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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2021 RP Board
Gettin Out of There and Other Important Stuff
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Ariel Dixon

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05-22-2021, 06:18 PM

The sound of the alarm was still blaring, shaking the old building as Ariel made her way through the stairwell, pushing people out of the way and giggling as she made her way toward the exit doors.

She slammed open floor 1’s doors with a hard kick, shock stick at the ready when she came face to face with a half dozen guards. Her mouth formed a soundless O and she stopped in her tracks like an old school cartoon character. Making a quick about face she slammed the door. Sliding a mop in between the door handles.

“Well shit!! So much for walking out the front door. Think girl, think….”

She tapped her bare foot. Tapping her finger against her teeth deep in thought. All of the sudden her eyes brightened like a light bulb appeared above her head and she took off down some access stairs.

She stopped in front of the old boiler room/basement doors, looking at the impressive lock. She stomped her foot like a little girl looking back up the few flights of stairs and hearing footsteps. Looking towards the door again she pulled the dead guard’s gun from her waist band and popped off a few shots at the big lock. A loud bang echoed and she knew the big ugly guards would be on the way.

She yanked on the door, gritting her teeth and it slowly opened. Once it opened enough for her to slide in the room she slid the gun back in her waist and skipped through whistling some nursery rhyme. Before she could finish she heard a guard shouting and broke into a run grabbing a shovel in one hand and the shock stick in the other. With no light source and no flashlight, she stumbled around in the dark trying to find another way out besides the door she had squeezed through minutes before.

“It figures the one fucking room I haven’t been in! What would that clown dude do?? He would honk a freakin horn and swing an axe, that won’t help me here. Fluffy would fling poo, also not helpful. I got it!!”

Climbing up on top of a nearby crate, she wolf whistled and squealed …

“Come and get me, you rent a cops!! I got a whole box of doughnuts...the ones with sprinkles!!”

Her barking howling giggle echoed thru out the dark room. The guards foot falls were heavier like they were running. Ariel decided running up higher across the stacks of storage boxes might give her a bit of an advantage. Not that she could see anything any better.

She heard some guards right below her. Mocking them, she whistled like an owl “Who dee who!” Who dee who!” They looked up right as she jumped on the three of them. She swung the shovel hard at one guard connecting blindly with his head. A squish and a splatter sound and she knew she connected. Running a finger across her lips she muttered yummy. A second guard flashed a light her way. Grabbing a hold of the shock stick she nailed him right in the sweet spot and he dropped heavy. For good measure she put the guard’s shot gun against his head and more gore splattered over her. She cocked the shot gun giggling like a little girl on her birthday. The flashlight fixed on her rifle shone directly at the last guard’s light. Looking like two trains headed for a collision, Ariel grinned and pulled the trigger, hitting him center mass and causing him to fly backwards.

Popping the mounted flashlight off the shotgun she dropped the shock stick after firing it off into the dead guard one more time smiling her bright wide smile. Strapping the shotguns to her back she climbed back up halfway, perched on the ladder. Giggling again, she whistled “I’m a Little Teapot” which drew more guards her way.

“This is fun!! These guys are so stupid. It’s like snipe hunting!! What do you mean that isn’t a thing?? Yes it is, Dad took Grampy out snipe hunting and Grampy didn’t come back! Daddy said the snipe got ‘im. See!!”

Her babbling drew two more guards. Feeling up and down the ladder she felt a thick chain. Grabbing a hold she swung across the wide aisle shouting like Tarzan. The guards started shouting and pointing. Just as she was swinging back giggling, a guard popped off a shot. It whizzed by her ear so close she felt the heat. Swinging low, she dismounted in a graceful back flip.

“That’s not nice at all!!” She hummed another nursery rhyme unfastening one of the shotguns from her back, she began shooting wildly. Randomly quoting movies as she shot, she may have connected once or twice as shells pinged off of everything around her. Just like in the movies, her blasts hit home while the antagonist guards shots went wide.

“Well fuck me, it worked!!” She cackled like a witch taking ammo of the dead guards like she was playing Call of Duty.

She only heard rustling of what might be rats or a misplaced paper. Then she heard a metallic rolling sound and one of the guards yelling.

Before she could get down or cover up the flash bang exploded. Her vision went wonky and her ears rang like she was sitting in front of a speaker at a Metallica concert.

“Fucking A!” she yelled at no one in particular. “When I get a hold of the bastard that threw that I’m gonna turn you inside out ya hear me fuckwads!!”

The last two guards rushed at her full speed. Jumping high over them she reached out of a rope she saw in the glare of one of the flash lights. Landing behind the guards she looped the rope around the closest one's neck climbing a nearby ladder stringing him up. Grabbing a buckle off his flak jacket she fashioned a poorly made shiv. Letting the guard drop she heard him gagging and choking.
She called out to the other guard. “Jimbo here is choking out. His eye balls should hit the floor any sec. Guess what that means Bubba!! You win the booby prize!! Hehe I said booby!! C’mon down Bubba your the next contestant on Fuckin Kill Me Rel!!”

