Micheal Graves is walking backwards down an unknown highway with his thumb out as the oncoming truck passes him up.
"Damn it! Why isn't anyone picking us up!?"
"Cause you look like a serial killer idiot!"
Graves stops walking and yells at his crotch!
"What? I look like you!"
"... The blood moron!"
Oh yeah, Graves is covered in blood splatters.
"That's YOUR fault not mine!"
"Oh sure, blame me! Everyone else does!"
"It is your fault! You were the one who just HAD to stop at the strip club!"
"Yeah, but it was you that turned it into a scene from Dusk to Dawn! "
The strip club, a few hours ago. We see Mikey crowding the stage as a hot little number dances her way towards him in search of the crusty dollar bill in his hand.
"I fucking love the strip club!"
Graves pulls at the crotch of his pants uncomfortably.
"I can tell!
The stripper moves in, drawing the attention of Micheal towards her as she playfully seduces him out of his dollar.
"More more! Quick Graves, give her more money!"
"All I have left is a $20! We should probably hold on to it for food and supplies!"
"Food and supplies!? What the fuck!? Give this bitch your money! We can always just call XWF to charter us a way to Mongolia!"
Easily impressionable and lacking good deciesion making skills of his on, Graves produces his last $20 and waves it at the stage catching the strippers attention once more.
"YES! YES! I fucking love the strip club! It's the last place where you can properly objectify a woman and not get fucking canceled for it!"
Graves looks away from the stage and at his Gilly dink.
"Wait, that's what you love about this place?"
"Yeah, why'd you think I wanted to stop here, the drinks? HAHAHAHA!"
Graves doesn't notice that the stripper has removed her bottoms and is on all fours, backing in to collect that $20 with not her hands.
"That's kinda fucked man."
"Bullshit! That's what these places are built for! So men can feel like men and women can be the sex toys they were born to be!"
"Holy shit dude, and they say I have issues! At least I know that a woman should be treated with respect!"
"Don't bullshit me you bullshiter! I saw the sick shit you did with Dolly!"
"There was no sick shit with me and Dolly! We're actually friends!"
"I find THAT hard to believe!"
And the striper makes her move. Graves is still oblivious.
"It's true! We actu... AHHH!"
Graves feels the bill being pulled from his hand and looks towards the stage is horror as he has likely never seen anything like this in person before. It scares him.
Graves smashes his beer bottle on the counter and slashes at the "alien" causing a cut just under the stripers left butt cheek. She screams out and hurries away from Graves. In seconds, various men, some actual bouncers, the others just here for the show, all surround Graves.
"Whoa whoa, calm down guys! I was just trying to prevent an alien invasion!"
"Better get ready to fight !"
As the men move in closing the gap between them, Graves smirks.
"I'm always ready!"
A few minutes later, outside of the strip club. The front door burst open, and out walks a bloody, but otherwise okay Graves.
"Holy shit, you really know how to handle yourself!"
"Are you surprised? It's not like I didn't used to kick your ass for funsies all the time!"
"We had one match, and you cheated!"
"That's not how I remember it!"
"Okay, okay, maybe this one was my fault, but if you weren't such a piece of shit all the time, maybe I wouldn't have been distracted and startled by that girls butt!"
"I've read that it's natural to be afraid of things that you've never seen before!"
They walk a moment before Graves replies.
"That wasn't my first time..."
"Oh yeah? You've seen butt before?"
"Tons! I have been in the wrestling business since the 90's! That's a whole lot of showers!"
"EWW! Not men's asses ! I mean fine ass women!"
"See, there you go being all sexist again. James Raven has as cute of a butt as any girl I've ever seen!"
"You would suck Raven's dick while complimenting his ass, !"
"Ugh, I've told you, stop saying that! They'll never let us on TV with you constantly dropping slurs and shit!"
"Good, I don't want to be a part of this anyway! "
A car approaches.
Graves throws up his thumb.
The car pulls to a stop just ahead of them.
"Seriously Gilly, STOP!"
Graves hauls off and punches himself in the dick! Gilly shuts the fuck up, but Graves doubles over in pain and drops to his knees!
"OHHHHH What the Hell!? That hurt!"
Seeing this, the person in the car decides to drive off without them. Good move mystery bystander!
"That never used to hurt before!"
"That's because you didn't used to have balls! Now your fucking up mine!"
In reality, Graves original body couldn't feel pain, mainly because of how scrambled his mind was. He was like Darkman, without the chemical burns!
"Whatever. We need to get to a phone and call Vinnie. Hopefully he can get us out of here and over to Mongolia so we can stomp Mark's face to mush!"
"Speaking of, why do you hate Marf so much?"
Graves stands up and dust himself off.
"I don't hate him. I just want to fight, and he's the guy who answered the call."
"But every time you mention this match, you talk about some fucked up things that you're going to do to him. I figured there must be heat there. Like BOB and Left Hand?"
Graves chuckles.
"No, I couldn't care less about that stuff."
"You mean you COULD care less!?"
"Hmm, no, pretty sure I said it right."
"Whatever . Let's just go."
Without another word between them, Graves continues down the long empty road.