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Off With Their Heads
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Lycana Offline
The Dark Vixen of Violence

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-31-2021, 10:37 PM

OOC: Cannot code from my phone for my life, apologies

Despite mutterings of 'fleabags' from Atara, it had all gone amazingly well during the training session with the wolves. They had worked together like a well oiled unit, flowing together with an ease that defied all the odds. She had been pleased, her hope sparked for the strength of the team. They were coming together.

And then it had all gone to hell with a single sentence from Betsy. 

Atty had called off her participation in War Games and left Estrada's Angels high and dry. 

Lycana had felt the anger kicked to life deep within her, struggled to not rail against fate, and somehow… had won. Her voice emerging just a little harsher than her usual when she had posed her questions to Betsy. And then… the real shock, an atomic explosion following on the heels of the Atara Bomb.

Shawn Warstein.

She had literally had no dealings with him personally.  Had heard quite a lot though, and had quietly observed when he was around, to see what the hype and rumors were all about. Her opinion? Neutral waters with him. He was as solid as an iceberg and just as cold with outsiders.  She wasn't going to convince him of her intentions during their short time as teammates. At least not fully. There were already faint cracks in the barrier between them, all she needed was time and to uphold her promises.

And she always did.

But time was precious… and running out. 

Either way, she would go the lengths to have his back. Just like she would with the others on her team. Regardless if she had no interactions, like the two. Or of their colorful history. She quietly stares out the window, alone with a camera after the meeting.

"Most would assume that Betsy has something to worry about within these Games, given the past we have with one another. From the most bitter of enemies wanting nothing more to destroy one another, to an unwilling intrigue... a fascination, to a tentative bonding over things beyond our ken... to now. A rock solid unshakeable bond for our team. Betsy might not have known it fully when she picked me first to be on her team... but she does now. My loyalty runs deep... and she has it in full. We are not coming to this with the past riding on our shoulders, we are heading in with a common goal... to destroy BOB and make our way to the final round of War Games. A few bumps are to be expected, especially with such random dealings usually... and even with the exit of Atara... we gained someone who I have less of a reason to distrust in Shawn........."

"You know it looks like Papa Smurf finished in your hair right?"

But apparently the same thoughts might not run the other way.

Lycana cuts her eyes towards Warstein, doing an admirable job keeping her face neutral, and not rolling her eyes. She should probably get some kind of award or something. "I don't often think about Smurf cum." [/color][color=#FFFFFF]she remarks drily, shifting her body to face him as the two come face to face with one another. "You know we should at least pretend to get along until this is over right?"

His eyebrow arches upwards ever so slightly. "I’m aware. I could’ve said something much, much worse." Lycana inclines her head in acknowledgment. That was true. She had heard him before, during his time back. "You're right." she admits. "Look, I meant what I said. I know you have no reason to trust me fully, we have no history. But I intend to prove myself. Especially to Bets. You're a part of the team now, and so that extends to you." Her lips quirk upwards in a slight smile. "We can be assholes to each other as soon as it's over if you'd like?" A lilting bit of humor changes her tone.

"We'll see Blue." he replies, perhaps the tiniest glint in his eye.

Before she can respond, Betsy and Reggie appear back in the room, the former slanting a sideways look at Warstein and the Dark Vixen of Violence, but holding her tongue. Lycana backs away, moving towards the table as the Impossible Traveler diverts from her original path and meets her there.

"Everything good?" her low, melodious voice comes softly to Lycana's ears, as she glides to a halt beside her. Silvery blue eyes meet with glittering emeralds, a scenario so familiar it pulls a grin onto their faces. "Yeah, surprisingly." her eyes drift back to Shawn for a moment. It would be. The undercurrent had shifted. An understanding had been reached. Something big would have to happen to cement it... but the potential was there. "I think he's gonna be my new bestie." she quips with a mischievous expression.

An inelegant series of snorts emerges from Betsy as she struggles not to choke on her dubious laughter. "That's... something I think I need to see. People don't understand how Shawn and I function together; could you imagine the two of you working cohesively?" Her words become strangled at the end as she dissolves into barely contained laughter once more. It subsides as her face grows serious, looking between the two once again. "Actually... That'd be kinda perfect about now."

"It will... as long as he accepts what I've said. Or I prove it outright." Lycana shrugs, her own grin slowly fading to nothing. "Its going to be... interesting to say the least. But with all the work we put in....." she let's her voice trail off, giving Betsy an uncharacteristic hug, albeit brief. "We've
got this."


"Where does one even start with all the absolute slop you BOBbies put out? A full on tidal wave of whiny babble, empty threats, yawn inducing rhymes, and raw sewage. How about with the most useless among you...

