and fall is exactly what is coming your way, BROTHER! I have been in the ring with bigger, meaner, blacker, and nastier guys than you ever thought about being. The nineteen sixties called and want their attitude back, DUDE! You serve no purpose and if you disappeared tomorrow nobody would give a flying fuck, BROTHER! You are going to find out that when you get into the ring with a goddamn legend that's Leg Drop is more feared than any other finishing move that your failure is sealed, JACK! Beating Centurion would be expected, beating you is going to pack more of the punch for no other reason than to rob you of that streak that you covet the most, BROTHER!"

Terry takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he continues.

"Which brings me to my involvement."

Theres a dramatic pause from Terry before he speaks again.

"Both Thias and Centurion might be under the delusion that I am in it to win it, and in a way I am... but not like any of you might believe."

The camera pans back to reveal standing beside Terry Borden is none other than...


"WE are coming to Anarchy to rewrite a horrible wrong back at the Grand Ole Opry where the big man should have been crowned the Anarchy Champion, DUDES! If you think for one second that I don't know what my role is you are all sadly mistaken. Big Ozzy has busted his ass, he deserves to be the first man to ever hold the Anarchy Champion, BROTHER! I don't count Centurion because we all know he's a bitch."

Terry turns his attention to the big man.

"The odds are firmly in our favor, and if it comes down to me and you while Centurion and Thias are down and out, I'll lay down so that the GOD of Anarchy can officially be crowned, DUDE!"

Terry turns his attention back towards one of the cameras where he states.

"Vinnie Lane, you can't hold him back forever, BROTHER! WHATCHA GUNNA DO WHEN BOB RUNS WILD ON YOU!"

Borden MUST pose as the feed cuts.

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (08-19-2021), Mr. Oz (08-18-2021), Theo Pryce (08-18-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (08-19-2021), Tommy Wish (08-18-2021)

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