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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2021 RP Board
Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-28-2021, 07:36 AM


” Oh my God... Drew is that you?”

Kayle angrily leers over her shoulder at Robert who is now covering his head with the bed sheet, if looks could kill Robert would be dead a million times over.


She asks again as Drew hesitates for a moment before answering Kayla. He nods along with his reply..

”Yeah… Kayla, it’s me…”

”Drew, where in the world have you been all this time…”

Drew seems a bit confused…

”Didn’t Robert, tell you where I was?”

Robert speaks up from underneath his bed sheet…

Muffled: ” She didn’t believe me when I told her…”

” Wait… You told me the truth Robert?”

Robert pulls his head out from under the bed sheet.

” Are you serious right now? Of course I told you the truth, it’s Drew, these things should be expected... Kayla, where in the hell else would I come up with something that ridiculous? It’s Drew for God’s sake… Saying he’s sailing the high seas shouldn't be a gigantic shock...”

Kayla tosses her arms up shrugging her shoulders…

”I don’t know I thought that you were just covering for him, like you’ve done since we were kids. He just up and leaves...”

Kayla then turns her attention to Drew pointing in his general direction…

” What in the hell were you doing out there anyway?”

”Sailing the high seas … Duh… By the way I met a racist octopus… I tried to change his mind to no avail..”

Kayla suddenly realizes Robert and Drew have been in contact for a while now…

”How long have the two of you been talking..”

Robert motions for Drew to speak up, Drew mouths ”no way”

”For a couple weeks…”

”And neither one of you told me…”

” Kayla, I can explain… We wanted to play this as close to the vest as we could… Especially with everything going on with Oliver… We wanted to protect you and make sure Page didn’t know we might be onto something...”

”Right… Close to the vest… Protection...”

”We didn’t want Page to pick up on anything…”


”That’s why we didn’t say anything…”

”Lips sealed…”

” I can’t believe either of you…. Ughhhhh... How long?”

Kayla crosses her arms now with an attitude…

” Right after Oliver got locked up…”

”Wow so for weeks…”

”Eh sounds about right…”

”The two of you make me so mad I can’t see straight…”

” Listen I get it, I understand why you might be a bit upset. But you need to understand one thing… If he framed Oliver getting him locked up, what do you think Page would do to you Kayla? Chris Page is a man that likes to tie up all the loose ends… If something happened to you Drew and I could never live with that…”

”He’s right… We wanted to protect you and Mom and Dad…”

” Okay fine I get it… But I’m still pissed at you both…”

Robert shakes his head…

” Okay, but you are going to have to get over this like right now... So, Drew, why are you dressed like that?”

Drew rolls his one visible eye…

” I’m here visiting sick kids Bob… You know giving back to the community, not just laying around in a bed all day like some people...”

Kayla’s heart melts as she places bother her hands over her heart…”

” Oh here we go… Bleeding hearts of the world unite... You were just pissed at him a second ago…”

”I could never stay mad at my Drew…”

Real devotion is a shield, a guardian, a ride-or-die acquaintance that stays with you forever and in all ways. It’s raw and it will roar for you if required. It will stay with you in quietness and be your warmth. Real love will celebrate with you, and raise you up. Real passion will be okay with your gloominess and kiss the imperfection you hide from others. It is rare. Treasure it. Keep it as long as you live. For real love is the greatest blessing heaven can give a man or woman. And Drew and Kayla had just that…

” Kiss me like you’ve missed me Drew…”

Kayla lept into Drews arms… His kiss is not at all the same as those movie stars, but one steeped in a passion that ignites. It is the promise of realness, of the primal desire that lives in us all. And with it he tells me that he is awake, connected within, that he embraces himself rather than hide as a copy of those romantic idols. In that kiss was the sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment. Robert speaks up…

” Don’t mind me laying over here with a cracked skull, hell, I’ll get up so the two of you can go to pound town…”

Drew sets Kayla down tossing Robert a usb drive…

” He’s right Kayla… Not in front of Bob-o...”

Drew turns his back to Robert adjusting his pants.

” Drew, what in the hell are you doing?”

”Just putin away the driftwood hoss…”

” Wow…”

Kayla blushes as Drew turns back around…

” So, how is Oliver?”