Don't get too excited TK....

I'm talking about you Ozzy.

You open your mouth and cant help the utter torrent of shit that falls out. Star of the Month...TWICE! Only five YEARS apart you say? How incredible. Allow me to fall all over myself in wonder. Worked SO hard but never got title shots? So embarassing they didnt even really want to give you a chance to represent the company. So you had a little pity party badge made up in an effort to make your shrinky dink dick feel more substantial than a gumdrop? D'awww... how sweet. And if I want it I can come take it you say?

I can Ozzy.

With fucking ease.

Because you are nothing but a lackluster afterthought that nobody, not even your own fucking teammates wants around. Thst was made obvious when you were their last choice... shit Oz, others from your cesspool society were scooped up before you. You ended up where you were because Fury didnt have much choice.

I don't want that sweat stained piece of garbage around your waist... you can practically see the stink lines radiating from in. But since you mentioned it...

Yeah... maybe I will take it. Just for shits and giggles.

How about we set ourselves a nice little date? I'm sure any of the people I had planned on facing on the coming Warfares would be glad to step aside just for the laughs of watching your derpy ass get rolled just like your notleader Page. You think you have even a quarter of his talent? Pft. You're just the empty skulled, deep pocketed loser they keep around because they know they can keep using your oblivious ass like the pathetic pawn you are.

Glad you opened your mouth, bitch?

Speaking of bitches... Hey my precious TK. I just cant resist coming to you next. I think my favorite thing you said was something along the lines of not getting stuck with an autistic pup, amirite?(hey thanks Jimmy, at least I give credit when I steal shit)Well hell... that's WORLDS AWAY better than giving birth to a giant shriveled cock with a mullet, that cannot fucking speak to save his life. No brains rattling around in that skull to get cracked like Mains walnut eh? You can take a few slams of a bat to the head and there would be no change. Might improve your face though. When did I ask you for a singles? Oh I dont know... only EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I. FACED. A. BOB. For fucking months now. Telling you I was coming for your ass especially. Did you.... did you just think I actually thought you were special?

Oh damn...

You're especially fucking .

Does that count?

What the everlasting fuck do you think 'coming for each of you one at a time' means?

I dont know Lycana... that's too many words together at a time for me to understand. My IQ is only about a fourteen on a good day when Bourbs is around to explain it all to me.... other wise I single digit that shit.

You dont have to show how moronic you are to the world EVERY time you try and speak you know.... its was BRUTUS who killed Caesar you numbskull, not fucking JUDAS. Good lord. You should just sit your ass down and do what you do best, drool down the front of yourself and let Bourbon just spout off his sleep inducing rhymes like the reject you are. Better than just trying to mimic everyone around you that you take a sudden shine to... Reminds me of another main character around these parts...

Gee... who are you trying to be this time, Knuckles? Is that Caedus's cock you're cradling in that slack jaw of yours?

Your promo only looks like you sat and studied it, practiced in the mirror a few dozen times... and it still came out nothing but contrived crap. Face it, you'll always be nothing but a second rate piece of shit TK... you'll never hold an ounce to Caedus, no matter how hard you try to emulate him. You didnt even TRY to make it unique. You just said oh hey, that sounds funny! And you just spit it out verbatim. It's not really that hard hitting when it was JUST used... and by much better.

And he still barely got by me.

What do you gain by slobbing on his knob?

Nothing you dumb fuck... You give everyone else AMMO when you sit and compliment. Hey, remember that little match with Avalanche not too long ago? I do! What was it you said?

"It was obvious from fucking jump street that Lycana was the serious threat..."

Let's stop right there and save the second part of that shall we?

You can sit there and try to say that I've fallen all you want... you fucking know damn well that I will eat you alive without batting a damn eyelash. So how about we revisit that whole... calling you out business? Shall I make it crystal fucking clear so that even the brain the size of a grain of sand, yours... I'm feeling quite generous... can comprehend it?

Your fucking ass is mine, one on one, whenever you decide you arent the biggest pussy next to Demos' gaping ass. How long will that take? I'm expecting to wait awhile... your sad empty little sack will need an awful lot of sucking from your cohorts to plump up enough.

"....she pinned Page to the mat."

Oh, but wait... everyone can do that right? Just not all the people who came to face him during that ten month in a row streak right? They just dont count. We will just pretend they dont exist. They're just a figment of everyone's imagination.

Like your talent.

Hiya Bourbs! Good to see you still have absolutely NONE of that in the rhyming department. Anyone can put words together that sound alike, but not everyone can do it in a hard hitting way... or a way that makes sense. Or a way that doesnt make the listener feel like the awkward pity smile is frozen on their face in embarrassment.

