Hey guys, this is Bobby Bourbon, XWF Television Champion, half of the greatest tag team in wrestling history in Them No Good Bastards, lover of good food and good times, and all around pretty awesome guy. Well, to my friends at least. To others, I'm a terrible sumbitch that makes people shudder, and I'm A-okay with that. Anyhow, I'm here with my buddy and yours, Shorty the Shocker. Shorty!
Shorty the Shocker comes out sitting on a bar stool on a Segway.
Yo! Bobby!
Now, I know, you might be wondering, is Shorty the Shocker another Bobby from another timeline? Not at all! Shorty is one of a kind, like the Highlander!
I'm the god damned Highlander in this bitch!
He's the god damned Highlander in this bitch!
Shorty continues doing circles around Bobby. Bobby looks a little baffled.
Shorty, what are you doing?
I don't know, this is the first time I ever used this thing...
Shorty zooms off on the Segway.
Bobby gets up and gives chase. Well, he paces along behind Shorty, not really running, more interested in seeing what kind of SHENANIGANS Shorty is going to get into on his custom bar stool encrusted Segway!
We see a woman standing at the beach, wearing a bikini. She is well endowed, and quite comely in a very classic manner. Hourglass figure, bronzed skin, big sunglasses, her hair tied up in a bun so she can enjoy the sun and surf. She's grinning and talking with her friends. Shorty zooms by!
Make way!
Shorty tries to stop himself, but accidentally grabs the string on the back of her bikini top which is tied in a simple knot, and undoes it, snagging the bikini top in the process! An amazing set of boobies grace the screen as the lady looks completely shocked, shocked by Shorty the Shocker! Bobby plods up to the woman and hands her a Them No Good Bastards t-shirt to cover up with. She shrugs, turns directly to Bobby, and shakes her ta-tas at him. Bobby gives her a thumbs up, awestruck and gazing, beholding the sight.
We see a pair of lovely young ladies in sun dresses walking along on the sidewalk. They're sharing a conversation of some sort, and both the women are impeccable and statuesque specimens of human femininity. One, her deep mahogany skin and beauteous ebony hair allowed to be huge, grasping for the heavens above, looks towards her friend, a very fair skinned girl with vibrant red hair and freckles, and points at something headed their way. It's Shorty on his out of control bar stool on wheels!
Look out!
Shorty attempts to gain control of the confounded contraption he's riding on, but in doing so, snags both of the sun dresses, which seem to disintegrate off of the woman as though there were made entirely of Dave Mustang and Johnny Steele. Both the woman put their hands on the sides of their face in surprise as their ample bosoms are bared for all to see, along with their vibrant underwearpanties. Both women are completely shocked, shocked as Shorty the Shocker shocks again! Bobby lumbers up to the woman and hands them both TNGB t-shirts.
Join BOB!
Both the girls look at each other, giggle, then look back at Bobby.
I thought it was Fuck BOB...
Bobby looks at the camera, gives a thumbs up, cocks an eyebrow, and smiles.
We go back to the set and see the Segway is slowing to a crawl, it's batteries depleted. Shorty looks around and sees Bobby.
I think the batteries are dead.
That's okay, buddy, you did great.
Really? That all seemed really, really cheesy, like something from Cinemax from the early nineties.