Chris Chaos
Corporate Chaos
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Tue Jul 12 2016
Posts: 512
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Hates Given: 14
Hates Received: 67 in 59 posts
X-Bux: ✘50,000
06-19-2021, 09:34 AM
Ring around the rosie.
Pocket full of posies.
Ashes to ashes
We all fall down.
Ring around the rosie.
Pocket full of posies.
Ashes to ashes
We all fall down.
Ring around the rosie.
Pocket full of posies.
Ashes to ashes
We all fall down.
Ring around the rosie…..
Small pieces of fast food waste-paper that were haplessly tossed out of vehicles with no regard for the environment. That always bothered Daniel. Why not just put a garbage bag in your car, and throw it out when you get home? Were the extra 20 steps to the dumpster too much for some people?
He guessed so.
The little kids continued to play their game in one corner, laughing and skipping in circles. There was a kickball game on the far field. 1 or 2 kids were on the jungle gym. He wasn’t entirely sure why he came to this playground, but he knew it was the furthest possible place away from the hectic and quite frankly toxic nature of the office.
He had to clear his mind a bit, but he was quickly realizing this was a bad idea.
We all fall down.
Do we? He didn’t know what falling down felt like. He had been spoiled by landing a dream job directly out of college. An office job to start, but it paid better than most post-college jobs. Lets be honest, Bachelors degrees are useless in today’s world. It was about your tenacity, your desire, and your skill set. It was about adapting and overcoming to an ever changing landscape. When he first came into the firm, he was the best in the business. He had taken the entire office by storm. He had made a first impression, and a good one. First impressions are lasting.
Ashes to ashes
He wanted so badly to light up a cigarette, but he knew the consequences of such an action at a park like this. Plus he told Tanya he would stop smoking. It was a New Years resolution of sorts, only about 6 months too late.
Hey, better late than never, he chuckled to himself.
One of the kids on the jungle gym was casting a shadow that extended several feet out. He seemed to notice this, and contorted his body to make the shadow into different shapes.
There is no light without shadow, just as there is no happiness without pain
Damn it was hot outside. He pulled his cell phone out, squinting to see it in the bright Florida sunshine. He was expecting a call, and he figured that his park would have been empty to make said call. He didn’t think these kids would be outside in damn near 100 degree heat.
June in Florida.
But he was wrong, and these kids were apparently as crazy as he was. And their parents….holy hell. Tanya was due soon and he knew he would not allow his child to be outside doing physical activities in heat like this. They would be out by, and in, the pool. Every house in Florida should have a pool, it should be required by law when you buy a house, or so he thought to himself.
The small boys shadow now looked like a monster, and he was moving his arms up and down to make it look like the shadow-monster was attacking the other kid’s shadow….and the other shadow stood still, as if it never saw it coming.
The eye is always caught by light, but shadows have more to say.
His phone finally buzzed. He answered it quick, without even looking.
“Tell me the good news” he said, getting up off the bench and walking back towards his vehicle. At least there he would have AC. He walked by a lot of questioning looks from parents. It wasn’t often a 34 year old male was at a children’s playground in mid day.
Hey it was a “PUBLIC PARK”, it’s not like he went to a school playground. That would just be creepy.
“I wish I had some good news. Dude is elusive.” It was the voice of Timothy Barnes, the senior executive officer who may, at this point, be the only one on Daniel Rose’s side in the entire company. The only one who wants to help him. Who still believes in him.
Don't be afraid of the shadows, it only means there's a light nearby.
Getting into his car, he answered back.
“So, what have you found then?”
“It appears that there are no records of him existing in the accounting or payroll office. I had Wanda check for me. His ‘file’ is in Henry’s office, and in one of those locked cabinets. I was able to briefly glance at it for a few minutes while Henry was in the pisser, but it appears he is getting cash under the table and his “salary” is completely paid from a different account…...Charles Henry’s personal account I’d assume. Didn’t get that far….he came back from the bathroom too quickly.”
Daniel scratched his chin, staring at the soccer fields across from the playground he was just at.
“But why? It doesn’t make any sense. Why would he pay him from a separate account, albeit a personal one? I mean, have you ever tried to borrow five dollars for a soda and a bag of chips from Henry? He’ll end up expecting ten back if he gives it to you at all. No way would he drain his money like that.”
“I think he is funneling leads. I don’t know. I run the entire ship when he is not around but I have no control or jurisdiction over Iman Rodriguez. I can’t question anything without stirring up a shit storm.”
Daniel didn’t respond, he was staring at the shadow of the car, the image it was imprinting in a large black shape upon the sidewalk. Everything looked so much bigger as a shadow.
“........hello? I lose ya? Fuckin' AT&T I'll tell ya.......”
His gaze broke off from the large car shadow.
“No, I’m here. I’m here. Thanks for looking into it. I’ll get back to ya.”
Ashes to ashes
We all fall down.
Charles Henry sat with his feet up on his desk, looking over some of the new contracts that came in. All of them had the same name at the bottom in that now trademark light blue ink.
“This is some good work, kid. I mean, we’ve been trying to get these accounts for years. Some stubborn motherfuckers on that signature line next to yours, but you fuckin’ did it.”
IMAN nods, a smirk crossing his face. A smug smirk, full of self satisfaction. Iman went through the back door, used a loophole to undercut those before him who worked hard to put it together, and reaped the benefits of it.
IMAN took a sip of his coffee mug, as Charles set down the holder.