”He’s locked up tight in Lima, but he is alive… At the moment that’s what matters, I know it’s your brother and all... When he reached out from the pen, I started snooping around to see what was really going on… Plug that usb into the laptop… It’s all on candy camera… No one has seen this footage… Nobody knows it even exists… Not even Chris Page…”

Robert places the usb into the laptop and presses play…

Chris Page pulls out a briefcase which he then opens to reveal that it is filled with Xbux. Thunder Knuckles nods with approval as Page closes the briefcase and hands it over to Thunder Knuckles. The video fast forwards a few minutes and then stops just in time to see a head on view of Robert Main walking through the hallway of the Pier Luigi Penzo Stadium. The video continues as Main makes his way towards the guerilla position as the Chaos v Duke is shown on various TV's throughout the hallway. Out of nowhere a loud thud can be heard followed by Robert Main falling forward to the floor unconscious. Standing behind him with a bat in his hands is Thunder Knuckles. TK stands over Main's motionless body for a few seconds until the video abruptly pauses and then zooms in… But not to the downed Robert Main or even his attacker Thunder Knuckles. No the video zooms into a face down the hallway peering out from around the corner with a grin on his face…

Robert slams the laptop shut.

” So, Page was behind it all… Always trust your gut feeling... And he thinks he pulled one over on me by having TK, do all the dirty work… We should nominate that fucker for an academy award... Not only did he try to have my life taken, my career snuffed out, but now has my brother locked up as well… “Chronic” Chris Page is a coward… The only times this man can ascend to the top of the mountain is when he has a stacked deck, because lord knows that chicken shit can’t do it all on his own… He’s always needed a crutch or a safety blanket…”

Drew speaks up…

”You know Robert, none of this would have happened, if you would have just listened to me about that fraud… You should have steered clear. But you can not let a sleeping dog lie, right? You’ve got to poke and prod until that same dog bites you... After everything that he put you through, everything that he did to me, the XWF… You just went along with him…”

”What choice did I have Drew? You left, Raven went onto explore other adventures as Raven always has and I understand that… Raven is a legend and has every right to do so... Good has never been enough for him and I get it… That’s why everywhere he goes he becomes a champion… Centurion became Hart Champion beginning a new chapter in his career and let's be honest Centurion was a damn good champion. Hell I thought he was going to break my record… Ned started his own projects and flourished standing on his own… APEX fell because my friends all went their separate ways all doing amazing things. Such is life and I get it… This isn’t sour grapes either... But when I was suffering and my fall from grace began… My phone never rang, there was never a text message asking how I was doing… Nobody showed up in my hospital room besides one man... Chris Page took advantage of a vulnerable Robert Main and now he’s Universal Champion because of it… And no matter how we split this hair Page grew leaps and bounds underneath my broad wings… I created a monster and now we must destroy it or it will destroy us all… I should have listened to you Drew...I know when everything falls apart I can always count on you...”

”So, Bob what’s next…”

Robert’s lips raise in the corners as a sadistic smile forms…

” We introduce a bit of Anarchy…”


Robert peered through his space suit at all the gadgets and gauges…

”This is certifiably insane… Wrestling on the moon? What the hell was Vinny thinking? Better yet what in the hell am I thinking? Here I am getting strapped into this death trap... ”

”Bob, it's a free ride to the moon… I’m so jacked I didn’t sleep last night…”

”I’ll be honest, I’m not too crazy about this either, I haven’t puked in an hour or so… Just for the record this is a terrible idea...”

” Per match jitters … Listen you two are being dramatic as usual, what’s the worst thing that could happen? I mean we're sitting on five million pounds of fuel, and a thing that has 200,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it? I feel stupendous…”

Robert and Jim both shake their heads as Robert motions for one of the astronauts to strap him in a bit tighter…

” Hey, could you tighten these straps?”

One of the astronauts tightens Robert’s harness.

” No, no... I don’t think you hear me, tighten these son of a bitches to the point where I’m about to lose circulation... I don’t want to fall out…”

” Ya know what... I second that…”

” Guys I’m having so much fun it’s freaky… Speaking of fun, you guys know how I said I couldn't sleep last night… We’ll I took a few cans of orange spray paint and painted APEX on the side of the rocket...”

”I’ll admit, that’s badass…”

”Thanks Jimmy, I knew you would appreciate it… Bob on the other hand is being kind of a downer today… Grumpy….”

” A downer? Are you kidding me right now? I’m sorry that I’m a bit nervous about being shot into space for the first time in my life…”

” This is hero stuff… And we are heroes am I right?”

Jim hesitates…

” While I don’t exuberance…” Jim sighs… ” Beam me up Scotty!”

” So, why is it that all I can think about it is uh, Wile E. Coyote? You know where he decided it would be a stupendous idea to sit his ass down on an Acme rocket?”


”Shit… Are we about to take off?”