You... you're not one of those.

Paint drying... and TK thought it was good enough to scoop up and use this go round. Damn Bourbs... you two really ARE desperate to win... so desperate you're scraping the dregs at the bottom of the barrel for insults. I guess you're pretty hungry to see your names pushing through to the end.

What am I saying!? Of course you are!

Your blimp ass is ALWAYS hungry!

Enough to liken me to chocolate ice cream... because of course you did. Everything revolves around food with you, you sloppy fucking HUTT. Chocolate... tasty but lacking hmm? Let's be real, you wouldnt pass up on that, or strawberry or vanilla either. Youd fucking inhale both them and the damn carton it came in like Kirby.

You are another master at biting yourself in your own ass... shocking with how far you have to reach around to get at it.

Possibly not so shocking because you probably see each cheek as a pile of large curd cottage cheese... but hey...

"Lycana has proven to be a devastating threat..."

You're damn fucking right with that... for once.

You of all should know very well that I dont give a shit what size you are, I can still take you down. You've been on the receiving end plenty of times in our hellacious- your word! Matches. So save your fucking breath saying that you are so big and so strong. Nobody gives a shit. You're just as beatable as your average size wrestler. I mean, have you met Chris Chaos?

I am a threat in that ring... and I'm coming fully focused and ready to fucking destroy you. 'Unhindered' by Marf, as you seem to think I am. I'll give credit where its due... at least you have the balls to announce why none of you are willing to face me in singles so brazen and openly.

Can you lend some to TK or....?

Or maybe I'll just say a big fuck you and come visit that TV title you just got your sausage fingers on... just to be the bitch you all say I am.

Right Fury?

Oh to be such a self righteous twat like you.

Why haven't I come for you so hard, just mentioning it instead? Well that's super easy to answer sweetheart... I've been busy handling a bunch of matches of more importance than you will ever be... you know, like the one where you watched me cradle up your raisin sacked, flabmaster lover... destroying his run he was so proud of. You remember, right?

I simply haven't had the opportunity to have a nice, easy week with you! But of course I didnt want you to think I forgot about your sour cunt.

Oooh BOB is the only common thread with you and Betsy...

Umm... you have your head that firmly buried up Pages ass that you miss everything going on around you?

Bets and I have had threads in common for fucking MONTHS, including our recent discovery of things in common during Leap of Faith. Did Daddy forget to tell you that? Awww... silly Page. Maybe he was just saving it for himself and that little rematch he wants so bad... since you know, my first was just a fluke. Right Page? He does have a history of hanging out his own to dry when its convenient for him after all. Not sorry anymore Atty! Fuck off.

My singles run has been crushed huh? Funny... considering I haven't started it back up. Hope you're ready to eat those words faster than Bourbs makes it through a buffet line. I DO want to run my way right through all of BOB. One. At. A. Damn. Time. I've already handled Page, the rest of you will be pie. Care to be the first slice?

You see Fury, I really am the ravenous fucking wolf. I dont fear you. I dont give a shit what methods BOB uses... i just dont fucking like you. I have literally said your breach of loyalty is what started all this. Your betrayal of the Left Hand which... again, you dumbass... I HAVE NOT BEEN A MEMBER OF FOR MONTHS. Shittttt... you are even more oblivious to the fucking world than Main. That takes some skill, guess you can add that one to your list under ass kissing Page.

Hey Main, you ever fucking notice what I said to you?

Will you even fucking notice this?

Probably not.

Useless cunt.

Guess you two have that in common too Fury...

You think that I wont come for you? You want a show to prove that I truly want to eat you harder than Alias tried -and failed- to Eat Lycana? Expect it. Start watching your fucking back. Every single goddamn second. I'll let you know when I'm good and ready.

Now run to papa and tell him the big mean wolf will gladly meet him again... after she and Estrada's Angel's make all his little piggies squeal for mercy in the Games.

Right on down to Dixon... the other outcast of the Elite.

Nobody is safe.

Not fucking Thad, grabbing Doc for dear life hoping he can hold him afloat just one more time like he did in High Stakes.

Not Doc... burdened down with the weak link of Continuum clutching at his coattails.

Not Corey... starting his swan dive back down from the top... although nothing has been more beautiful to witness.

Not Alias who has has already tasted the flames.

Not Robert 'Don't let go of my hand' Main.

Not Caedus... who will never get another chance to slip by, by the skin of his teeth.

Not BOB.


We are coming to take it all...





And fuck all the rest of you."

[Image: 4086c1e276501693b8a7b9fdfa8189402a2e8ba7.gif]

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