“You are on your way, on the fast track to management here, bub. More work like this, and I’ll have some serious thinking to do again.”
IMAN set the cup down, and looked at the firms owner.
“I understand sir, and glad I could help to get us those contracts that have eluded us. My pleasure, actually. But, while you’re here, I need something from you……”
Charles Henry cocked his head to the side, but seemed intrigued.
“Yeah, anything.”
“What can you tell me about Daniel Rose?”
*puts hand up to mouth*
"Sorry, I just had to yawn for a second. I have to admit, as much as I was excited coming into this battle, I am a but disappointed. I get to face off against the enigma known as Alias, the "man" who has capitvated all of our attention spans for the better part of the last year. The man who makes us laugh, cry, creeps us out and motivates us all in at the same time. The man who is unlike anyone we have ever seen here before....unique........
So I apologize if I am a bit disappointed. I apologize that I had higher expectations for this opponent. I am sorry that I held him in the same regards as everyone else here does, even if just for a second."
*slams palm onto forehead*
*brings palm down*
"I thought for sure that his attack on me would be the same as his promo's of the past, the same as his ring style, the same as the character he portrays every time the little red light comes on.........I have been away from the game or some time, maybe this is what is considered "good" by today's standards? I sure hope not.
FOUR promo's now, and you'd think that after my late start (sorry, I have to deal with an aging veteran and a glorified tackling dummy on the show right before) and I figured that by this point, I'd already be buried.
Wrong again, Chris!
As captivating as your promo's tend to be, I sure hope that your punches to my face land a lot harder than your verbal ones. I mean, you've survived this long, right? I guess you can pack a punch. Funny though, because every single match of yours I have seen (yes, I have watched some when there was nothing good on HBO max), I have seen you do just that.
Worse for wear, but survive. You have said so much (and nothing at the same time), so far, I had to wrack my brain to decide which to address first. Since your third is the freshest in my mind and I haven't had the time (or desire, quite frankly) to sit down and watch your 4th (I'll get there this weekend, you bet), and you seem to want to push the survivor mantra, I don't see a better place to start.
You wanted to talk about your world. This isn't your world, that isn't your world. In fact, you were pretty much saying the only thing you are familiar with is surviving. Now, I am all for that. That point there is honkey dory with me. What rubbed me the wrong was your your implication that that world isn't mine. I get a lot of shit around here, at least give me credit when it's due!
ALL I HAVE DONE is survive, at the very least. I have been quite the rollercoaster in five years. I have dominated, I have lost by the skin of my teeth, I have won by the skin of my teeth and I am man enough to admit that I've been tossed around like a rag doll by a bratty kid (thanks Robert Main!). At the end of the day, I stand here as nothing more than a survivor. Any one else who has been through the same storm I have weathered the past couple of years would be on a beach somewhere sipping 100 proof through a straw and letting the sand tickle their feet. Me, no. I keep coming back. I keep surviving. I keep taking on all comers, I keep spitting in the face of the competition, and I keep being the most dangerous man on this roster.
Why? How?
Well because, much like you, I have reckless abandon on my side. I will put my body in massive amounts of turmoil in order to inflict just as much turmoil on my opponent. Often times more.
I am glad that holding that strap over your shoulder doesn't make you feel like the best in the world. There have been many before you who have held it who have been far from the best, and at least they EARNED it. At least they BEAT a champion. I am glad that it does make you feel validated, too. I am glad that you feel like all those beatings were worth while.....
You feel validated by a strap.........but you'd give the strap away in a heartbeat, even to me, if what you are fighting for is resolved.
You're validated by a strap......but.....there is still more to do? There is still something above that.......
Hold on......OKAY GOOGLE (because fuck Siri and that cunt Cortana).
What is the definition of 'validated'?
Learn to pronounce
past tense: validated; past participle: validated
check or prove the validity or accuracy of (something).
"these estimates have been validated by periodic surveys"
demonstrate or support the truth or value of.
"in a healthy family a child's feelings are validated"
"Thanks Google.
So.....then, having this title "validates" everything you have been through so far. I see.....
![[Image: gpy3VRJ.png]](
Having this stolen piece of gold validates everything you've been through, but you'd give it way, even to me, if everything you're fighting for ends up resolved.......
So what exactly is it you're fighting for? What is the end game? What is the higher purpose other than the one you flaunt around currently? You may not want to be called a wrestler, Alias, but every time you step into that ring that is exactly what you are. That is all you are. You hold a wrestling belt, that you "won" in a wrestling ring, on a wrestling show, in front of a wrestling audience. Like it or not, that is the top prize in the WRESTLING business, and I am getting sick and goddamn tired of unworthy alsorans holding a prize that far exceeds their abilities.
So, I can barely "call you a wrestler"? Then what is it we can call you?
Pretentious cock-sucker?
Sanctimonious shit stain?
Maybe you're right, maybe this isn't your world. But that piece of gold around your waist......that is MINE.
THAT is what I fight for. That is what I survive for. That is why I keep coming back. I am glad that there is another cause you lace up the boots for, but for me, I have nothing else. I should have went to the big wrestling ring in the sky and took my Top Ten All Time and put it smack dab into the bank. Maybe a 401k. But I can't.....I won't.....because that title you just told the world you don't care whether you have or not...........
That is my world.
I crushed Sara Lacklan's skull into a million pieces because she entered my world when she wasn't ready. Now, you walk through the flames? On the other side lies a nightmare. A nightmare you, too, are not ready for.
Welcome to my world, bitch."