”Duh Bob....”

” No warning or nothin? Just shut the door and bounce?”


Jim gulps, swallowing his heart back down.


Drew suddenly screams scaring the shit out of Robert and Jim…

” Jesus man…”

” Yeah, give us fucking heart attacks before we take off…”



”How are you feeling Bobby?”


[orange” Oh, you know I'm just fabulous, I got that "excited kind of scared" feeling. Like 90% excited, 10% scared. Or maybe it's more. It could be, it could be 90% scared, 10% excited but that's what makes it so intense, it's so confusing. I can't really figure it out. Hell, I don’t like to fly in an airplane, now I’m strapped in a rocket with two others just as insane as I am… Don’t be surprised if I shit myself...”[/orange]


”Should of wore the brown pants…”

Jim chuckles…


” We all should have…”





Instantly our three heroes are pressed against their seats as Drew begins to sing…

” Cause I'm leaving' on a jet plane… Don't know when I'll be back again…”

Even in an intense moment Drew brings a smile to Jim and Robert’s faces as they too begin to sing along…

” There's so many times I've let you down… So many times I've played around
I tell you now…”

” God damn I’ve missed this… They don't mean a thing… Every place I go, I'll think of you...Every song I sing, I'll sing for you… When I come back, I'll bring your wedding ring…”

The ship begins shaking violently…

”Didn’t John Denver die in a plane crash?”

The three begging looking around as everything begins shaking even more…

” Uh.... Yeah… Yeah he did…”

” Is all of this shaking normal?”

”Yeah totally normal…”

” How in the hell would you know… This is your first time too…”

The ship is now shaking so destructively our heroes begin to wonder if they will survive.


And just like that the shaking comes to a stop and for the first time APEX is floating in zero gravity.

” Well that was fun…”

” Just think we get to do it again going home…”

”Thanks for reminding me…Now that we’ve survived that grab that camera…”

Drew reaches for the camera pointing it in Robert’s direction…


“This match is about different things for each of us Chris. For you keeping the key to this federation and continuing tyranny with an iron fist… Keeping the crown you never rightfully earned and walking the path of complacency and staying relevant. Relevant is something you’ve never brought to fruition until the name Robert Main was attached… Now for me that Championship you haul around means nothing. It's hyperbole on a magnificent stage you never belonged on. That belt you drape over your shoulder is nothing more than a mere prop to show the world that after twenty years you did something worth talking about around the water cooler with the boys… Now I’m sure we’ll all hear about the federation you ran, and how you were a multi time world Champion over there… Here’s the tall and skinny of that talking point: what you did there means nothing here in the XWF. It’s a senseless point to even bring up, it’s like farting and smelling it all before anyone else…” Robert chuckles. ”This is about vengeance… And when I’m raining down hell, remember one thing, you were the one who thought it would be a stupendous idea to cross that line in the sand, playing both sides of the fence… For weeks we’ve all watched chapter after chapter of the “origin” story, what you’ve really shown the world one thing Chris, how simpleminded you truly are. Did you think for one nanosecond I’d just let this one go and not look into who tried to neutralize me? The moment I opened my bloodshot eyes, I could smell bullshit a mile away.... This isn’t about the throne of deception you currently sit on, I don’t need anymore feathers in my cap or anything to hang my hat on. I’ve done it all in five years Chris, it took you twenty… My ticket into the hall of legends has been punched for a while now… It’s about getting even, and I’ll make damn sure I get my comeuppance.”

All the hyping in the mirror before you make the walk won’t change the outcome of the shit-storm you created, your destiny was sealed the moment you had that bitch made pussy crack me in the head from behind… His time is coming, karma always finds a way, you’ll know that better than anyone after Leap Of Faith… Because one thing is guaranteed, come hell or high water you will leave the Universal Championship behind. So, tell me Chris, how does it feel to no longer be the brightest guy in the room, to indiscriminately move forward knowing the outcome is an utter collapse. Fizzling out at one of the most popular pay-per-views of the year… You thought that yourself and B.o.B. would sit back in the war room and go over every possible outcome, but like pawns in chess you made moves without thinking ahead. Each one of you jokers bet against Robert Main and lost the farm… I’ve always got an ace in the hole Chris and after bulldozing you twice before and year of tagging together, I thought you would have picked up on that…Maybe you were just too busy trying to keep the drugs flowing freely through my system to see it... Just take a good long look at what you created in the absence of Robert Main… The vacuum you selfishly forged out of greed. Drew came back from the high seas and beat the living daylights out of you… Sure the numbers game caught up, but what I did next shocked the entire wrestling industry… I dug up the dead. I reached out to Jim and guess what? APEX was reborn… You united us. The amber you sought to extinguish is now a roaring inferno that’s about to scorch you alive. Now there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide… The moment I won that battle royal I dipped my index finger into my freshly spilt blood and signed on the dotted line. In that very moment the tide turned. Whether you’d like to admit it or not. You were outplayed again Chris by me… You’ve shown us all your hand, I’ve shown two of my cards... I don’t want to pin you to the canvas because that’s just too unambiguous for my taste. What I’m going to do is abuse you the way you have been others… Then I will pull the plug on the worthless career of Chris Page…