Jumping down off the ladder she landed a few paces behind the guard. Giggling she planted her foot firmly in his rear and he fell forward. Brandishing the shiv she chuckled “C’mon Bubba let’s get the fun stuff over with”

As he turned around she jumped at him hugging him like a teddy bear squeezing the wind out of him as they feel backwards. Cracking a few ribs wasn’t good enough, after all he threw the flash bang, right?

While they were falling she quickly slashed the fittings on his flak jacket. As they hit the ground she barked and growled like a rabid dog and in the dark you could hear the guard scream and then gurgle as she ripped out his throat. Slashing with the shiv she opened him up with surgical precision, throwing organs here and there until she found his heart. With a loud lapping gnawing sound you could guess what she did. Licking her lips and burping really loud she smiled eyes wide…

“Tastes like chicken!!”

That brought on another giggling fit as she ran through the room now equipped with a flashlight. Seeing a door similar to the one she came in, she pulled hard and it slid open easier than the other did. Sniffing the cool night air she smiled. Almost there she thought.

Mounting the few stairs she ran her hand over some nearby grass, moaning almost orgasmically. It felt so damn good to be out of that damn place. Looking around she heard guards mumbling from a distance and the dogs they used barking. She flattened herself up against the building trying to hide from the sweeping flashlights and snarling dogs. Looking out of the corner of her eye she saw a dark crop of trees. Hoping it was the memorial forest the guards used to go smoke weed and she ran as fast as she could. Breath spilling hard and fast from her lungs the group of guards close by heard the commotion of her running and started to follow popping off shots when they could,

The grass felt like heaven and the best sex you’ve ever had rolled into one against her feet. Hearing a few shots go wild near her, she loaded up one of the shot guns and fired back trying to aim for the bobbing flash lights. Not slowing down she began to have tunnel vision focusing on the line of trees ahead. Guards yelling and dogs barking meant nothing. She boke through the tree line into the woods, started running in a zigzag avoiding shotgun blasts until…

“God Damn!! A fucking cliff are you serious.”

Behind her she heard a few guards breaking the tree line and over the cliff she heard waves lapping against the ground below. She briefly shone her light over the edge and saw a huge lake. That’s right she thought! Lake of the Woods Sanitarium, DUH!!

The guards were getting closer. She bit her lip trying to figure out what to do. If she waited much longer the Porky Pig wanna be’s would get her. Looking over the cliff she smiled wide. The guards were getting closer.and closer. As soon as she saw flashlights break the trees she whistled and waved, popping off a few shots and doing a perfect double Lindy with a twist right off the cliff’s edge…..

More stinky boys!! I’m in a throw down with a bunch of gross cootie filled boys at Leap of Faith!! There’s a guy named Corey and one named Chaos, that guy actually sounds cool! Then there’s some fat rich dude Patton Oswald or Oswald Cobblepot. Who knows. Oh and my poopsie Demos is there too!! There is a couple other guys but I can’t remember their names right now. They aren’t too important I guess. Oh one dude is named Edgar!! I wonder if he has one of them raven birds. Did you know those things are like super smart. There is like us. Monkies. Dolphins and ravens are super smart. I bet you could train em to do all sorts of tricks like fetch, play dead, and pull an eyeball outta somebody’s head!! OOH that rhymed!! Play dead and pull an eyeball out of your head!! You could probably write a song about it even!!

Rel tilts her head smiling, her eyes not blinking for a second…

What was I talking about?? Oh yeah big match stinky boys...The match is for a brief case that lets me challenge for the big shiny belt whenever I wanna!! I think that’s sooo cool! One time fighting my big stud and now I might get to beat someone up for the shiny thing the pot smoking guy has!!

Right now all I know is if I beat the snot out of the poopy boys and climb up to the roof and get that thing down i win!! The last time I won anything was when the clown killer guy made us balloon aminals and we got one if we guessed closest to how many people he killed. He killed a bunch of kids and their mommies. He didn’t like daddies at all, he said. Well I guessed 21 because it’s my favorite number and the right answer was 28!! So I got a balloon doggie I named woofie!! He popped like a couple hours later and I cried because I thought he died.

I know I know!! No stories just talk about the fun stuff and the turds in the punch bowl. I will talk more about the guys next time. I gotta figure out stupid stuff to say about em. Can you imagine if there were really turds in a punch bowl. So nasty!! I bet Demos would think they were like Snickers or somethin. EEEWW!! Never mind that’s gross…....

Rel started spinning around biting her lip…..

This is getting borrrrrinnnggg!! I’m so done. Well I guess I will see you guys soon, it’s like a week or so. Same Bat Time Same Bat Channel….

She skipped off camera singing a song about dead ravens and eye balls…..
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