This time isn’t any different Chris. Standing in a ring opposite of me, you can only be one thing… An incompetent underachiever, nothing more nothing less. Because lets be honest Chris, being a fucking loser's runs through your blood.... It’s ingrained in that DNA... You wanted to suddenly start beefing with me? Well mother fucker I've got to roast the pan… I warned you twice before and again when you stood at the foot of my bed in the hospital the first time around... I told you to be careful where you were headed, to not cross me or your time in the company will come to a tragic end... You decided to not listen with those old ears. You choose the same path you always have… You choose yourself over everything else... You didn’t heed my warning. And no matter how you want to relay the message, I'm cemented as a legend and “Chronic” Chris Page’s severed head is going to be that evidence. You want to carpet bomb me about something I had to say on Twitter? How shallow are you Champ… I thought trolling around on Twitter was a Dean Rose thing... How I’m bringing up the past and none of that shit is relevant… It’s not relevant because you were on the losing end Chris… See right there that’s the game you play… Stretching the truth to the limits when and where you can… If the shoe was on the other foot you’d be shouting it from the rooftops... Okay… I’ll bite… I guess my past isn’t relevant but yours is? I mean you’ve been stuck in this lame back to the future vignette for how many months now? Give me and everyone else watching a fucking break pal… No one cares how a bunch of curtain jerkers created a shit stable... You want to talk down to me because you are the current Universal Champion? In this federation you wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for me…This isn’t that shit company you ran years ago… How many times have we heard about Chris Page and his multiple World Championships from someplace else...Remember one fucking thing, you would not be where you are if it was not for me. You’d be stuck floating around the mid card where you have always belonged… All this tough talk for a guy who has stacked the deck against me… Apex banned from ringside… B.o.B. surrounding the ring… TK as the ref… We all know how this is going to go… I’m going to get screwed… because we all know Chris Page cannot beat Robert Main clean... But don’t you worry I’ll have my pay back… And once my stars align it's curtains for you and B.o.B… You see once Jim stepped back into the equation, things changed dramatically just look at what transpired at the B.o.B. ppv? Apex was outnumbered 4 on 3 and we still made you bitches run for the hills with your tails tucked between your legs...

And don’t think for a second that I forgot about the attack on my father either you piece of shit… That right there was pretty low even for you Page… A Universal Champion had to orchestrate an attack on a man who isn’t even a wrestler… To what? Make a point? Tell me what kind of point is that? Page you have to beat up an old man to push propaganda that you are intimidating? That right there is some grade A baby nuts bull shit… You tried poising me, that fell flat on its face. You tried having me killed… Yet here I am, ready and willing to kick your teeth down your throat... Neither was enough to take out Robert Main. There is nothing anyone can do to stop me from doing what I love…You are nothing more than a man who plays the bait and switch game. B.o.B. has no leader? Why are you the one pulling the strings and giving the orders? You bark, those puppets dance... What bothers you to no end is that no matter what happens Robert Main will always be a cut above Chris Page and that right there keeps you awake at night. The envy eats away at your being… You are terrified of me. That's the reason behind all of this… You think for a second that that belt pulled you out from underneath my shadow, think again… Every room that you ever enter I will always be your elephant. Other megastars before you swore the very same damn thing you have. They too proclaimed, certified, alleged and insured. In the end, they were flattened. You fuck with me or this company I love, you end up six feet deep, never heard from again. All the build-up and brainwashing and that’s what this is. Misinformation in its finest form. You’ve tried to shove a fairy tale down all our throats, the phenomenon the prodigy will prove once again you are nothing more than a fabrication. If anyone with half a brain or a shred of intelligence listens, Page, they can read through the bull shit. This whole damn thing is you blowing smoke up all our asses. You can’t do a damn thing unless you have a crew to protect you. No weapon that has ever been forged against me has ever prospered and every tongue that has risen against me has failed!”

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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